Satin & Silk - Lost and Found

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In 1998 a comic strip began known as Satin & Silk, based on a pair of female skunks stranded on Earth. This strip was then joined with other strips and was lost for a short time amidst them, put on the backburne. Satin and Silk has now resumed, and is being updated three times a week along with other strips starring the sister skunks on

Radio Comix Update for 1/22/01

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For those interested in Radio Comix books, here's a quick update!

FC 2001 Progress Report 4

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Further Confusion recently published their final progress report before the convention. The full text appears below.

Shanda Fantasy Arts premieres new comics at Further Confusion

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Mike Curtis of Shanda Fantasy Arts announced the following titles will debut at FC: Katmandu Annual 2, Supermegatopia Special #1, SFA Spotlight: Women in Fur, and Last Kiss.

In the Zone, a comic published to raise funds to assist Michael-Scot McMurry with medical expenses related to his recent illness, will also be available at SFA's dealer table. According to Mr. Curtis, no part of the purchase price for this comic is retained by SFA, 100% of the proceeds go directly to Mr. McMurry.

Color character designs from Shanda's upcoming revival of Atomic Mouse will be available for viewing at the table.

Norway Set To Kill Most Of Its Wolves

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The New York Times

that Norway plans to kill most of the two dozen wolves
currently living in that country. The wolves have wandered over
from Sweden where they are being reintroduced.
(Free registration required to read the story.)

"Strange Animals" 'Zine Calls For Submissions

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Off of, Tom Turritin has announced the he is accepting new submissions to his fanzine, Strange Animals. Visit the website, or click below for the submission guidelines.

Welcome to!

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Hello there! Welcome to the launch. is a service to furry fandom, providing news, commentary, reviews, interviews, and user interactivity. For more information on who we are, and what we intend to do, you can check out our FAQ. As a user of, you should begin by registering an account. You can then post comments to existing news stories, or submit your own news stories (which then have to be approved by one of our admins). We do support anonymous users, but it's always nice to know who's participating in our community. Don't forget to check out our Feature Sections--we have a couple of book reviews (with more on the way!), as well as an interview with the creators of the World Tree RPG. Once again, welcome, and enjoy!

Jarlidium Press debuts two new books at Further Confusion

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Jarlidum Press has announced the release of two new books just in time for Further Confusion.

Shanda Fantasy Arts to revive Atomic Mouse

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Shanda Fantasy Arts will bring _Atomic Mouse_ back to comic life in SFA Spotlight #10, May 2001, 48 years to the month since he debuted, with 48 pages of fun and action.

Malcolm Earle to be GOH at ConiFur 2001

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ConiFur NW has announced that Malcolm "Max the Black Rabbit" Earle will be the Guest of Honor at ConiFur Northwest 2001. Mr. Earle is the creator of Zig Zag and is an inker for the _Extinctioners._ ConiFur. an anthropomorpic convention in the Seattle area, will be October 26-28.

New Projects at Sofawolf Press

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Two new projects have popped up at Sofawolf on the news page: a magazine with a historical focus; and an ambitious shared world trade paperback. These are in addition to Jeff Eddy's successful Anthrolations magazine. Follow the link to read more about the new projects and how to submit work.

World Tree RPG Launch at Further Confusion

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The second furry role playing game has just come off the presses, and I hear will be launched at Further Confusion this month: World Tree. I've been playtesting this one (and did some illustrations for it), and it's really fascinating . . . an intricate setting with a logical magical system that actually has repercussions on daily life. An updated website should be ready for FC weekend, so be sure to check back then for order information and a glimpse at Mike Raabe's spectacular cover art.

The Masterharper of Pern CD [ ** ]

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Available at Anne McCaffrey's website.

Anne McCaffrey's dragonriders of Pern were my introduction to 'adult' science fiction when I was young, and my favorite character was (and still is) the Masterharper, Robinton. As a kidling I used to make up tunes to fit the lyrics McCaffrey would often excerpt at the beginning of chapters. Imagine my delight, then, to finally see a CD of songs from Pern! I'd been waiting for an opportunity to purchase this relatively obscure disc, and found it finally at a filk-dealer's table at Chicon 2000. Talks with the World Tree RPG Creators

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Micah: I'm here with Bard Bloom and Vicki Borah Bloom, co-creators of the new roleplaying game, World Tree. Could you two tell us a little about it?

Vicki: Sure! The game takes place on a world which is a giant tree. Civilization has flourished on its branches. There are eight prime species who live on the tree, and who are the people whom players can play in the game. The world is full of magic -- even small children cast spells!

Bard: And it is a very civilized place, mostly -- like 18th century Earth in many ways, though aspects of society range from 13th to 23rd century. Except that it is on a tree's branches. The flat tops of the branches are civilized -- but the sides are not. The wilderness is never more than a few dozen miles away from the cities.

The Dream Hunters [*****]

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The Dream Hunters
by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano
published by Vertigo/DC Comics
Available at

This book is simply too beautiful not to own.

From the Yerf Archive