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Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 11:04
Categories: News

Getting ready to commission a fursuit, looking for some character sketches/reference sheets!

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 09:59

EDIT: I should also clarify that I'm not looking for a freebie (unless you want to be generous); I'm very willing to pay.

This may or may not be an unusual request, but I'm looking for a character reference sheet. However, I do not have a character or design in mind. Think artistic liberty here.

I'm considering going the artistic freedom route on the fursuit, but there's a risk I might end up with something crazy like an eagle with elk antlers or what-have-you. Having an artistic go wild souds like a safer bet than having a builder do it.

I don't have anything elaborate in mind, but I do have a few breeds on the drawing board. I would love to chat about it some more.

submitted by jktstance
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Categories: News

So, uh.. I proposed! She said "Yes!"

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 09:11
Categories: News

Taking requests as traditional art practice

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 02:30

I've realized that with no job and busy friends, I have a ton of time with nothing to do over the summer, so why not practice drawing? Post a reference as well as pose/situation and I'll see how many I can get done :D

I'm posting this at 3:30 am, so I will be checking back around noon when I'll most likely be ready to start being productive. When they're done, I'll either make another post or edit this one with an album and a link to my FA.

Edit: I'm at 5 requests, so I'm going to stop here for now. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee the time or day that I'm going to have them uploaded, as my scanner is being a derp. Hopefully I'll be able to get the scanner working or access another one by this weekend.

submitted by LupusSpiritus
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Categories: News

Housepets! comic 2012-05-04 “comedy tonight”

Furry News Network - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 02:26
Author: Alt-Text: “Besides, Avengers sold out.” Find the full article here: Radio Free Housepets! Housepets! comic 2012-05-04 “comedy tonight”
Categories: News

RFHP! – Episode 1 “Vanguard and Heaven”

Furry News Network - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 02:23
Author: In this episode Slice, Gary, and special guest 7THeaven discuss the last arc of Housepets’ year four. Theories are formulated. 7THeaven’s comic Vanguard is discussed. DOWNLOAD HERE! Note: This episode will be available on iTunes Find the full article here: Radio Free Housepets! RFHP! – Episode 1 “Vanguard and Heaven”
Categories: News

Pandering. Do it.

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 01:08

Look, we know that we very recently did a report on Chew: Secret Agent Poyo from Image Comics. Well even more recently they lobbed a curve-ball right at us, and we thought we’d better respond.  So first off, what is Chew? Here’s the description from Wikipedia: “Chew is an Eisner Award-winning American comic book series written by John Layman with art by Rob Guillory and published by Image Comics. It is a story about an FDA Agent who solves crimes by getting psychic impressions by eating things, including people.” Got that? Okay. Well now comes the announcement for issue #28 of the regular Chew series.  Check out the cover below, and check out this description from Image: “‘Space Cakes’,Part Three. Remember last story arc when Tony Chu got kidnapped? This issue he gets kidnapped again! How lame is that? Meanwhile, we shamelessly pander to comics’ coveted ‘furry’ demographic.” Got that? Okay.  We don’t know anything more about it, but we figure if they’re going to pander to us, we’ll pander right back at them.  So there!

image c. 2012 Image Comics

Categories: News

3 years and 9 months I've been part of the community... Still no fursona or even a species.

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 00:19

~I just kind of wanted to get suggestions off what I was thinking (no need for commissions) I'm just gonna do this in sections or categories: Personality: I am a little bit shy when it comes to strangers and I can get clumsy. When I'm alone, I always day dream, whether it be about what I'm going to do after school or what I would do if I could pause time, random stuff like that. Around my friends, I am very loud and active, although I am not the center of attention, or try not to if I end up in that position. I am very laid back and tend to procrastinate, although I know I shouldn't. It fucks me up everyday. (I'll work on it tomorrow crowd laughs) I like to keep arguments to myself when i see people arguing. Except for once today, this kid was banging his skateboard on the bleachers for no reason, then he got mad at me and my friends for 'clapping to loud' so I yelled back at him, 'Banging your skateboard repeatedly isn't any less annoying' BACK ON TOPIC THOUGH, I can't say much more about my personality accept that I like having many friends, but not making friends. It is the worst step of transferring schools.

Activities/hobbies: Although I don't have the expensive type of equipment, I like to dj. I love putting music together like that. I LOVE raves. Happy hardcore, speedcore, hardstyle, all that stuff is great. I like to do parkour. I have been doing it for about 4-5 years (no one's counting, just an assumption) And like most furries, I love drawing, but i'm not that good at it.

Anything else I cant think of for a Category: I eat all the time and manage not to get fat. I try to work out but never remember to (ADHD) I like to dress 'differently' but still look good. The type of things that require a certain body type to pull off. I am very skinny. I don't like getting into fights, although I can do great roundhouse kicks. And how could I forget; i'm very VERY hyper most of the time.

*TL;DR Can't think of fursona for me: I'm SAP around stranger and total hardcore around friends. Love music (happy hardcore, speedcore, hardstyle) Raves (i love lots and lots of neon colors), like to draw, dj/mix, like to dress nice but not like most people.

Oh and I also love dancing (Shuffling, Hardjump)

If any of this helps, just put what species my 'sona should be.

submitted by Kyxx
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Categories: News

Returning Reader Asks Papabear for More Advice

Ask Papabear - Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 00:07
Hello again,

I would like to thank you once again for helping me out with my problem. I was the one who wrote to you about my friend who went to basic training. Unfortunately I have more problems that are somewhat related to that issue.

As I said in my last letter to you, I am currently coming out of the closet about my sexuality. I have told about 99% of my friends and they have all been surprisingly accepting, but the thing is, when I tell them they just say ok and good for you, which for some reason is freaking me out. I felt like I was going to have to talk to some of my friends about stuff like when I found out and explain that I have not been hitting on any of them. I do want to talk about the situation that happened between me and my friend that went to basic training but I feel like that might make some of my friends uncomfortable and drive them away. I just want someone that I can vent my frustrations to.

I am also terrified about coming out to my parents. I feel like my mom is going to be "ok" about it but I feel like my dad might disown me or ignore my existence for a while which is scaring the crap out of me. I also don't know how to actually tell them I'm gay. how do I tell them?

I am also wondering when an appropriate time to do this would be. The thing is that my parents (my mom) is trying to become a foster parent. She is a teacher and she legally had to report a case to the state. My mom knows that this child has been moved around all his life and needs a stable environment. With this coming up, should I do it before he arrives or wait until things settle down with the child just in case the worst happens between me and my parents. 

Thank you for all your help! You're amazing!!!


* * *

Dear Siby,

There really is no particularly good time to tell your family you are gay, and your reasoning that you might be better off waiting until after your mother has dealt with the foster parenting arrangements is just a delay tactic, don’t you think? 

Since your mom is probably going to be more open-minded about this—if your feelings are correct—the logical thing to do is to tell her first before your dad. After you have done that, talk to your mom about what she feels is the best way to broach the topic with your father.  She will likely have a better idea of how to do this than you would.

Papabear is not really sure why the fact that your friends accept you as you are is freaking you out. You should be grateful they are not making a big deal out of it. In this day and age, many younger people are accepting of people in the GLBT community, which is good news! And, surely, one of your gay-accepting friends can serve as someone you can talk to about your mate who is in the military, if Papabear’s intuition is correct.

Thanks for writing again! Hope you are able to resolve all your issues soon and can focus on your own life and goals without worrying so much about coming out to your loved ones.

Bear Hugs,


Looking to get a Commission. Help?

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 22:53

Hey, /r/furry!

I recently joined the subreddit and admitted to myself (and others) that I am, in fact, a furry, and I wanted to get a commission to celebrate the occasion! The thing is, I don't know where or how to start looking! I have a FA - Same name as my Reddit.

*Edit because I'm a writing nut and I used passive voice....


*Edit 2: Wooperlooper has caught my business. Thanks to all who offered, or would have offered otherwise. The responses were appreciated, I assure you.

submitted by candid_canid
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Categories: News

Anthrocon was great. My friend and I had a fantastic time

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 22:42

Just wanted to say that myself JaiyDaWoof and Shenanigans had a fucking fantastic time at Anthrocon. We were so pleased to see everyone and see some real interaction with people who watch our shorts we put up. Sheen would never say this, but it was nice to meet you all ha ha. Just wanted to say a general thanks, and everyone was so great!

For those who care to take a look here are our shorts: TheBedFellows

submitted by Crescent504
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Categories: News

You Guys/girls saw the new Xbox arcade game Dust?

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 22:41

I was wondering if any xboxers out there saw the new arcade game Dust: An Elysian Tail. It actually looks pretty cool, I though r/furry might enjoy the fact that the main character is a furry with a furry fairy as well.

submitted by Wilsmoove
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Categories: News

Wondering what kinds of personality types furries have...

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 22:34

Curious about this kind of thing.

submitted by Fixx1t
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Categories: News

Pittsburgh Dad with Furries

DailyFurBlog - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 21:57

Yes, this is exactly what the title says. This YouTube-r  is known for his funny short comedy videos on the Tubes, check out what he did for this years AnthroCon 2012.

Categories: News

scrapyards bling

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 21:49
Categories: News

Are Furries Really So Bad? "I hung out with furries for 3 days straight. I kind of loved it."

Furries In The Media - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 21:39
Wow, 3 entire articles from buzzfeed about furry fandom/anthrocon 2012. i knew they couldn't hate us forever, they spotlighted us a little too frequently for that ;p
The first article gets its own post since its the main one. the next one will be a two parter since the other article is just about the AC rave and the last article is just a photo gallery.

Furries have spent a lot time being the butt of jokes, considered by even 4chan as perverts and serious weirdos, a seedy underbelly of the internet. But does the most maligned group online deserve such a terrible reputation? After spending three days among furries at a convention this weekend, I can confirm they are indeed huge weirdos, but they also have an endearing wholesome earnestness. And more importantly they are really, really fun.
Anthrocon is the largest furry convention in the world, held in Pittsburgh since 2005. Approximately 5,000 people attended with 1,000 of those in full fursuits. The distinction between those in fursuits and those without isn't an accurate meter for level of dedication. The suits start around $2,000, so many who would like to wear a suit simply can't afford it, especially younger furries in high school or college. A group of recent college grads I spoke with all wished they had suits but it wasn't in their budgets. Meanwhile, the convention admission is a reasonable $60 for 4 days.

The Pittsburgh convention center has a main large hall for vendors of furry accessories and an "artists alley" where you can commission artists to create artworks of your furry character. In smaller rooms, there are panel discussions, meet-and-greets for groups by species, and board game rooms. There was also a talent show, dance competition, and performances by a furry acrobat from Japan. At night, a ballroom turned into a booze-free dance party.

People who didn’t have full costumes typically wore just a fuzzy tail or a pair of ears, and were mostly in their early 20s. Though I couldn’t see the faces of the people with full costumes, known as “fursuiters”, several furries told me they estimated that the fursuiters were about 80% male, and averaged around 21-24 years old.
I met several couples, gay and straight, who attended together. One couple, “Aphox,” a female fox, and “Balto Woof,” a male wolf, met at a previous convention while working at the sales booths in street clothes, and later started attending together in costume. “Balto Woof” works for a custom fursuit company, and had lent “Aphox” the fox costume she wore.

A furry named “Taiko” dressed as a german shepherd is a theatre major in college who focuses on lighting design. “I always hang around actors, but I wanted to do this because it helps me get over that stage fright stuff,” he explained. “They can’t see my face, so I feel more open.”
Taiko's favorite part of the convention was getting such a positive reaction from Pittsburgh natives who are now familiar seeing the furries downtown each summer. Outside the hotel attached to the conference center, passing cars honked and families stopped on the sidewalk to take photos of the furries with their children.
During a panel talk about professional fursuiting (being a mascot or theme park actor), “Yippee Coyote” described his fursona: "It's me, but more confident and outgoing. It's me but better." I can understand the appeal of wearing a costume for people who with social anxiety; it offers them a way of inventing a space where their comfortable acting out and showing a different side of themselves.

And yet the sexual deviancy hovered like a big furry elephant in the room. Though everyone I spoke to disavowed the sexual aspect, one only had to look at the artwork being produced in the artist alley to see that this it's very real. Pornographic comic books and art prints were being sold next to scented candles and key chains. The event offers special badges for underage fans, with restrictions to entry to certain activities, like a room where people could play a card game similar to Magic the Gathering but with furry tentacle rape hentai cards.

I do believe them that the appeal is not all about the seedy underbelly of interspecies copulation. The event had a certain joyfulness and camaraderie that you don’t feel at similar “geeky” events like a comic convention or even a brony gathering. However, I’m still not convinced that it’s all as PG as some of the more upstanding members might have you believe. After all, it’s a culture that has invented the onomatopoeic term “yiff” just to describe their sexual encounters.
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