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"The Struggle" updated for 2014

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 17:49
Categories: News

Yamankami and Susa - Ayern-he

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 14:49
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 14:28
Categories: News

Need Panel Imput "Doggies, wolfies, and yotes oh my"

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 13:19

Right fuzz butts. I offered to run a panel at the upcoming con. I have ideas on what to chat about. But I need more ideas. What would you talk about? I'm thinking of a engaging the audience. With the following: -Why the canine -How did you come about your fursona -Discussions on various K-9 types What else to add?

submitted by saditch
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Categories: News

An Assortment of Grumpy Fucks

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 12:14
Categories: News

Think about This before Interfering with a Friend's Love Life

Ask Papabear - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 11:45
Dear Papa Bear,

First off, I would like to say I greatly enjoy reading your column.

Now onto my problem. A few days ago, one of my friends (for simplicity's sake, I'll call her "Fox") messaged me and some other friends via Facebook that she met a guy (I'll call him "Lion") and was going on a first date later that day. I found that to be good for her, especially because she had never dated anyone before. Later that day, she messaged us that she had kissed him. That was the first thing that concerned me as it seemed to have happened a bit too quickly.

Today "Fox" described behavior from "Lion" that sounded way to soon for the amount of time they had been together and very clingy, including making out and cuddling. If I recall correctly, it happened during only the second date. I warned her about it and to be careful and she assured me she was being careful.

Later today, another friend asked her how old "Lion" is. The answer shocked me. "Lion" is 30. "Fox" is 18. Yes, she is a legal adult, but a 12 year age gap, to me, is enormous, especially considering she has never dated before.

I must give some background on "Fox." From what I have heard from her before, she does not have a very good home life. As far as I can tell, her parents, who were never married and live apart, are not abusive, but neither are good parents. This includes threatening to not help her pay tuition if she went to community college instead of a university.
As to how this relates to "Lion," I believe what she is actually looking for in him is not a boyfriend, but a father figure and an escape from her family. I also believe "Lion" may be getting desperate, although I do not know how many previous relationships he's had, but it would explain the clingy behavior.

"Fox" is a good friend of mine and I want to help her. What do you think? Should I pull her aside and tell her my concerns, and if I do, what should I say?

Please help,

* * *

Dear Intalli,

Thanks for the compliment :-3

It’s great that you care about the welfare of your friend, Fox. You could be right in your assessment of the situation. However, you could also be incorrect. When you lace your letter with phrases like “if I recall,” “from what I have heard,” and “as far as I can tell,” we can conclude you are not standing on completely firm ground.

Instead of jumping to conclusions, sit down with Fox and—without being fake about it—ask how she’s doing and ask her to tell you more about Lion, and also talk about her and her life.

It sounds to Papabear like, although you are friends with Fox, you are not best or close friends. Even close friends should be wary about interfering with other people’s lives, unless they are asked to give advice. You are neither extremely close, nor has Fox asked you for your input, so don’t stick your snout in where it doesn’t belong.

What you can do is offer her your (nonjudgmental) ear and be a friend. Also—not that this came up, but I’m covering bases here—do not gossip about Fox and Lion to your other friends.

Just because there’s a 12 year age gap between Lion and Fox does not preclude the possibility they are actually in love. I know a number of people who are married who have gaps that large or larger. You shouldn’t leap into an assumption, risking not only their relationship but also your friendship with Fox.

There’s a difference between being a friend and being a nosy busybody. Tread lightly.



My fox drawing :D

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 09:32
Categories: News

From Russia with fluff

Furry.Today - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 09:07

Avik (aka Avallah), invades Berlin from Russia in a cute and adorable way.

Categories: Videos

Review: ‘Fuzzy Business’ and ‘Fuzzy Business 2: Fuzz Harder’, by Amelia Ritner

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 08:38
Author: Fred Miara is a humanimal, a woman just like anyone else, except with feline features and some feline abilities … (blurb for Fuzzy Business) I cannot help remembering A.I.P.’s July 1977 movie of The Island of Dr. Moreau, with Burt Lancaster as Dr. Paul Moreau, the Mad Scientist who was uplifting animals into humanimals™, […]
Categories: News

Review: ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History’, by Andrew Farago.

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 05:38
Author: Fred This large, full-color book is published both for the 30th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book, which was first published by two comic-book fans at a comics convention in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in May 1984, and for the release of the fifth Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theatrical feature opening this […]
Categories: News

Review: ‘Pokémon X’ and ‘Y’ for the Nintendo 3DS

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 02:38
Author: crossaffliction So, here we are again, with the second new batch of Pokémon introduced via semi-anthropomorphic fox; while Zorua and Zoroark got that honor last time, this time the new starter Pokémon, including Fire starter Fennekin, were the first glimpse at the new Pokémon. And, okay, Fennekin doesn’t exactly start out even semi-anthropomorphic, middle […]
Categories: News

Eurofurence 20 - Who is coming?

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 02:02

So in less than 2 weeks Eurofurence takes place for the 20th time. So who of you will be in Berlin in two weeks? And who wants to meet?

submitted by ShironDrake
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Categories: News

Like Punnies in the Spring

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 01:28

Well okay, the middle of summer, but hey… Llyn Hunter is an Emmy Award-winning storyboard artist, also known for her humorous illustrations and poetry. Many of those have been collected over the years in her Little Book series (like A Little Book of Monsters, reviewed here previously) put out by her own Bobcat Publishing. Her latest work is called Punnies — a collection of pun illustrations (cat fish, duck tape, cow bell…) each accompanied by a verse. She’s started up a Kickstarter campaign to help her fund publishing the book in a large-size coffee table format. The campaign is up from now until the end of September. Also make sure to visit her home page to see samples of the many other projects that she’s worked on over the years.

image c. 2014 by Llyn Hunter

image c. 2014 by Llyn Hunter

Categories: News

The struggle every fur goes through

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 00:07
Categories: News

Looking for duct tape dummy help/advice.

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Aug 2014 - 00:00

Hi all!

You may (but probably don't) remember me from posting earlier this summer about my decision to possibly commission a suit and mulling over different makers. Well, I've narrowed my choices down to a couple options, and am likely to spring on the down payment for a fullsuit within a week or so.

One problem: Both prospective makers require/highly recommend a duct tape dummy. Being somewhat of a newcomer in my area, I haven't made any friends with whom I consider myself tight enough to discuss fursuiting, etc. / don't really have someone I think I could rely on to give me assistance with the task. Every guide I see says that this is really a two-man job (at least), which presents an issue for me.

To those experienced with DTDs here - is it at all possible as a solo job, or do you have any tips for how to go about it otherwise?

submitted by APBruno
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Categories: News