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Claws & Convo

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Back like a bad habitStriker Cheguar
Updated: 4 years 6 weeks ago


Fri 21 Feb 2014 - 16:17
We're moving to a new website! I've finally gotten around to getting a domain and hosting, and the new site is up at!
Categories: Podcasts

S2 Ep.2: Meanwhile, Snowleopards!

Fri 14 Feb 2014 - 23:50

Ukrain Furry Gathering

Snow Leopard

Call-in guest:
Harley Upshaw
Categories: Podcasts

Schedule Change

Sun 2 Feb 2014 - 20:38
Due to several reasons, I've decided to reschedule the show to take place every other Friday at 7PM CST. This will give me more time to compile content, as well as be more convenient for you to tune in.

That said, the next episode will be taking place Friday, February 14th at 7PM
Categories: Podcasts

s2 ep1: We go NOW!

Fri 24 Jan 2014 - 22:39
In a total lack of patiance, Striker threw up  his paws and declared "Fuck it! We're going live!" The result was this un-official official season 2 pilot episode. In this episode, drama. Why u do dis?
Categories: Podcasts

Season 2 launch update

Fri 10 Jan 2014 - 19:55
Greetings! Now that the holidays are over, we can get down to business. Dante is currently in the process of moving in to a new abode, so he's busy getting settled. In the mean time, I've been busy testing the new software and stream provider. Tests so far has shown positive results, and the new set up is going to give us far more flexibility then UStream ever did, and has proven much more reliable.

The only downside is that episodes will have to be manually edited and uploaded to YouTube, so I'm also testing new editing software to help out with that aspect. Hardware wise, my desktop is performing well. Thanks to OBS, we're now able to add as many cameras as we fucking want... I just need to add more USBs to my machine, which should be fairly cheap to do. I found out that OBS can do Chroma key (green/blue screen stuff), which is pretty neat. We'll be making good use of that once we can get something green to hang on the wall. has an integrated chat, but I'm still going to stress using the Anthrochat IRC channel since it's easier to access and we've got more control of it. The format is going to be streamlined slightly to work better with the software, and we'll be adding a bit more interesting stuff while cutting down on the less interesting stuff. The audio-only stream will be up for bandwidth challenged. Also, my fursuit will be done around the end of July so yeah. Shout out to Darkpaw.

Want to help out? Submit artwork, news, topics, suggestions, art, or your own show segment* to As always, donations can be made to via paypal.

*segments will need to be kept under 15min with some exceptions, and remain relatively SFW. I recommend using Google Drive and emailing a link.

Boring technical stuff below the cut.

We are currently looking for another co-host, as well as an assistant producer in the Ottumwa/Bloomfield aria. The assistant producer will help with post-production, preparing and uploading episodes to YouTube, monitoring the chat/email, and helping to keep this site up to date.

Here's some of the studio (hardware) improvements I'm looking at in the short term:

  • Webcam #2
  • USB 3.0 card
  • 10-USB 2.0 thing
  • New  mic cables! (current cables are going bad)

I'd also like to work out some sort of podcast style hosting for archiving the show in both video and audio-only formats, though it may not be in our budget.

Longer term, as in a year or more:

  • Second VGA card
  • Additional 20" Monitor
  • Small HDMI TV for main feed monitoring
  • Midi Controls*
  • HD Camcorder
*I know little about Midi controls, and may need help writing scripts for them.

 Longest term (2+ years), I'd like to have a secondary studio computer to handle auxiliary A/V stuff, and possibly a couple cheap netbooks so the guys can read news and interact with chat without blocking the camera.
Categories: Podcasts

Test Stream Complete

Mon 16 Dec 2013 - 02:55

Testing out in conjunction with Open Broadcaster Software while giving an update on the status of season II. At midnight.
Categories: Podcasts

Season 2 coming soon...

Sat 14 Dec 2013 - 21:41
 Aye, it has been some time since we've been on the air, but we'll be back soon with a new season. Also, we're making a few changes to how we broadcast the show. I've been testing a new streaming provider called, and in conjunction with Open Broadcasting Software, I'm liking it a lot!

I'm going to do a few test streams over the next week to make sure it's going to work out. In the mean time, follow us on Twitter and on Furstream.

Our new live stream can be found at

Thanks for your patience :3
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 29: Random Stuff

Fri 23 Aug 2013 - 19:16
 We're joined by Kai Deliani this week as we talk about SOPA, scams, and Buzz Killington.

[video coming soon...]

Artist of the week: Thanshuhai

Disney's "Zootopia"

Flayrah investigation of

Uncle Kage salutes Lemonade Coyote at AC 2013

Crash Count: 3
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 28- Things that happen

Fri 16 Aug 2013 - 22:42
 Some things that happen . They happen.

Artist of the Week

Google Says We're Creepy

Government Admits Area 51

 Things that broke: Shoutcast plug in (the audio stream) wasn't connecting.

Crash count: 1 (right in the middle of the credits)
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 26: Things That Should Never Be In HD...

Fri 2 Aug 2013 - 19:34
Heifer highway catastrophe, ferocious feral felines, and that one guy in fursuit who was probably the same guy that gave Will Wheaten nightmares... probably. Yeah something like that. All that, plus a thing with Kerbals and more on this episode of Claws & Convo with Dante and Striker.

Artist of the Week

Dead Cow = Aliens zomg!

Feral Cats Attack

Review: Turbo

Furret Tails Review of Anime Iowa

Furry Poll

New Convention: Fur Reality

Categories: Podcasts

Episode 25: Striker left alone with a guita

Fri 26 Jul 2013 - 15:58
Striker is left alone with his guitar.
[video coming soon...]

Furries at SF Pride

Musical Russion Furry Foundation releases compilation

Categories: Podcasts

Episode 23: I is what I is

Fri 12 Jul 2013 - 19:29
AC Review, interview with Bucktown Tiger, and the magic of fursuiting


Categories: Podcasts

Episode 20: something about porn

Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 19:27
China Rose pops in as we go off on various random acts of... well I forget what but we did stuff.

Artist of the MonthMarymouse

NewsDogs help with mental dissorder

VideosTears of the forgotten

Brazillian News Report

Categories: Podcasts