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Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 20:37
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Renard @ Anthrocon 2012

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 20:27
Categories: News

hello world!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 18:14

(i apologize in advance if im not to do this for an intro and also i apologize for my bad grammar and such. anyway,) hello, my name is Scrapyard :) after a while of trying to decide, i finally made a reddit. so here i am. theres not a whole lot to say. im just a wolf who loves to make friends despite my silent and shy nature and slight short temper. i do a fair amount of artwork. from drawing to sculpting and so on. i also follow the dark carnival( WHOOP WHOOP!!). well here i am to say hello :)

submitted by Scrapyard
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Thank you r/Furry. You are amazing.

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 17:45

So, many months back, I came here looking for advice on what species to pick for my fursona (see here) as I had tried for years but was never really sucessful before and felt I needed help. I received many wonderful suggestions for species and tips for how to think about finding one (or how not to think about it depending on the post). I dappled with many of them, and came to a number of conclusions about myself in the process.

While test-driving a dragon, I realized that I could never be that overtly strong and powerful. It was nice feeling confident and self-assured, but after a while, I knew I could never connect with one since it was too far away from the normal me.

Seeing the lightheartedness, playfulness and versatility of the foxes, wolves and cats I had seen on r/furry and elsewhere, I tried each of them on for size. It was better, but they were all I couldn't place it really, but I knew they just weren't me.

After much reluctance, I tried a bat. I absolutely adored having wings and the concept of flight, but I couldn't shake the dark dreary feeling associated with the species. But, it still fit on so many levels and was by far the closest I had tried.

Then, like you all said it would, it hit. Like a ten-tonne bag of bricks I suddenly knew what my inner self was.

A mouse.

While initially disappointing, but the more I thought about it, the more it fit.

I'm quiet and I hate confrontation. I'm generally overlooked as I'm surrounded by people who are larger and more obviously talented than I. I work hard and sacrifice much for minimal results, but I'm good at noticing the details others don't. I don't shy away from challenges, but I'm terrified of approaching people. And, while it doesn't happen often, I'm known to be good in a pinch and able to make things work when no one else can.

Like I said: a ten tonne sack of bricks.

Given what I do for a living, the mouse inner me may cause some conflicts of interests later on, but for now, I can't think of a species which fits me more completely...

Anyways, I still don't know what she looks like or... anything about her really, but I finally recognized my inner furry in all her unassuming glory.

And for that, I owe you all a great deal of thanks. I owe it all to you for giving your suggestions, your tips and all the support I've found from you.

You are an amazing group of people, and I'm glad I can finally walk among as one of you and not just an outsider looking in. So, from the bottom of my heart r/furrry: Thank you.

TL;DR: A bunch of furries from r/furry helped me figure out that my inner me is a mouse after years of not being able to figure it out. You are amazing. All of you. Thank you!

submitted by Stellalune
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Dragonboy @ Anthrocon 2012

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 17:27
Dragonboy @ Anthrocon 2012 submitted by Rad2
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This is "furry" music, right?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 16:31
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 43 - IRC Banning

TigerTails Radio - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 16:00
A packed studio this week, with Felis, DeeJay, Salamander3, and Floating Lime joining TK, Eeve3, and Xavier for this week's fun and frolics. Technical difficulties with the broadcasting software delayed the start of the show, and then the chatting in IRC was nerfed by Anthrochat banning the studio's IP as we had apparently triggered some attack protection. For Done and Dusted TK waffles about Eddie Izzard and his show Dressed To Kill, Xavier reviews the second book of the Hunger Games - Catching Fire by Susan Colins. Salamander3 gives us his throughts on Bioshock 1 and 2, while Felis gives us a live review of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3, Salamander3, DeeJay, Floating Lime and Felis. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 43 - IRC Banning
Categories: Podcasts

Firr @ Anthrocon 2012

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 15:42
Categories: News

First Post. Bakedfurs represent!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 15:23
Categories: News

So, I was watching the Taboo episode about Furries...

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 15:20

... and they threw out an interesting statistic. They said about 25% of Furries believe they are part animal / have animal characteristics / should have been born an animal. I was curious, out of the /r/furry population, if that statistic would ring true. So, official question:

How many of you believe that you are either part animal / have animal characteristics / should have been born an animal?

No judgement here, I'm a new part of the fandom. It won't sway my opinion of you one way or the other. Just in the name of SCIENCE!

submitted by candid_canid
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Brace yourselves... AC is over.

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 15:01
Categories: News

Get Excited For: ‘Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time’

Weasel Wordsmith - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 14:53

Despite the fact that Sony and developer Sanzaru Games won’t commit to a release date, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is still shaping up to be one of the more fun games of 2012. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell most of you to look forward to a game about a suave raccoon thief, but in case some of you haven’t been paying attention, here’s a refresher course on why Sly 4 is looking sweet.

You get to meet and play Sly’s family, including a medieval knight, Arabian thief, cowboy, and this awesome ninja, Rioichi. He owns a sushi restaurant because yay stereotypes!

Oh hey, sometimes Sly dresses up like Robin Hood, in case you felt like animals being Robin Hood was an underexplored theme.

Did I mention Carmelita the Fox is finally playable?

And let’s not forget that you’re trying to stop a super powerful, cigar-chomping evil tiger named El Jefe, voiced by Nolan North (Nathan Drake from Uncharted).

All of this takes place in multiple huge free-roaming environments in different locales and time periods like Medieval Europe, Feudal Japan, Arabia, Paris, and the Old West. Add on to that it’s the first Sly game to get a portable version on the cool, but underselling PlayStation Vita. Now all we need is a freaking release date.

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outcome of wearing tail to school

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 14:16

so i ended up wearing my tail to school and reactions included 4 what the fuck 3 oh my god 1 can i touch your tail 1 thats adorable 7 you know youre wearing a tail 3 why are you wearing a tail and probably 1000 comments i didnt hear in my opinion a success

submitted by cobracol
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Categories: News

Eating Your Spirit Animal

[adjective][species] - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 13:00

Food, like sex, sometimes has a complex political subtext.

The politics of food made from animals can be especially complex. There are ethical, environmental, moral, and health arguments for and against the consumption of meat.

There are also gender issues associated with meat consumption: why is meat, particularly red meat, associated with masculinity? For example, check out these adverts from Australia, the UK, and the US: all satirical, and all accept the premise that masculinity is inexorably connected with meat consumption. Some feminists believe this connection reinforces objectification of women, arguing that it casts women as the passive supplier of flesh, and men as the active devourer.

Regardless of your own point of view, this seemingly simple basic need for the sustenance of life – the need to eat – has become a complex political subject.

And it’s complicated further if you’re a furry. If you identify as an animal person, it’s impossible to ignore that we live in a world where animals are commodities.

Furries tend to celebrate their animal identity in varied and creative ways. Most furries create an alternate personality – an anthropomorphic animal avatar – and accept this identity as a version of themselves. We furries ‘become’ this identity, because we act like we genuinely are our avatar. This belief in our alternate self makes our furry identity real.

Our day-to-day actions are often interpreted through the lens of our furry identity. This extends to the food we eat. So a furry who identifies as a carnivore might enjoy eating meat. Or perhaps a meat-lover might choose to identify as a carnivorous species.

The arguments for and against meat consumption can be summed up succinctly: meat eating is bad because it causes suffering; meat eating is good because it’s tasty and a societal norm.

These points of view (both of which are valid and true) can be given a furry twist. A carnivore furry might be drawn towards eating the natural prey of his species, such as a cheetah with a taste for venison. Or a vegetarian might make a connection with their herbivorous avatar. And if your furry species is available for human consumption… it gets complicated.

The four most common furry species available for human consumption are listed below. This data, as ever, comes from the Furry Survey.

  • dog, 8.4% of furries
  • rabbit, 2.7% of furries
  • horse, 1.4% of furries
  • kangaroo, 1.0% of furries

All other species commonly consumed by humans are chosen by less than 1% of furries. The full league table can be found on an old Livejournal post of mine, here.

Some of these furries go out of their way to eat their spirit animal. I can personally think of two examples: a friend of mine once species-hopped to kangaroo largely because of his affinity for roo meat; and a deer friend who was thrilled to find venison ham for sale.

But for other furries, eating their spirit animal is taboo. In many cases, the reason for their revulsion is closely tied to their choice of species in the first place. For people who work or live with animals, and feel a strong affinity for them based on that social experience, the idea of eating those animals can be akin to cannibalism.

It’s also common for the taboo meat to be one that is not normally culturally considered to be food. It’s especially likely where the species in question is normally thought of as a pet or companion animal. In western-centric furry circles, this often applies to dog meat and horse meat.

Horse is a common meat in France and Japan, among other places around the world. Dog is a common meat in parts of Asia and Africa.

The ethics of raising dogs or horses for meat is no different from other animals. Whenever an animal is raised as a commercial enterprise, there will sometimes be a conflict between the best interests of the animal and the greatest profit. Sometimes the best interests of the animal will come second. This is true even where the animals are not being raised for meat: it’s true whenever there is a profit motive, including work animals (such sheepdogs) and animals raised for sport (such racehorses).

This ethical argument does not apply when there is no commercial interest, such as raising a pet.

There is suffering involved in the raising and slaughtering of any animal. There is no reasonable argument that raising horses or dogs for meat is ‘bad’, but raising, say, cows or pigs is ‘okay’. Horses and dogs are domesticable and intelligent, but so are pigs: pigs can be domesticated as pets or as work animals (truffle farming for example).

The commonly-held taboo on whale meat is similarly flawed. Whale is eaten in Japan, Norway, Iceland, and elsewhere. The arguments against whale hunting and consumption are hypocritical unless you are applying the same arguments to mainstream meats.

The arguments against whale meat can be roughly condensed into:

  • Whales are intelligent creatures who suffer during the hunt. (It’s likely that more suffering is caused by pig farming, as they are very intelligent and often subject to poor conditions during life.)
  • Whales are endangered due to overfishing. (Much like many fish species around the globe.)

I’ve always thought that arguments against consuming whale, much like arguments against consuming dog (or horse), often smack of racism. Firstly, I don’t think people would hold such opinions if they lived in a culture where whale or dog meat is the norm. Secondly, the argument is often framed such that the target (eg Japanese for whale; Koreans for dog) is presented as a barbaric ‘other’, a subtle dehumanizing practice common to much racist hatespeak.

That said, there is no problem with having an aversion to the idea of eating a particular type of animal. The emotional response associated with eating your spirit animal can be particularly strong. For many people, this is an important part of being a furry.

There is no requirement for any personal choice to be irrefutably logical, be it religion or politics or attitude towards food. It’s natural to think of one’s self as rational, but this is wrong: we are animals and therefore driven by basic survival instincts. There is only one requirement for a personal choice: don’t try to enforce your choice on other people.

So I'm thinking I'd like to have a commission done..

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 11:59

..but I don't know where to look. Can someone point me in the right direction?

submitted by Dominoko
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Rain (Not-so-quick little drawing I did)

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 11:08
Categories: News

Electronic Relationship Is Moving Too Fast

Ask Papabear - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 01:10

So I've been seeing this guy since January and we met in October, we are an online mateship that is in the progress of moving in together, I did go and see him in March and we more than hit it off; I can honestly say that I am and fell hopelessly in love with him; I would do so much for him!

Anyway so were in the planning stages of this move and he doesn't seem to want to talk about it a lot, We had a fight over it; in which we became closer after it. Then we moved the date closer from December to this summer or ASAP. I just don't seem to know where his head is at, At first I thought I was pressing it on him and making things move to fast and then he wanted to move the date up. 

I'm very concerned because I really don't want to lose him. What should I do?


* * *

Dear Dominicus,

From what Papabear understands in your letter, you have met “this guy” once in October and again in March, and all your other conversations have been online or perhaps by phone/texting. You’ve also only known this person for about seven months, yet you are planning to move in together.

Bad plan. It is waaaaaay too soon for a major move like that. Papabear thinks, too, that your potential mate is acting rather erratically because he, too, senses things are moving too fast and he is unsure about living with you, yet he changed his mind and moved the date up because he is afraid of losing YOU just as you are afraid of losing HIM.

Do yourselves both a favor and slow things down. What you need to do is spend more actual time together—you know, as in face-to-face NOT on the Internet and NOT on the phone.

In this Internet Age, Papabear is seeing more and more cases like yours. Forgive an old bear for looking old-fashioned, but you can’t have a genuine relationship in a virtual world. Oh, sure, SecondLife is cool and all, but it is still not reality. There is a world of difference between talking to someone who is miles away and actually sharing a living space with him or her. HUGE difference. 

So, Domincus, again, slow it down, and while you’re doing that, spend much much more time with your boyfriend in a world where you can touch each other, kiss each other, share a meal together as you gaze into each other’s eyes and all that romantic stuff. Remember the ancient proverb “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” You can’t get that in a digitized universe.

Good Luck and Bear Hugs,
