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Free Comic Book Day furry comic Previews

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Jan 2013 - 12:24
Author: crossaffliction Free Comic Book Day 2013 is May 4; stop by your local comic book store and pick a few up. (And maybe buy a few other things while you’re there. That’s the general idea, anyway.) read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may [...]
Categories: News

To be Honest…

DailyFurBlog - Wed 30 Jan 2013 - 10:24
Fur Affinity wanted to give some clarification on what seems to be older rules. Seems this is causing some uproar (no pun intended) in the community for the general guidelines of uploading art to sell. From what I can see (and I’m not a seller), it seems you can upload items and be limited to how you post them.  Those who sell one item eg. fursuits or digital art must set ONE price for those items and can not vary the costs. *CLICK MORE TO READ MY TAKE* This blog writer sees it just like this: THIS IS NOT AN ART SITE FOR SELLING!! FA was made to post for journals and furries spouting off about things. The site is NOT designed to sell art and fursuits, therefore it is not able to handle rules of that nature. I mean if you wanted to have site that does that, then you’d make one just like I tried in the past. It’s a pretty simple logic… Customer pays > Artist asks how you want it > Artist draws > Customer gets art in a timely fashion. Now while this process it a complete disaster, because there is no way to handle such transactions perfectly. What gives FA the right to start man handling these rules? *deep breath* Okay,  I DO NOT dislike FA I think it’s VERY popular and many use the site frequently, but if you are to lay down rules you shouldn’t lay them onto a site that can not handle it. That’s my take on how this thing rolls out and I hope others see the same. Let FA have their way though, because we praise them for the popularity of everyone going there to see what is going on in the fandom. ORIGINAL LINK
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Snowball Fight!

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 23:15
Categories: News

Kyell Gold withdraws from Ursa Majors to give others a go

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 20:24
Author: GreenReaper Twelve-times Ursa Major Award winner Kyell Gold has announced his withdrawal from the Best Novel and Best Short Story categories this year, and for “a few more going forwards”, to ensure that other authors win: There is precedent in other awards for frequent winners stepping back. One of the people on the Ursa [...]
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Human by day... Animal by night...

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 19:27
Categories: News

Doodles my Fursona

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 19:06
Categories: News

I'm a new furry... Just want to tell you guys how much I am grateful for this great community!

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 17:03

I'm kind of a new furry. Been in the fanbase for two years, but didn't really start to interact with it before last year, and I've got to say, it gave me hope...

I was sad and depressed, giving up on people, but then, an old friend said I should start to use FurAffinity... I think everyone here knows what's that website XD Anyways, I was amazed... I was never before in front of such a happy, welcoming and caring community before! Soon, I felt like I was home and I want to know more furries, and definitely make friends with some... Last year was quite busy for me, so while I was amazed and welcomed by the community, I didn't have time to interact much... And I hope this year will be a better one :)

I can be sure of one thing: the furry community saved my life :) I love you guys! <3

submitted by ADatt
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Giving Star Fox a new look

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 16:41
Categories: News

What is your favorite furry story?

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 14:01

Story Pic - A bad shot of me, but its my favorite furry story.

This is my first time posting here so ill introduce my self. Hi i'm v3r50n, I am a straight furry that loves wearing furry stuff. Most people are socked when I do it or make fun of the idea, but I am a man who simply does not give a fuck. Anyways my favorite story...

I was at a WOTS event (kinda like larping but remove the role playing and add more fighting as hard as you can. Like hard enough to break bones) and it was a camp out. The people I was staying with at the camp out had a little girl who came over to me and asked if she could wear my hat. I then proceeded to tell her that it was not a hat it was actually my head and that I was a real wolf. After that she believed me and demanded to ride the wolf (as you can see in the picture above). It was kind of fun to play around with her as a wolf even though I was not a big fan of kids. She actually cried at one point when I had to go leave the camp to fight a huge battle (made me feel really guilty). However at the end of the day I was tired after fighting all day and wanted to take a quick nap in a chair. I woke up to my hat being ripped off (she was trying to tug at my ear to wake me up) and was like "Hey!! your not a wolf!"

But I would love to hear your guys favorite stories! add your story and post a link to a picture if you have one!

submitted by v3r50n
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Categories: News

Wife Dealing with Deadbeat Husband

Ask Papabear - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 14:00
Dear Papa bear,

I got married a little over a year ago to a wonderful, amazing and supportive husband. He is all I ever asked for, and more. When we first got together we were both employed at Wendy's, and I was living out of my van. We decided to pack up and move to my mom's house, three hundred miles north. There we both suffered six months of unemployment, until he finally signed up for MBUSI, a training/internship program at Mercedes Benz/Shelton State Uni. I also found a job. We were pretty well off for about a year. The program is only two years long and when you finish you get a maintenance position at $14.50 an hour, and we planned on it for our future.

Unfortunately, a little over a year into the program, our cars began falling apart, and my drug addict mother stole money from us. This ended in us abruptly moving back down south to live with HIS parents. It's pretty nice here, his grandparents fixed up our car, and I've been working as a full time artist from home. Here is where the problem starts.

My husband is not pulling his weight. At. All. I work from six to eight hours a day, destroying my wrists, back and eyes trying to pay our bills. All I ask of him is that he put in applications, and keep the house clean. Easy, right? Well, it's been two months and he has only put in four job applications, and does not clean unless physically forced to do so. He whines and complains about doing the dishes, cleaning the toilet, doing laundry, etc. And when he DOES put in an application or clean our room, he acts like it's the best thing he's ever done, and wants praise and all that. 

So he sits around all day, playing video games and hanging out with his friend, when he could be out looking for a job. Or cleaning this filthy house.

And he has the nerve to call ME lazy.

I've tried begging, pleading, screaming, reasoning, crying, sweetly asking, threatening, talking, and everything else. He will agree with me, we will cry and make up, and then he will put in one application, do a dish or two, and then go right back to his old habits. 
Frankly, I'm exhausted, I'm tired, I'm fed up, I can't take it anymore. I have a bulging disc in my spine, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, hypersomnia, and hypothyroidism, I hurt all the time, I am worn to the bone. He's a frikken college grad, excellent physical condition, no disorders, with a year of machining tech under his belt, six years of work experience, and he won't. do. anything.

It has come to the point where I am considering leaving him. I don't want to. I love him. He is the light of my life. But I think it is the only way to make him see how much he is hurting me, and what life would be like without my income and support.

And yes, we communicate very well, and I have told him everything I've told you. And it has had no effect. 

I am so lost and confused.


* * *

Hi, Waits,

The male psyche can be a mystery to the female and vice versa. This is a case in point. As a male, I think I might be able to shed a little light on this, or at least try.

In the beginning of your relationship, you were equals, both working at Wendy’s. Then, your husband finished his training and got a good job, making him the top dollar earner. Men like this. They like to feel like the bread winner and that they are taking care of their spouses and leading the way to a stable and happy home.

Then everything reversed. The car situation happened and his mother screwed you over. Suddenly, you both are depending on your family and you are the top bread winner while he has been relegated to “womanly” duties of cleaning the house. Now, I know that sounds chauvinistic—and it is—but it is still how the psyche of the male often works. An example from my own life: when I was married my wife took charge of the bills and the checking account. We were married 15 years before she “permitted” me to have a credit card in my name, even though I was a very responsible person and, for most of the marriage, earned as much or more than she did. How did it make me feel? Well, emasculated, really. Like a second-class citizen in the marriage. I agreed to it because it made her happy, I felt, but the spouse that controls the checkbook controls the marriage. True, really. It’s still rather amusing to me that after the divorce she seemed stunned that I had no problem balancing a checkbook.

My suspicion is that your husband is feeling like “less of a man” because you are in charge, really, making money while he is told to clean up the house. He feels powerless, and when one feels powerless it is really really difficult to get motivated—hence, his struggle to apply for work. The fact that you are in pain from your various ills only exacerbates his guilt and makes him feel more like a loser. It is very easy when this happens to retreat into videogames or, worse, things like booze and drugs. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to have happened, yet.

So, what can you do? Yelling doesn’t work. Cajoling. Begging. Asking sweetly. None of that works, as you know. Why? Because however you approach it, you are taking the in-charge role and making him feel like he’s no longer an equal. You’re in charge; he’s to do as asked.

What he needs is an ego boost to feel like he is a man again. Now, I’m not sure what all is involved in your art business, but have you tried this? Ask him to be a partner in your business. Perhaps he can help with your website, taking orders, marketing, finding new clients. Although you are the artist, he can be an equal partner by being your business manager. Let him handle the money side and give you reports on how you are doing. As someone who is his own businessman, I can tell you that being an editor involves more than just editing; I have to handle all aspects of my business, and it would be a great thing for me if all I had to worry about was the editing process and have someone else handle my bills, finding clients, doing my website and so on. Don’t just ask him to do menial stuff like housework; ask him to be a partner in your business. He needs to share a little power in the relationship; to feel he has some respect from you, and believe me, respect is very important for the male ego.

Once he feels like a partner again and not second fiddle in the marriage, his self-respect will improve and this will improve his mood and make him feel he can take charge of his life again, including looking for jobs for which he is qualified.

I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes, and good luck with your business!


PLease read...Im in dire need of money So im doing emergency commissions ..

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 13:19

Soo today i just figured out i only got paid 55 $ this week and this week is also the week for us to buy groceries .. i only have 200 left in my account which also goes to gas as well i will probably be out of money by the begining of next week and im soo scared Im in the process of making a new price sheet right now Im gonna have to up my prices because i think its gonna start turning into my main source of income since my job is not giving me any hours.. So again im taking commissions only doodles until i get the price sheet up They are 10$ Here is some examples Im very desperate right now so any money is good All i ask is that if you cant buy please PLEASE spread it every where Also if you spread it enter my raffle and you could win I just need support now guys so just please help me out

submitted by Geek143
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Categories: News

Any good Furry merchandise websites?

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 13:12

Hey fuzzies, i'm looking to get a few shirts and maybe a few furry stickers that I could place on my macbook to give it an awesome flare.

I just have no idea to look at all. I don't know where I could find any stickers. The only furry site I know of is kittylovesmonster and they only have one sticker available.

I'm looking for just like, a generic paw sticker or something along those lines. Thanks for the help!

submitted by katakos
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Categories: News

HELP! Still learning to draw! Need someone to draw my sona for me:)

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 12:46

As the title says, I need someone to draw my fursona. The problem is I am completely broke... Can someone help a fur out by getting a little practice in, and drawing me a portrait for my new FA page?

submitted by Mou5beat515
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Categories: News

Itinerant trout raises awareness of Colorado’s water resources

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 12:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon We’ve had a Treeless Squirrel; now we have a Waterless Trout. Environmental groups in Colorado, USA, are trying to stop the diversion of large amounts of water out of the Fraser River, one of the tributaries of the Colorado River. 60% of the river’s flow is already diverted to supply the Front [...]
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