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Non-furry here. Let me tell you what the rest of the internet thinks of you.

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 May 2012 - 09:36

(Throwawayaccount) Please! Hear me out on this one first before making assumptions!

You are not as hated as some of you may think. Out of all my friends who are internet savvy enough to know what a furry is (i'd say about 10 people), they all say the same. "I am indiffrent about them" or "I don't really care much about that" is a common answer. I have yet to meet a hater.

You shouldn't listen to haters or get mad just because of some trolls who are just fishing for a reaction on the internet. In fact you shouldn't listen at all to people who may hate what you like. Do what you like if it makes you feel good and it doesn't hurt anyone.

Then why do you see so much hate on the internet? Ask yourselves this the next time, who are most likely to comment? People who honestly couldn't care if you are furry or not and are being indifferent, or people who actively hate or just want to see drama?

I will however not respect people who say "I am a furry and if you got a problem with it then fuck you too" but that goes for anyone, just replace the word furry with something else. "Fursecution?" There never was any.

I felt like telling you how it really is since most people wouldn't waste any time telling other that they don't really care much. And you know that something is wrong if you got a whole fandom thinking everyone hates them.

You stay cool, guys. Do your thing.

P.S Not trying to whore myself out but feel free to post this on your DA journal, FA account or whatevs. There has clearly been some misunderstanding.

Did you think first that i was going to post hate in this thread? See. We need to change that.

EDIT: clarification

submitted by Itotallyrespectyou
[link] [128 comments]
Categories: News

Is feral animals furry?

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 May 2012 - 09:23

Feel free to down vote this post as much as you like for I don't use reddit, but is wolves on all fours (animal sona's) count as being furry? I have been furry for 2 years and find that most stereotypical furry's are Anthro (two legged animals) and I would just like to know. :3

submitted by Mico_The_Wolf
[link] [17 comments]
Categories: News

Anthrocon 2012 dance poster.

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 May 2012 - 07:37
Categories: News

MTV may be looking for furries again

Furries In The Media - Tue 22 May 2012 - 04:44
A Youtubber by the name of "berrymuch" sent me the following message in a Youtube PM. If it is for real, this is not good news. We all know how MTV has portrayed furries in the past.

Hi there,

I'm casting an episode of MTV's True Life, focusing on being a Furry. This is a docu-series to chronicle their real life. We're doing a lot of outreach and I wanted to send our casting flyer your way to see if you or anyone you know might be interested.


MTV and Emmy award-winning producers are now CASTING NATIONWIDE for FURRIES for our new documentary-style series, "TRUE LIFE: I'M A FURRY!" This show is a real "slice-of life" inside look into a misunderstood world. We want to show the positive aspects of the lifestyle (fursuiting, going to conventions, making friends, finding your own style, etc.) as well as the adversity you face. This straight-forward documentary-style show will let you educate our viewers and TELL THE WORLD YOUR OWN TRUE STORY!

• Do you dress up in a Fur Suit and have a Fursona?
• Did you go Fursuiting or meet-up with others?
• Are you tired of people treating you differently because you're a Furry?
• Do you wish everyone would finally understand what being Furry is really about?

Whether your friends and family know about your Fursona, this is your opportunity to show the world what being a Furry really means.

If you are between the ages of 16 and 25 and want to be part of this exciting opportunity, email us at

Please include:
• Your name
• Contact number and email
• City/State you live in
• Photo
• A paragraph about you and your Fursona!
Categories: News

Pandaria: The Graphic Novel

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 22 May 2012 - 01:55

As if there weren’t already enough anticipation for the upcoming (When? WHEN??) Mists of Pandaria expansion pack for World of Warcraft, now Blizzard Entertainment and DC Comics have joined forces to bring us the World of Warcraft: Pearl of Pandaria graphic novel in hardcover. It’s written by Micky Neilson, illustrated by Sean “Cheeks” Galloway, and set to go on sale September 5th. According to the WOW-Pedia, the graphic novel is “set before the Shattering and will give a look at Pandaria before the mists protecting the island were clear.” Check out the preview at too, which includes some interior pages from the book.

image c. 2012 Blizzard Entertainment

Categories: News

Cool otter tattoo x/otters

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 May 2012 - 23:42
Categories: News

FWA pounces your $$$

DailyFurBlog - Mon 21 May 2012 - 23:35

Some important news for you fox masters …. erhmmm I mean God Level members :) …. silly me I’m so clumsy with words.    Plan on attending the FWA 2013 ? Well as of June 1st looks like price goes up for $250 from the norm. of $175 so if your interested in getting in a little cheaper this coming here, then buckle up and head over to HERE to get reg. now. Of course I’m always looking for some extra space if ya got that money yo. Bad husky is always baddddddd.

Categories: News

Donkey show

DailyFurBlog - Mon 21 May 2012 - 22:08

Very nice AC2012 dance poster by SkullDog.  It seems this is the dance poster showing, donkey’s dancing in the woods and a DJ who is also a donkey.  I will not make any jokes here, but you all know what I’m thinking (title says it all)… hehehe.  Either way this is an awesome poster even if I mistakenly splooge on it.

Categories: News

Two Mice (by Ryan Berkley)

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 May 2012 - 19:05
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 39 - The Show of Mysterious Crackle

TigerTails Radio - Mon 21 May 2012 - 16:00
A fun filled show with Felis and DeeJay joining TK, Eeve3, and Xavier in the studio for another week. A random crackle infects the equipment randomly during the show, which is fun. That said, the show over runs again, as despite a lack of gaming news, Done and Dusted gets a good long treatment. For Done and Dusted Eeve3 talks about the demo of Fez on 360, TK gives us his first impressions on Sonic 4 Episode 2 before going off on another one about Street Fighter X Tekken. Xavier reviews the demo of Spec Ops - The Line, Spiderman: Spider Island graphic novel, and the book of The Hunger Games. Eeve3 revists Skyward Sword on the Wii. Felis ends it all off by giving us his review of Children of Mana on the DS. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3, DeeJay and Felis. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 39 - The Show of Mysterious Crackle
Categories: Podcasts

UnFurled: Episode 44 – Lessons

Furry News Network - Mon 21 May 2012 - 15:22
Author: Vox More furry fun with Tal, Vox and Roland (and kidnapped guest). Come listen and enjoy more beer news and funny emails! Find the full article here: UnFurled » Podcast UnFurled: Episode 44 – Lessons
Categories: News

Mayo (Maybe NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 May 2012 - 14:41
Categories: News

Relationships Within Furry

[adjective][species] - Mon 21 May 2012 - 13:00

Last week I wrote about one of the great inequalities within furry, the gender imbalance. Furry, measured by self-reported gender or by biological sex, is around 80% male and 20% female.

I talked about how the community can be unwelcoming for women, and how the dearth of furry women has a negative effect on some heterosexual furry men. When it comes to furries available for heterosexual relationships, the guys outnumber the girls by around three to one. This is a problem for those heterosexual male furries who feel that their partner needs to be a furry too.

In my article, I assumed that a relationship is defined as something exclusively shared between two people. But it’s wrong to characterize furry relationships as an exercise in ‘coupling up’.

Many furry relationships are non-monogamous, non-exclusive and/or only involve more than two people. I don’t have any data to draw upon, but it’s possible that exclusive monogamous couples are in the minority. Furry relationships, in my experience, can cover a very wide range of potential arrangements.

Online relationships within furry are relatively common. We think of online relationships as routine, but the entire concept is a new one. The relatively recent advent of the internet has brought about these relationships: it allows the sort of intimate communication necessary for the formation of a close emotional bond.

The boundaries of online-only relationships are being explored within furry. Owing to the international nature of the furry community, we tend to congregate online. This has inevitably led to the concept of an “online partner”, where someone will consider themselves to be in a relationship – even virtually married – with someone they interact with online (and sometimes solely online).

This is an inevitable direction for society, outside furry, as the world moves online and becomes more virtual. We furries, with our virtual animal-person alter-egos, are testing the possibilities of online relationships. We live a kind of virtual ghost life where our furry character lives inside a collective imagination as a real-but-not-real apparition. We’re taking the virtualization of life to a new, but logical, level.

Virtual lives and virtual relationships will become more common outside furry as time goes on. Society will adapt to the changes, with furries at the vanguard, just as society is adapting to the radical changes in relationships over the past 60 years or so.

Since the 1950s and 1960, society has moved away from a patriarchal relationship model. Thanks mostly to advances brought about by the second wave of feminism, we live in a more equal society where a relationship is not based on the assumption that one gender is superior. This has benefitted women but also gay couples: a relationship of equals provides a great model for a monogamous gay relationship, because society no longer expects a couple to respectively occupy the roles of “man” and “woman”.

This is not to say that there are no opponents to these changes. In conservative parts of the world, there is a natural resistance to the way that relationships have changed – see this Queensland, Australia election ad (from 2012!) (link updated) – which assumes a gay relationship must involve gender roles.

That advert and the attitudes it embodies are fundamentally sexist and homophobic. Many people are anti-gay-marriage, however I don’t think they are necessarily bigots. In many cases, people are anti-gay-marriage because they see it as another step in the wrong direction: another step away from a 1950s-style marriage.

The change in relationships towards a gender-neutral model is a positive step, but there have inevitably been some negative outcomes. The clearest is a ballooning divorce rate. Divorce is always difficult, for the couple and any children, as many people reading this will know. The previous model, where a woman had limited power within a marriage, was more stable – much as slaves are more stable than employees.

There are always growing pains during times of rapid change. Society’s shift towards the virtual world – as explored by furries – is also fraught. Many furries reading this will have learned that non-traditional relationships, whatever their flavour, are difficult to maintain over a long period of time.

There are a few reasons for this:

  • There are limited role-models for unusual relationships, which means that the participants must learn by making mistakes, with limited experience and wisdom to draw upon.
  • Unusual relationships don’t mesh well with society, which can cause friction with the outside world, perhaps when dealing with family or workmates.
  • There may be a lack of legal recognition.
  • If more than two people are involved, jealousy issues can become more significant.
  • Communication, which is the cornerstone of any relationship, may become more difficult.

Because of these problems, and others, unusual relationship structures will fail more regularly. Relationships that most closely match the norms of society are more likely to be successful.

Regardless of your own preferences, aspiring to be in a healthy relationship is a good thing. But that doesn’t mean you need to be in a rush.

The average age of marriage for men is close to 30 in the US. For furries looking to enter a long-term commitment, whatever that might be, age is less important.

In the furry world, it’s easy to meet new people. This doesn’t always happen in the non-furry world – people often find their social circles shrink in their 20s and 30s. This is the opposite of the furry experience.

Single furries may also find it easier, compared to non-furries, to find rewarding intimacy and sexual contact within the context of a friendship. I think that the intimacy of many furry friendships puts us in a good position to learn about ourselves, and what we desire from a partner. Most good relationships can only work when all parties are fully-formed adults. People who get married young often find themselves yearning to explore life when they get older. This phenomenon is common enough to be almost stereotypical – a midlife crisis or a seven-year itch.

Anyone in a relationship or seeking a relationship – which covers almost all of us – is most likely to be successful if they are introspective and autonomous. Fortunately we are furries, which is all about exploration of identity.

I’d love to hear some stories – good and bad – from readers who have explored unusual relationship structures.