Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend! Oct 5-7, 2007!
I’m proud to announce the Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend, http://www.wpafw.org, is being held Columbus Day weekend, October 5-7, 2007, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This year’s “Featured Artist” is the talented artist Brendan Roo who hails from the eastern side of the state, near Philadelphia.
Event Pre-Registration is now OPEN!!
Registration for the Furry Weekend covers the Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday evening’s programming at the Comfort Inn, Pittsburgh North, and the Seventh Annual Fur-b-que Saturday afternoon at Fireman’s Memorial Park in Aspinwall, PA!
Early bird, pre-registration begins now and runs until midnight on Saturday, June 30!
* Basic level "Early-bird" Pre-registration is $15.
* Supporter level Pre-registration is $35. (All of the above plus a Furry Weekend badge, front line privilege for food at the Fur-b-que, five Charity Raffle tickets, color print of the program’s cover art, and other swag to be determined.)
* After June 30, Basic level Pre-registration goes up to $20 until September 7, 2007 when pre-registration closes.
Hotel Room Block is AVAILABLE!
The Comfort Inn, Pittsburgh North in Harmar Township, PA, just off PA Turnpike exit 48, has afforded the event a spacious room block at a flat rate of 74.99 a night (plus taxes.) Call today and reserve your rooms and don’t forget to tell them you’re with the “Western PA Furry Weekend!”
Preliminary Programming Grid us UP!
Yes, I said programming! This growing event is taking small steps each year to try to keep pace with our growing number of patrons. Last year we added function space and activities at the Comfort Inn; this year we’re adding organized panels and activities to augment the “free form” and “laid back” atmosphere the event has been praised for. Species SIGS, Fursuit, Art and Writing Panels, Saturday morning cartoons and a Drum Circle are all being planned. We’re also bringing back movies on Friday night, video games on Saturday, and LaserTag at the park. Don’t miss the popular antics of Mandarin Orange and his cast of characters as he emcees the Charity Raffle. Finishing out the event will be the first ever Furry Weekend Menagerie, an hour and a half of open performances.
This short message by no means conveys all the information available on this year’s event. I encourage you to visit the Western PA Furry Weekend website at http://www.wpafw.org for pre-registration, programming and activities, and lodging just to name a few. I also invite you to sign up for the Furry Weekend Forums where you can get the latest information on the event, pose questions and suggestions, take part in polls and hook up with your friends for room and ride shares.
So mark your calendars and register now to join us in the beautiful autumn clad foothills of the Allegheny Valley and see friends old and new. The Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend, October 5th, 6th & 7th, 2007!!
Swift Fox
Director; Western PA Furry Weekend

About the author
SwiftFox — read stories — contact (login required)an architect and Cross Fox from Pittsburgh, PA
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