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‘Furries’ begin to arrive in Pittsburgh for annual Anthrocon Convention

Furries In The Media - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 17:18
Here is a brief article, dated July 2, on (the website of an NBC-affiliated television station located in Pittsburgh). It concerns the impending Anthrocon convention:

PITTSBURGH — The furries are once again beginning to arrive in downtown Pittsburgh for the annual Anthrocon Convention.

Anthrocon is the largest anthropomorphics convention in the world with membership in the thousands, according to the convention’s website.

The convention has been held in Pittsburgh since 2006. On average, the convention pumps nearly $7 million into the local economy.

Members call themselves “furries,” and the Anthrocon convention in Pittsburgh brings together thousands of devotees of anthropomorphics from all over the world.

The event includes workshops and seminars in acting, costume-building, animation, writing, art and design. It also hosts an extensive art show where the best in anthropomorphic artwork is offered for sale.

The convention begins Thursday and lasts through the weekend. This year the group plans to raise more for the National Aviary.
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Muted by Sirbarkalot

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 16:57
Categories: News

Artists to look for?

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 15:52

Hey furs! Ive been a furry for a little bit now and I've just kind of bounced around from place to place enjoying furry art wherever it comes up. I was wondering if you guys couldn't help me find some particularly good artists, streamers, or speed artists to help focus my spastic search methods. Thanks!

submitted by Jagagy
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Categories: News

Friend sent me this

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 15:41
Categories: News

Furry goals?

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 15:16

Hey, it's me again, the one armed gangster of love, Shea! Hey, someone's gotta talk me up, but that's beside the point. I come here bearing more queries for you duders. What are your goals as a furry?

Yeah, broad question, I know, so lemme try and give a little definition and direction. Some people get into the fandom because they like the art or suits, music, people, what have you. But as with every community there's different scenes and niches and cliques. Not a bad thing, at the end of the day we're all furries. But do any of you want more than to just be a furry?

Now I'm not saying everyone wants to be some sort of tyrannical overfluff who rules furry culture with a plush paw, but people join communities to build more of a face for themselves, typically. What, if anything, do you all want to do? Something simple like gain lots of friends or have a tight community of good friends you can rely on? Brave your first con in a suit you hand made? Gain a few followers on FA, DA or other such sites? Maybe even get one beautiful piece of art you can proudly claim is yours?

Perhaps you have loftier goals like becoming at least semi popular of a writer or musician, using your fursona as your face. Maybe start a popular podcast, become a furry personality like Marbles or Artica or whoever else you might be able to think of? Hell, even being someone known for commissioning pricey pieces.

Myself? I wanna be a face. If I'm known for my pretty pieces because I have a tendency to get one or few a month then that's cool, but I wanna have my name known. I wanna be able to have at least one person mention me as "that cool/douchey cat I heard of/met once". I'm not looking to be the next household furry name... Hell something like that is pretty impossible, really, but I'd like to have people who see a message I post or a piece I commission and have them wanna message me. Not for selfish reasons, I just like to run my mouth and I know there are a lot of bashful furs out there who'd shy away from a message or comment. Just furs who need those first few kind words to ease them out of their shell to get them active and making friends. I know cause I used to be one myself and now that I'm more vocal I feel so much happier.

Also if you guys are getting tired of seeing "oh, that cat jerk posted another thread, time to downvote" then call me out on it, yo. Mods, too. I know I can turn into a wordy little prat from time to time.

submitted by Senelbeat
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Categories: News

A Rough Start in Life Does Not Mean You're a Failure

Ask Papabear - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 15:13

I am 19. Through the course of my life people have made me believe it's the year of golden opportunity for me something that defines my life forever. And I'm not doing anything with it. I wanted to go to college, but due to circumstances that didn't work. So instead I wanted to go to New York and help in volunteer work. That didn't work out either. So now I'm left with just me, I don't have a license, I don't have a job, and I'm not doing anything. And I know I shouldn't be in a rush to finish life, but shouldn't I be starting a life?


* * *

Dear Majora,

One of the toughest, most stressful things in life is trying to decide your career and all your future life before you even are 20 years old. We are all so constantly pushed about this that it can make many of us miserable, and we can often make the wrong decisions. In the good ol’ days (geezer alert!), when milk came to your door via horse-drawn wagon there was a common system of apprenticeship. Only rich, educated families typically went to colleges and universities. Most other people worked in retail, trades, and factories. You were pretty much assigned from the time you were born as to which direction you would go, with a few exceptions of some brilliant people born to families of modest means.

Today, it is expected that everyone should go to college and if you don’t you are somehow a loser. This system is wrong-headed, and also crippled by the fact that our public education system is woefully inadequate and dominated more by Washington politics than common sense. So, what happens, inevitably, is a lot of young people drop out of school, or they join the military, or they keep trying to get into college, not really knowing why they should and, like you, feeling lost.

I’m not sure what type of volunteer work you were looking to do in New York, or why that idea fell flat, but what you need to do is take some time to decide what you want to do with your life. Don’t rush it. Think of hobbies and interests you have and how that might relate to a career. Don’t limit yourself to careers that need a college degree. You know, some people are really skilled with their hands. I have great respect for people who are talented carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, electricians, and the like. Or perhaps you enjoy working retail. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe you want to start an online business. There’s lots of potential out there to start businesses with little start-up money.

You do not have to determine the course of the rest of your existence today. Even if you decided on a career path, remember that it is now common for people to change careers three or four times during their lives. For instance, I started off wanting to be a sci-fi/fantasy novelist. Well, that didn’t work out so well. Now I’m an editor, but I want to do something more profitable and am seriously considering some business options. You never know where life will take you, so don’t panic just because you aren’t sure right now.

Also, remember that we are more than just our careers. Life is not all about work. If you succeed in other aspects of your life (family, love, spiritualism, etc.) but don’t do so well at a career, you’re still having a successful life.

For a little inspiration, here are some examples of famous people who started off sucking at life:

  • Albert Einstein: Believe it or not, in school he sucked at math and couldn’t even tie his own shoe laces. He didn’t talk until he was four years old and couldn’t read until he was seven. His teachers and parents thought he was mentally handicapped. His early work included being employed at a patent office doing drudge work.
  • Isaac Newton: Was considered a moron at school (in his early days), so he went to work the family farm and was a terrible farmer. To get him out of the family’s hair, his uncle sent Isaac to Cambridge, where he finally found his calling in science.
  • Thomas Edison: As a young student, his teachers considered him stupid. He failed in his first two business ventures.
  • Charles Darwin: Gave up on a medical career and was considered by his father to be a lazy good-for-nothing.
  • Abraham Lincoln: Starting off in the military, he was demoted from captain all the way down to private. His early business ventures and political campaigns were complete failures.
  • Walt Disney: Was fired from his job at a newspaper because, according to the editor there, he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”
  • Harrison Ford: Couldn’t get work as an actor because Hollywood producers felt he had no talent. He was working as a carpenter when he got his break to play Han Solo in Star Wars.
  • Bill Gates: Dropped out of Harvard and his first business failed.
  • J. K. Rowling: She was a divorced mother living on welfare before she finally made it big with the “Harry Potter” series.

You get the idea. So, don’t be discouraged just because you’re having a rough start. What do all the people listed above have in common? They never gave up trying. Follow their examples and you'll be okay.



Sanctum 2 anyone?

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 14:55

I bought Sanctum 2 during the Steam Summer Sale, and I've been practically obsessed with it, and I was wondering if any of you guys would be up for some co-op.

submitted by crookedear
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Categories: News

Fursona Attempt #1 (iPhone pic)

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 13:38
Categories: News

What's Gumball reacting to?

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 13:38
Categories: News

Best 18th Birthday Gift

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 13:21

After going to the mall, entertainment center, nostalgic arcade, I was driving to my first hookah bar with my S.O. We were discussing a few things and that's when I dropped the question about "furries". My emo badass army (that's what he calls himself) boyfriend admitted he's a furry.

According to him he's been one for years and it started when he was 14. He has an IMVU account with two of his characters. He has a black and white rabbit with demon eyes (pretty cool) and he has a red orange dragon (fuck yeah!). He's into the art and fur suiting.

I did it furry community!

EXTRA: I know rabbits are stereotyped as homosexual. He's not bisexual or curious. He associated himself as one because he considers himself fast. Rabbits are fast runners.

Edit: Words.

submitted by Ryuu_Girl
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Categories: News

‘Kaze, Ghost Warrior’ released for free; new series to be introduced at Anthrocon 2014

Furry News Network - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 08:38
Author: GreenReaper The full verison of Kaze, Ghost Warrior (2004; Flayrah review) has been released to YouTube, in advance of a panel at Anthrocon 2014 covering a planned successor series. E. Amadhia Albee: On Friday, July 4th at Anthrocon from 3-4pm in room DLCC 319-321, after a short retrospective about where the search for Hollywood […]
Categories: News

How is everyone doing today? (Round 2)

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 08:13

Hey guys! This is a weekly post that I want to try, here is last weeks post. I want this subreddit to have a place where we can just talk about anything and everything, something that is different from all the regular posts. We are an awesome subreddit and I want us furry redditers to get to know each other better!

anyone getting ready for AC? anyone working on summer projects? anything you need to vent? are you proud of something and want to share? is your tail super fluffeh?

EDIT: What do you guys think of this kind of post being a weekly thing? Love it? Hate it? any ideas?

Edit2: anyone have a Kik account? I just made one, my username is moosefet not really sure how this works

submitted by PM_ME_FURRIES
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Categories: News

Young Furry Yearns to Be Accepted by Parents and Best Friend

Furry News Network - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papa Bear,  As you can see I’m sort of on the younger side of the fandom but this doesn’t change my love for it. I’ve been in love with anything and everything furry for almost two years now.I just recently “came out” per say, I told my parents about me being a furry. […]
Categories: News

Any Aussie furs down for a chat?

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 06:33

Hey hey! Any Australian furries (preferable <24 years of age & in the Brisbane area) that want to chat on kik or skype feel free to PM me your details and I'll get to chatting with you.

Having a tough time recently and could use some new friends to just talk to from time to time, maybe sometime play games on steam :3

submitted by Jubilee_Street
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Categories: News

Upcoming furry comics for August 2014 (Previews and Marvel Previews)

Furry News Network - Wed 2 Jul 2014 - 05:38
Author: crossaffliction Furry comics that made the top 100 best-seller’s list for April 2014 include: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #18 at 86, and Guardians of the Galaxy #14 at 23. See also: July 2014 read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be […]
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