Eastern North American Wolf

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I posted this story on a new wolf subspecies, the eastern North American wolf, on the old Cornwuff Press newslog, last month. I think it's interesting enough to revisit, here.

Another Year, Another Feral!

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Simba wants you to attend Feral! Read on, to find out how to attend "...the
fourth year of the world's premier furry summer camp event!"

Confurance Group and ZonieCon

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Darrell Exline posted the following on alt.fan.furry: "Well, we're still working out the logistical details, but The ConFurence Group can now say that we have THREE (yes, *three*!) furry conventions to brag about.

Adding to our existing "ConFurence" each April (Southern California) and
"CritterConDiego" in July (San Diego), The ConFurence Group is proud to announce that it is now also an organizational part of "ZonieCon" (Tucson, Arizona) in October.

This is something I've been discussing with some of the staff members of
ZonieCon since last October's convention (ZonieCon 3) and I believe that it is a good fit within the goal of The ConFurence Group. Our exact position within ZonieCon's staff is still being nailed down, but is likely to be limited to handling pre-registration, structuring the business model, and helping to organize the convention running process.

The ConFurence Group's mission statement has always been "To promote
anthropomorphic fandom related events" and helping to host ZoniCon certainly fits the bill.

Watch our website at http://confurence.net for more de-tails as they develop"

'B' movies

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I like the old 'B' science fiction movies, the sort that used to be considered drive-in movies in the late 50s/early 60s. These are hard to find anymore, either on tape or on television. I've recently found two good sources for them, however:

"Tapes of Terror"


"Sinister Cinema"

Furry Spring Break

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Furry Spring Break is a new furry convention, taking place March 2-4, 2001 in Orlando,
Florida. Click below for a full update on how their convention is proceeding.

Conifur Northwest Newsletter

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Conifur Northwest recently posted their latest Coontrax newsletter to alt.fan.furry. Click below for the full text.

Baen Free Library

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Baen Books now offers a selection of complete science fiction novels in electronic format for free. It is the Baen Free Library, where you can read any of the novels online or download in your choice of five different formats: HTML, MS Reader, Palm, Rocket eBook, and RTF.

Fire at California Animal Shelter

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KGTV in San Diego is reporting a serious fire at the The Escondido Humane Society's animal shelter. 125 dead animals have been discovered, along with 85 survivors after a fire late Saturday night. Estimates to rebuild the facility are as high as $5 million. Donations are being solicited. Check the websites for details.

Satin & Silk - Lost and Found

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In 1998 a comic strip began known as Satin & Silk, based on a pair of female skunks stranded on Earth. This strip was then joined with other strips and was lost for a short time amidst them, put on the backburne. Satin and Silk has now resumed, and is being updated three times a week along with other strips starring the sister skunks on Cyantian.net

Radio Comix Update for 1/22/01

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For those interested in Radio Comix books, here's a quick update!

FC 2001 Progress Report 4

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Further Confusion recently published their final progress report before the convention. The full text appears below.

Shanda Fantasy Arts premieres new comics at Further Confusion

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Mike Curtis of Shanda Fantasy Arts announced the following titles will debut at FC: Katmandu Annual 2, Supermegatopia Special #1, SFA Spotlight: Women in Fur, and Last Kiss.

In the Zone, a comic published to raise funds to assist Michael-Scot McMurry with medical expenses related to his recent illness, will also be available at SFA's dealer table. According to Mr. Curtis, no part of the purchase price for this comic is retained by SFA, 100% of the proceeds go directly to Mr. McMurry.

Color character designs from Shanda's upcoming revival of Atomic Mouse will be available for viewing at the table.

Norway Set To Kill Most Of Its Wolves

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The New York Times

that Norway plans to kill most of the two dozen wolves
currently living in that country. The wolves have wandered over
from Sweden where they are being reintroduced.
(Free registration required to read the story.)

"Strange Animals" 'Zine Calls For Submissions

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Off of alt.fan.furry, Tom Turritin has announced the he is accepting new submissions to his fanzine, Strange Animals. Visit the website, or click below for the submission guidelines.

Welcome to Flayrah.com!

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Hello there! Welcome to the Flayrah.com launch. Flayrah.com is a service to furry fandom, providing news, commentary, reviews, interviews, and user interactivity. For more information on who we are, and what we intend to do, you can check out our FAQ. As a user of Flayrah.com, you should begin by registering an account. You can then post comments to existing news stories, or submit your own news stories (which then have to be approved by one of our admins). We do support anonymous users, but it's always nice to know who's participating in our community. Don't forget to check out our Feature Sections--we have a couple of book reviews (with more on the way!), as well as an interview with the creators of the World Tree RPG. Once again, welcome, and enjoy!

From the Yerf Archive