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Why does it seem like all artist that aren't renowned don't get the criticism they need?

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 13:15

There are some awesome artists out there they barely get any comments. But then you look at Wolfy or blotch and they have a fuck ton of pointless comments of praise. Just the other day i saw a comment to a not the best but it was a good hard working piece and some ass-hole linked to Patrick "booing" Yeah some of you may laugh but imagine how that person feels. The furry community is known for being 'friendly" I put that in quotes because that's not necessarily true. So I just want to know why can't we help our fellow newbie artist? I'm not saying i'm the best either. Just hear what i'm trying to say.

submitted by indecisive-creature
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 11:36
Categories: News

I was just wondering...

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 09:00

Do you have any furry shows or movies that you don't like? Like, you can't stand, or just downright hate it?

submitted by RyoSanThunderStar
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Categories: News

Tears of the Forgotten

Furry.Today - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 08:56

A short film with some amazing camera work inspired by the music of Fox Amoore.

Categories: Videos

Music in the furry community?

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 08:54

As a long-term closet fur, and only recently testing the waters of the furry community itself, I've decided that I'd like to involve myself in some capacity within the fandom. Upon investigating the ways that one can contribute, clearly art is a large element within the fandom, with "art" and "furry" being almost synonymous to those outside the fandom.

When it comes to art, though, I'm pretty much a spastic, without a single bone in my body with the capacity to draw or paint, however, I've seen music brought up quite often in discussion (yes, I have spent a fair amount of time lurking) as another outlet through which people contribute to the community. As a musician myself, I feel as if this is a good way to involve myself in the fandom and maybe get to know a few people, however, unlike visual art, I struggle to see ways in which elements of the fandom can be incorporated into music.

Anyway, in my long-winded, boring and round-about way, what I'm trying to ask is if someone could maybe give me some good examples of music within the fandom, so I can get a better understanding of how to incorporate the two, and involve myself as somewhat of a newbie.

tl;dr: how can I incorporate my interest and relative competency in composition to the fandom and contribute to it?


submitted by AvianSeven
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Categories: News

Conxelar reference nsfw

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 07:09
Categories: News

How many of you furs are at Otakon this year?

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 07:02

Because I'm standing in a 10,000 pre-reg line

submitted by Asakari
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Categories: News

Review: ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Ultimate Showdown DVD, Disc 1

Furry News Network - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 05:38
Author: crossaffliction This is actually a two disc collection of the back half of season 1 of the Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. I’m breaking them up into to two reviews, one for each disc, so that it doesn’t break the around six-ish episode streak of each review. If you’d like to check out […]
Categories: News

The San Francisco Furry Film Festival

Dogpatch Press - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 05:14
… only exists in my imagination. BOO… BUT WAIT. This isn’t so far-fetched. Many festivals thrive on weirdly specific subjects. I submit: The Internet Cat Video Festival, the International Moustache Film Festival, and 9 more of “the world’s weirdest.” The idea perks up my ears. Now, I say with love, many furries will watch ANYTHING […]
Categories: News

Regarding Rocket Raccoon...

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 03:47
Categories: News

Still active?

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 03:21

I want to join this community, I'm Purple on FurryMuck. However I noticed the last comment was eight months ago. I came back to FurryMuck after being gone for years. I wanted to get back into it again.

submitted by lancejz
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Categories: News

This is my friends speed paint.

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 02:45
Categories: News

Review: ‘The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West’ and ‘Piper at the Gate’, by Mary Stanton

Furry News Network - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 02:39
Author: Fred Many of the reviewers of this adventure fantasy have said that it is like Watership Down, but with horses instead of rabbits. Not exactly. Watership Down tries to be as realistic as possible except for its intelligent, talking rabbits. The Heavenly Horse is much more fantastically complex, with its structured organization of equine […]
Categories: News

Fluff dragon nsfw

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 01:17
Categories: News