She and HER Canines
Posted by Mink (Rod O’Riley) on Fri 6 Sep 2024 - 01:13 — Edited by GreenReaper as of 12:11

Utterly out-of-nowhere department. Thanks to friends we stumbled upon Nightbitch, an upcoming horror-comedy starring Amy Adams (Enchanted, Arrival), based on a 2021 novel by Rachel Yoder. Adams stars as a suburban mom not only struggling with raising her young son, but also wrestling with resentment over having to give up her previous life as an artist. Oh, and at night, she’s turning into a domestic dog. Yes. The film is directed by Marielle Heller, and it’s coming to theaters on December 6th. Check out the first trailer — but be warned, it does have some naughty words!

image c. 2024 Searchlight Pictures

About the author
Mink (Rod O’Riley) — read stories — contact (login required)a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music
Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.
So, I don't want to be negative, because I feel like this might be a case of misleading trailer, but this was supposed to be Amy Adams' next try to finally win her Oscar, so it might also be case where if you look at it and say "that looks fun", well, it might be way more subtle about the canine transformation than this trailer would lead you to believe. I feel like this could be a case where the trailer is basically a supercut of every single joke in the movie and some other things that are out of context to make it look like a comedy, when it's actually a drama with an admittedly weird premise. Kangaroo Jack, for those who know.
Anyway, the trailer did not go over well with Oscar pundits, who's response was a universal "well, removing Amy Adams from my predictions", so even if it turns out to be a slightly off-kilter drama with an amazing turn by Adams in the, uh, titular role, the trailer might have still poisoned that well.
I must admit it seemed a little light on the actual transformation, not exactly Wolf Children Ame and Yuki.
Well, anyway, since I brought it up, it does seem (since the trailer release was days before it's festival debut at Toronto) that early reactions are "yeah, that trailer is misleading; okay, maybe Amy Adams isn't out completely".
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