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What do you get when you do this?

DailyFurBlog - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 19:28

Well what an amazing effort behind this amazing piece of music – it is well “amazing” .  So the details are this: This is a collaboration between alectorfencer  & foxamoore with the vocals of colson & Ashley Serena . It was dedicated to cocowolf and Lis who have lost someone close. The music if of course is just fur spiking, Colson and Ashley provide some crazy notes that will make your tail tingle. Take a listen and make sure to check out everyone’s page for fav’s and of course you can comment here it’ll get back to them. It is titled “What reamins” and below is Alector’s picture for the number.

Categories: News

My CaliFur VIII con report

Furry News Network - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 18:24
Author: Fred Crossaffliction is working on a sort into categories of all Flayrah’s posts. He has started at the beginning in January 2001, and is so far through September 2004. He notes that as of that date, there are only seven Furry convention reports. “[T]hey seem to have fallen out of fashion as of late. [...]
Categories: News

Furry persocoms...

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 14:57
Categories: News

Art: Ink Washes – Arphalia@FA

[adjective][species] - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 13:00

It was suggested by a few folks that it would be good to do a semi-regular feature on some of the wonderful art that may not follow the norm of what’s posted out there.  For this post, we’ll be taking a look at Arphalia and her work with ink washes.


Zipper by Arphalia

“The ink washes are something I used to do ages ago before I got into the fandom. (I got into the fandom “officially” around 1997 or so but was aware that something called furries existed a few years previous but didn’t have any access to check into the whole scene since I wasn’t online yet.) I had marker phases, ink pen inking phases and a huge (and ongoing) colored pencil phase. Returning to ink wash and watercolor again still feels like a New Thing even while its not.”

Three Happy Orcas by Arphalia

The contrast provided in these simple, monochromatic (or mostly so, as in the case of the center image above) is part of their draw: in many cases, the subject is actually lighter than the background.

Thick Opera by Arphalia

They are not simply images on a page, but images on a texture.

Roots by Arphalia

Check out more of this awesome work on Arphalia’s FA Gallery!

So furry drama...

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 12:53

I often times hear most furries say they want to avoid drama, yet somehow, it starts. It's not even over anything that would create drama in a normal society. It's almost always over something high schoolish, and juvenile. Please explain, why this is allowed. Frankly as a furry, it pisses me off. You try to shut it down on the spot, yet, somehow it escalates.
I've been the target of this type of behavior because a girl broke up with me and attempted to spread lies about me in order to destroy my reputation in the Orlando Furs. So once more, why do we allow the drama to show itself?

submitted by furnatic
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Categories: News

So....who here *didn't* go to anthrocon?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 11:33

Just wondering....

submitted by myfurryaccount
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Categories: News

Making a body suit, have some questions!

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 10:49

How do you properly sew together a bodysuit? i'm using the DTD (duct tape dummy) method. More experienced furs, how do you sew it together so it looks perfect? Also, how do you add in a zipper?

submitted by DarkShinigami115
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Categories: News

Looking for nonmorphic or ref sheet artists…

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 10:10

I'm considering to get some new character art done to create a more complete image of my 'sona. This might be some kind of ref sheet, or perhaps a "Anthropomorphic meets Nonmorphic" picture. I'm kinda leaning towards the latter, as I often imagine my character nonmorphic.

So I was wondering, could anyone recommend me some artists who are good at making reference sheets or nonmorphic/feral art?

submitted by foxzen
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Categories: News

my fursona

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 07:45
Categories: News

Buckdida steps down as HP! forums’ Global Mod

Furry News Network - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 05:26
Author: wrote: “Buckdida has decided to step down from his role as Global Moderator. I understand how hard the job can be; after all, why do you think I so rarely bother showing up? However, I hope you can still find time to be an active member of the community…” Buckdida later stated that [...] Buckdida steps down as HP! forums’ Global Mod
Categories: News

FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.

FurCast - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 22:59

Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here’s an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good ‘ole emails.

Download MP3

Watch Video News: Emails:
  • Doxxy – “This may take a while…”
  • Marcus – “Questions on sexual orientations.”
  • Dylan – “I am the most bisexual. I have all the bisexual points. All of them.”
  • Brooke – “Trans woman+furry fandom?”
  • Aves – “A little problem I face.”
  • Doxxy – “Shoutout: Brainwashed by furcast”
  • Tyler – “Fucking bees”
Videos (in no particular order): FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.

FurCast - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 22:59

Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here’s an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good ‘ole emails.

Download MP3

Watch Video News: Emails:
  • Doxxy – “This may take a while…”
  • Marcus – “Questions on sexual orientations.”
  • Dylan – “I am the most bisexual. I have all the bisexual points. All of them.”
  • Brooke – “Trans woman+furry fandom?”
  • Aves – “A little problem I face.”
  • Doxxy – “Shoutout: Brainwashed by furcast”
  • Tyler – “Fucking bees”
Videos (in no particular order): FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.
Categories: Podcasts

Is anyone with drawing talent willing to draw me a fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 21:11

So I need a fursona, and I can't draw for shit, and I would like someone to do it, because I would really like one. I could pay you in... hats? Anyway, yea, if you'd be willing to draw one, comment or message or whatever. I'd like it to be a kitsune or fennec or something of that sort, and I can get a pic of me too if you wanna do it that way.

submitted by StillDefective
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Categories: News

Christian, Gay, and Furry

Ask Papabear - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 18:42
Hello, Papabear,

I don't think I have any other way to say this, but . . . I think I might be gay. 

You see, whenever I see an attractive man I get turned on, but when I see a girl, I don't. I'm not really a feminine person, like some gay men are, but I guess I've always been kinda "weird." I have Asperger's, after all. I've never really had any crushes on another male, I just have a sexual attraction to them. 

But here is the problem - my family, especially on my dad's side, are very Christian. If I admit to being gay to my mom's side of the family, I'm guessing they will either accept it or tell me it's just a phase. But I'm afraid that my dad's side will disown me. 

I am a Christian myself, but I don't want to trash my beliefs just because I might be gay. God loves all of his children, no matter what. 



* * *

Dear Steve,

If you are sexually attracted to men and not to women, then you are gay. There is no “think” about it, hon, so start by admitting it to yourself. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have been in an actual relationship with a man, you are drawn to them, so there you go.

You note that you are not a “feminine person,” which indicates to Papabear you fell into the same trap he did: when I was young, I thought the definition of a gay man was not just that he was attracted to men, but also that he should be a girlie boy and talk with a lisp, be into cutesy clothes, and love decorating. Nonsense. My head was spun around when I found the bear community: masculine men who are gay. That was it for me. One look and I knew I had found what I needed in life.

PictureStill from the YouTube video "Being a Christian Furry" As for your “very Christian” family, especially on your dad’s side, I find that expression funny, as if someone can be “sort of Christian” or “extremely Christian” etc. What you really mean, of course, is that your dad’s family are highly conservative Christians. 

Papabear has always maintained that such folk are not true Christians because true Christians are tolerant of others. They accept all types (Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the destitute and was always kind to them). The core of Christianity is that you accept Jesus in your heart as the Son of God and that you try to emulate his life, which means being kind to others (you recognize this, I see--good!) If your father and his side of the family were true Christians, you would not be afraid of them at all.

Too many times Papabear has come across judgmental, hateful “Christians” who cause more darkness and hell in the world than Satan does, quite frankly (because they are two-faced). You, on the other hand, sound more like a true Christian. Therefore, here are a couple really neat sites just for you!

Papabear suggests you visit these websites and talk to the experts there on how to come out furry to your Christian family.

Bear Hugs from a Pagan,


Let's kick it up by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 18:12
Categories: News