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Okami HD Coming Exclusively to PS3 This Fall

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 03:33


Well this comes out of left field! Okami will be making his new home on the PS3 coming this Fall with the release of Okami HD. announced it today and had this to say:

"Grab your Celestial Brush! I’m pleased to confirm that this fall, gamers will be able to return to the land of Nippon in Okami HD, exclusively on the PS3 with PlayStation Move support. Initially released to critical acclaim on the PS2, Okami HD has the player take on the role of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess, who inhabits the form of a wolf. After a tyrannical monster, Orochi, turns the world into a ruined, colorless wasteland, Amaterasu must use her magical abilities to restore the land to its previous glory and defeat the demon in charge of the destruction."

We'll keep you updated on any news we hear about the game! Thanks to Zeldrick for tipping us off to this news! You da best, foxer.


Categories: News

Feeling like the only furry in school

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 01:17

Using an app to post this, so hopefully it doesnt end up screwed up, and please excuse typos. Basically I'm approaching Jr year of high school and feel like I'm the only furry in my school and perhaps even area. I know I'm not alone in the fandom here but I'm not sure of how to figure out who is a furry around here. Help? I feel it would be cool to meet up with other furrys to actually have people who share a common interest (only over internet). My fa is either mwisho simba or mwishosimba, and xbox360 tag is gowNazTeC, I currently play bf3 and league of legends on the comp. I play a bunch of other stuff as well. Feel free to add me and maybe we can get a group of furrys going on what ever network we choose. Please only add if you plan on talking primarily off of fetish furry subjects. My goal here is for clean fun. All races, genders, sexual oriantations, religions, ect. I will accept as long as you accept others. :)

submitted by mwishosimba
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Categories: News

DAE here play maplestory?

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jun 2012 - 00:37

It seems to be a very 'furry' game based on the amount of furries that are in the game. I'm so sad because I got into tespia 3 times but now it won't work :( If any plays it, we can compare accounts :D

submitted by Kyxx
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Categories: News

Special – KnotLogic – Episode Triangle

Furry News Network - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 22:32
Author: admin So, this week while everyone was away to Anthrocon, Shiva of Knotcast, (, invited us to join our podcasts together to meld some crazy unusual creature while all of her hosts were away at con. This special episode is full of rants, comedy, and a good amount of the serious face. We got [...] Special – KnotLogic – Episode Triangle
Categories: News

Pure Nerd-Up "Furries, The Other F-Word. An Outsiders View"

Furries In The Media - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 22:31
Furries, The Other F-Word. An Outsiders View

-J hhehe I wasn't even there, but someone twittered this!

PS: who is THIS guy??
Categories: News

Dust: An Elysian Tail available August 15

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 22:11


Dust: An Elysian Tail finally has a concrete release date! The furry fiesta hack-and-slash action RPG hybrid will be the last game released in the "Summer of Arcade" promotion from Xbox this year. It will be 1200 MSP ($15) and will be available only on XBLA on August 15th.

If you buy three of the five games in the Summer of Arcade lineup, you'll get 400 MSP back for your patronage. Here's the rest of the weekly releases: 

  • July 18: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD, 1200 MS Points ($15)
  • July 25: Wreckateer, 800 MS Points ($10)
  • August 1: Deadlight, 1200 MS Points ($15)
  • August 8: Hybrid, 1200 MS Points ($15)
  • August 15: Dust: An Elysian Tail, 1200 MS Points ($15)

Who all is going to be picking up this game?



Categories: News

Why is Avocado use so controversial on /r/furry?

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 21:47

I just saw all the downvotes to this post. We are all aware that Avocado is the #1 safest recreational substance that you can enjoy right?

I just love getting Avocado at furry cons and then seeing all the fursuiters all around me. It's awesome!

In case you don't understand

submitted by culmor30
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Categories: News

Thai Boyfriend Is Being Pressured to Return Home and Leave His Lover Behind

Ask Papabear - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 21:32
Hello there!

Greetings from Germany! I really like your site, you sure are a wise man! My problems aren’t easy to put in a nutshell, so this might take some time to explain, but I appreciate every advice.

It all started when I met this guy, three years ago. Yeah, I know that's a very common opening ^^. We became very good friends in no time, but he told me there's no way we could become boyfriends. Because his father doesn't like the thought of his "good" son liking other men as well, because he feels some responsibility toward his family, that kinda stuff. I should mention that he is Thai, so of course he has different moral standards, very different. But yet, after a year we became boyfriends. It kinda happened, we just get so well together I guess it was inevitable, even though we're so different in many ways (or maybe that's the reason). 

My parents know that I'm gay and have no problem with it, especially since they know my boyfriend. Since he's a true paragon of courtesy even my mom gave up her fears that I might end up with the wrong person, and we sure did spend many good times together, not to mention he helps me a LOT with my extreme coyness. We went to conventions, museums, zoos, events, many places were are lots of people, which isn't quite easy for me, I tend to feel very uneasy between masses of people, but he makes me feel better. We even went to some gay pride parades, I would never done this by my own.

So, what's the problem? For one, his father. He always told me stories about his dad, so I didn't actually want to meet that man. But one night we were at a train station far away from home at 3 o'clock in the morning, and the trains just stopped. I tried to call my parents, but I didn't reach them, so we had to call for his dad. Damn, I was so afraid to meet him at last! My bf told me to act completely normal, since his dad doesn't know his son has a bf now. Then he came to pick us up, he seemed quite normal to me, but the next morning he told me his dad asked if I was mentally disabled, because I looked like a retard to him. Well, I never met the parents of one of my boyfriends or gay friends, but I sure didn't expect THAT! Then I met his dad one second time, he was getting something and I was waiting with his dad outside. His dad doesn't know much German, so I didn't expect a big talk, but then he suddenly turned away from me and went some steps away, without even looking at me anymore!

I guess you can see his dad is a very difficult person to talk to, and I gave up any hope for us to ever come out to him. He really is the perfect stereotype of an east Asian patriarch, who wants his son to be a good student, to marry a good woman and to raise good children. In addition to that he wants his son to return with him to Thailand as soon as possible, another reason why he didn't want us to become too close. And even more, he WANTS to return with his dad, and to raise an own family. Okay, I don't want children (lol) but that made me wonder why he suddenly chanced his mind and wanted to become my boyfriend. Sometimes I wonder if it's just his father’s influence, but that's the main reason our relationship doesn't seem to have such a happy future.

We did have many little fights lately, but nothing too bad since every relationship has its ups and downs, so it actually makes me feel just even more like we're a real couple by now, but you see… the bitter end is just inevitable, since he actually seems to want all the things his father wants. He's just too much of a good soul and too loyal to his old man, I guess, but it does kinda hurt to know that his father's interests are more important to him than me. I don't think he wants to hurt me, heaven forbid! But it became really hard for us recently, and I started to think, is it worth it to trudge through the last few years we have till it has to end? Because sometimes I think it's hard for him, too, that he has to hide me from his family, while my family truly loves him for everything he is, he even got to celebrate Christmas with us, and he got almost more presents than me ^^. But the next day already he was upset again, his great pessimism has always been his worst side. I just don't know how to help him, to help US.

Anything I can do?

* * *

Dear Hyperion,

When Papabear was still living in Van Nuys, there were a lot of Thai families in his neighborhood and two of my best friends were from Thailand, so I am somewhat familiar with the culture. As with many Asian cultures, family is very important and the wishes of the parents are a lot more respected than they are here in the United States. This, I’m sure, you are familiar with by now.

Your boyfriend is in a difficult situation. On the one paw, he loves you (willing to bet) and he loves being with you in a relationship. On the other paw, he has been raised to respect his father’s wishes and to be an obedient son. After reading your letter a couple of times, Papabear’s inclination is to predict this: your boyfriend will enjoy his life with you as much as possible and for as long as possible, but when the time comes, he will obey his homophobic father, return to Thailand, marry, and do what his family wants. Will he be miserable? Of course he will, but that, to him, is secondary to family.

In fairness, I do not know this young man, except from what you have said here and from your insights. The mixed signals you are getting from him are the telltale signs of a soul in deep conflict between what he wants and what he believes he is obligated to do. It is certainly possible that he could overcome his feelings of duty to family and do what is best for both of you.

Hyperion, you don’t tell me about your age or living circumstances, but would I be correct that you and your Thai boyfriend are both in school now? And, when you are done with school, his father will take him back to their homeland, yes? 

Here is one possibility: after your boyfriend earns his degree, would it be possible for him to obtain a work visa? If he had a terrific career opportunity in Germany and took a job there, then he could become financially independent and remain in your country and be with you. Maybe he could even convince his father that this is a great opportunity for him and that he should stay instead of going back to Thailand.

It sounds like, however, you believe he will go back to Thailand no matter what. Instead of speculating what he wants, have you sat down with him and had a heart-to-heart talk? Ask him, frankly, where he sees your relationship going. Is he just in it for the short term? Or, does he want to go the distance. You two have been together long enough that you deserve to know his intentions. Don’t let him fudge: get an answer from him, one way or the other. 

If he admits it is just for the short term, then it is up to you what to do. Do you want to enjoy him while you can? Or would you consider this just a waste of your time because what you really want is a committed relationship? If the latter, it is time to go your separate ways. If the former, you will still separate but maybe have some more good memories to share.

If he says he really wants to be with you, then it is time for you to step up. Tell him that you realize he is being pressured by his father to return to Thailand and live a traditional life, but you really love him, and if he wants you to be a couple you will stand by him, support him through thick and thin to make it possible. It sounds like your family is supportive of you, so perhaps you can enlist their support as well. Tell him it is time he spoke honestly with his father, told him that he is gay, and that you will be with him every step of the way, no matter how well or badly it goes.

In the end, it is his decision what he wants to do, but the two of you need to communicate your goals and needs clearly before you take the next step.

Wishing You Luck and Love,


Is the furry IRL stereotype true?

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 21:11

From what the rest of the Internet tells me, you furries are mostly disgusting basement-dwellers doing lots of weird stuff to please their sexual urges. I'm not a furry in any way, but I'm just curious what you furries have to say about this stereotype. Please be honest, as I will not be judging you if those things are true, I just want to hear what you guys think about this.

submitted by dragonnovsvd
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Categories: News

Doing requests. Anything y'all want?

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 19:14

I'm trying to "expand" my skills, just write your request below. Pretty much anything you'd want.

First thing ive learned: how to spell "QUEUE"

trying not to think of how much money i could be making X3

submitted by ddddsuper
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Categories: News

AnthroCon 2012 makes the headline

DailyFurBlog - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 12:26

Of course I had to talk about my trip to AC at some point and just so happen to come across this thanks to my friend Neko.  So, as for me the trip was amazing and everything went amazing. I’m glad everyone like my suit and my acting in it to bring it to life. For AnthroCon if you didn’t already hear hit we hit over 5,000 furries this year with over 900 fur suits. The local news paper of course got wind of this and the “Save Fernando’s” thing so they did a little piece on it. Head over here and read or watch the video at the bottom. Also good job to Neko for getting in the main pic.

Categories: News