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FVS: ep 4: Drunk Me am Not

DailyFurBlog - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 12:26
Ep 4 of Furry Video Showdown has hit the YouTube shelf… Check it out above!
Categories: News

Further Confusion 2013 - Take a Walk

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 07:32
Categories: News

Rice by *ss2sonic

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 01:44
Categories: News

Runescape Furs?

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 01:23

Uhm... I play Runescape, and I know a lot of furries used to play it. Well Jagex is considering adding a server that is based on 2006. It would be fun to play for nostalgic purposes. I would like to play with someone who shares similar interest as me.

Sorry for not posting the forum thread made by Mod Mark:,15,503,64217453

Here's also a link to this petition you can sign:

submitted by MagicCan
[link] [27 comments]
Categories: News

just looking for some friends

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 00:29

welp, i really dont have that many furry friends online and i wanna expand! ive been wanting to find some other people with the same interests as me, so if you wanna talk send me a request on skype, whodaddy13

submitted by kennyspace2
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

Looking for commisions of my fursona, will pay

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 20:51

Ok, so I finally have a basic drawing of my fursona, but I would love to have somebody with a better drawing ability draw it out so I can hopefully get started working on my fursuit. Here is the drawing: I am a lynxcoon (lynx raccoon mix). I am willing to pay if needed, but I currently only have the money to pay a max of 2 people $20 each or 1 person up to $40. If you are interested or need details, please feel free to ask or contact me.

submitted by Littlemoroi
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

(un)Lucky7 Interview with Blaze Sanecki

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 20:09
Categories: News

Guys this animation is amazing!

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 18:29
Categories: News

Mootdam by *Kawiko

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 16:20
Categories: News

Episode 6 - Unpronounceable - Enjoy hearing Potoroo struggle with the names of artists? Then this is your episode! From prett...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 15:56
Enjoy hearing Potoroo struggle with the names of artists? Then this is your episode! From pretty acoustic to slammin metal to ear-wobbling dubstep and everything in between, Fuzzy Notes features the music made by furries (and...this week...bronies!) in all its multi-genre glory! This week we hear from Tirith, Diego Dalmation, Hail The Red, Korein, Ferahgo Delonge, DezNatasMoody, Slendermane, and a special new track from Fuzzy Notes alumni The Dead Pixel! THE MUSIC: Tirith - here tonight Track: FurAffinity: Diego Dalmation - Trains (originally by Porcupine Tree) Hail The Red - Barely There Track: FurAffinity: Korein - Breathless Track: FurAffinity: Soundcloud: Ferahgo Delonge - Terrene Thaumaturge Track: FurAffinity: DezNatasMoody - The Dragon's Temple Track: FurAffinity: Slendermane - Smiles (remix of Flux Pavilion) Track: EqBeats: The Dead Pixel - Rage Quit Track: FurAffinity: FIND FUZZY NOTES ONLINE: Twitter: Facebook: iTunes:!/id581600769?mt=2 Podomatic: Email: Episode 6 - Unpronounceable - Enjoy hearing Potoroo struggle with the names of artists? Then this is your episode! From prett...
Categories: Podcasts

FursonaPod 3.0 Ep. 4 – Originality in the Fandom - Xiath: yo yo yo you freaky yo-yos!!! - I hope you've missed us after this half of a month! I know I missed you! In a non creeper way... Anyways! Here's the podcast for February! This is literally hot off

FursonaPod - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 15:47

Xiath: yo yo yo you freaky yo-yos!!!

I hope you’ve missed us after this half of a month! I know I missed you! In a non creeper way… Anyways! Here’s the podcast for February! This is literally hot off the press because I just now got done editing it and we only recorded the topic half of the podcast this morning! Which is why Rain sounds a little different in the second half. I’m also experimenting with recording to Garageband directly instead of recording on my PC using call burner then exporting to Garageband. Which is why my mic sounds like crap in the first half. Turns out the microphones in MacBook pros kinda, really, suck…. oh well!

So, anyways. This episode is actually a short one! Mainly because of our recording situation in the second half. I still think it’s a good topic though. We decided to go with a topic that a previous listener and mail writer gave us on the last cast. That topic is originality. We meant to keep it strictly pertaining to the fandom, but, like always, we kinda made it a topic that pertains to the world as a whole more than just the fandom. But it applies to the fandom very well. I hope you enjoy it!

Don’t forget, you have only one more month to send us in questions for our listener/ listenermail special episode next month! It is imperative that you, yes YOU, write in and give us questions! Just try to keep them pertaining to the fandom if you can. I will say you are allowed to write in personal questions to Rain or myself but if you do that make sure you also write in a question pertaining to the fandom. Also, write in multiple questions! We NEED as many questions as possible to make this episode work!!

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath FursonaPod 3.0 Ep. 4 – Originality in the Fandom - Xiath: yo yo yo you freaky yo-yos!!! - I hope you've missed us after this half of a month! I know I missed you! In a non creeper way... Anyways! Here's the podcast for February! This is literally hot off the press because I just now got done editing i...
Categories: Podcasts

Pizza Cats on DVD

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 13:48

In 1990 Tatsunoko Studios of Japan released the “science-fiction historical gag battle anime” known as Kyattou Ninden Teyandee. It was fan-subbed in the U.S. as Ninja Pizza Cats, and eventually Saban Entertainment released it to television in a dubbed version called Samurai Pizza Cats. For many years, the rights to the show have been up in the air, but now Discotek Media have announced they will soon be releasing the entire series to DVD. According the review at Anime News Network, the series “revolves arouund Nyankii, a secret ninja team that protects the robotic animal inhabitants of Edoropolis (Little Tokyo) from the evil ninja organization Karakara.” That hardly begins to describe just how crazy this thing is. Discotek will be releasing two different DVD box sets: A 52-episode dubbed version and a 54-episode subtitled version.

image c. 2013 Discotek Media

Categories: News

The Troll Shooting Gallery

Ask Papabear - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 13:00
Dear Papa Bear,

I just discovered this website and I thought it was an amazing place to come and get a few things off my chest. You mention limiting to one question at a time, so hopefully this letter will do that. I have to ask a bit about my mateship with Anakar.

Anakar and I have been mated for going on 4 years (this May) and we were together up until July of last year. Financially speaking, things had stopped working out. With my health problems I've had in the past I had worried about getting a job and then suffering more health problems that would keep me out of work or worse, fired. I never really tried looking for a job and the only one I had while living with him ended with termination after three months on a bullshit claim that I was more than surprised even came about (nobody misses an Andrew Jackson when they take in change, so you can't be over twenty dollars over in the register). At any rate, the health problem is intermittent but recurring inevitably, as Crohn's Disease does. But my mate was always supportive of me. He always told me to do what I thought I should do, to be happy, and to not worry about everything as long as he had things under control.

Well, he didn't expect his job would execute his hours until we were looking at having to evict ourselves from our house. We hadn't expected that and when it came to the wire, our families refused to help us for the obvious relationship issue (both families believe our significant other "teases" and "demeans" us, and both think we could do better). After a couple of months in the same town, but apart, as he was living with friends and I with my dad, I decided to move out of state to live with my other side of the family to hopefully get a job. I got a job, and my mate moved in with his family in a different state, putting us almost 8 hours apart in travelling distance. Our love is strong, and we're confident that we'll make it through, or so my mate says.

However, I have doubts. My mate is a hard worker, and he is pulling all his weight to get us back together as soon as possible, which he hopes will be the end of this year, possibly sooner if I work hard on my end too (which I have tried and will probably submit a second letter later on about). But my problem is the fact that we are so far apart, and that with money so tight it may be impossible for us to meet up. He says that we'll pull through it, that everything will work out in the end, and as much as I want to believe him, I still have doubts. I still worry that we won't. And it's all because I worry I won't be able to succeed. I have so many questions about life, so many problems with how things have to go, and yet he deals with it like he always has, and it mystifies me how he can go through it and not crack under the pressures I feel.

I guess my question is this: If Anakar is so confident we'll be together, so industriously trying to make it so that we can be, why do I doubt myself so much? That is to say, why do I feel like I can't meet him halfway and just bear with the pain of not being with him for more than a year just so that we can be together again? I feel so lost without him, he's the reason I wake up every day, and the hope in my heart, but every day without him feels so empty and it feels like without him there isn't anything good in my life.

Please write back,
Wolfie Braxton

* * *

Dear Wolfie,

First of all, you are to be congratulated for finding such a loving and loyal mate as you have in Anakar. From what you have written here, he sounds like a wonderful person and you should thank your lucky stars each and every day that he is in your life.

You might have seen in some of my other letters to readers how I am not very fond of the long-distant, virtual relationship. Your case is different, however. You have lived together and enjoy living together, and you have plans to live together again in the future. What is happening now is simply a temporary setback until you get back on your footie paws again. Anakar knows this and is working hard to be with you again in the near future.

So, why is he doing so well with it and you are not? First of all, I’m sure he is suffering inside as much as you; I’m sure he misses you desperately. The difference is, frankly, that he is made of stronger stuff than you are. Why might this be? It could be—though you don’t say anything about this in your letter—that you have had some bad relationship experiences before Anakar and worry this might happen again. It could be that you simply lack some self-confidence compared to Anakar, that you doubt that you are good enough for Anakar and wonder if your being apart might not tempt him to find someone else. It could be that you feel guilty how your health problems may have exacerbated the financial struggles that eventually forced the two of you to move. It could be that you listen too much to your negative family and how they criticize your mate. But that is all sheer speculation on my part.

There is no worse enemy in our lives than the trolls that whisper inside our minds. They are full of lies and fear and self-deprecations. What you need to do is learn to shut them off and look at the reality of your world. Has Anakar ever let you down? Has he ever gone back on his word? Has he ever lied to you or done something deliberately mean to you? Has he ever hurt your feelings? Has he ever given you the slightest hint that he would rather not be with you?

My guess is that the answer to all of these questions is a big fat “NO!”

Now, what I want you to do is a little mental exercise: each night, as you lay your head down on your pillow, I want you to picture in your mind a shooting gallery. In this gallery are a bunch of ugly, green, warty, smelly, flatulent trolls. Each troll has a sign on his chest. Signs like “Loser,” “Fear,” “Doubt,” “Guilt,” “Blame” and so on. I want you to create in your mind some massive weaponry that you can grip in your paws and load with high-caliber bullets. Then I want you to picture these greasy, slimy, insulting trolls jumping around, trying to get away. But they can’t. You aim your gun and blast away. Each one you hit explodes in a cloud of cow farts and pickle juice, making you laugh. Shoot away. Blast those little trolls until they are just green puddles on the ground. Keep at it they are all gone, then relax and go to sleep. Do that every night until they are gone for good.

It sounds silly, but it is a mental exercise that can actually help you. These trolls are just illusions, not reality, and just as fictional are all your fears and doubts. Eliminate them. Hold on to your love of Anakar. He sounds like the catch of a lifetime. Even though he is far away, he is very much in your life and a part of you. And he will return to your loving arms just as soon as he can.



And so it begins.

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Feb 2013 - 12:23
Categories: News