Western PA Furry Weekend! Oct. 6-8, 2006
Hello Friends!
There are TWO weeks to go before pre-registration ends for the Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend! http://www.wpafw.org Two weeks before you miss out on up to $10 in savings you can keep by registering early. Don’t wait any longer. Don’t miss that pre-registration deadline of 12:01AM September 23, 2006.
• Basic level Pre-registration is $15. (Gets you into the Friday Furry Social, and the Fur-b-que and Prowl and Growl on Saturday.)
• Supporter level Pre-registration is $20. (All of the above plus front line privilege for food at the Fur-b-que, five Charity Raffle tickets, our esteemed gratitude, and other swag.)
Time is also running out to reserve a room at the hotel at the flat Furry Weekend rate of $69.99! After September 22, all room rates go back to the normal $85 a night, double occupancy, plus extra for each additional occupant. You’ll be missing out on over $15 worth of savings.
That’s at least $25 in savings you can’t afford to pass up! So what are you still waiting for???
You’ll let yourself miss out on a mile stone year for this event, now in it’s sixth year, which has secured a 500 square foot meeting room at the Comfort Inn Pittsburgh North for our Friday Furry Social and for our Saturday Night Prowl and Growl.
If you procrastinate you’ll miss meeting this year’s “Featured Artist” the renowned Shawntae Howard, writer and illustrator for the popular “Extinctioners” comic book. http://www.extinctioners.com
And don’t pass up your opportunity to help out our Furry Weekend Charity Animal Friends, Pittsburgh’s only no-kill animal shelter, and pick up one of over 25 furry themed gifts and commissions that are being raffled off to raise money for our worthy charity.
This by no means conveys all the information available on this year’s event. I encourage you to visit the Western PA Furry Weekend website at http://www.wpafw.org for everything you need to know about pre-registering, weekend programming and activities, as well as important information on securing lodging at the event rate. I also invite you to sign up for the Furry Weekend Forums where you can also get the latest information on the event, pose questions and suggestions, and hook up with your friends for room and ride shares.
So mark your calendars and register now to join us in the beautiful autumn clad foothills of the Allegheny Valley and see friends old and new.
The Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend, October 6th, 7th & 8th, 2006!!
Western PA Furry Event Staff.
Hosting Furry Events in Western PA since the turn of the century.

About the author
SwiftFox — read stories — contact (login required)an architect and Cross Fox from Pittsburgh, PA
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