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Shanda Fantasy Arts

Shanda Fantasy Arts to close; final issues next year

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Shanda The Panda #12, showing Shanda, Terri, and Double R.
Art by Terrie Smith

Fans of Shanda The Panda face a bittersweet celebration next year, as its creators plan the 50th – and last – issue.

Mike Curtis has announced the end of the series, and a conclusion to Shanda Fantasy Arts, which he has run with his wife and Katmandu creator Carole since 1996.

Still to be published by Anthrocon 2011 or MFM 15 are Katmandu #37, a new issue of Tales of the Morphing Period, adult title Shanda's Bedtime Blowout (possibly in 100-page squarebound format), and Shanda #49 and #50.

Shanda first appeared in A Very MU Christmas, published in 1992 by MU Press. The last issue will feature her marriage, with cover art by Michele Light, a story by Benjamin 'BAR-1' Rodriguez, and a second story illustrated by original Shanda artist Mike Sagara.

SFA Book Submission Guidelines Up

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Shanda Fantasy Arts now has guidelines up for submitting art, stories and comics to four of their books. Mel. White's the accepting editor. SFA pays, so artists and writers, check it out!

Mel. White Joins Shanda Fantasy Arts

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On, Mike Curtis of Shanda Fantasy Arts has announced that Mel. White will be joining the SFA team: "...She is assuming the job of ACQUISITIONS EDITOR, to seek out new life forms and new that's not right. She'll be looking for talented folks to contribute to NEW HORIZONS (general furry), MAGIC CARPET (children's furry) , FANTASTIC FURRY STORIES (all text), and our new adult anthology coming this fall, WILD ORCHIDS.

If you have some stories or art to submit, you can contact Mel at"

Shanda Fantasy Arts premieres new comics at Further Confusion

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Mike Curtis of Shanda Fantasy Arts announced the following titles will debut at FC: Katmandu Annual 2, Supermegatopia Special #1, SFA Spotlight: Women in Fur, and Last Kiss.

In the Zone, a comic published to raise funds to assist Michael-Scot McMurry with medical expenses related to his recent illness, will also be available at SFA's dealer table. According to Mr. Curtis, no part of the purchase price for this comic is retained by SFA, 100% of the proceeds go directly to Mr. McMurry.

Color character designs from Shanda's upcoming revival of Atomic Mouse will be available for viewing at the table.

Shanda Fantasy Arts to revive Atomic Mouse

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Shanda Fantasy Arts will bring _Atomic Mouse_ back to comic life in SFA Spotlight #10, May 2001, 48 years to the month since he debuted, with 48 pages of fun and action.