Feed aggregator
Want some free art? Come here!
I need to draw a lot more than I have been but I've gotten sick of just drawing my own characters over and over and over. That's where you guys come in! Post any image of any character of yours and I'll whip something up for you. While full body refs are preferred, I can work from just a head image if you're fine with giving me the artistic freedom to fill in the blanks.
Some will be just sketches, some will be coloured and some will be from strange angles. It just depends on what I'm practicing at that time.
First come first serve!
Oh, and here's my DeviantART and Fur Affinity if anyone wants to see.
Edit: Forgot to mention I'm not doing humans! I don't like drawing them but will practice them at a later date. Furries only for now please c:
Edit 2: Drawing now, so I may reply slower :3
Edit 3: Gonna put a queue here for myself, people to see where there are and for anyone to see the finished results.
- ACatNamedSilver - Done!
- dominick- - Done! And it's hilarious.
- darkenedzone - Done!
- MetalDragon6666 - Done!
- the_bi_lizard - Done!
- wrincewind - Done!
- Qupva
- Yaaoh
- uzzeee
- RandomPotato
- DrewDead
- IronFox1288
- No_not_the_monkey
To those that receive a freebie: you may do whatever you like with the image! Post it anywhere you like, just be sure to credit me c:
Edit 4: Finished for the night but I will continue these tomorrow, still open for freebies! Closed now, sorry!
Edit 5: Morning everyone! Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so many orangereds that aren't hatemail. Time to start drawing again!
To those wanting something without a ref: Sorry, but I'm not doing those at the moment. For now I just want to look at a ref and whip something up. When it comes to drawing a ref for someone, I want it to be nice and polished for them. These freebies here are nowhere near polished! So once I've gotten through all these I'll start up another freebies post specifically for those who are refless. Okidoki? c:
Edit 6: Gonna have to close off spots now, I have a bad habit of accepting lots of requests because it makes me so happy to do art for others. So much so I often go in over my head! I will continue to do the ones listed above over the next few days to keep me busy. Once those are done, I'll open a new freebies post!
submitted by Adezu[link] [110 comments]
B-Sides: Episode 16 - B-Sides! Like the B-Side to a single, except the single is Episode 16 of Fuzzy Notes, and the B-S...
Kinda Late But, Just Finished Watching Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki... Need some help!
How do I stop the tears? 3':
If you haven't cryed yet...
EDIT: Title grammar
submitted by Seiiko[link] [6 comments]
Another Boy, Another Dinosaur
MIPCOM, if you need to be reminded, is an annual event held in Cannes, France, where would-be television producers from all over the world attempt to sell their entertainment products to distributors — all over the world. Held every year in October, it’s a great place to find interesting and unusual TV shows — many of them furry, especially in children’s TV of course. Among the new crop is a show called Boy and the Dinosaur, produced in the UK by 1461 Productions. Based on an original idea by Jason Harding, the show is overseen by Davey Moore, David Bunting, Paul Couvela, and Russell Dever. The idea is quite simple: A 4-year old boy (called simply “Boy”) loves dinosaurs, and one wishes very hard that he could have one for a friend. Lo and behold, one shows up — a big orange saurid simply named “Dinosaur”. The two get along swimmingly, and have many adventures. The show was picked up for international distribution by Foothill Entertainment, and season one is currently in production with a hopeful release date of 2014. According to the official web site, the show has also been profiled in Variety magazine.

image c. 2013 by 1461 Productions
Need someone to make a commision
Hi :3, Anyone can recommend me someone who can do an icon commision for me ? I dont know if there is anyone who does cheap icons, because I dont really have a lot of money (blame it on steam sales and that I can never save money because I waste it on random gadgets)... so, umm... I think I am asking for something imposible... I dont need icons which have shadding, I love the simple ones more than the ones with complex shading, and also, background is not important for me, complex backrounds dont look good for avatars/icons, if you use it on steam, then you cant really see anything anymore, except if you open your profile to see the avatar in full res (or what is the steam's max res limit).
submitted by AnonPie[link] [7 comments]
Room Party Game by Sofawolf Games. Help the Kickstarter reach $15,000 for a furry expansion pack drawn by Blotch!
What exactly is Furry Lifestyling?
Hello my fuzzy friends, I have come to ask clarification of what exactly is "Furry Lifestyling"? If you are a Furry Lifestyler what do you find makes you regard yourself as such?
Thanks comrades!
Edit/update: Wow. Thank you for all the responses. It seems the general, average thought is that lifestylers are essentially furries who see the fandom and everything furry as much more than just a hobby. Most furries seem to choose the hobby side.
Did I sum this up well?
submitted by techie151[link] [32 comments]
Male Furry Confused about His Attraction for Another Man
I hope for advice and clarification on relationships.
First my family and I are doing a bit better and I've gathered my self and applying to everything that's offered.
Second is something a bit more complicated and why I’m contacting you. I always liked helping with minor tech support and thus kinda how I introduce myself to new furs. So I help this one guy and get his [computer] back up and running and we have been talking over the last 4 months so he is a friend.
Now the confusion... I always thought I was straight but recently I enjoy his chats of random things and it kinda brightens my day. We ... recently started to rp together and now yiff too. I enjoy it I do, but once I start thinking “oh, the other one is also male” it kinda ends up in a stand still and me feeling guilty and the other one feeling like he pressured me.
It’s just he also helped me like you did stop the idea of suicide.
I do enjoy rping and everything but as soon as I think it’s a male I'm doing it with confusion of who I really am.
I'm confused now more then ever since I look almost forward to his text messages.
It might seem silly. And the other says more or less we are who we are, but I is real answer. May you help?
* * *
Hi, Glitch,
Don't overthink things, hon. If you like the guy and you like chatting with him and even yiffing, then relax and enjoy it.
* * *
And what if I want to see him and be with him? I mean it sounds right but confusing and is warping who I think I am.
* * *
Hi, Glitch,
You need to learn to trust your instincts. Many people have lost touch with their instincts, and, instead, listen to the brainwashing judgment of parents, peers, and those at the top of the social hierarchy. [Here is yet another reason I feel the furry fandom is taking off—the desire of the younger generation to reconnect with Nature and the Animal Kingdom—with INSTINCT—something that modern society has stripped away from us and denied us.]
Note that you say “who I THINK I am.” Your intellectual side is creating a filter that is blocking your connection with who you REALLY are.
I can say this from experience. For 40 years I thought I was a straight man. That is because I believed all the crap that was going into my ears and eyes from my father and the media, among other sources--I was brainwashed. When I learned who I really was because I allowed my instincts to awaken, it was a huge surprise for me, I can tell you! But I am better for it.
If you want to be with this guy, and if your heart is saying that you may even love him, then, if I were you, I would listen.
This does not necessarily mean you are gay (why do we have to label everything?). It means your instincts are telling you that you should be able to love a person with whom you feel a connection.
Love is color blind. Love is blind to race, nationality, religion. Love knows only the heart.
This is why those in power hate Love, because Love cannot be controlled by money and power. Love liberates us. Love connects us. Love is Instinct. It is within us from the time we are conceived. Hatred is learned. Hatred is the elite’s tool of preference for controlling the masses (the second tool being, of course, ignorance, which is why our school system has been destroyed—sorry, I’m getting on my soap box).
Don’t be confused, hon. Let yourself be free.
World building exercise
Hey guys. This is a creative writing exercise I thought you'd be interested in. I'm planning on expanding this into a series of short stories.
If you're wondering, the Thirio are basically furries, and the Drak are based on Eastern dragons.
Leave some comments, tell me what you think. I need critique.
Four gods came to us in the beginning. They spun the world and it’s two moons from stardust and named it Fae. For more time than any mortal could imagine, they watched Fae grow from the space between the two moons, Lorae and Theia.
When the time came to give life to Fae, each god took from their heads a single hair, and gave them to the great oceans from which all life took form. The first to awaken were the Drak in the northern mountain ranges, great lizard men gifted with great strength. Second were the Elves, who were blessed with great insight and a land rich with natural strength. Third were the Humans, whose love for knowledge and invention helped them survive in the great central plain. Last were the Thirio, animal men of many forms whom came to life in the many forests of the world.
For thousands of years the four races competed for dominion of the great continent. Eventually the Elves and the Drak became the two great powers. Their empires covered more than half of the lands on the great continent. Human kingdoms allied with the Elves as their dominion continued to spread westward from the their capitol, Elysium. Many Thirio tribes allied with the Drak as their empire spread south into the Human kingdoms. It wasn’t long before the Drak declared war with the Elves and it’s dependandant territories. The war carried on for over a century. The Elvish armies eventually collapsed under the tremendous might of the Drak’s military power. Then began the genocide. The Drak destroyed Elvish cities and culture as they marched towards the Capitol city. Human cities could only attempt to hide their Elvish citizens as Drak imperials replaced the fledgling Human democratic governments. Thirio on both sides of the war effort started to see their people’s own death at the hands of the Drak and abandoned the war, retreating to the Republic of Raelios in the west as the Drak finally came upon Elysium.
The next century under Drak rule consisted of hundreds of small scale battles between the remaining Elvish forces and Drak soldiers. Humans and the remaining Thirio became second class citizens and began forming rebel groups thoughout the Empire. Elves fell in number to a point that they could do little more than lead and coordinate rebel groups, fearing any lost Elvish lives in battle would bring about their extinction. The Empire’s diminished strength from the past two centuries of continued war had finally started taking it’s toll. Slowly the rebel groups started taking back their cities thanks to well coordinated assassinations of Drak consuls and stationed military leaders. The Republic of Raelios eventually came to aid the rebel war effort after decades of negotiations. The Drak fell quickly thanks to the Raelian armies’ quick and powerful assault on Imperial outposts as the rebels within cities simultaneously began their attack on Drak soldiers. Unfortunately by the time the Drak surrendered, having been forced back into their ancient homeland, the Elvish population had fallen to below one hundred individuals spread across Human kingdoms and the few remaining Elvish cities. They convened within the imperial palace in Elysium to consult with the Ministers of the newly formed Confederation of Kingdoms for special protections. Unfortunately even with the concessions the new government gave them, the Elves could not recover and went extinct within two centuries, leaving behind only a blood legacy within the few human families the last generations married into.
In the next thousand years Humans became the dominant force in the world as their Confederation of Kingdoms became the Republic of Elysium and their neighbour countries also grew in power and influence, until eventually they formed the United Central Nations. Thirio from the west began immigrating to the UCN. and integrating into the previously human dominated society. Thirio dominant countries bordered with the UCN eventually started applying to join the union, bringing in new cultures and people. Small groups of Drak also began immigrating to the UCN as refugees to escape their now walled nation, still under the rule of the Imperial family.
Today the UCN and most of the world enjoy an era of peace and prosperity. Technological advances have given rise to more effective medicinal treatments and industrial growth. Elysium has grown into the largest city in the world, with more than five million inhabitants. Modern buildings dominate the skies in the south end of the city, while the north has become on of the largest historical sites in the world with the Imperial Palace now serving as a museum dedicated to the history of the Elvish Empire. Human-Thirio discrimation as at an all time low, but prejudice towards Drak is common in less metropolitan areas.
The future of the world can only be guessed at, but in the west a mysterious figure stirs in the shadows, readying itself for the day that it's plans can come to fruition.
submitted by tenpoundpen[link] [5 comments]
Faith and Furry - What influence does faith have on furry? It has been a while since we discussed this here at WagzTail, so we decided to revisit the topic for a week. We speak from a Christian perspective, but if there are any others out there who would
What influence does faith have on furry? It has been a while since we discussed this here at WagzTail, so we decided to revisit the topic for a week. We speak from a Christian perspective, but if there are any others out there who would like to give their take on it, we would be glad to hear about it in the comments below.
Metadata and Credits WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 88Runtime: 30m
Cast: Levi, Spenser
Editor: Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2013 WagzTail.com. Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by WagzTail.com as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 26:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, WagzTail.com 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Frej Leilund, used with permission.