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Return of the Ghost Warrior

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 7 Jul 2014 - 01:59

Ten years ago furry fandom — and animation fandom in general — saw an amazing new event with the premier of Kaze: Ghost Warrior. A multi-species fantasy adventure, it was most astounding for having been financed, designed, voiced, animated, and rendered by one person. Now creator Amadhia Albee — having spent the interim as a professional effects animator — has decided the time is right for a resurrection of the warrior tiger. Kaze: Winds of Change is to be a new series of audio dramas following Kaze and his world, this time with a full crew of voice actors, musicians, and singers involved. The project has a Kickstarter campaign going — and as of this writing they have already exceeded their goal, but you can still contribute to get involved and be kept up to date.

image c. 2014 by Amadhia Albee

image c. 2014 by Amadhia Albee

Categories: News

Free art for three people.

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Jul 2014 - 00:46

Hey guys, I'm in a mood tonight so I thought I'd post on here again for a few people to post some simple requests. I can only accept three people though, for reasons. So leave a response with a ref and I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: check out my FA gallery.

submitted by tenpoundpen
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Categories: News

One Rat Short

Furry.Today - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 22:58

A rat finds love in a lab…

Categories: Videos

Con Badge?

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 21:41

Does anyone know of any good con badge makers? I wanted to commission someone to draw one up and laminate it. Links with examples of art would be nice!

P.S. I did my own research but didn't find much.

submitted by DegTheWolf
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Categories: News

Style of Eye släpper Furries-video på ”Love Looks” - album 7 oktober

Furries In The Media - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 21:37
So from what I can gather this is a mock furry documentrary music video??? It's kinda spot on with portrayels so I can't tell if they guy is a furry himself or just stole footage from actual documentaries. Nonetheless it's kind of surreal..

Style of Eye är just nu ute på en större Sverigeturné. Det firar han genom att släppa videon till låten ”Love Looks”, en video som gör ett nedslag i fenomenet Furry Fandom (människor som klär sig i djurdräkter).  Love Looks, skriven av Style of Eye & Lars Allertz, är andra singeln från Style of Eyes album ”Footprints” som kommer 7 oktober i år.

Det är en händelserik tid för Linus Eklöw, aka Style of Eye. Nyligen tilldelades han en Ascap Award för låten ”I love it” (Icona Pop) som sålts i två miljoner exemplar i USA och legat topp tio i 14 länder. Första singeln från hans kommande album, ”Kids feat. Soso ”, sålde nyligen Platinum och EP:n som han släppt med Galantis, duon han bildat med vännen Christian Karlsson från Miike Snow, har toppat iTunes topplistor i USA.

Idag släpps videon till senaste singeln ”Love Looks”. En video som ger en inblick i fenomenet Furry Fandom där vi får följa ett fåtal människo-Furries liv och deras sökande efter kärlek.

Se videon här>> :

Just nu är Style of Eye ute på en Sverigeturné där Emmabodafestivalen, Big Slap Festival och We Are Stockholm i Kungsträdgården finns bland turnéstoppen. Nu finns chansen att vinna biljetter till spelningarna och uppleva showen från scenen i en tävling med Rockbjörnen.
Categories: News

My first convention

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 20:57

So I've been living in Pittsburgh for just over a year now. I was hoping to attend last year's Anthrocon, but unfortunately, work restricted me from doing that. But this year, I got my chance.

I don't want to bore you with every little detail I have, so I'll give a 'short' summary.

  • I linked up with my friend from online. It's one of the first times I really hung out with anyone that shared my furry fixation.

  • I got a day pass for the con and bought some awesome leather bracelets from Big Black Beast.

  • Seeing all the suiters made me realize just how much I want a partial. Like, I wanted one before, but actually being in the presence of these folks really made me want to join in on all the fun.

It's hard to put into words just how awesome it was to have experienced this as my first convention. I was expecting to go and be "wow, that was fun" but instead, I've come out... Revitalized in a way. Not only did it breathe more life into my love of the fandom, but it really shined a different light on it. It was actually amazing to see the faces behind these characters. See people who shared the same hobby as I did, and talk with them. After seeing your friends living vicariously through animal characters on the internet, it's hard to remember that there are real people behind those avatars. It's a mindblow to see the person that a character represents.

All together, I just feel good about the whole thing over all. I love this community, and I can't wait for AC '15.

submitted by PeppermintButthole
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Categories: News

Cloud Nap

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 19:35
Categories: News

Red Hair & Green Eyes

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 17:42
Categories: News

My new Blue Jay Fursuit!

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 17:30
Categories: News

List of all furry subreddits?

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 16:17

Can you link me to any and all furry subreddits you guys know, NSFW and SFW? .^ thanks!

submitted by zenzebra777
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Categories: News

i drew a character (2/2)

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 16:14
Categories: News

i drew a character (1/2)

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 16:14
Categories: News

Re's at a RAVE

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 16:02
Categories: News

Artist Is Good at Backgrounds but Frustrated His Character-drawing Skills Are Not Better

Ask Papabear - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 15:26
I am a scalie (lightning dragon, simply put) who is an artist that has been said to have a gorgeous expertise in backgrounds and scenery. The benefits of being an artist in this field can provide plenty of options, but it's not usually easy to come by good networking and marketing, as any artist would have their hardships of.

As I have noticed, plenty of notable artists in the fandom draw characters and body arts as their niche; a western-world idealism in the glories of visual art. I, however, am the reverse; excellent at backgrounds, faulty at characters. Should I be proud of this in my efforts to keep drawing and improving naturally?

My question however is: If I'm so good at backgrounds, why am I not entirely happy as an artist in the fandom? One of such main issues I've been having is that my character art skills are quite off and result in unpolished works of what I draw and paint, whether traditionally hand-drawn or digital. (I do both) The dream of wanting to cooperate and collaborate on their backgrounds with some of the best and/or biggest artists within the entire world of the furry community is a euphorically uplifting thought, especially when they need help. This desire is even more illuminating when it comes to artists I also want to meet and kindly befriend altogether.

If I improve greatly and fluidly on the characters, I can draw just about anything in the flat world of 2D visual arts, both physically and digitally. This can also include drawing (web)comics, graphic novels, character illustrations, and other great forms of art. In fact, I'd love to invent a new type at some point; I enjoy a good innovation, yet quality comes first in my eyes. Again, thrilling, but I need to know what to do from here to execute better artworks. I'd eventually want to do 3D, crafting, animation, and other forms of visual arts outside of the canvas, papers, and flat surfaces.

Oddly enough, I no longer have any intention to involve money in the midst of any artworks anymore, since it has put me forth a lot of undue stress in the past whether I gain money or spend money, and vice versa with the any other party and client involved. Materialism and money has been flooded all over the visual art side of the furry fandom, especially on the most accessible ones like SoFurry, FurAffinity, Inkbunny, etc. I do art passionately however, as I have been drawing since I was nearly 1 years old (could you believe that?) starting with a smiley face on a red phone book using a writing pen.

I'd love to become a video game artist or something just as majestic and positively productive as my primary dream career. I won't give up; I just need guidance, is all. Thank you very much for the availability of asking, and I appreciate any answers.

~Azure (age 21)

* * *

Hi, Azure,

First of all, to state the obvious, why are you so worried about character art skills if you’re not trying to draw for money? If all you wish to do is create art for the joy of making art, then draw what you enjoy and who cares about the rest?

The emphasis in the fandom, as you’ve noticed, is on character art, not backgrounds, because people are looking for things like avatars and other depictions of their characters, or drawings of characters they enjoy. If you wish to gain acceptance there, you will need to improve you character drawing a bit (although not much, really). You and I both know that the only way to do that is to practice, practice, practice. 

Same is true if you are unsatisfied as an artist because you feel like you are too limited in your abilities and want to branch out into, using an example you gave, graphic novels and the like.

That said, I checked out some of your art online ( and it is gorgeous. Your background art is stunning. Yes, your character art is not quite at the same level, but while that background level is amazing, your character art is still pretty darn good.

Now, if you never get to be as good an artist in the area of drawing animals, people, anthros, etc., that you wish to be, you can certainly still make it as an artist in this world. There are many many opportunities out there for you. You could, for example, create computer screen art, skateboard and surfboard art, book covers, record covers, commercial arts, art for stage production backgrounds, textile arts, background art for animated films, video games, and even live-action films, or simply be a landscape/still life/abstract traditional artist. Many people purchase such paintings for their homes and offices. Given what I saw online, you could become accomplished in any of those areas, if you were willing to try.

So, when you ask the question, “If I'm so good at backgrounds, why am I not entirely happy as an artist in the fandom?” the answer depends on point of view. If you are limiting yourself to the furry fandom, then you are not satisfied because the fandom emphasizes characters over backgrounds and might not fully appreciate backgrounds (although I saw some comments on your posts and they were pretty darn positive); but if you are asking for yourself, I would say the answer is because you feel like you should be more well-rounded as an artist in your subject matter. Both problems can be corrected with more practice. You could, for example, take some classes in figure drawing, either at a college or from a private instructor.

In my opinion, however, I’d say you are already an accomplished artist and there is a lot you could do with the skills you already have. Depending on what you wish to do with those skills—a decision entirely up to you—will determine your course from this point forward.

Good luck!


Furry news of the week: Pittsburgh’s official “Anthrocon Day” (7-5-14)

Dogpatch Press - Sun 6 Jul 2014 - 14:45
ANTHROCON’s official holiday, world record, FBI investigation – Wolfgem and Beastcub recover from tragedy – New con: Pac Anthro Weekend – More Here’s the regular feature of Furry news bites, scoops, and Snausage links. Tips welcome- I’d love to post yours! ______________________________________ - July 5th officially declared “Anthrocon Day” by Pittsburgh’s Mayor! The mayor of […]
Categories: News