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Anybody looking for a new set of ears?
In a pretty tough spot... Need help.
I was directed to reddit by Silvermane33, he said that if there was any place that would be good to look to, it would be the people of reddit.
I don't like to ask for help from people, I would much rather just fight through it all and overcome whatever bumps are in my way, but this time I have reached my limit... I am currently homeless, living on the couch of whoever is kind enough to let me stay. Unfortunately, nobody is able to let me stay for long in this economy and I am having a lot of trouble finding a job because of a pretty severe back injury from a car wreck 4 years ago that is still causing issues with standing, lifting, walking, and general motion. I am applying to jobs like crazy (I applied to 27 jobs on Wednesday alone) but when it comes to the phone interview and they get to the questions like "are you comfortable with lifting up to 50 pounds on a semi-regular basis?" I can't lie and say yes, because if I tried that, I would end up in the hospital because anything more than about 30 pounds makes my back seize up to the point that I have actually passed out cold more than once. I still try to push myself to my limit as often as I can because eventually my back will get stronger and I will be able to function again, I hope.
So, what I need now... The really big thing that I need that would make most of my problems diminish is a car. With a car, I could get to businesses that don't do online applications, I could advertise my services around town, I could get to another city if I needed to, etc. The local craigslist shows me that, for the most part, the bare minimum I would pay for a car that I would be able to drive away and not have to replace any major parts is about $1200. I am a bit of a mechanic, so I could fix minor problems, but I just don't have the cash to be able to buy a cheap junker and then get it running again. So, $1200 for the car. I figure tags will cost about $100, insurance will cost around $300-$400 for 6 months since I am only 22 and was born with the more expensive naughty bits, and then I will need gas and probably a little extra to make sure that everything is definitely in smooth, running condition, so I need to get about $1800-$2000 together as quickly as possible.
I don't expect that all of this will come from random donations. That would be stupid and selfish of me to think that anyone would just give a stranger two grand just because they asked. Although donations would be greatly appreciated, I am hoping that people will come to me for business. I sell custom built computers. I give 2 year warranties minimum (most of them are 3 year warranty) and I provide 3 years of full support over phone, email, and text message for free. I only charge a fair assembly fee over the cost of the hardware, so my prices often beat the big box brands as well. If you want to know more, do not be afraid to ask. I will gladly answer anything you want to know. :)
Well... That is it. If you can donate, I would really appreciate it, if you can buy a computer, I will make sure I get you the best deal I possibly can. My goal is $2000, and I currently have $18.
Thank you so much for hearing me out.
My paypal and email contact is tannytheratty@gmail.com
submitted by tannytheratty[link] [2 comments]
DAE have a fursona with a realistic fur pattern?
It's become very popular to have fursonas with multiple colors and strange patterns that are not present in the original animal.
So, who else has got a fursona that realistically displays the animal's original fur pattern and colors? Say hello!
And here are some questions:
- Why have you decided to have realistic colored fursona?
- What do you think about the fact that it has become increasingly common?
submitted by DanielTaylor[link] [23 comments]
Where can I get someone to draw me a free fursona-type thing?
I've been looking and it's all commision this, $90 that... I'll provide any details of what I am wanting it to look like in a message if anyone here is willing to draw.
submitted by -Crash-Bandicoot-[link] [4 comments]
Bored? So am I, which is why I had this "Bright" idea!
Okay, so i thought I would try something different and possibly a bit controversial. I have seen some artists around here post that they are taking requests and see that they get hounded with them. My idea is to do something opposite of that. I want to put a picture of my so-called fursona for everyone else to see and also give bored and practicing artists something to have fun with.
Here he is. (Credit goes to The Hapless Enigma for this picture)
I am giving you complete creative control over what you draw, what he is doing, or anything else that may relate to the art that you are drawing, including the option to draw something else completely and ignore this post!
I am not trying to make this sound like a plea for someone to draw my character; I am just really bored and decided to try and do something a bit backwards. If you don't want to, I will not hunt you down and beg. If you are bored and feel like taking it on, by all means, do so.
submitted by Evilsqirrel[link] [2 comments]
KnotCast: Episode 225 – The Runback
Mephit Fur Meet 2013: At the Zoo
What: Mephit Fur Meet 2013: At the Zoo When: August 29th through September 1st Where: Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center 11200 East Goodman Road Olive Branch, MS 38654
This is the convention I have called my home the past two years and I couldn't be happier about returning this year. Only a little more than a month remaining before Amarok and I leave with the caravan from Tyger's house and return to the hotel in Memphis that I have grown very fond of in a short amount of time. I never want the weekend to end when it gets here even though I am staff.
For the schedule (note: work in progress): http://mephitfurmeet2013.sched.org T-Shirt Contest ending soon: http://www.mephitfurmeet.org/tshirt-contest/2013 And much more information and signups: http://www.mephitfurmeet.org (They are needing panelists, artists, dealers, etc!)
submitted by PedigreeTheHusky[link] [2 comments]
How does one go about making a new convention?
I ask because i wanna start one for the east cost one that could be held maybe in northeast Pa somewhere ... Too many cons are to far for most of us on the east coast to go (except for you guys in pittsburg ) So how does one do this cause if i can i wanna start one (with help of course) !
submitted by Geek143[link] [4 comments]
Phoenix/AZ furs: I need your help
So here's the situation: I'm in Phoenix, Arizona. I have extremely limited funds and a week left at the place I'm staying at. I thought I'd be home in Utah by now, but it looks like…I'm going to be stuck here for quite some time.
I have next to no connections here. If you know someone who can help get me on my feet, or at least keep me company, it'd be greatly appreciated.
I'm opening up commissions. If you know anyone who needs even just a cheap sketch, please toss my page their way. Note that currently I am only able to accept digital commissions, as I only have an iPad and a backpack full of some clothes to my name at the moment.
I dunno what else to say, really, other than "thanks for looking."
submitted by siskmarek[link] [11 comments]
Building a Fursuit
Hello Reddit! I've been buying supplies for my new fursuit. I've decided to use the balaclava method to make it. Should I buy a nylon or a polyester balaclava? Thanks!
submitted by wolfenfluff[link] [5 comments]
Question about furry social networking
If someone were to make a social networking site specific to furries, what would you guys like to see in it? I'm aware that there are other websites that are social networking websites for furries, but if you were able to see features implemented, what would you like to see?
submitted by Calesar[link] [11 comments]