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Nine Lives, Many Adventures

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 01:54

Sometimes it’s best to just let the thing speak for itself: “Allison Breaking is a talented journalist with her own blog and a lot of bills to pay, so when she receives an offer from a mysterious stranger named Burma to write his memoirs, it’s an offer she can’t refuse, not even with all the red flags popping up. But Burma is quite literally unlike any man Allison’s ever known – because he’s a cat. And this cat has stories to tell about how he (over the course of a few lifetimes) has shaped the world – and another, darker story that Allison must risk all to uncover… a story of what this particular cat has been doing with the last of his nine lives.” That’s the story of I Was The Cat, written by Paul Tobin and illustrated in full color by Benjamin Dewey. The hardcover graphic novel is coming this August from Oni Press.

Image c. 2014 Oni Press

Image c. 2014 Oni Press

Categories: News

Ep 24 – Comic Sans - Hi everyone! Sorry for the late episode. Roland fell into some more computer issues. This episode is a result of Roland’s trip to Dallas, TX! Featuring Fuzzwolf, Buck Turner, and yours truly, we talk about some of the behind the scene

Fangs and Fonts - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 00:32

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late episode. Roland fell into some more computer issues. This episode is a result of Roland’s trip to Dallas, TX! Featuring Fuzzwolf, Buck Turner, and yours truly, we talk about some of the behind the scenes about editing and publishing books, running dealer’s tables and more!

Please forgive some of the editing issues for this episode. The intro/outro music is a little loud, and there’s some cable-jousting at around the 30-minute mark. These will be fixed when Roland wakes up from his drunken haze after this weekend.

Enjoy the show!


Fangs and Fonts

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Ep 24 – Comic Sans - Hi everyone! Sorry for the late episode. Roland fell into some more computer issues. This episode is a result of Roland’s trip to Dallas, TX! Featuring Fuzzwolf, Buck Turner, and yours truly, we talk about some of the behind the scenes about [...]
Categories: Podcasts

FC-170 Rainbro

Furry News Network - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 23:38
Author: (..::XANA::.. Creations) Yo bro look it’s a rainbro bro! (Also, see you all at AC2014!) Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) [Video coming soon... check back later] News: ‘Star Fox’ will return by crossaffliction FurryCon mark registration proceeds after initial denial by GreenReaper Fleshlight Launchpad Lets You Have Sex With Your iPad Man in […] FC-170 Rainbro
Categories: News

Looking for furry pen pals

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 23:37

Hello /r/furry, Mexican furry artist and writer here.

I'm interested in meeting new people and making contacts. One of my goals is moving to Germany in a few years, so making friends from the EU would be fantastic [whether I do manage to move there or not].

Here is an outdated picture of my fursona: A smilodon-lion hybrid (2012)

Contact data: My FA and dA accounts. My Skype account is "dantesmilodon".

Anyone interested? ^^

submitted by SiberianDante
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Best Day Of My Life

Furry.Today - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 23:34

American Authors – Best Day Of My Life. Just your normal man and imaginary drinking partner.

Categories: Videos

My fursuit will never be completed.

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 22:29

Long story short, I completely fucked up the head when I got my fur. So all that hard work, money, and time was a waste. Next time I'm fraking paying for someone to professionally make it. Sorry to those who wanted to see the finished project.

submitted by FrankfurterSinatra
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Okay, Okay, You Got Me. Now What?

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 19:05

I just up and realized recently that I'm a furry. The community here seems nice so I figured I'd post here. So like what do I do now? Besides keeping a large folder of art on my computer?

submitted by LastResortHumor
[link] [9 comments]
Categories: News

Race for the Kitties

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 19:00
Categories: News

Red Zebra Gal (by me)

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 13:55
Categories: News

-Insert Random Title Here-

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 13:29
Categories: News

Young Furry Yearns to Be Accepted by Parents and Best Friend

Ask Papabear - Tue 1 Jul 2014 - 12:37
Dear Papa Bear, 

As you can see I'm sort of on the younger side of the fandom but this doesn't change my love for it. I've been in love with anything and everything furry for almost two years now.

I just recently "came out" per say, I told my parents about me being a furry. I showed them some fur suit picture, some cute anthros I drew up over the years, thoroughly explaining that it's a big deal to me but for them just to consider it a hobby. That was two weeks ago and I still haven't heard a break from the constant teasing and bullying. They told me yesterday, "Why can't you just be a normal teenager like Destiny?" It hurts so bad that not even my parents can accept me, I already get enough teasing being open at school. I mean, my best friend keeps calling me a creep.

I guess this is a question of acceptance. How am I supposed to deal with all of this coming from all the people I love most? Please let me know.

Your Admirer,
Galix (16)

* * *

Dear Galix,

I suppose your parents miss the irony in having a child named “Destiny” while telling you that you must conform. Hmmm...?

And if your “best friend” calls you a “creep,” then time to find a new best friend. If any of MY friends called me names, I would certainly question the quality of that friendship. I would never treat them in such a manner and expect the same kindness from them. You should, too.

The biggest cause of mental distress in humans is the unrequited desire to please one’s parents and to be accepted by them, as well as by one’s peers. You will find millions of people on psychologists’ couches because they never felt they were accepted by the most important people in their early lives. This is understandable, because as infants, toddlers, and young children, we depend upon our elders for everything from food and shelter to being a role model for our behaviors. They are the people we look up to, and so their opinions have great power over us to either nurture us or torment us. Such is the touchstone of parenting: good parents nurture (but not to the point of indulging their children’s every whim), bad ones torment.

But if you are to become an adult, and a fully-realized person, you have to overcome your need for approval from others and learn the biggest lesson of all: the only voice of approval that really matters is your own. If you do not approve of yourself, if you do not like yourself, you will be miserable all your days. But if you DO like yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin, then the opinions of others will ricochet off you like bullets off Superman’s chest.

I would like to recommend two books by don Miguel Ruiz to you: The Four Agreements and The Fifth Agreement. The author explains in these books, using concepts developed by the Toltecs, how to live life on your own terms. You can likely find inexpensive, used paperbacks on

In the meantime, you have to deal with the current bullying situation. When it comes to school peers, you have to deal with them at their intellectual level (mostly, brutish), which is why I suggest learning some self-defense. Becoming physically fit and not being shy about it is a highly effective way to shut bullies up, since most bullies are cowardly slime who back down from a fight when pressed. Another way is to be more clever than they are. I wrote about this in a column back in March (

As for your parents, since you can’t beat them up (small joke).... Have you told them that they are hurting your feelings? This is a very tough thing to do, I’ll admit. It’s hard to, basically, criticize your parents’ parenting. The way to approach such a delicate topic is by doing so with understanding, remembering that, while they are your elders, they are also just human. So, preface a conversation with something like: “Mom, Dad, I know you’re only thinking of my well-being, but....” and go on to explain that being a furry is who you are, and if they can’t accept that, then it makes you feel like they don’t accept you either. Many parents don’t get that being a furry is, for many, more than a hobby like collecting dolls or being a Trekkie; it is who many of us are. If you can make your parents understand that, then, hopefully, the teasing will stop.

Hope this helps! Good luck!
