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Furries got no tact these days

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 10:14
Categories: News

What puts you apart from others?

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 09:33

It's 0922, I'm jerking around at work since it's a light work load day and I'm sitting, browsing pictures of mine and others thinking "what do I think makes my fursona an individual? What separates him from the masses of others?" And then I thought "what do others think separate themselves?" So I figure throwing out an open chat on the idea. Just post a picture or description for reference, list off what you think makes your fursona an individual! And please, for the sake of conversation, throw someone else a bone if you post. Mention something unique you notice about at least one other person. I'll try kicking this off in the comments. Here's hoping this takes off.

EDIT Say why you did your character up as you did, too. Was it to be unique, a style or infatuation you have, driven by your real life?

submitted by Senelbeat
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Categories: News

Hi furrys !

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 08:25

Just wanted to say hi ! Hope everyone is ok and is having a good day :D cuddles

submitted by Mootness
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Categories: News

A dragon somewhere by RavenLoo

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 08:07
Categories: News

Guild News: July

Furry Writers' Guild - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 07:54

I know a lot of our members — especially the editors and publishers — are busy gearing up for Anthrocon, so I’ll keep this as short as I can. Happy travels to all heading to Pittsburgh, and may you have awesome sales, a great time, and a lack of con crud!

New Members

Welcome to our newest members, Roland Jovaik and Gene Breshears!

Member News

Among the many releases from FurPlanet for AC is ROAR #5, which features stories by several FWG members, including Searska GreyRaven, Mary E. Lowd, Ryan Campbell, Huskyteer, Sarina Dorie, H. A. Kirsch, Ben Goodridge, NightEyes DaySpring, and Roland Joviak.

Check out Mary E. Lowd’s “Weremoose” in Untied Shoelaces of the Mind.

Huskyteer also has a poem in Apex and a story in Heat #11 (another issue that features some familiar names — you’ll also find stories there by members Tempe O’Kun, Whyte Yoté, Dark End, and Kyell Gold).

Bill “Hafoc” Rogers’ story “The Language of Emotions” has been featured on the Anthro Dreams podcast. Give it a listen!

Also new from FurPlanet for AC is James L. Steele’s novel Huvek, as well as the anthology Anthropomorphic Aliens (edited by associate member Fred Patten).

Besides the new issue of Heat, Sofawolf Press’ Anthrocon debuts include new novels from Kyell Gold (Uncovered) and M. C. A. Hogarth (The Godson’s Triumph).

Finally, Rabbit Valley brings us Alflor Aalto’s latest, Stories From Lakeforest U.

(Members: Apologies if I’ve missed anyone’s new stuff. Want to make sure your news gets included here? Start a thread in the Member News forum!)

Market News

The World Weaver Press anthology Corvidae opens to submissions today.

You’ve only got a few days left to send conbook submissions to Rocky Mountain Fur Con and (the very last) Condition. See our conbook page for details and links.

Guild News

Sean Rivercritic has this update on the first FWG anthology, Tales from the Guild, Volume 1: Music to Your Ears: “All finalized items are to the publisher. Just have to put it together and confirm release dates.” Watch this space for updates!

Members, now’s a great time to freshen up your bio pages. Just email new bios and/or pictures to furwritersguild (at)

We’re always open to guest blog posts from members! See the guidelines here.

Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesday evenings from 7-8 p.m. Eastern in the forum shoutbox. It’s an informal way to check in with your weekly writing progress and goals. And if you’ve got something you need a beta for, we now have a critique board in our forum (you’ll need to be registered with the forum in order to view it).

That’s it for this month (and thank goodness — that was a lot of links). As always, email furwritersguild (at) with news, suggestions, and other feedback, or just comment here.

One last question…

Which of the new releases are you most looking forward to reading?


Categories: News

With Anthrocon happening very soon I just wanna say, being from Pittsburgh...

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 07:45

I'm not going this year, but I really hope you enjoy the city! Pittsburgh can be a very nice place, and a lot of the folks are happy you're returning. Have an amazing time there!

submitted by VinegarEel
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Categories: News

I'm not interested in this kind of stuff myself, but I am curious about something, please give me a moment of your time.

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 04:18

I don't mean for this to sound offensive, I mean, I've got my weird fetishes too, but, are most of you homo/bi/pansexual, or female? Because everyone knows, on the internet, you're male, until proven female.

[EDIT: I accidentally a word.]

submitted by NotThatCompelling
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Categories: News

The Gumball Rally

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 01:41

More animation coming to comics! The Amazing World of Gumball is of course a popular Cartoon Network series created by Ben Bocquelet. It brings us the adventures of Gumball, a young blue cat, along with his younger sister Anais, a pink rabbit, and his younger brother Darwin, a goldfish. (Hey look, it’s cartoons! It make sense, okay? Trust us!). Now Boom! Studios have brought Gumball to the world of comics through their Kaboom! imprint. The new series is written by Frank Gibson (Adventure Time) with full-color multi-media art by Tyson Hesse (Bravest Warriors). Of course Kaboom! has a write up on the whole thing.

image c. 2014 Boom! Studios

image c. 2014 Boom! Studios

Categories: News

[Request] Need help finding Owl artwork

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 00:41

I've been trying to find some barn owls to help for my reference picture. However I am having difficulties finding any male barn owls that aren't some form of hybrid or feral. I've searched FA and SoFurry, but I can't find what I'm looking for.

Maybe there is a subreddit for this, if someone could direct me to it that would be equally helpful. Thanks in advance _^

submitted by GyreSoul
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Categories: News

Any Furries in the Pittsburgh area?

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 00:30

Not to meet up, just wondering. :3

submitted by penbloke
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Categories: News

Crossed Wires

Furry.Today - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 00:18

A seriously bad kitty and a music video for “Crossed Wires” by Superchunk.

Categories: Videos

Anyone wanna play some League?

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jun 2014 - 21:04

I want to expand my friend list and meet some new furs! Add me on NA at "schmoo592". And while you are at it you might as well post your username here, lets get a massive username thread going!

submitted by schmoo_
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 15

TigerTails Radio - Mon 30 Jun 2014 - 17:01
TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 15
The latest episode of TigerTails Radio. For previous episodes, visit From: TigerTails Radio Views: 13 0 ratings Time: 02:16:29 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Furries. Yes, most of us are perverse, but this isn't a bad thing.

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jun 2014 - 16:09

Time and time again I keep seeing comments about how hard it is to convince friends that the furry community isn't as sex-crazed as it seems. I see people getting into awkward situations where they need to discuss the topic of the fandom and why not everybody in it wants to fuck dogs. Worse, I see people talking about how they will "come out" as a furry when it's seemingly perceived with such negative light.

First and foremost, you don't "come out" as a furry. To be a furry is nothing like being gay. Being gay is implied - your friends will notice eventually, and it'll be made especially obvious when you're constantly hanging out with "that one guy" so much more than the friends you've known for so long. Being a furry is different. There's no implication. It's a secret you could take to your grave and you wouldn't even need to try. In fact, quite the contrary, you'd have to be trying for people to think you're one to begin with.

There's no obligation for your friends to know you're a furry. Not telling them doesn't make you some kind of liar, or a fake, it just means you have some interests that you are safely assuming will not be mutual. Simple.

Moving on. Saying that the furry fandom isn't perverted is false, but I'm not just going to leave it there, I'm going to try and back up my point, so if you've made it this far, you might as well read the rest before making your judgment.

My first piece of evidence is how people have this concept that they absolutely have to dispel how sexualized the community is. If the community wasn't mostly perverse, then this wouldn't be an issue. I keep hearing the same retort that "every fandom has its freaks/perverts/weirdos", but you're cracking an unfunny joke the moment you imply that the furry fandom in particular isn't rocking an obscenely high amount of adult content in comparison to any other fandom I can think of.

The /r/yiff [NSFW] subreddit has more subscribers than the /r/furry subreddit, by a fair margin. This is probably one of my weaker arguments, but the point still stands. There's several specific NSFW furry subreddits that make this number more staggering, and in comparison there's much fewer SFW furry subreddits. Face it. Most people are here for the porn, and that makes them perverted.

But that's not a bad thing. I'm not bold enough to say that we ALL like the yiff art, but I really want to say that at least 3/4 of the fandom is totally into it. Everyone has their kinks, everyone has their "thing" that they're into that they don't talk about with friends because, well, there's no place for that kind of information. Yiff is no different. You'd never tell your friends because, first of all, they don't need to know - and probably don't want to know - but also because they probably won't understand why you're into it, and think lesser of you. That last part is the exact same reason why just about everyone keeps quiet about their fetishes when it comes to friends. Nobody wants to be mocked, so even if the opportunity presents itself somehow, keep it to yourself.

This right there is the issue I have. Keeping it to yourself. Being a furry is closely linked to yiff art because it should be. All things considered, it makes a lot of sense. A lot of the SFW furry art is fairly sexualized to begin with. Most male characters have a chiseled, rock hard sexy body and are frequently seen with their shirts off, whether it be a slender or a bulkier frame, and most female characters are seen with revealing clothes and a fine pair of breasts, which you can see more clearly due to the cleavage being shown.

So, don't ask how you'll explain to your friends that the community isn't mostly sex-crazed, because it totally fucking is. The community is just so big that it's easy to think that when we say "most of us are perverts", that all of the things furries do at conventions, or for charities, or for parades, or awareness, or anything else must also be about sex, and it's not. If most of the fandom is about the sex, then there's still a fair amount that don't care about the sex at all.

You are insanely delusional the moment you think that the people in it for the sex are the minority. Please be serious. There's an absolutely staggering amount of yiff art in existence and many people with fursonas pay a high commission for their character to be drawn having sex with another character.

We're furries, and we love sex. This is nothing to be ashamed of, it just shouldn't be paraded around, either.

submitted by Narrowminded
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Categories: News

Mornin', gorgeous! (By Peritian of FA)

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jun 2014 - 16:02
Categories: News

Hi guys! I have some questions about fursonas

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jun 2014 - 13:43

I just recently got over my whole "no no I'm not a furfag that's ridiculous" thing and accepted that I pretty much am at this point. I've even sort of created some characters. I would also like to create a fursona to represent me, but even after a lot of consideration, I can't pick an animal. Cats are my favorite, but I sort of want to be...uh..."unique", I guess. Lame, I know. How did you guys pick yours? Was it just your favorite animal, or did they have to have some meaning or similarity to you? People who are foxes, wolves, or any other massively popular animals, do you mind that there are so many like you? Also, is changing your fursona a common thing, or do people generally stick to one? I know everyone is different, but I'd just like to hear the input of some of you.

Edit: I resolved this quicker than I thought I would. I'm a caracal. Thank you for answering my questions :)

submitted by Theantleredfish
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Categories: News