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Is there an alternative to e621 not centered on porn?

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Jun 2012 - 21:17

You know, like same engine, centered on furry art, but with less porn? I like the engine, but sometimes I don't want just nsfw stuff.

submitted by bpingry
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Says it all, really

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Jun 2012 - 19:34
Categories: News

Hi , I have a few questions about making a partial costume ......... help please

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Jun 2012 - 14:45

Hi ,I have a few questions about a project im working on , i want to make a partial fursuit of the poke'mon lucario . i have researched methods on doing this and i think the method where is use plastic to form a head is better (sorry if confusing ) but i dont know what materials to use , what tools to use and i dont have a big budget . if you dont know what lucario is just google him but how would i do his flappy things on the back of his head?

thank you for reading (sorry if confusing again) and if there anybody that can help please do BTW the costume is for a memoribilla exhibition at the nec birmingham

submitted by lucarionorris
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Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Jun 2012 - 14:06
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Fernando thanks you.

Furries In The Media - Sat 16 Jun 2012 - 10:11
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The furries are back in Pittsburgh

Furries In The Media - Sat 16 Jun 2012 - 00:41
Photo gallery:

PITTSBURGH - Downtown Pittsburgh is taking another walk on the wild side with the annual Anthrocon.

Furries -- people who are fascinated with anthropomorphics -- have begun to arrive for their yearly national convention at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. It begins Thursday and continues through the weekend.

Many of the thousands who will attend the convention are dressed in full or partial animal costumes as they walk through the streets of the Golden Triangle.

Anthrocon includes workshops, panel discussions, art exhibitions and vendors catering to fans of the human-like animal characters.
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Moving to another State to Be with Boyfriend Has this Furry Depressed

Ask Papabear - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 23:00
Dear Papa Bear, 

I've been dating my boyfriend for quite a long time over the Internet, and I very much love him with all of my heart, and even want to live my life with him wherever we may go. That being said, whenever I think of moving away from my family here in another state, I become horribly depressed and don't know what to do. This has happened every single time the topic comes up.

Is this normal? Am I supposed to suddenly feel depressed when thinking about moving in with him? Please help!


* * * 

Dear Lawliet,

You sound like a very loving furry to Papabear. You love your boyfriend and you love your family very much. That does this bear’s heart good, seeing someone like you who is so full of good feelings toward the ones around you.

Papabear doesn’t think you are depressed at the thought of moving in with your boyfriend—no no, what is depressing you is the thought of leaving your family and being so far from them that you won’t see them very often.

Here’s a thought: who says YOU have to move to where HE lives?  Why can’t HE move closer to YOU and your family? Is that a possibility? If so, that is your answer right there. Papabear feels you would be happiest if you could be with both your boyfriend and your family. That doesn’t mean you all have to live in the same house or apartment, just close enough so that visiting is and easy walk, drive, or bicycle ride away.

Now, if his moving closer to you is not an option, here’s another thought: you say that he is your Internet boyfriend. Does that mean that you have never met in person before? If so, Papabear STRONGLY recommends you meet this young man before you make any major changes in your life.  

You cannot get to know someone intimately well via electronic communications alone. Case in point: Papabear knows of two furries who met online and came to like each other very much. So much, that one of them agreed to move across the country and move in with the other. Well, once he did, surprise surprise, the two furries discovered they were not as compatible as they thought. Good news is they are still friends, but they are not mates any more.

Lawliet, sometimes there is an inner voice within people that warns them that something is not quite right, and feeling depressed is one such warning sign. Examine your heart carefully before making any big decisions. And if you need further advice, feel free to write Papabear again.

Big Bear Squeeze,


Anyone have any interesting public fursuit/tail-wearing stories?

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 21:49

It can be funny, touching, awkward... Lets just share! I'll start:

Before I had my partial suit, I had a husky tail. For my first time wearing it in public, I decided to wear it at Old Sturbridge Village. (I only see my dad on Sundays, and he had just started dating a woman from out-of-state, who wanted to see what It was about, so we went one day.) A few of the workers there found it silly and entertaining, but the children had the best reactions. A few kids stared awkwardly from a distance, but my FAVORITE was two girls, somewhere around 7 to 9 years old, who excitedly ran over to me and asked if I was a husky. I was impressed that they used the actual BREED, so I said "Only half." They laughed and asked if they could pet my tail,and then tons of random questions, like my favorite animal, my favorite food, and my favorite color. I replied: "Purple, what about you?" and when they answered, they asked me if I also liked those colors. I told them yes, and then they started listing off colors (including 'chartreuse'... O_o ) and asking if I liked those too. It was a silly conversation. Then their mother came over, and told me that my tail made her smile. The girls stroked my tail before leaving.

After I got my partial, I wore it to the mall. Most people simply smiled and complimented that I "made their day", and "oh, how cute!" One group of girls came up behind me, quickly stroked the back of my head and yelled "MEOW!" and started laughing (rudely, I may add.) I turned around and barked. They all screamed and ran into a store nearby. I didn't expect that reaction, and couldn't stop laughing. Later on the same trip, a man ran up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and said "FURRIES ROCK!" We high fived, I gave him a hug and a thumbs up (I dont talk in suit), and he ran off.

So, do any of you have interesting public furry stories?

submitted by theblueroanfilly
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Sexy Alpacas

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 18:28
Categories: News

Furries looking to 'shed' bad rap in Pittsburgh

Furries In The Media - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 16:07

Associated Press article, by Joe Mandak:

Furries looking to 'shed' bad rap in Pittsburgh

By JOE MANDAK, Associated Press

PITTSBURGH (AP) — The furries are gathering in Pittsburgh, and they're ready to shed.

No, not clumps of fur. They're looking to dispel what they contend are the mistaken perceptions that their fascination with all things anthropomorphic — animal characters who exhibit human characteristics — are dangerously weird or fetishistic.

More than 5,000 devotees are expected at the city's convention center through Sunday for Anthrocon. They refer to themselves as "furries," though only about 1 in 5 will be cavorting in "fursuits" — full-bodied costumes including otters, foxes, cats and dogs. There's even a guy who dresses as an extinct species of zebra.

They're celebrating animal characters from movies, TV shows, comic books, video games and, most especially, the characters they create themselves.

Gary Guy Mathews, an unemployed, self-described computer geek from suburban Green Tree, prefers to appear in public in a costume of shredded paper that looks much like the "The Shaggy DA," a Disney movie that unleashed his inner canine when he was about 11 years old. He prefers to be called Boomer since becoming enamored with "Here's Boomer," a short-lived NBC TV series about an adventurous, good-deed-doing mutt.

"It's a very personal thing to me, as my dog persona. It's just something I feel I should be, having had the name for so long. It just says who I am: Boomer. The. Dog," Mathews said.

Samuel Conway, Anthrocon's chairman, is a chemist for a major pharmaceutical firm. He dresses in a lab coat and goes by the alias Uncle Kage (pronounced KAH'-jay). That's short for Kagemushi, the samurai cockroach character he dreamed up years ago.

Though he speaks with the exaggerated inflection of some cartoon characters, Conway doesn't dress like a bug because the costumes are, "too hot; they're unwieldy."

"That's what people seem to think Anthrocon is all about, but it's about more than just costumes," Conway said.

The convention draws artists, puppeteers, costume makers, writers and just plain fans. This year's guests of honor are Mike Kazaleh, a comic book and TV cartoon animator known for his work with characters ranging from Bugs Bunny to Ren and Stimpy, and Dev Madan, a video game and comic books illustrator.

The convention features displays and vendors, an artists' show, cartoon and character-related presentations, dances and live performances.

So where can one see Kagemushi this weekend?

"I'm not an artist, I simply imagine him," Conway said. "He exists primarily in my mind. It's fun."

Media members were escorted and warned that some characters might be reluctant to speak because of past publicity portraying the group as "some kind of whacked out, crazy culture," Conway said.

Accordingly, advises furries that all public areas are rated "PG," except for "events or exhibits that are specifically noted to be inappropriate for minors." Minors must have a parent's notarized permission to attend "due to unfortunate situations in years past," the website says, without explanation.

Fetish wear is discouraged, though collars are acceptable as a fashion statement, "but leashes attached thereunto are not."

Asked about the adverse publicity, Conway said when Americans "encounter something that people do that they don't understand, they immediately draw the conclusion that it must be a sexual fetish."

"I find it highly annoying ... because some of our people have lost jobs over it," Conway said. "They'll go into work on Monday and the boss will say, 'I heard you were at one of those things over the weekend' and that's it."

CooperTom, dressed as a life-of-the-party housecat, confesses to be named Jim, a 29-year-old systems manager for a New York City advertising agency who restores classic cars.

"I was actually afraid of this kind of thing," he said of learning about furries online. After determining they were both friendly and normal, he joined their ranks in 2009.

"Just becoming something different kind of hooked me," he said.

It's a bigger deal to some members, like Matthews.

Only a reluctant Allegheny County judge kept Mathews from legally changing his name to "Boomer The Dog." The judge ruled such an unusual name could confuse a 911 operator into believing Mathews was making a crank call should he ever need emergency help.

Mathews said individual furries have supported him but some Anthrocon officials have not, especially since the convention moved to Pittsburgh in 2006 after outgrowing Albany, N.Y., and Mathews received widespread local publicity when the judge rejected his name change in 2010.

"The convention heads were a little put off, I think, because I'm kind of out there with it," Mathews said. "Furries and Anthrocon are going through these growing pains right now where, I think, they're a little bit shy of the press."
On the Net:

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Kinectimals for Android!

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 15:49
Categories: News

wearing tail to school

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 14:29

i am a 16 year old male fox. i live in a small town in canada and have only 1 furry friend. i recently purchased a tail and want to wear it to school and around our small town (1500 people). i just don't know what to say if someone asks why im wearing a tail. as a test i asked 30 people at my high school (900 people) what a furry was. the results. 22 said "people who dress as animals and have sex" 4 said "someone who likes animals (not sexually) and 4 said "no clue". what should i say

submitted by cobracol
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Categories: News

The Northern California Volleyball Association and Further Confusion

Furries In The Media - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 13:55
Here is an article in the Contra Costa Times, a daily newspaper based in Walnut Creek, California.

It describes the Northern California Volleyball Association, and their reluctance at sharing the San Jose McEnery Convention Center with HempCon 2012 (San Jose's "medical marijuana show").

Further Confusion gets a few mentions...

This weekend stirred up uncomfortable memories for Skov of the most recent Northern California Volleyball Association tournament at the convention center in January. The place was overrun with "furries" -- people who dress in animal costumes -- at FurCon. "First we had the fuzzy people, now we have HempCon," Skov said. "Come on, San Jose! What's happening?"
Horrigan said there will be added security outside the convention center this weekend to make sure everyone has exactly the experience they came for -- and nothing more. The same thing happened in January when the NCVA learned it would share the convention center with FurCon. "Some of the other parents told me they had checked into it and found things that made it out to be basically a porn fetish convention," said D'Aquino, who conceded his knowledge of furries is based on an episode of television's "CSI."

"As soon as we heard about that, we were big-time alarmed," Donaghy said.

Parents of volleyball players were warned not to stay in hotels where furries had booked rooms. Skov was one of the few parents who ignored that warning.

"Oh my God," she said, recalling several tense elevator rides during the tournament. "Who even ever heard of these people? I'm like, 'OK, if you're so unhappy you've got to be an animal, that's a little strange to me.' Not my world."
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Howdy Pittsburgh

Furries In The Media - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 11:45
Categories: News

r/furry, who was the first anthro character you came across, be it comic, video game, artwork, etc.

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 11:06

Mine was Crash Bandicoot when I was about 4

submitted by alex_sher101
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Categories: News

What did you say enuses?

Furries In The Media - Fri 15 Jun 2012 - 05:27

"Jeff Goode is the creator of American Dragon: Jake Long for the Disney Channel. Previous to that he was well-known as a playwright, responsible for such works as The Eight: Reindeer Monologues. He has also been a Guest of Honor at several furry fandom conventions. Combine all those facts and you might just have an explanation for his latest work for the stage, Fursona Non Grata. Here’s what the press release says: 'A young woman raised furry brings her mundane fiancé home for the holidays to meet her family for the first time. Fur-larity ensues. Screenwriter and playwright Jeff Goode, the creator of Disney’s American Dragon: Jake Long and the author of The Eight: Reindeer Monologues is developing a new stage play for SkyPilot Theatre Company in Los Angeles, inspired in part by his misadventures as a GoH at Califur, Rocket City Furmeet and Oklacon. The original comedy Fursona Non Grata will have its first public reading on: Sunday, June 17 @ 3:00 p.m. at the Sherry Theater, 11052 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA. Admission is Free! Featuring Katie Apicella, Jude Evans, Brett Fleisher, Kelly Goodman, Joanna Kalafatis, Christian Levatino, Bart Petty, Rosina Pinchot, and Julia Sanford. There will be a post-reading talk-back with the author. This will be a chance for actors, audience and the furry fandom to give the author direct feedback on this new work-in-progress which is set to premiere in 2013 as part of SkyPilot’s main stage season.' Fursona Non Grata also has its own Facebook page where you can learn more about the new production."

That's Jeff on the left. . .

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