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VancouFur draws media attention to Canada's west-coast furs

Edited as of Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 06:24
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VancouFurLast weekend saw the debut of VancouFur, a Canadian furry convention held in Vancouver. The event attracted 347 attendees, an article in the Burnaby News Leader, and video coverage on CTV News (mirrored by the Globe and Mail). [Higgs Raccoon]

The event's first guest of honor was fursuiter and musician Thumper. In addition to regular furry convention fare, its varied programming included a session on hacking, lockpicking and cheese, introductions to AD&D and LARP, and a theatre/film audition workshop.

Watch: VancouFur promotional video - parade footage (73 fursuiters) - other events

VancouFur is the first west-coast Canadian furry convention. It joins the area's annual one-night Halloween-themed event, Howloween, held since 2002, which regularly attracts ~150 attendees. Recent years have also seen large multi-day furmeets (BC FurBQ and Island FurBQ).

Nine years ago, a furry convention – FURst CONtact – was attempted in Abbotsford, BC, but it had to be cancelled due to a lack of attendees.   Its chair, Trapa, was among VancouFur's staff, along with con chair Coal Silvermuzzle, Howloween organizer Aphinity, and ops lead Kithop.


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Certainly caused less stress then a hockey game would to city logistics, duncha know?

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I had to seek out the news article:

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I knew there'd be a link I forgot . . . thanks!

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That was really good coverage. I'm glad it was a great success!

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When you say varied you really mean it. Hacking and cheese? It's like they tried to combine any group event into one and throw fur on it. Was probably a lot of fun though.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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I don't know; personally, I prefer my cheese without fur.

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Generally I agree but can have good, furry cheese. Brie and Camembert came to mind. I've had the 'fur' on that get quite thick. It doesn't have any flavour though so neutral for taste. Weird texture.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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