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11 - Ritts is Crackers - Guest: Ritts

PORTZcast - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 14:00
We berate Ritts with questions from the internets and he shakes a cat. Stay tuned for: conventions, webcomics, the word "popufur" and much ado about ladies! Follow us @ FA and Twitter @portzcast 11 - Ritts is Crackers - Guest: Ritts
Categories: Podcasts

11 - Ritts is Crackers - Guest: Ritts

PORTZcast - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 14:00
We berate Ritts with questions from the internets and he shakes a cat. Stay tuned for: conventions, webcomics, the word "popufur" and much ado about ladies! Follow us @ FA and Twitter @portzcast 11 - Ritts is Crackers - Guest: Ritts
Categories: Podcasts

He's Tired of People Pushing Their Religion on Him

Ask Papabear - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 12:56
Hello there Papabear! 

First off I would like to say that it is awesome there is an advice column for furs by a fur. I've considered Dear Abby in the past, but I'm not sure a non-fur would be able to figure out how to help me. 

A bit about myself, I'm a 27 and was recently (and officially) diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and ADD/ADHD. My therapist was surprised that I survived as long as I did without medication or seeking prior help. Mostly I had to motivate myself through depression and hard times, especially a royally nasty divorce. I graduated high school with honors and the prestigious American Legion Award for organizing a fundraiser for American Cancer Society in high school. 

It was quite successful, their goal of $100,000 went far beyond, netting between $300,000 to $500,000 dollars for cancer research. Currently I am a college student who was inducted to Phi Theta Kappa while attending for an art major. I switched from electronics as math beyond algebra becomes perplexing to me with it's contradictory logic (a+b=c, but not if a is equal to c D:>). I am currently the proud uncle of healthy baby boy, it's been a challenge to deal with as it can be stressful when he starts crying. 

I really don't have a question, but rather a quandary. I during the time of the divorce, my mom ran into trouble with church. Mostly she was blamed for my dad’s infidelity, though I knew the truth having spent countless nights praying he would come home safe with my mom. Faith has always seen me through rough times, so when my mom was excommunicated I decided to drop the doctrine (lose the middleman) and seek God on my own level. 

I understand that there is a higher force at work, one that goes beyond my own understanding of the world. I've seen the many wonders from the anatomy I studied to improve my art to the very stars I would see in my telescope. It's a humbling sight to see the rings around Saturn or the moons circling Jupiter!

But here in the South, if you ain't in "X" church you're burning in Hell. Work isn't really a place for religion or so I'm told, but one time I had a boss rip into me because I wasn't in church every Sunday. Mostly likely that was part of the reason I was let go, the other might be because of how slow I process things (I'm getting better lol). 

But I was shocked that a boss would say something like that to his employee. I should have known when the mechanic quickly rolled his eyes when the sermon began. Again, I'm not good at picking up most social cues like I am now. He pretty much condemned to hell and berated me in front of the other workers. 

Even in college we had folks from local churches recruiting for their youth groups. I wasn't particular interested, truth be told I got a bit frightened that they wanted my personal info. My friend was a Baptist and got a bit offended that I wasn't going to be part of his group. 

Later at my new job, I apparently was indoctrinated into being a Christian (was raised Catholic) by reading a prayer provided by a fellow coworker. I merely did it so she wouldn't get offended, but I kind of regret having to people please just to keep a touchy subject at bay. 

Well Papabear, I grow weary of people's antics about religion and what's the one true path they believe I should follow. In my own belief, I believe there is no greater Hell than the one we create for ourselves, so I would love to drop this ball and chain once and for all. 

I don't like being guilted into doing anything I don't feel comfortable with, and I'm tired of being the bad guy. What would be a proper way of handling this? 

Any suggestions? 

Very Sincerely, 


P.S. Thanks for taking the time do make this column happen. :D I believe it's a positive thing you do. 

* * *

Dear R-Complex:

Thanks for your kind words about my column. I try my best to answer everyone’s questions objectively and helpfully.

Your questions and experiences are similar to mine over the years and you, like me, have come to question why people professing to be Christians—a religion about love and forgiveness—act with so much unkindness toward other human beings, whether or not they are also Christians. Sounds like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, religion-wise. You came from a Catholic home and you are living in the South, where there are a lot of rather extreme Christians, such as the Southern Baptists (I’m familiar with both denominations). My husbear comes from a Catholic background and explained to me that, while it doesn’t happen as much these days, the Church can excommunicate you for a divorce, though they might not if you have a lot of money that you give to them on a regular basis. Sounds like that’s what happened to your mom. Now the Catholics are not such sticklers on attendance as the Baptists, who really get pissed off at you if you don’t attend services every Sunday (as you noted, they tend to threaten you with an eternity of burning in Hell. I loved the episode of The Big Bang Theory where Amy makes a comment on this

If you could prove your boss fired you because you didn’t attend church, you would definitely have a legal case against him; but if he comes back and says it was because you were slow, then that would be the end of that.

You sound like an intelligent person who can think for himself. You’ve overcome the disability of ADHD to excel in school and, not only that, work to benefit your fellow man. A lot of religious people can’t understand that. They cannot comprehend that people are able to live and achieve without the Church, and that, quite frankly, makes many of them furious. Some might even say that you must be in cahoots with the Devil to be able to do things without giving the Church it’s cut ... er, 10% tithe.

Now, before I get a lot of hate mail, let me say, as I have done before, that churches have done a lot of good and charitable work, and there are a lot of good religious people out there whose hearts are full of sincere love. My belief, really, is that such people would have been good anyway, but they were brought up in a religious atmosphere and became good people under the Church that way. A lot of my readers may disagree with me, and I completely respect that. These are just my opinions and that does not in any way make them the Gospel truth. These are my conclusions after spending 47 years on this planet.

You, R-Complex, seem to be heading down the same path. You recognize that you don’t need a church and a religious organization to have a personal relationship with God (much as the Gnostics taught before the Catholics wiped them out). So, your question is how do you deal with these people always foisting their beliefs on you and telling you that you are a bad person if you don’t believe as they do. Good question.

Well, one way would be to move someplace with more liberal views, such as New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. Places where they don’t judge you based on your marital status or how often you attend church. But, if you can’t get away from the self-righteous, you have to set up a confident front. There is little chance of your educating or enlightening people with deeply-entrenched religious values, so don’t even bother.

You deal with their opinions and pressure by being confident in your own spiritual values. This way, you won’t be guilted into doing things, like you did when you were cajoled into reading that prayer. People often do things in life not because they want to but because they wish to be accepted into their social groups. Once you realize that you can never reconcile your personal beliefs with theirs, no matter how you might try, you can be your own person. I have come to a point in my life, for instance, where if somebody looks me in the eye and tells me I’m going to Hell for not being a Christian, it doesn’t fluster me in the least. Don’t apologize for your beliefs. Ironically, when they do this to you, do what Jesus did and turn the other cheek. When someone says you’re a godless heathen, tell them, “Well, this godless heathen loves you anyway and wishes you a happy and healthy life.” It’s interesting to see them try and figure out a comeback for that one.

Each time you are faced with hate and fear, confront it with love and acceptance. Accept that these people have certain views that you don’t hold true, and know that this in no way should affect what you believe.

You’ve worked hard to be where you are today. Your spiritual views have also been hard-won. You have earned them and no one has the right to take them away from you.

If there was a question somewhere in your letter, I hope there is an answer somewhere in mine.

May Grandfather Bear watch over you,


Review: ‘The Right to Arm Bears’, by Gordon R. Dickson

Furry News Network - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 10:25
Author: Fred This “novel” collects Dickson’s three light space-opera adventures about humans, the bearlike Dilbians, and the jovial-but-sinister Hemnoids: Spacial Delivery, first published as a novel by Ace Books, November 1961, 123 pgs.; Spacepaw, first published as a novel by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, February 1969, 222 pgs.; and “The Law-Twister Shorty”, a novelette in [...]
Categories: News

No horse meat here!

Furry Reddit - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 08:50
Categories: News

Episode 47 - What is responsible Christian entertainment? We here at WagzTail have tackled this question before, but it's been a while and it's important enough for us to talk about again. We would also like to know what is appropriate for Christians in t

WagzTail - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 06:00

What is responsible Christian entertainment? We here at WagzTail have tackled this question before, but it’s been a while and it’s important enough for us to talk about again. We would also like to know what is appropriate for Christians in the fandom.

Metadata and Credits

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 47
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Crimson X, Faolan, Levi, Wolfin
Editor: Wolfin
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Michel Mayerle, used with permission.

Episode 47 - What is responsible Christian entertainment? We here at WagzTail have tackled this question before, but it's been a while and it's important enough for us to talk about again. We would also like to know what is appropriate for Christians in the fandom.
Categories: Podcasts

Well dressed animals (X-SUATMM)

Furry Reddit - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 05:43
Categories: News

Need computer help? For freeeeee?

Furry Reddit - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 00:53

Haha, never thought I'd be one of those people doing a 'lol hai i iz new' post, but there you go! So I was told about an amazing furry community here, and I finally decided to see what the fuss was about... And wow, what an amazing place!

So I'm a computer technician, and also a furry, and I thought that people might appreciate a bit of free quality computer support- nothing to advertise or any hidden catches, just trying to help my fellow furs out! :P And hopefully make some new friends in the process. So give me a hoy!

Oh yeah, I just read the reddiquette, and I'm not concerned for upvotes or the likes.

submitted by TrippySquidsman
[link] [31 comments]
Categories: News

January 2013 Newsbytes archive

Furry News Network - Sun 3 Feb 2013 - 00:24
Author: crossaffliction Last month’s contributors include crossaffliction, Equivamp, dronon, Fred, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, Kakurady, M’aiq the Liar, mwalimu, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox and Sonious. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

DJ Bloodangel

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 23:24
Categories: News

Anthro dog and fox feature in ‘The ABCs of Death’

Furry News Network - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 22:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon
Categories: News

Where can I find a 'Free' Raccoon Ref Sheet?

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 19:38

So I've missed out on some free art more than a few times this month because I'm missing the all important reference sheet. x-x;;.

Is there a free 'Color me' blank reference sheet for a anthro raccoon you can link me too? I've seen a few for dog species and what not, but no coons.


submitted by RockyCoon
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

FC-113 Taste The Rainbow

FurCast - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 18:59

It’s funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some great wide-range topics such as Zoophilia, Therianthropy and more!

Download MP3



Tailly continues to wag on Indiegogo Posted by Huskyteer

‘Wastelander Panda’: last-minute call for voice actors Posted by Higgs Raccoon

The Science of Zoophilia


  • Demyx – “Gender AND MORE please read on or off show A.S.A.P.”
  • Flaccid vajayjay – “For the guest”
  • GhostWritter74 – “Questions about animal spirit and reasons for coming out furry”
  • Smiley – “Latest podcast”
  • Allanah – “Question for Furcast”
  • Khador Green – “Questions for all”
Categories: Podcasts

FC-113 Taste The Rainbow - It's funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some gre

FurCast - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 18:59

It’s funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some great wide-range topics such as Zoophilia, Therianthropy and more!

Download MP3



Tailly continues to wag on Indiegogo Posted by Huskyteer

‘Wastelander Panda’: last-minute call for voice actors Posted by Higgs Raccoon

The Science of Zoophilia


  • Demyx – “Gender AND MORE please read on or off show A.S.A.P.”
  • Flaccid vajayjay – “For the guest”
  • GhostWritter74 – “Questions about animal spirit and reasons for coming out furry”
  • Smiley – “Latest podcast”
  • Allanah – “Question for Furcast”
  • Khador Green – “Questions for all”
FC-113 Taste The Rainbow - It's funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some great wide-range topics suc...
Categories: Podcasts

FC-113 Taste The Rainbow - It's funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some gre

FurCast - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 18:59

It’s funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some great wide-range topics such as Zoophilia, Therianthropy and more!

Download MP3



Tailly continues to wag on Indiegogo Posted by Huskyteer

‘Wastelander Panda’: last-minute call for voice actors Posted by Higgs Raccoon

The Science of Zoophilia


  • Demyx – “Gender AND MORE please read on or off show A.S.A.P.”
  • Flaccid vajayjay – “For the guest”
  • GhostWritter74 – “Questions about animal spirit and reasons for coming out furry”
  • Smiley – “Latest podcast”
  • Allanah – “Question for Furcast”
  • Khador Green – “Questions for all”
FC-113 Taste The Rainbow - It's funny, as I go through and tag, upload, write and post these episodes in bunches, how much every intro is totally messed up because of Fayroe. Anyway, we had a great guest from Colorado this week who contributed to some great wide-range topics suc...
Categories: Podcasts

Does anyone here play Starcraft 2? (Europe region)

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 18:10

Heya there. I'm looking for someone from Europe to play SC2 for fun with, ladders or not. I've just gotten it as a gift from a friend and would like to play it without any raging at me while I'm slowly learning its quirks. Posted on /r/furrygamers but didn't get much response. My nick on European is Anijatsu, char number 203 Edit1: Found out that it's already possible to switch regions in WoL, you have to go back in logging in. Eitherway, my nick on US is Anijatsu as well, char number 717

submitted by anijatsu
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

Free Art Sketches

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 18:02

Just quick little sketches. Even colored with airbrush. Here's some examples: Hiss, Meep and Mr Cool Guy

Just comment with your ref sheeet. Feel free to upload it on your FA or where ever you feel, with credit please.... -Lexi <3

EDIT: I'm only going to be doing 10 of these >3>

submitted by Sasukesis247
[link] [28 comments]
Categories: News