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Looking for female furs to be in comic
I have an offer from someone for a 6pg story and would like your fursona in it and some input on what I have though up. Story will probably end up nsfw. Here is a sketch of my sona by the artist http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14220157/ reply with a pic of your sona or character and let me know if you're interested. Bonus points If you're a mare, german shepard. huskey or wolf.
submitted by mcninja77[link] [9 comments]
"Snuggle n cuddle" by Verrmont of DA. I love it!
Looking for furs with a horse, german shepard, huskey or wolf as their fursona
I have an offer from someone for a 6pg story and would like you in it and some input on what I have though up. Story will probably end up nsfw. Here is a sketch of my sona by the artist http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14220157/ reply with a pic of your sona and let me know if you're interested.
submitted by mcninja77[link] [4 comments]
SoFurry support is live! Need some feedback. (And awesome flair!)
I've implemented SoFurry mirroring capabilities, twice, and I'd like some info about the site since I've never been there in the last ... idk ... 4 years?
I want to know. Is there any content only allowed to registered users?
Currently the bot behaves like an anonymous user (unlike FA) and I have yet to find a blocked page, I also noticed that SF is quite SFW which is kinda suspicious.
As usual with any new release, report any bugs an feel free to abuse the bot at /r/furaffinitybotping. Triggering and reporting a bug allows you to name the next release.
I only hope /u/fxscreamer's posts don't trigger a bug yet again (jk, u are awesome fx ;)
Also, I made a simplistic flair icon and wanted my bot to have it, but /u/copperbadger improved it quite a bit. And that is the flair icon I'm currently showing. Thanks! ^_^
Next target in sight: Inkbunny.
submitted by fa_mirror[link] [3 comments]
Fur Affinity App?
Why isn't there one? I mean, mobile FA its the same at the PC version. Just a mobile version of the website on the web browser would be better then nothing.
submitted by Dingus_Kahn[link] [6 comments]
How to waste 1hr of work. (Add, commit, push. I'll never forget that again)
I've implemented SoFurry support on the bot for the .25 version only to accidentaly delete the files just after testing it works.
Implemented the SoFurry scrapper.
Test it works.
Congrats! I've just deleted the work I've just done!
Not very furry-related but I needed to rant.
The lost-in-aether version working
Edit: SoFurry.com support is now live! Please report any bugs.
submitted by fa_mirror[link] [14 comments]
Which dragons do you like?
Hey /r/furry, who might your favorite winged, scaly beasts be?
(yeah, maybe kinda strange to ask fuzzbutts that :p)
Off the top of my head, not in ranked order:
- Toothless HTTYD
- Haku Spirited Away
- Paarthunax Skyrim
- Smaug Hobbit
- Temeraire Temeraire
- AuRon Age of Fire
- Saphira Inheritance
- Kilgharrah Merlin BBC
- Draco DragonHeart
- Chibisuke Dragon Drive
- Spyro Spyro
- Shenron Dragonball
[link] [27 comments]
Anthrocon 2014 Floor Wars - Ratchet Couture (Brenda Banks & Dalmy) vs. Katarang (Kwik Cheetah & NeoPan Tyger)
Unicode 6.0 includes a bunch of animal symbols. (But most fonts only seem to include cats)
x-post from LoLfanart, Tundra Fizz by ???
Looking for input on vids to play during Fur night at the dance club
Hey everyone. The place I DJ at is having a Furry night tonight. We have tv's behind the bar and stuff, and normally i run visuals through them while i DJ. For our furry night, I am having trouble deciding on what kind of vids to run. I thought maybe get some furry dance party footage from youtube and looping clips like that, or maybe some cartoons with anthropomorphic animals in them? Fox and the Hound? Aristocats? Would playing Gummi Bears or something like that be cool, or would they find it patronizing, like "oh, of COURSE they would play fox and the hound, because we're in FURSUITS! How clueless and uninformed they are about our culture!"
Any thoughts or inputs on what kind of vids would be cool to play? As someone who does not identify as a furry, I would like to make an effort try and make this more than just a night out at the dance club, but a place where they could have monthly nights, etc. I would like to try and tailor my visuals to my clientele, and in this case I am sorely uninformed.
submitted by catgoat[link] [3 comments]
Anybody here play hearthstone and want to play sometime?
No zoo. Reminder zoo players = cancer to the game.
Post your BattleTag
submitted by Urlich_Firelord[link] [5 comments]
What to Do When Someone Is Suicidal and All You Have Is Their Social Media Name
Monsters Make All The Best Stuff
From the Booklist write-up on Amazon, here’s a quick introduction to The Creature Department by Robert Paul Weston: “Elliot is overjoyed the morning his uncle, professor Archie Von Doppler, invites him to tour the supersecret invention lab at DENKi-3000, a company famous for its unusual, logic-defying products. But the secrets are more super than Elliot had hoped. The professor’s lab is staffed entirely by fantastical creatures—a French-speaking, bird-size fairy-bat; a giant dreadlocked salamander; and a librarian with three dragon heads atop octopus legs; etc.—whose otherworldly technology gives DENKi-3000’s inventions their astonishing appeal.” But all is not well, of course, and Elliot soon finds himself charged with protecting his new monster friends and their invention lab from an evil corporate takeover. It’s all in this new illustrated book published by Razorbill. It even has its own web site, complete with monster animation.

image c. 2014 Razorbill