[Live] Paranoia Investigators

A filled season finale. See you in a couple months!
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- We solved murder hornets
- VRChat Ofrenda
- FurFest is hosting a virtual event
- Trump ends protections for wolves
- Telegram update, multiple pinned messages
- Beastars Season 2 visuals
- The Website that Replicates the 90’s
- Haunted NY Castle for Sale on Halloween
- NYC Man Falls into Pit of Rats
- Skeleton Strip Club has caused neighbors to have a Bone to Pick with the Display
- Florida Man Stole BullDozer
- Lonely Grouper fish who became ‘depressed’ with no visitors during lockdown after EATING all his tank mates
[Live] Cat Scam

Brought to you by Dino Donuts.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Hackers hijack Telegram accounts using SS7 manipulation
- NASA to make announcement about the moon
- We finally know what dinosaur butts look like
- Groovy Gorilla Ubuntu release has more awesome art
- We finally know what dinosaur butts look like
- Otters are Eating Sharks Dicks
- New Unknown Fungus Discovered on 8 Year Old Fully Wrapped Twinkies
- Scientists Develop Ultra White to counteract Vanta Black
- Spin the Pink Mammoth — “Question for the show”
[Live] Faraday Chastity Cage

Muru builds a faraday cage, then we read a lot of news.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Tiger walks 800 miles in search of sex
- Telegram has a black market
- Discord is getting stickers, no you can’t make your own
- Shoutout to Ninji for another quality shitpost
- The Fandom will be at Denver’s Film Festival
- There are only 7 known red wolves left in the wild
- FE’s parent org Anthropomorphic Events of Ontario hosts an open forum
- Lemur Stolen from San Francisco Zoo
- Reward for Missing Lemur
- Alligators Stolen from Pierces Pet Palace in PA
- A Profanity Filter Banned the Word ‘Bone’ at a Paleontology Conference
- Dog Augmented Reality Glasses
- Bags of Eels Dumped in the Lake
- SunFish Doing normal Sunfish Activity
- Halloween Fake House Fire
- Ziggy – “Camera Advice”
[Live] Suck Request

The usual package of roundup, news & emails.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Supreme Court situation in the US already not looking good
- ProudBoys brand taken over by gay people
- Anthrocon announces delaying 2021 registrations
- SimonFox’s thread on con openings in 2021
- Google now lists “cheese” and “sergals” together
- Pittsburgh finally fills hole near Anthrocon
- New trailer for Wolfwalkers
- Paper on best practices for identifying animals on camera traps
- Study Confirms You Can Bond With Your Cat By Blinking Slowly
- Watch As Goat Walks On Hind Legs Through Village And Into Your Nightmares
- Danbury, Connecticut, To Rename Sewage Plant For John Oliver
- Once in a Blue Moon
Zinare — “Questions and Game Recommendation”
[Live] Suck Request[Live] Hobbit Feet

Quite a full episode.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Telegram Outage today
- Telegram update: Anon admins, Channel comments
- It’s Fat Bear week
- Great Big Story shuts down
- Weird Al’s debate cover
- Fer.al game
- LGBTQ+ Dating apps being used to target, imprison people in Egypt
- The Dumbest Timeline
- Parrots separated at zoo exhibit because they kept swearing at people
- Crows Are Self-Aware and ‘Know What They Know,’ Just Like Humans
- Kid Chased by Magpie is 90% Hilarious, 10% Terrifying and 100% Australian
- Sparrow Songs Sexier Thanks To Covid
[Live] Randy’s Rubber Recycling

Packed with lots of classic humor.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- The Fandom film soundtrack is available
- YouTube complies with new EU age restrictions
- Chuck E. Cheese Kindergarten
- Not all rats like to be tickled, scientists discover
- Airports bring in dogs to sniff out COVID-19
- Ekto VR invents VR Shoes
- Ending the lifetime ban on queer men donating blood made ‘no significant change’ to HIV rates in US blood banks
- LGR acknowledges their furry audience
- Wolves and ravens are friends
- Newly raised 11foot8(+8) bridge still takes casualties
- Nicegram update fixes NSFW content restriction topology change
- Massachusetts man dies while hiking in New Hampshire
- Vietnam Condom Factory Recycling
- Man who erected a giant wooden penis on his lawn fights to keep it up
- 62 Year Old Python that has not seen a male gives birth to Eggs
- Disgusting Food/Beverage Museum
- Brite — Britepaw Questions and Random Rambles
[Live] Breakthrough On A Budget

Loooong show. Lots of news and fun.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- XSS Fox has a pride radio group
- Polish furry radio network
- Razer leaks a ton of data
- Hiyu explains the phosphine on Venus
- Australia’s 7 hour flight to nowhere sells out instantly
- Reality TV Show To Send Winning Contestant To The ISS
- Cats contracting COVID-19 at a higher rate than first thought
- IG Nobel Prizes
- Disorderly Goat in Cop Car
- German Train Finds Vials of Hamster Blood
- Dooms Day Glacier
- Redeye, the Rhody Red Lion – “Formative Years”
[Live] To Be Faire

The chaos you asked for.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- ANE 2021 Canceled
- Anthro Northwest 2021 Canceled
- “No cock like horsecock” played at a protest
- New furry NES game called “NIX”
- Roundup of recent furry charity events
- Toonami BLM Speech
- The Stranger article on FurScience
- Furry Film Festival says one month left to submit
- Man wants to rename boneless chicken wings
- Facerig name changing to Animaze
- Old Furpock hotel is actually abandoned now
- Code Lyoko going on Netflix in France
- Furality Online Xperience – Nov 6-8
- Furaffinity Server Move
- Wolfwalkers Film Trailer on Apple TV+
- Hiyu’s VRChat Unity avatar is now available to modify
- Arpaio Trolled by Furries
- Can cats have an existential crisis?
- Dr. Phil asks people to stop calling him Daddy
[Live] Walkies of Shame

A quick roundup, then we read fan emails.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- NordicFuzzCon will not happen in 2021
- FurrySkiWeekend will not happen in 2021
- Walkies could become the law in Germany
- Kerian gets noticed by Microsoft
- VirtualFurence trailer
- VirtualFurence Dance Comp
- IndieFurCon live on August 28th
- BBC thinking of yourself as a separate entity can reduce anxiety
- Wolves eating blueberries
- Dee Otter — A Technical Question
- Hiroji — Furcast email: Update on how I am and question topic
- Brite — Fanmail from a newer Fur (you can read on air.)
- Azure — A story to share
- Ziggy — California Wildlifes
- Brite — Brite Greetings
[Live] Dingo Lingo

First a quick roundup, then we’re joined by Linnea, the current president of Furry Writers Guild for a quick interview discussing the guild, furry literature, and her new novella What Makes a Witch.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Telegram is 7 years old, has 400 million users, video calling alpha released
- Virtual versions of Furnal Equinox are coming out
- Virtual versions of Furrydelphia are coming out
- A mention of another furry podcast we found: Phyla and Fandom
- Godzilla vore ride
- Wolfgun’s Projections Game Trailer
- US Consumer product safety has a Quinn Quarantine Fox
- Epic vs Google and Apple
- Defcon Furs is going on
[Live] PurrCast

A quick roundup, followed by a discussion about VRChat. Then after the break we take some live callers and discuss how toxic and difficult socializing has become lately, along with how to feel better. :3
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Apparently #VoreDay is trending right now?
- Furry con in Shanghai – Shanghai Summer Furry Festival
- Patreon’s lost court battle
- Telegram files EU anti-trust complaint about app store
- Funeral Equinox delays hotel reg for next year
- Google Play Music begins shutdown
- Matrix was intended to be a trans story
- Furry Metal Music Video (was taken down?)
- Aggretsuko Season 3 Trailer
- The Angry Orange doesn’t like Bytedance or it’s apps
- Othercon – Virtual Otherkin and Therian convention
- Virtual Furence has Virtual Elevators because they’re the best kind of insane
- VRChat Avatars 3.0
- Foofy’s How To Play Furry VRChat
[Live] Grievancecast

A quick roundup, followed by various household grievances.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save up to 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Telegram updates, profile videos
- Vox Fox celebrates turning 64
- Anthrocon’s A/V team is LiDAR scanning the venue
- Human sperm study
- Patreon not doing well legally
- The Angry Orange says they want to ban TikTok, ByteDance & Tencent
- 8.8 Million Foxes Have Been Petted In Ghost Of Tsushima (And Other Stats)
- All Gas No Brakes interview
- Starlink says it has “extraordinary demand”
[Live] Raisin The Steaks

I don’t feel so grape.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 20% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Paradox’s interview with Hiyu about VirtualFurence VRChat designs
- Tutorial from Zebra North, Voxian and Jesse Pup on taur avatars in VRChat
- Virtual Anthrocon’s fursuit dance competition is posted
- Anthrocon’s A/V team got their hands on a LIDAR scanner
- BLFC rescheduled
- KFC testing lab grown chicken nuggets
- Telegram has photo editing features
- Whitehouse thinks Paw Patrol is canceled
- Minute Earth’s video on why people don’t like hyenas
[Live] Weak Choice

It’s been 10 years of FurCast! Thank you all for making it possible. How about another 10? Maybe by then cons will stop being canceled!
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- MFF 2020 Canceled
- Confuror 2020 Canceled
- New Years Furry Ball 2020 Canceled
- Further Confusion 2021 Canceled
- JMoF 2021 Canceled
- Fur Squared 2021 Canceled
- VirtualFurence doing a VRChat dance comp
- Firr continues to be out of control, modeling the MFF hotel
- Tweet thread to SwiftOnSecurity about the firefox fursuit
- Proton VPN responds to Swift by dressing up in dolphin suits
- Netflix’s Twitter is basically furry
- Beastars coming back in 2021
- Redskins team being renamed to Red Wolves
- SirusXM is buying Stitcher for $325 million
- Flayrah article on socialist teeth
- Grant Imahara passes away
- SciShow: No your dog doesn’t think you’re the alpha
- Canada & US agree to keep border closed another month
- FCC approves 998 as new suicide hotline number
- London Foxes show early signs of self-domestication
- Man Unearths Witch Bottle
- Mysterious Covid On Ship
- London Foxes show early signs of self-domestication
- ImprovChat Bot
[Live] Mawxism

Back from a week off with a chonker roundup and silly news.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- The Fandom Film articles
- Virtual Anthrocon ends with zero attendees but two fursuiters
- Socialist Teeth
- JayGryphon’s VRChat Piloting lessons
- There’s a new Twitch rival by Tencent but should you trust them?
- BNA came out
- Megaplex Online
- VirtualFurence
- AFCI canceled
- Lil Nas X wants a fursuit?
- Tampa Florida furmeet under fire for meeting during COVID
- Somerville MA becomes the first city to recognize polyamorous domestic partnerships
- Hard Times making fun of furries
- Artist who was stolen from asking for help on KoFi, from Tinka
- RedWulf on Twitter draws an art thread on their COVID-19 experience
- New taur league of legends character
- San Francisco introduces CAREN act to prevent racial motivated 911 calls
- New camping BIPOC run furry con coming 2022
- Chrome & Firefox are getting the new AVIF image file format
- Bandanimals from Nomad back in stock
- Trash Cat Dani had a bad week everyone give them a hug
- French Parliament passes porn age verification legislation
- Bearly Furcasting feat. Taebyn interviews Kyell Gold
- Loose Cows block Michigan Highway
- This Blowjob Machine Designed For Teslas On Autopilot Is A Terrible Idea But Probably Not Why You Think
- ESPN Doesn’t think NBA Players can last a few weeks let alone 3 months without sex
- Fans of Horror and Disaster Films are more Capable of Handling the Pandemic
[Live] Cuddlers Union

A quick bit of news before the weekend of Virtual Anthrocon & The Fandom film release.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Virtual Anthrocon is next week!
- Reminder that Ash & Ash’s “The Fandom” comes out July 3rd
- Furry porn shown on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight
- Furry Migration rescheduled
- Telegram Video Calls in beta
- Neat Ampwave species
- Furvana 2020 Canceled
- Virtual Minecraft Furry Con
- LondonFurs get promoted for pride on a large display
- Capital management problems cause closure of Capital City Fur Con
- Skin Hunger (New Term)
[Live] Pay to Pet

An extended show full of news, plus Aureo joins us later on for dinner.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Boozy’s huge thread on CCFC
- Ash answers questions about “The Fandom”
- SCOTUS rules federal protections for LGBT employees
- Already Ratchet and Clank cosplay
- Student bitten by fox at UNSW
- FurDU experiences a data privacy breach
- Telegram back in Russia
- Animorphs coming to cinema
- Giant fox statue in The Netherlands
- Nican presents that tails are important to Microsoft
- Dreamkeeper’s virtual con: CouchCon
- Barely Furcasting
- SoCalShep’s new show
- Student bitten by fox at UNSW
- Deer Runs into Black Lives Matters Protest
- Chuck E. Cheese Approaches Bankruptcy, Could Have to Close All Stores
- Dust Storms to Hit the US
- So Michigan is Flooding
- Ticks will be on the Rise this Year
- Flushing Toilets Spreads Covid-19
[Live] Zoom Boom Room

Lots of catch-up from recent events and a huge roundup. We tried turning off the noise gates for this episode, which means all the mics in the room were on no matter who was talking. Does that make things better or worse? Let us know what you think.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Jib’s amazing animation covering systematic racism
- #UnderneathTheFursona
- Furrydelphia Canceled
- Golden State Fur Con Canceled
- Beastars basically
- Beastars Season 2 delayed due to COVID-19
- Some podcasts apps getting removed in China for not censoring enough
- RedRookShep & Bishop will not be police dog fursuiters anymore
- Vox: How tigers get coronavirus but not your dog
- Cassidy showed up in the Eurovision Celebration video
- Trump asks supreme court to make it legal to ban gay adoption
- Telegram updated with a better editor
- Zen made a VRChat version of Joshua
- Soatok wrote a blog post to help furries find tech jobs
- Introspective Furry Anime Are Having A Moment
- Colorado Springs Indie Article about furries
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse game
- Ratchet and Clank character designers knew what they were starting
- Claims that Capital City Fur Con is embezzling money
- Virtual Feralcon
- TheOdd1sOut mentions going to a furry con
- 1500 Indie Game Charity Bundle
- Petition Calls For Statue Of GWAR’s Oderus Urungus To Replace Robert E. Lee
- Pepsi Armed Robbery
- Man Emerges from 75 Day Retreat asking if he Missed anything
- NYC Recommends Glory Holes for Sexual Contact
[Tech] The New AV1 Codec

We’re excited about the new open source AV1 video & image codec. Nearly every major tech company seems to be behind it, so what’s the motivation? Our sysadmin doggo Riley and software developer wolf s0ph0s join to go on a deep dive on the history of AV1, what features it will bring, when it will start to appear, and how it even works.
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Discussed:- AV1 is a free video codec with more intelligent image compression that takes advantage of how good computing power is getting, while being 50%+ more efficient in bandwidth than most existing solutions
- Developed by Alliance for Open Media
- Backed by: Amazon, Apple, ARM, Cisco, Facebook, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla, Netflix, NVIDIA, Samsung, Tencent
- More support from: BBC, AMD, Adobe, Hulu, CableLabs, Polycom, VideoLAN, Vimeo, Twitch, AND MORE….
- Built off a foundation of Google’s already deployed VP9, Google’s planned VP10, Cisco’s Thor, and Xiph’s Daala
- Existing codecs:
- Today’s older H.264 is a licensing nightmare, the successor H.265 is even worse
- Apple didn’t like VP9’s licensing or battery consumption
- DVD uses H.262 (MPEG-2), Blu-ray uses H.264, and UHD Blu-ray uses H.265
- Cisco’s OpenH264 decoder announced in 2013 saved Mozilla $9.75 million a year
- H.265 carries 23 patents
- NVIDIA’s matrix of codec support for encoding & decoding on various GPU models
- AV1 is already here!
- YouTube has a beta setting you can enable, plus a playlist of videos known to support AV1
- Netflix has started deploying AV1
- LG’s latest gen SmartTV models have native AV1 decoding
- AOM’s timeline has hit phase 4.
- It is rumored Apple will announce AV1 support at the next WWDC or hardware release
- Chrome and Firefox are getting AVIF support
- AV1 bit-stream frozen in December 2018
- AV1 encoding with SVT-AV1 is now faster than H.265
- AV1 uses Opus for audio by default, which sounds good compared to other codecs
- Netflix wrote a tech blog on using AV1 for images, aka AVIF format
- AV1 is very smart
- Perceptual Vector Quantization
- Variably Sized Blocks
- Lapped Transforms
- Chroma from Luma Prediction
- Support for new motion types such as warped motion
- Film grain synthesis
- and much much more
- JPEG in comparison primarily uses Discreet Cosine Transform
- Do I look like I know what a JPEG is?
- Three encoders:
[Live] Mixed Hair Bag

Here’s a pretty normal episode to help you feel less on edge, especially during this crazy time. There’s many chaotic but important things going on out there right now. Stay safe, and support your friends that need it. #BlackLivesMatter
FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.
Link Roundup:- Narka Sergal has passed away due to COVID-19
- VR Mouth Tracking
- IndyFurCon canceled
- Furpock Canceled
- Old Livejournal Credential hack leaked
- Teddy Bears on a Rollercoaster
- Neat Netflix tweet compiles every Beastars language dub
- Beware and check for Discord malware
- Men hired for sexual fantasy break into wrong house
- $300 Anti-5G “Bioshield” Turns Out To Be USB Stick With A Sticker On It
- Feisty 103 woman lives through CoronaVirus Drinks a Beer
- Screaming the F word improves your Pain Tolerance
- Coronavirus: Monkeys ‘escape with COVID-19 samples’ after attacking lab assistant
- Hitler’s Alligator Dies at 84
- Study Finds Human Males Evolved Beards to Take Punches