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Edited as of Wed 22 Sep 2021 - 22:07
  • Mink (Rod O’Riley)
    2494 stories
    a Mink from Garden Grove, California

    Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.

  • Fred Patten
    655 stories
    a retired former librarian from North Hollywood, California
    Interests: General anthropomorphics

  • GreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
    588 stories
    a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom

    Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.

  • crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel)
    287 stories
    a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma

    Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.

  • Sonious (Tantroo McNally)
    245 stories
    a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY
    Interests: video games, current events, politics, writing, finance

  • MelSkunk (Melissa Drake)
    222 stories
    a student and Skunk from Toronto, ON
    Interests: Writting, art, classic cars, animals

  • Aureth
    204 stories
    an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois
    Interests: SF, homebrewing, photography, running

  • dronon
    129 stories

  • 2cross2affliction (Brendan Kachel)
    121 stories
    a Red fox

    New teeth. That's weird.

  • Frysco (Francisco Azinsan)
    120 stories
    a Gryfsune

  • GeneBreshears
    109 stories
    a typographer from Seattle, WA
    Interests: Writing, dabbling, publishing, and analyzing

  • Higgs Raccoon
    106 stories
    a (No longer a Flayrah contributor)

  • Rakuen Growlithe
    99 stories
    a scientist and Growlithe from South Africa

    I'm a South African fur, originally from Cape Town. I'm interested in science, writing, gaming, all sorts of furry stuff, Pokemon and some naughtier things too! I've dabbled in art before but prefer writing. You can find my fiction on SoFurry and non-fiction on Flayrah.

  • Cordite85 stories

  • Rigel85 stories

  • Alexander Grey
    80 stories
    a Fruit bat

    Founder, editor-in-chief and tea cosy of the (now defunct) Furtean Times.

  • Micah (MCAH)
    79 stories
    an artist/writer

  • Treesong69 stories
    from West Chester, PA
    Interests: furry, word puzzles

  • Trickster (A. Wolf)
    61 stories
    an eternal student / researcher from OH
    Interests: about 6.9%

  • Pegla (Danny)
    57 stories
    a designer and Skunk from Hilversum
    Interests: Stuff

  • mwalimu (Joe McCauley)
    55 stories
    a Lion

  • Feren (Jason Olsen)54 stories
    a network engineer and Black panther from Chicago, Illinois

    Sometimes network engineer. Sometimes coder. Sometimes ranting editorial writer.

  • Patch Packrat
    45 stories

    Fursuiter and unconditional linty hugger

  • The Chained Wolf44 stories
    a journalist and Grey Wolf from England

    I have worked as a journalist formerly for The Furtean Times.

  • Cubist (Quentin Long)44 stories
    Anthro: It's furry. It's the good stuff.Anthro Press: Great stuff from Anthro in a virus-free format!Zazzle

  • Isiah Jacobs
    43 stories
    a furry journalist and Spider from Michigan
    Interests: Science fiction

  • Ringtailed Fox
    43 stories
    a freelance editor & writer and Fox-raccoon hybrid from Windsor, Ontario, Canada
    Interests: bicycle riding, reading, video games

  • darrelx (Darrel L. Exline)
    37 stories
    a courtroom technology specialist from Lemon Grove, San Diego, CA

    Owner / Director, The ConFurence Group, promoting anthropomorphic fandom-realted events since 1999. Chairman: ConFurence 2003; Dealer''s Room Lead: Conjecture (October in San Diego), Fan Tables at LosCon 29 (Burbank, Nov. 2002)

  • bluehorizon (Blasingame)
    33 stories

  • Chip_Unicorn (Brent Edwards)
    31 stories
    an Unicorn from Seattle, WA

    The truth will make you fret.

  • Duncan da Husky
    29 stories
    a quality engineer from Volo, Illinois

  • STrRedWolf
    28 stories
    a Drygerskunk

  • Greyflank (Bill Kieffer)
    26 stories
    a typing horse in a cube farm and Rough Draft Horse from Jersey Shore, NJ

    In 2015, I've had three short stories published in Inhuman Acts, An Anthropomorphic Century, and NSFW.
    In 2016, Red Ferret Press published my adult TF novel, The Goat: Building a Perfect Victim. It won the 2016 Coyotl Award.
    In 2017, I'm averaging about three short stories published a year.

  • Huskyteer (Alice Dryden)
    24 stories
    a web developer and Husky from London, UK

    Writer, Biker, Furry, Spy.

  • Flint (David Cooksey)
    23 stories

  • mailboxbooks (Rabbit Valley Comics)
    21 stories
    a store owner and Rabbit and Arctic Fox from Las Vegas, Nevada

    Sean Rabbitt is the co-owner of Rabbit Valley® Comics, the longest operating (since 1987) all-furry comic book store.  Contrary to popular belief, "Rabbitt" is, and always has been, Sean's real last name.  He believes that he was "doomed" to become a furry.  Back in college in 1997, Sean started "Another RABCO Disaster"™, a small distribution service for Lance Rund and Chris McKinley's "Associated Student Bodies" comic.  Soon after, he purchased Mailbox Books from the retiring owners.  Today, Rabbit Valley has grown leaps and bounds, selling over 9000 different titles and items.  Their latest venture is publishing including the titles "Circles," "Associated Student Bodies," "Rocketship Rodents," and "Spooo Presents."  Sean is married to his husband and co-owner of Rabbit Valley, Andrew Rabbitt.  His mother isn't so much shocked to have married another man as much as that Andy took the last name "Rabbitt."
    Andrew Rabbitt is the other co-owner of Rabbit Valley Comics. He took the name Rabbitt when he was wed to Sean in July of 2004 as a sign of his undying love – not as some weird furry dream-come-true. Andrew (who prefers to be called Andy by his friends) has been involved in the furry fandom for many years, and has been assisting Sean with Rabbit Valley since 1999. If you have placed an order through the Rabbit Valley website chances are he picked, packed, and shipped it to you. Outside of the fandom Andy enjoys cooking, surfing the web, and doing the various projects that come with home ownership. Seeing as Andrew and Sean purchased a house needing some tender love and care there is no shortage of projects.

  • KiranLightpaw
    20 stories
    a web designer, student and Collie from Auburn, AL
    Interests: Furry, Anime, Cars, Music, Beer

  • foxlover
    20 stories

  • Equivamp (Kile Onasi)
    19 stories
    a team lead (production/manufacturing) and Zebra Pegasus from Kansas
    Interests: paleoanthropology, Spider Man, Star Wars

  • Scani
    18 stories
    a student and Gryphon from Ontario, Canada

    Furnal Equinox's publicity/business rep.

  • Allicorn
    18 stories
    a Horse from UK

  • Lamar17 stories
    from Oxfordshire, England

  • Jeff_Novotny17 stories
    from Ottawa, Canada
    Jeff Novotny Chair, CACE

  • Draconis
    17 stories
    a Gargoyle from Norman Oklahoma

    Jugular Jaguar and Calamity Cougar as a Fursuiter, Furry Drama Show Director, Convention organizer and Staff, Photographer and Videographer

  • EarthFurst
    16 stories
    a Labrador Retriever from Vancouver, Canada
    Interests: furry, activism etc.

  • AlohaWolf (Robert Johnson)
    15 stories
    a technician and Wolf/Husky/Malamute from Renton, WA

  • KOakaKO (Kevin)
    15 stories
    a fixng, building and repairing everything from Huntsville, AL
    Interests: Darn near everything

  • Khaki (Alex Vance)
    14 stories
    an editor of fang

  • Potoroo
    14 stories
    a pseudoartist from Toronto

  • Rabbit14 stories
    an auto worker from Tennessee
    Interests: Furry Stories

  • Crassus14 stories
    a web designer from Southern California
    Interests: Furries, tail designing, art, music, sociology

  • Atara (Sarah Braun)
    14 stories
    a phone jockey from Canaduh
    Interests: I like stuff.

  • PeterCat
    14 stories
    an anthrocon art show director from Syracuse, NY

    Intrigued by the late-80s CBS series "Beauty and the Beast," PeterCat discovered SF conventions and began helping out at art shows. On the Internet, he created the Furry InfoPage and in his FurryMUCK persona as Rhal, maintains a list of furry-themed MU*s.

  • wyrmkeep12 stories

  • whiteshepherd
    12 stories

  • Xydexx Unicorn
    12 stories
    an eccentric and Inflatable unicorn from Hudson Highlands, NY
    Interests: recumbent bicycling

  • Grubbs Grizzly
    11 stories
    a self-employed writer and editor and Grizzly bear from CA

    Born in 1965, I've been a furry since I was a little kid pretending to be a wolf from The Jungle Book (the book, not the film) or Chip from Chip and Dale. I discovered furries in the late 1980s when I stumbled on FurNation, but I didn't really start to get active until the 21st century, and, when I discovered my bear nature, started to get REALLY active, founding the BearFurries group on Yahoo, getting a fursuit from Beastcub in 2011, and writing the Ask Papabear column.

  • Aatheus
    11 stories

  • Westwind10 stories

  • SwiftFox
    10 stories
    an architect and Cross Fox from Pittsburgh, PA

  • Camstone Fox
    10 stories
    a scientist and Fox from Alexandria, Virginia

    Just a red fox.

  • JoJoJoshua (Joshua Hyles)
    9 stories
    an install supervisor and Orange and Blue Fox from Fort Worth, TX
    Interests: Making Websites, video games, college

  • ink (McGroarty)
    9 stories

  • Tibo
    9 stories

  • Tahamaki
    9 stories
    a Leopard from Tennessee

  • Kurst
    9 stories

  • sharpclaw (Sheryl)
    9 stories
    Comic ~ Deer Me

  • Flinthoof (Dan Canaan)
    9 stories


  • shockwave (Allen Kitchen)
    9 stories
    an engineer from Houston
    Interests: space development

  • Cassidy Civet
    8 stories
    a musician and Malay Civet from Port Moody

    I'm a female civet! Always down for a chat, but never a cup of coffee. ;3
    I am a musician and artist, as I say, a born musician and a living artist!

    Cons Attended:
    VancouFur 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020
    Howloween 2016/2017/2018/2019
    Fur-Eh 2017/2018/2019
    Further Confusion 2019/2020
    Furvana 2019
    MFF 2019
    TFF 2020

  • Mister Twister (Andrew V.)8 stories
    a stew-dent and Homo Somewhat Sapiens from US Of A (east Coast)

    Bio - graphy... that "graph" of my "bio"...... what?

  • Teko
    8 stories

  • Feli (Chris Pilgrim)
    7 stories
    a hot sauce maker, former convention chair, techie, and a listener and Rabbit from Montreal, QC, Canada

    Feli is a resident of Montreal, originating from Ottawa. He has been an active member of the fandom since the early 90's.
    Currently, Feli is the purveyor of hot sauces through his company: Dark Bunny Sauces. Selling online ( and at several Canadian conventions. He was the chairperson for What The Fur, a convention that was held in Montreal from 2010 to 2017, and though now retired from conrunning, he will consult if asked.

  • Brer7 stories
    a network security from Saint Paul, MN

  • Rev_Boxer (A. Loewen)7 stories
    a clergy, author from Southcentral Pennsylvania

    Happily married father of three boys lives in south-central Pennsylvania. Employed as a member of the clergy, he dreams of a life writing anthropomorphic novels.

  • StratoKasta (Ganvolo Fox)
    6 stories
    an arts advocacy and Arctic Fox from New Jersey - Looking To Base In General Colorado Springs Area

    Continuing to be an advocate for film and animation on several fronts; the furry front still proves a fruitful environment for songwriting; looking for ways to use the gifts to promote unity against the odds.

  • banrai (Andrea Brooks)
    6 stories
    a freelance artist and Monster from Old Fort, NC

    A late-20-something woman from Western North Carolina with plenty of opinions, and very willing to share them.

  • Foxx (in a box)
    6 stories
    a parts sales manager and Vulpes Vulpes from Columbus, OH
    Interests: Writing, reading, music

  • Branwyn (Dan Desveaux)
    6 stories
    from Toronto, ON
    Interests: Furry, Feral!

  • Darac
    6 stories
    a software engineer from Birmingham, UK

  • Chipotle (Watts Martin)
    6 stories
    a writer, web developer and Coyote from Silicon Valley, CA

    Coyotl-award winning author of Kismet, Indigo Rain, and other furry stories. Former president of the Furry Writers' Guild. Greymuzzle. Pronouns: he/they.

  • Delphinios
    6 stories
    a computer geek from Arkansas
    Interests: Computers, Marine Biology, radio, pretty much anything.

  • Fferret
    6 stories

    Currently active on FurryMUCK and Tapestries./FurryCode v1.3:FMFs3a A-- C** D H++ M++ P+ R+ T++ W-- Z- Sm++ RLCT a++ cabdlmno uw++++$ d++ e+ f- h++++ i+++$ j++ p sm+

  • T. Matt Latrans
    5 stories
    a blogger for the fba and Coyote from Rohnert Park, CA

    Lifelong fan of the Furry Basketball Association! I used to be a play-by-play announcer for the league before switching to reporting by writing for Furballer Magazine and producing my own FBA podcast.

  • Jazzepi (Jewel)5 stories

  • FurNation5 stories

    5 stories
    a system operator from Dallas, Texas
    Sincerely, Nexxus

  • Tugrik
    5 stories
    from San Jose, CA

  • ddutton (Dwight J. Dutton)
    5 stories
    from Santa Clarita

  • PunkTiger
    5 stories
    from Somewhere Out There...
    Peace; - PunkTiger!

  • Shandower
    5 stories
    a conifur nw artshow director from Bellevue, WA
    ---- Shandower

  • Baloo_Ursidae (Paul Johnson)
    5 stories

  • Wolf_Sister5 stories

  • Angel_Bear (G. Raymond Eddy)
    5 stories
    a security officer from Columbus, OH

  • Martes (Roz Gibson)
    4 stories
    an animator from Santa Clarita, California, United States

  • Joe Strike
    4 stories
    a writer and Alligator from New York, NY

    Animation journalist, longtime fur and author of Furry Nation: The True Story of America's Most Misunderstood Subculture.

    I'm the real-life 'kid in a candy store' - the one my parents ran in Brooklyn until I was 13. I was marinated in the pop culture stew of comic books, Warner Bros & Fleischer cartoons on TV and kids' matinee films I saw every weekend. I've always had a love of animation and of characters like Bugs and Pepe LePew, and often wished I could join them in their world - a sign of incipient furriness right there.

    I worked for years in TV promotion at Bravo and then Sci-Fi Channel before going freelance. Since then I've written about animation and sci-fi/fantasy films for mainstream publications and scripted an episode of the Nick Jr. TV series Wow Wow Wubbzy!

    I blog under the name "The Miscweant" on the animation industry website I've written the kids'/furry novel "The Incredible Hare" and host occasional audience-attended conversations with animation professionals at various NYC locations under the umbrella title "Interview with an Animator"

    I didn't discover furry so much as furry discovered me via a flyer I received in 1988 out of the blue for a 'furry party' at the Philcon sci-fi convention. No one had to explain it to me - I knew exactly what I was looking at and that I belonged there. I contributed to the furry 'zine Rowrbrazzle for years & now post on Fur Affinity as "Comus". I also fursuit as the dapper but sinister Komodo dragon "Komos."

    So yeah, I've been part of the fandom since its earliest days - but don't call me a 'greymuzzle' or I'll punch you in *your* snout.

  • Earl_Madness (Earl Z. Madness)
    4 stories
    a photographer and Panther from Maybe Poland

    To see more of me, head here;

  • jasper-bear (Jasper)
    4 stories
    a Polar Bear from In Occulus

  • Kakurady
    4 stories
    a software developer and Catdragon-shiba? from Ottawa, ON

    Furry adventurer in training.

  • imago
    4 stories
    an artist
    ______ From The Desk Of Imago Rabbit ______ Visit Furs 4 You Home Of Imago Rabbit's Artwork

  • Anonny Maus
    4 stories
    a niccotine & caffine addict from Seattle,WA

    F*ck the majority, I'm the EXTREME minority!

  • Manawolf (S. Wheeler)
    4 stories
    an artist from Los Angelez
    Interests: Drawing fuzzy things

  • Mirko4 stories
    a media worker (!) from Illinois

  • Sardonicus4 stories
    a veterinary assistant from Los Angeles

  • Neowolf4 stories

  • Brandy J. Lewis
    3 stories
    a graduate student and Pig from Southern California

    Brandy J. Lewis is a Ph.D. student of English at the University of California, Riverside. Her work engages speculative-fiction, queer and transgender studies, film, and comics, fanzine history largely. She is currently instructing English composition while also working with fan fiction studies and archives, archive theory.

  • Koori Kitty
    3 stories
    an IT manager and Tiger from Tulsa, OK
    Interests: DJing, IT, travel, art

  • Ben Dover3 stories
    a Humanoid Bear

    You can read more of my articles here

    I have comments disabled in my browser (I don't read them)

  • Diamond Man3 stories

    A guy who loves equality. I don't want to share anything else for other reasons.

    9-23-2012 I also believe that it's possible to change society's hatred about certain things like fandoms to a more better accepting thing... I think there are some messages haunting me claiming that it "isn't" possible but I am going to have to disagree with that and there is a lot of proof that it can happen. And since there really is an unusual issue about Society with it's normal, etc.. Honestly I just am one of those guys who likes to teach the world for a better change, and other things..

    Again, I believe anything like that can happen and if I get messages claiming it isn't then bull crap. I hope someday the world gets better. :P

  • Pimlico (Eddie Drueding)
    3 stories
    from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  • Insane Kangaroo
    3 stories
    a network administrator and Kangaroo from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    Interests: software engineering, information technology and tactical operations

  • schryari (Scry)3 stories
    from Georgia

  • FurbleFox (CaliHusky)3 stories
    ConFuzzled? I sure am! :)

  • Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus
    3 stories
    a mascot and Wampus Cat from Phoenix, AZ

    I'm a bitter old she-cat.

  • David.3d
    3 stories

  • Nadan
    3 stories

  • OklaconStaff3 stories

  • Wyldside3 stories

  • omegaltd3 stories

  • Bluegreenman3 stories

  • Rackett3 stories

  • Tallyhawk
    3 stories
    an engineer from Pugt Sound, Washington, USA
    Interests: furry art, my horses

  • noleuca
    3 stories
    a graphic artist from St. Louis
    Interests: comparitive anatomy

  • Mistletoe (Wendy Oster)
    3 stories
    a student from Wisconsin (SE)
    Interests: general furry, anime, outdoors, socializing

  • Deuce3 stories
    from Canada

  • Ardashir3 stories
    a clerk from Northampton, PA
    Interests: Furry, SF, Heroic Fantasy

  • heywurf3 stories
    a bookstore clerk from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
    Interests: cartooning

  • Katra
    3 stories
    Richard Reid Captain; Webship Corwinda

  • Benjamin
    3 stories
    a web designer from Burlington, Ontario, Canada

    A liger, artist, webmaster, web designer, social furry, and stuff like that!

  • fragman (Wolf Smith)3 stories

    15 year veteran of Furry fandom.
    I am a collector of Toy trains, Books on cemetaries, railroad, celtic music, civil defense, historic weapons and inert explosive ordnance. I help run ZONIECON and am the supply gofer and a rangemaster. I live in Tucson Az

  • Giza (Doug Muth)
    3 stories
    a software engineer and African Leopard from Ardmore, PA, USA

    Software Engineer, Drupal advocate, furry fan, WikiFur admin, Anthrocon organizer, Eagle Scout, Dorsai Irregular.

  • CarlFox (Karl F. Meyers)
    3 stories
    from Jacksonville, Florida

  • ostrich
    3 stories

  • markfox
    3 stories

    Just a fox.

  • Wolfmanfur
    2 stories
    a Fennec Fox

  • zeldstarro
    2 stories
    a Dragon from Colorado USA

    I'm Zeldstarro, a furry in Colorado and a musician (kind of). I've only been open to the community about being a furry since this year (2022), but have been closeted for more like 8 years. I really enjoy music, geography, public transit, some video games, and other things I have currently forgotten. I do need to develop more inteests, sadly. I also speak spanish (despite not being hispanic AT ALL), though I like to try to stay humble about it.

  • Doppelfoxx
    2 stories
    a freelancer and Fox from Hannover, Germany

    Established 2020, Doppelfoxx is a label between authors and artists Gabriel Foxx and Jakkie Fox focused on bringing life, creativity, and community to online spaces, and helping spread unique content to world - be it our own, or that of others. If you're interested in working with us for marketing, commissioning us for writing or art, joining one of our gaming teams, or answering our interview questions, we'd love to have your contact on, so don't hesitate to say hi!

  • Nerdy Raccoon Guy2 stories
    a Raccoon

    I've read some places are open to some debates, so I joined assuming some are more open about it here.
    I do not rely on "mob mentality" much and prefer having my own thoughts in favor of science, good research, and psychology. Do not expect my opinions to be aligned with popular opinion in or outside of the furry fandom as I'm smart enough to know that popular belief isn't always right.

  • Charleston Rat
    2 stories
    a Pearly Rat from United Kingdom
    Interests: Art and Design, Cinema

  • togo57 (Togo Rao)2 stories
    a Dachshund

  • Wakka2 stories

  • George Squares
    2 stories
    a writer and Stoat from Charlottesville VA

    George Squares is a fiction, poetry and nonfiction writer who has been published in several short story anthologies. He also reviews, and enjoys looking for the implicit questions that furry fiction can ask.

  • DarkXander (Xander Venterus)
    2 stories
    a network engineer, owner and Red Anthro Dragon from Chandler, Arizona, United States

    Farm Raised, Patriotic, Gun Toting, Horse Riding, Mustang Racing, Proud American Redneck, lolol
    Founder, Owner, and Lead Admin of Furry Social Network
    Holds 21 IT Related Certifications, All Current as of 2015!
    Certified Computer Forensics Specialist
    15 years experience as a Network Engineer

  • Voice
    2 stories
    a writer and Spider-folf from Canada

    Voice is a writer both in and outside of the fandom. He primarily writers horror, erotica and Lovecraftian tales. (though is not limited to them) When not writing, he can be found reading extensively, going for walks or entertaining his fiancée.

  • InkyCrow
    2 stories
    a Corvus Brachyrhynchos

    Greymuzzled artist with involvement in the fandom dating back to the 80's/90's. Appearances in miscellaneous print publications during this time, including member/contributor to the "funny animal" fanzine Rowrbrazzle for several years. These days can be found on portions of the web (DeviantArt mostly)

  • AC_Fox
    2 stories
    an IT consultant and Arctic Fox from Reston, VA, USA

    A C. Fox can most often be found on twitter as @heyacfox. He does not know what the C in his name stands or yet. Some potential options: Caucasian, Chinese, Computer, Consultant, Company, Compassionate, Confused, Congested, Concealed, Conciliatory, Catholic, Candid, Campy, Creative, Cultural, Cautious.

  • TimidGrizzly
    2 stories
    a computer consultant, network administrator and Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) from Southern California, USA

    Very grey muzzle bear and a incurable romantic. A favorite activity is collecting and celebrating the memories of fine graphic art, stories by good writers, and excellent fursuit performances. In RL people tell me I am an excellent computer network administrator and computer technician.

  • JM Horse
    2 stories
    a Horse from London, UK

    Contributor to [adjective][species].

  • Jace Inugami (Raulin C. Hentchel)
    2 stories
    a waitor and Wolf Ghost from Nashville, TN

    A member of the fandom since the infamous CSI debacle, Jace has slowly built his way into the life of furry. Joining deviantArt and later Fur Affinity in high school, he built up his friends in the community, though never had a local group to get close with. While at Vanderbilt University, Jace met with Frocta at a local coffee shop, which through much care and nourishment grew into a huge weekly fur meet.

    Now graduated from college, Jace has been working as the Secretary for FangCon's inaugural, as well as a moderator on the Tennessee Fur Forums, and acts as an active member of the Nashville Furry community, frequently hosting meets at his apartment.

  • Bastett Cheetah
    2 stories
    a Cheetah from London, United Kingdom

  • Lei-Lani
    2 stories
    a freelance writer/artist, literary agent, book editor and South Pacific Sea-Otter from Ohio

    Freelance writer for 30 years. Before that I was a librarian, an archaeologist, a mentor, a teacher, a legal administrator, a health administrator and a literary agent. In business now almost 20 years.

  • Smack Jackal
    2 stories
    a chairman, further confusion and Jackal+Rabbit from San Jose, California

    I'm a dude.
    I run FC for 2013.
    I've been in the fandom a very long time.

  • hi-jera
    2 stories

  • Furry News Network (Markos Sinister)
    2 stories
    an owner/operator and Wolf from Atlanta, GA, USA

    Markos Sinister is a Furry Web Developer. His Fursona is a Dark Gray Were Wolf with blue eyes, dark browish/black hair with a white pentacle in his chest fur. He is most often seen wearing Victorian style clothing such as a waistcoat, cravat, and frock coat often with "Steampunk" adventuring gadgets.

  • fenrislorsrai (H.C. O'Neill)
    2 stories
    a book store owner from Bethel, CT
    Interests: reading, sculpting, anthropology

  • Paraducks
    2 stories
    a Coyote from Arkansas

  • Chaz Wolf2 stories
    from OH

  • Eredien2 stories

  • Xodiac2 stories

  • Procyon2 stories

  • LoranSkunky2 stories

  • foxinacage2 stories

  • majikbear (Bear)2 stories
    a Bear

  • dennisthetiger
    2 stories

  • oldhans1172 stories

  • Ironbadger2 stories

  • Digger (Jeremiah Rabbit)2 stories
    an IT specialist from Dayton, Ohio

    Snuggly but not yiffy.

  • Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore
    2 stories
    a Martian Ice Skunk from Malvern, Worcs., UK
    Interests: Computer programming, "Doctor Who", furry, reading, writing, drawing

  • Tony_Fox (Tony Greyfox)
    2 stories

  • jaxx2 stories

  • Aeth
    2 stories

  • Auriam2 stories

  • Demosthenes (Zebulan Thomas)2 stories
    from Birmingham

  • Vulpy_Fox2 stories

  • karsateblor2 stories

  • slothpuck (lee jones)2 stories
    from UK
    Interests: Macrofurry. Megafurry, Normal Furry

  • nyssasemephit2 stories
    an IT specialist from Washington State
    -Nyssa SeMephit

  • Yealurowluro (Kay Shapero)
    2 stories
    from Los Angeles
    Interests: furries, filking, sf fandom

  • Gamble
    2 stories

  • Paracelsus (Josh Carpman)2 stories
    an industrial scada engineer from Houston, TX
    Interests: PC Games, furry art

  • KT
    2 stories
    from Houston, TX

  • jaguar (Glen Wooten)
    2 stories
    from San Diego

  • Sasta2 stories

  • Rankin
    2 stories
    a computer geek from California, USA
    Interests: Furry Fandom, Network Architecture

  • TygerCowboy
    2 stories
    a travel tyger from Saint Louis Missouri
    Interests: Fursuiter and being silly

  • Cyber-Dillo (Scott Blackwell)2 stories
    a computers, what else? from Dallas, Texas
    Interests: Furry, Sci-Fi, etc

  • Kizeh2 stories

  • jadedfox (J Strom)
    2 stories
    a video game quality assurance specialist from Fremont, NH

  • Revar Desmera
    2 stories
    a programmer from San Jose, CA

    Fuzzball MUCK programmer. administrator.

    Moody bat with five pointy ends.

  • Bahumat
    2 stories
    an office manager from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    "Virtuous and vicious, every man must be. Few in the extreme, but all in the degree."

  • chance wolf
    2 stories - The Redwall Animated Series - "Balto" Animated Movie - "Princess Mononoke"

  • Chatin (Tiffany Ross)
    2 stories

    I do a lot of ... stuff.

  • Loran
    2 stories

  • EberraWolf
    1 story
    a Wolf

    Eberra (sounds like "a-BEAR-uh") is an independent reporter from New York City, and focuses on the northeastern United States. He has been a furry since December 2022.

  • Sobol
    1 story

  • Codes (Fiver Bunny)
    1 story
    a college student and Rabbit

    I'm just a rabbit who enjoys simple things in life. When I'm not working my jobs or being a busy college student, I'm usually either watching cartoons/anime or playing video games!

  • Rez_Fox (Daniel Newport)
    1 story
    a gane designer, walmart employee and Fox from North Carolina

    Bachelor's in game design, aspiring streamer, overall positive individual.

  • Jinx McKenzie
    1 story
    a professional pianist and Lion from France And Germany

    Full Time Cat

  • Erdwolf_TVL (Jako Malan (aka. Erdbok))
    1 story
    a software developer and Kudu from Cape Town, South Africa

  • Furthing1 story

  • Arrkay
    1 story
    a youtuber and Kingfisher from Toronto, Canada

    Creator of the award winning series "Culturally F'd" on YouTube and Roku.

  • gamepopper (Tim Stoddard)
    1 story
    a video games programmer and Lynx from United Kingdom

    Hey there! I'm Gamepopper, amateur anthro artist, fursuiter and indie game developer.

    My main fursona is a vigilante lynx-cat known as D. You will always find him wearing his signature mask, red fedora and matching cape and wielding a rapier sword, only exceptions are for when he's in super silly and/or funny pics.

  • The Anonymous Inari
    1 story
    an Inari from The Human Earth Realm

    Just a random Inari doing independent research, reviews, and reports on various aspects of the furry fandom.

  • Meeran Tanuki
    1 story
    a Tanuki
    Interests: Virtual reality, VRChat, cyberpunk, fandom history

  • charles they
    1 story
    an author and Hare from Greater Vancouver

    a bratty hare writer-poet

  • Kit Drago
    1 story
    a chairman and DragonCat from East Coast
    Interests: Family

  • midanthro (Mid-Atlantic Anthropomorphic Association, Inc.)
    1 story
    from DMV

  • Little Bean Tiger1 story
    a comms expert and Tiger from North Carolina, USA

    Little Bean Tiger (also known as Polaris Bear) is a writer, on-off zoo worker, anime weirdo, and the Communications Director of Atlanta's MultiverseCon. You can find her on Twitter @chelseayrbff.

  • Ike T. Dragon1 story
    a hobbyist and Dragon from United States

    24. Patriots fan. Aspergers. ENFP. Compassionate, happy-go-lucky fellow. Real gentleman. Admired by a lot of people.

  • TefPwoof (Tef Vandal)
    1 story
    a mobile game designer and Pomeranian Wolf from Hong Kong

    Just a Pomeranian Wolf hybrid that is a huge fan of purple living on both sides of the Pacific. Perhaps one day he will scrounge up enough money to get himself a fursuit!

  • Mark Lungo
    1 story
    from Berea, Ohio

    I'm a pop culture geek from Cleveland. I've written for fanzines such as Animato!, Animation Planet, Cereal:Geek and Ugly Things. I've written several TV Tropes pages. I'm a lifelong furry, which has culminated in my creating and writing the Crimestrikers RPG, part of Spectrum Games' Cartoon Action Hour series.

  • Rook the Ferret (McKenzie Sauder)
    1 story
    a cartoonist/illustrator/writer and Ferret from Winnipeg, MB
    Interests: Comic books, art, writing, reading, movies

  • Ahmar Wolf
    1 story

  • Razzmic Fox (Jon Kaiser)1 story
    a Fox from Mineral Wells, TX
    Interests: sci-fi, fantasy, video production, animation

  • Tugs (Fur What It's Worth)
    1 story
    a show host! and Puppybear from
    Interests: Podcasting, show related things, entertainment

  • Quinn Yellowfox1 story
    a medical pratitioner and Fox/Yotie from Tucson Arizona

    I'm a writer fox for fun who spends way too much time working and needs more time to play. I've mentored several aspiring writers and write both fiction and non-fiction.

  • Lightsen
    1 story

  • Jack Newhorse (Tom Geller)
    1 story
    a writer from Oberlin (Ohio) And Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

  • Grisli Aklark
    1 story
    a journalist and Grizzle Bear from Austria

  • DJ EAR (Huepow00)
    1 story
    a radio dj and Rabbit from Orange County, California

    A white rabbit from southern California who spends his days ripping up the airwaves and pumping out Hardcore jams at home. He is most inspired by the varied musical styles of Cirque du Soleil and plays the panflute in his spare time.

  • Xander the Blue1 story
    a professional 3d animator from In The Chicagoland Area, IL

  • thommanson
    1 story

  • NeonBunny
    1 story
    from California
    DJ and Producer from the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • Katherine1 story

  • M'aiq the Liar
    1 story
    a liar and Mudcrab from Morrowind, Cyrodiil & Skyrim

    Greetings! M'aiq knows many things. What is your interest? You seek knowledge. M'aiq has much. Some of it verified by actual facts!

  • Auld Wolf1 story
    a Werewolf

  • RovinFox (rolan fox)1 story
    a technologist and Fox from Dallas, Tx

    I am a fox, and a computer programmer and video director.

  • ranchu (E Rose)1 story

  • F3 Convention
    1 story
    a convention chair and Dragon from Southwest Missouri

    F3 is Southwest Missouri's first furry convention, dedicated to fans of all ages who enjoy anthropomorphic animal characters such as cartoons. Our primary goal is to entertain and educate about anthro artistry of all varieties, exploring creativity and enriching the lives of youth through costuming and showcasing the talents of the local community, while raising funds for our chosen animal charity.

  • foxotcw1 story

  • EndtownFollower (Surfstuff55 aka Robin)
    1 story
    a clinical laboratory scientist and Feline from A Subterranean Town In The Post-apocalyptic Near Future; Where We Fight Tooth And Claw For Our Meager Existence. Fending Off The Topsiders, Who Want To Eradicate All The Mutants And Unmutated Humans That Survive Outside Of The Domes The Topsiders Inhabit.

    A friend of the artist who creates Endtown. Since he is too modest to blow his own horn, I'm going to do it for him.htt

  • Soron
    1 story
    a Panda

  • Squirrel (Kris Schnee)1 story
    from Florida

  • Snow (Kris Schnee)
    1 story

  • fluffy
    1 story
    a software engineer and Critter

  • Ted R. Blasingame
    1 story
    from Oklahoma City, OK

    Author: "Sunset of Furmankind", "Blue Horizon", "Hoenix" and "Treasure Hunt".

  • Suran
    1 story
    a Fox

  • Goldfur (Bernard Doove)
    1 story
    a Chakat from Cranbourne (Melbourne), Australia

    I am an amateur artist and author of many anthropomorphic works. I have been involved with the furry fandom for about two decades, but I've basically been a furry fan all my life.

  • FuzzWolf
    1 story

  • ayren ratbane1 story
    a Cheetah from Louisville, KY
    Interests: anthropomorphism

  • Kosu Noki1 story
    a technical support agent and Housecat from Columbus, Ohio
    Interests: Game Development, Web Design, Shopping

  • Calbeck (Scott Malcomson)1 story
    from Mesa, Arizona

  • CannonFodder1 story
    from Central Texas.

    Furry interested in learning more about the origins and development of the fandom.

  • Kai Wulf1 story
    a lighting designer, filmmaker, photographer and McKenzie Valley Wolf

  • Panda
    1 story
    a Panda from Louisville, KY
    Interests: Computers, Reading, Fursuit Making, Fursuiting, Electronics

  • Diesel
    1 story
    a Lynx from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK

  • TwilightShadow (Carson Shook)1 story
    a student working towards cs degree. and Wolf from In The Computer Lab... Or I Would Be If I Wan't 1337 Enough To SSH Directly Into The Server. :3

    I am a Computer Science major, with particular fineness in the English department (of multiple accents too!). I enjoy keeping up to date on the latest and greatest technology. I am also colorblind, which makes art all the more challenging to digest, let alone create.

  • Shining River
    1 story
    a Scottish Highland Bull from Where Wild Things Live, Utah

    I have attended Conifur 1999, RainFurrest 2007,Further Confusion 2010 and Unthrocon 2014.

  • eaglebeagle (Just EB)
    1 story
    a See name from Tampa Bay
    Interests: tv nerd

  • Jigsaw Forte
    1 story
    a freelance artist and Talmi
    Interests: Comics, Crochet, Video Games

  • Aquarius Otter
    1 story
    a webmaster, student, etc and Otter, sometimes rat from Columbus, Georgia

    Volunteer at FWA since my first furry con in 2013.

  • Jet Dingo
    1 story
    a Dingo from Queensland, Australia
    Interests: Off-Road Driving

  • DarkFoxDK (Martin Eberhardt)
    1 story
    a web developer and Fox from Roskilde, Denmark
    Interests: Computer development

  • TheRedeemed (Kiaga Near)
    1 story
    an unemployed and Jackal/Cheetah Hybrid from Maryland, USA

    TheRedeemed is an artist and costume builder who lives in Maryland, USA.
    To learn more, please visit her website!

  • Jarrell1 story

  • michelay
    1 story
    a writer

    I am a writer living in Florida who just released her first book.

  • FurryFiesta1 story
    Interests: FurryFiesta

  • Stego S. Aurus
    1 story

  • Waffles1 story

  • dormouse611 story

  • jwdragon1 story

  • Javarod1 story
    a taxi driver from Phx, AZ, US
    Javarad Crazy caffeinated cab driving cataur

  • Chairo Itazuramono
    1 story
    a project coordinator and Raccoon from SF Bay Area

    AAE/FC Co-Founder, AAE Board Member, AAE/FC Director of Media/Public Relations, FurCon Archivist, avid Fursuit/Costume maker and performer.

  • David1 story

  • purrsiapress1 story

  • BlueOtter
    1 story
    an Otter

  • The_Gneech (John Robey)
    1 story
    an elucubratist
    The Suburban Jungle -- The life, loves, and career of aspiring supermodel and ferocious predator, Tiffany Tiger

  • kayoteq1 story

  • Rustybat (Rusty Haller)1 story
    a cartoonist/illustrator/writer from Meriden, CT, USA

    Comics pro since 1987....Creator of FURRLOUGH''s "ACE AND QUEENIE"

  • StoneGarden1 story

  • Equus1 story

  • werecougar1 story

  • Graz73 (Lou)
    1 story

  • Frodo1 story

  • Sofawolf Press
    1 story
    a publisher from Saint Paul, MN

  • UrbanFox1 story

  • WolfenMoondaughter1 story

  • Karis1 story

  • Chip (Art Smith)
    1 story
    a self employed from Maine

  • takaza (Dan R. Hauschild)1 story

  • Chilly (Erika Leigh R.)
    1 story

  • AmlinWolf
    1 story
    from Sweden

  • ciaran_skye (C. Elliot Ritter)
    1 story
    a domino's pizza driver from Jeffersonville, IN (Across The Ohio River From Louisville, KY)
    Interests: Writing, drawing, collecting indy (mainly furry) comics, Shakespeare

  • sabu1 story

  • Sunookitsune (David Maher)
    1 story
    from Avon, CT
    FCA3a>CA3ac A- C- D++ H+ M P++++ R+ T+++ W- Z->+ Sm RLCT a16 cdlnw++++ d+ e- f-->++ h*>-- iwf+++ j++ p* sm

  • Silus_Mertune (Colin)
    1 story
    ...Ummm... signature.

  • Baral'heia Stormdancer
    1 story
    a student from Edmond, OK, USA
    Interests: Dragons, furry, Otherkin, etc.

  • Fluxxx (Joseph Harrison)
    1 story
    from Phoenix AZ
    Fluxxx tabbytaur@large.... or was that large tabbytaur?

  • Boss_Hoss1 story

  • Fahnix1 story

  • demens (Logan)1 story
    from Houston, Tx

  • Maui1 story

  • Falantih1 story

  • Alkiro Michienzi
    1 story
    a techie from Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

  • primovant1 story

  • Reoa
    1 story

  • NiteMyste Warlock
    1 story
    an it from Canada
    Not all that is Dark is Evil, not all that is Light is Good. But with both, you have Balance

  • Chipmunk (Eugene Arenhaus)
    1 story

  • Avon DeRussate
    1 story
    from UK

  • Vik-Thor1 story

  • Mintaka1 story

  • JessFoxx
    1 story
    from Seattle WA USA

  • Matraia1 story
    a student from Missouri, USA

    Been mucking for 6 years. I''m just starting to get more involved in the RL aspects of all this...

  • puma (Gary Breuckman)
    1 story

  • nukukun (Eric Foster)1 story

  • Ouroboros1 story

  • Shy_Matsi1 story

  • Rama (Ian Layton)
    1 story
    a computer programmer from St Louis, MO

  • Aslan71471 story
    a pizza deliveryman from Dublin, (NW Of Columbus) Ohio USA
    Interests: Science

  • Bunny Brewster (Negroponte J. Rabit)
    1 story
    a computer specialist from Bay Area-ish
    Interests: Computers, 3D, Furry, Music, and Furry

  • Marci McAdam
    1 story
    an illustrator from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • Goldenrod
    1 story
    from California

  • Magnoona1 story

  • Jackrabbit1 story

  • Miami1 story
    a consultant from Toronto, Ontario
    Interests: Ummm, lotsa stuff

  • Lagos1 story
    a student from Ithaca NY

  • SW
    1 story
    a professional

    Author of the anthropomorphic series: MainFrame. Visit at

  • bsgcourier1 story

  • Cassat
    1 story

  • SylysSable (Mark Merlino)
    1 story
    a communication engineer from Garden Grove, CA

    A founder of Furry Fandom, with my mates and friends. Started Furry Parties in 1985, first Furry BBS in 1984, and organized ConFurence (the first Furry convention) for 11 years. I do some art (VCL gallery), created the Skiltaire (alien weasel race), write

  • Sebkha (Simon Raboczi)1 story
    an application programmer from Brisbane, Australia
    Interests: J2EE / RDF / RPGs / mammals

  • Kiala
    1 story
    a bioinformatisist from California
    Interests: Furries, web design, genetics

  • Dahan
    1 story
    a Cat from Austin, TX

  • Jaffa
    1 story
    from Fremont, USA

  • sillydragon
    1 story
    MEEP! Fur Peace!

  • smblion (simba Lion)
    1 story
    a computer geek from Ann Arbor, MI

  • SwiftfootCheetah1 story

  • cybercat (Kaffeine Kitty)
    1 story
    from Florida

    Hi! I'm an artist who's been lurking around the fringes of fandom for several years now. Please check out my web page I'll be selling prints soon and I do take commissions! I've been in Paw Prints and in the Furthest North Crew apa. TTFN!

    Old site:

  • HeartWood1 story
    a student from Orlando

  • Scrimno
    1 story
    a webmaster from Placerville, CA
    Interests: Anything furry.

  • Blackberry
    1 story
    a programmer/analyst from Portland, OR, USA
    Interests: only one?

  • JoMomma (Thomas Ward)
    1 story
    from Circa Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • jmmalcomson
    1 story
    from Arizona

  • Schneelocke
    1 story
    a slavewolf from Germany
    Interests: Wolves, furrydom, plushies, BDSM

  • Jeran
    1 story
    a computer programmer from San Diego

  • chasemink
    1 story
    a systems admin from Florida
    Interests: Computers, Furry

  • Tlaren1 story
    a freelance writer/artist
    Tlaren }:=8}

  • Drakkus1 story

  • Dingo
    1 story

  • PandaGuy (Jon Albers)
    1 story
    from Bethesda, MD

    also see

  • Mach Stormrunner1 story

    I'm a 23 year old male computer/ biology type person. I love dancing, in-line skating, martial arts, computer games, sci-fi and fantasy, RPG's, running, working out and weapons.

    Furry wise, I closely empathise with cheetahs, and I am very concerned wit

  • Lynx (Conrad Wong)
    1 story

    Totally ordinary upstart feline miscreant.

  • Kaelan
    1 story

  • Fery Daggert1 story
    an engineer from West / Norway

  • Andrian (Andrija Popovic)
    1 story

    I dream, I write, I sometimes get things in print, and I wrangle member databases. But mostly I dream about writing while wrangling.

  • XianFox1 story

  • ElinWinkler1 story

  • Bookwyrm
    1 story

    Total contributors: 348 — Total stories (including anon): 7933

Additional content provided by WikiFur News contributors under the Attribution-ShareAlike license, used for most Flayrah articles after 2009. Content from the Furtean Times was brought to Flayrah in November 2010 after its closure, with its owner's permission.