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How many of you all are in community college?

Furry Reddit - Mon 11 Aug 2014 - 00:37

If you are, do you plan on going to a four-year or trade school in the future?

submitted by dddragon
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Categories: News

Male Mega Lopunny

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 23:25
Categories: News

Help Support Spice and Wolf Season 3

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 21:58

If you want to see a third season of spice and wolf, please help sign this petition to funimation.

submitted by CommanoDoge
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Categories: News

Meet Syne!

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 21:21
Categories: News

Child Abuse in the Past Stands in the Way of What Could Be a Happy Relationship

Ask Papabear - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 20:17
Good Evening, Papabear

My name is Sabrina and I've heard about you from a friend IRL and she told me you can help with problems and this one deals with my brother Kyle. He's going out with a guy named Chris; there's nothing wrong with him and the two of them get along so well. But every time Kyle tries to hug or kiss Chris, Chris seems to shrug away from it. This happened more than once, and Kyle thought he might have done something wrong or was being too pushy. 

A few weeks later, Kyle found out that Chris doesn't like to be touched by guys because Chris was physically and emotionally abused by his mother's old boyfriends in the past (nothing sexual happened) and that's why that happened, which caused Kyle to hate himself for being too touchy with Chris and shirk away from him so he won't make him feel uncomfortable. 

What can I do to help my brother, Papabear? I don't want to see him upset nor do I want to see Chris upset either; he became like a brother to me.


* * *

Dear Sabrina,

Thanks for your letter. It’s so nice to see a caring sister like you. The first thing you need to do to help your brother is make him understand that nothing about this is his fault. Chris’s problems are not his fault, and the fact that he tried to show Chris affection before understanding Chris’s past is also not your brother’s fault. Tell him Papabear told you that it is not his fault and not to feel bad.

Although Chris was not sexually abused, he was physically and emotionally abused and that is just as bad in many ways. Childhood abuse commonly has a negative impact on the abused person’s ability to make friendships and have loving relationships. Many such victims also become abusive, depressed, even suicidal.

You and your brother need to form an alliance to help Chris. First, I’d like to recommend a little reading: Adult Children of Abusive Parents by Steven Farmer. You can also read Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Susan Forward and Craig Buck. You and your brother should both read one or both of these books, then talk about it, and then give the books to Chris to read. Another thing you can do is research local support groups in your area and see if you can get Chris to attend one of them.

Again, Step 1: tell your brother he is not to blame; Step 2: learn about the problems adults face when they’ve been abused and try to educate Chris as well; support him emotionally and try to get him some help.

Good luck!


Patchify your sona!! (embroidery)

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 19:56
Categories: News

Fursuiting movie confirmed for oscar nomination – SF Furry Film Fest news

Dogpatch Press - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 19:01
FINSTERWORLD crossed my radar several days ago. (See my enthusiastic review to learn about fursuiting in the movie.) Their official news confirms it as German nominee for best foreign film at the Oscars. This is making me excited to propose a Furry Film Festival! MORE COMMENTS WANTED. Nice comments are coming in to my post […]
Categories: News

Another attempt at art.

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 18:49
Categories: News

/r/furry Which Do you Prefer: Comic or Story?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:56

I am working on a Furry-ish story, and I started having it illustrated as a comic (Page in, not that far into it).

While the illustration has been in process, I have been writing scripts for several chapters ahead and one in particular ended up over 15,000 words. Now, granted a good deal of that is description, actions and what have you, but still that's an 1/8th of a novel for one chapter of a comic. I am starting to get concerned that things will be lost because...well some of that has to be cut.

This is why I ask if you prefer comic to story, and why I ask /r/furry in particular since this is...somewhat furry (It's kind of a long story and there's more to it but...still furry in some ways).

submitted by PendoFur
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Categories: News

In the market for a full fursuit. Who would you recommend?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:46

I am looking for a makers whose prices do not start over 2k.

submitted by Yiffing_Time
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Categories: News

An alternate status quo for furry expression

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:26

Lets have a thought experiment.

What if furry fandom was considered tantamount to religion by the public. Wearing a tail would be considered similar to wearing a cross or a kippah. Like religion, there is varying public opinion on the subject, but in many places it is a non-issue.

Would you chose to express yourself? If so, how?

After I saw that comic posted here a few days ago (which I can no longer find the link to), I have been mulling over this idea.

submitted by Evilinc90
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Categories: News

Anyone have any movie or tv show scenes/characters they want me to draw but furry version??

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:24

I'm curious how they will turn out XD just comment what you want me to draw and I shall!

submitted by FizzyFoxy
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Categories: News

S3 – Episode 24 – Season 3 Recap - Can you believe it? We've come to the end of Season 3! Mark joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they relive their favorite moments from the Season, read your emails, read a new "How Google Transcribed it", and more!

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:09
Can you believe it? We've come to the end of Season 3! Mark joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they relive their favorite moments from the Season, read your emails, read a new "How Google Transcribed it", and more! This deluxe length episode wouldn't have been possible without YOU, so we thank you for writing in for each episode and letting us know what your favorite moments were. We hope you enjoy reliving the journey with us.



Special Thanks

Axel Thunderpaw
Kira the Fox
LilChu the Raichupup
The Ringmaster

Music and Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Musical beds for various parts of this episode: Various pieces from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Soundtrack. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2014 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Used per Materials Usage License.

Next episode: S3 Special 4 - What Does Furry Mean to You? But send your emails now for Season 4 Episode 1 - Outsiders ask questions about the fandom! Send your emails by August 15, 2014! S3 – Episode 24 – Season 3 Recap - Can you believe it? We've come to the end of Season 3! Mark joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they relive their favorite moments from the Season, read your emails, read a new "How Google Transcribed it", and more!
Categories: Podcasts

Looking for an artist

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:01

I'm looking to get a character sheet. Unfortunately the artists I have found who's style fits my mental image of my sona either don't make character sheets, don't draw canine genitals, or are sadly never available to commission. Here is where I ask your help. I would like to find an artist with similar styles as those I have linked and meet my requirements. Your help wild be greatly appreciated.



Spearfrost NSFW

submitted by adomb
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Categories: News