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i saw a post earlier on how to greet other furs and I thought of this after seeing someones comment...

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 May 2012 - 03:03

As we all know, 'The narwhal bacons at midnight' is reddits universal greeting to fellow redditors. Don't you think it is time for something similar for furries? Something really random that has nothing to do with furries so it is underground to those who are not furries. Some of the ones I came up with are: 'Why so cereal?' 'Your watch is untied'

?Well that's all I got... I know this is probably a really stupid post but it could get rid of a lot of awkwardness.

submitted by Phyxxation
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Categories: News

Anyone at Animazement here in Raleigh, NC?

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 May 2012 - 02:34

I have a border collie badge that says "Naryeth". Say hi if you see me!

submitted by culmor30
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Categories: News

‘Life’s a Jungle’ and ‘Buz-e-Chini’ no threat to U.S. animation

Furry News Network - Sat 26 May 2012 - 02:24
Author: Fred In the interests of reporting all things anthropomorphic on Flayrah, it is my sad duty to report that the Cartoon Brew website has just announced the existence of two new CGI animated anthropomorphic films. (Notice that I did not say ‘theatrical’.) One is Life’s a Jungle: Africa’s Most Wanted, a cheap, direct-to-video rip-off [...]
Categories: News

Battle Beasts Attack Again!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 26 May 2012 - 01:51

Here’s a phrase we haven’t heard for a while: Battle Beasts. A would-be toy tie-in / collectibles phenomenon / comic book series from the 1980′s, it never took off in the way that similar ideas did about that time. But now IDW have announced plans to bring forth a special 4-issue full-color Battle Beasts mini-series — with a wait-and-see attitude as to if it goes beyond that. “It’s just another average day for Bliss, an ignored linguist at the Department of Defense. However, when Bliss unlocks the secret translation of an ancient scroll, terror rains from the sky… in the form of the BATTLE BEASTS! Unstoppable creatures armed to the teeth, the Battle Beasts are determined to make Earth their own personal war zone. Nothing can stop their merciless carnage. Nothing except perhaps a gentle word from the one woman who can understand them—Bliss!” The new series is written by Bobby Curnow, with art by Valerio Schiti and Dan Brereton. The new series of comics and toys first hit during the recent C2E2 con in Chicago. Check out Comic Book Resources to find out more.

image c. 2012 IDW Publishing

Categories: News

I need a bit of help.

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 22:59

I first became interested in wolves; therefore deciding that my fursona would be one. But after the last couple months consisting of research about the stereotypical behaviors of wolves, they don't suit me at all. And they're also very common and generic. So, I'm going to list many things about myself and I would appreciate if anyone could assist me in finding a ideal fursona. It can be a hybrid and I would prefer a type(s) of canine. Without further ado, here are my basic traits: I'm extremely shy around people I'm unfamiliar with. I can be very quiet and very loud. I'm energetic around close friends and family. Many people see me as clever/smart. Many people suggest I'm funny/humorous. I'm usually mature but I can be quite childish at times. I'm mostly a optimistic person. I'm not easily upset. If you need any other traits just say the word. Thanks!

submitted by Madisaurus
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Categories: News

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time on PS Vita Video Preview

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 25 May 2012 - 22:58


Posted today, the Playstation Blog has for us some new footage of Sly Cooper Thieves in Time running on the PS Vita. The port of the game will have exclusive PS Vita features, which are shown off in the demo. The game has an expected release period of Fall 2012.

Check out the video below for all that thievious Raccoonus action!


Categories: News

I'm having some trouble finding a suitable fursona...

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 21:22

I've been trying to find an animal that fits my personality, but no luck so far. I'm no expert on animal behavior, so if anyone has a link to a personality quiz or website on animal behaviors I would really appreciate it.

edit: I have chosen the always majestic (and maddeningly cute) Pembroke Welsh Corgi as my fursona. My thanks to all who offered their insight.

submitted by DarthSheeran
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Categories: News

From the new Avengers movie...

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 17:48
Categories: News

How and why did you choose your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 17:13

Sorry if this subreddit gets this question at least once a month, but I went through the new posts up to about eleven days and couldn't find anything...

But I'm curious. =)

submitted by Kavyle
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Categories: News

Fursuit help?

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 16:34

Well, I should probably start this off with a personal description. I'm about 6'3" tall, and 13 stone. Basically, I'm wondering if any of you would help to make me a fursuit(For money, of course). If so, could you please message me? I've been really wanting to go parading around in one for a while now, but I haven't the money, nor the craftsmanship, to do so. Any photos I would post including it would include whatever user-names you want, so long as you don't want to be anonymous. Thanks:)

submitted by SkylarrWolf
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Categories: News

Free two page stories starting this weekend!!

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 16:34

Starting this weekend, I will be doing free 2 page short stories. Just comment below with a general story line, and fursona references! Stories are written on a first come, first served basis. All stories must be PG-13. I will do adult stories on a commission basis. Find me and other stories I have written on FA on my username Muteek. Let the writing commence!

submitted by CaryDaWolf
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Categories: News

Is This Fur-Real? Yes, “Furries” Are Here (Santa Clara)

Furries In The Media - Fri 25 May 2012 - 16:16
This isn't too bad. This is local to the Bay Area.

Terraluna and Trendane and others in it... :)
Categories: News

What's the purpose of the fursuit?

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 13:13

Sorry if the answer is obvious.

Also, what do you do when you're in a fursuit?

submitted by TheAztec
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Categories: News

What would your ideal furry dating sim be like?

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 12:50

I've seen a few furry "dating sims" or related games, but they all seem to be straightforward 'answer correctly at-most-twice to have sex' type games without any actual challenge to it, and every single one of the females have gigantic boobs and look like porn stars.

Is this what you guys actually want? Or are the creators just uncreative?

I'm asking this because I am interested of making a furry dating sim, but personally I like those where you actually have to work to get forward with the people in it, progressively getting closer and closer. You know, be nice to them, say the right things, do the right things, train to be good enough, etc. And the "final reward" is being able to do various things in the bedroom. This is the best example of such that I can think of.

Also what is the level of challenge that would suit you? From scale of "talk to have sex" to "devote everything to win their heart". I guess it's a bit difficult to tell because you don't know the quality of story and art involved, but I'm aiming for something relatively high quality and deep.

How much story based non-sex gameplay would you want? Obviously the best parts are only at the finishing line, but there would be various other similar but smaller stuff happening all the time. I'm just wondering if this is all there should be, or if the game should be more deep with the story and stuff.

Also how much would you be willing to pay for your preferred kind of game? Again probably difficult to tell, but whatever. There's a 99,9% chance that if this happens, it'll be free. I'm just interested.

Any other things/features you would like to see? What kind of characters?

Some notes:

  • Don't expect this to happen, it's very typical for me to get excited about a project but then work on it once every few weeks and get essentially nowhere. Also I'll be completely unable to do anything besides planning until a few months.
  • If this does happen, it's going to take a very long time to complete, but I would keep you guys updated and make a new FA for it.
  • I might need help with the music because I'm not too confident about my own composing skills. Not sure yet.
  • I would include a few different gender variations, aka not just female or male. I might also make the player selectable as male or female player, depending on how complicated that would be. (would require two gameplays to see both "results") Almost everyone would probably be pansexual so there's no differences gameplay-wise.
  • Some characters would obviously be harder than others, and everyone would have unique traits and personalities requiring different things.

TL;DR: What would your ideal furry dating sim be like? Tell anything and everything about what you would want. But don't expect a game to ever be made.

submitted by omgsaurus
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Categories: News

Furries and lucid dreaming

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 12:37

Lucid dreaming. Some of you may have heard of it. For those who don't, lucid dreaming is when you take control of your dreams, and can do whatever you want. Want to fly? You can do that when you're lucid dreaming. /r/luciddreaming would probably give you a better definition than I did.

You're probably wondering what this has to do with furries. As I have mentioned, you can do anything you want in a lucid dream, and that includes turning yourself into things, namely animals. Personally, one of my favourite things to do while lucid is turn myself into a wolf. Though this requires a bit of practice, it is really awesome.

Sorry if this post was really random.

submitted by mjvbps
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Categories: News

Lonely Fur Seeks Friendship

Ask Papabear - Fri 25 May 2012 - 11:51
Dear Papa Bear,

I've being actively trying to find where I fit into the furry world. After 7 years I still feel like an outsider. For those 5 of those 7 years I have being pretty active with posting artwork on one of the well know furry art sites. At first I tried to find other groups of furs that would welcome me into their circle, but with no luck. Most of the time these groups would get me to draw there request, and when I stopped I was case aside.

After a few hard life lessons I stopped looking and tried to make a name for myself. And in some way I have. I found my niche drawing what I'm good at, and I've managed to keep making random gift artwork to cheer up those what seem to be having a bad day. I'm proud of what I have accomplished, but It's still kinda lonely when I have watchers, but no group of friends.

So once again I'm longing for a group of furs to hang out with online. So I've started trying to find others to chat with. I've been looking for a more mature (30+ age, NOT Adult themed) crowd to hang with. People my own age. The problem is I've been labeled as "CUTE" and thus I seem to be dismissed by these others guys. I tried to create a new fursona to Bridge the gap, but even he was labeled as "CUTE". It seems like my natural style is cute, and thus everything I create is cute.

I feel like I'm never going to find any friends to pal around with.

Should stop trying?, and Just accept that things are just going to be the way they are?
Do you have an advice on what I'm doing wrong? 

Mixed-up Fox

* * *

Dear Mixed-up Fox,

Oh, wow, you are talking to the right person, Mixed-up. Papabear has been an outsider most of his life, and in many ways I still feel that way. When I was a cub and living in Van Nuys, I was made fun of because I was pale and skinny and not very athletic.  I wasn’t actually very good at school, until I got so ostracized that I figured I might as well hit the books. I started getting straight A’s and then was ostracized again for being a brainiac. My father moved the family several times, too, and I had trouble making new friends each time we settled somewhere new. 

Eventually, I stumbled on furries on the Internet. I was really amazed because I thought I was the only one who really thought anthro characters were cool. So, I started getting into the fandom and making a few online friends. My very first social function was the PS Party that my dear friend Cyberbear took me to.  No one talked to me there. Everyone had their own little group, their clique, and I felt very alone. I didn’t go again for many years until this year, in fact. Unlike you, Mixed-up, I’m not a talented artist, so I couldn’t make friends that way.  What I did find was the bear community. I had something in common with them, and I founded the BearFurries group on Yahoo, and the Greymuzzles group on Facebook. Then I got into fursuiting and found that was a great way to meet people, too.  Then I started this column, which gives me a lot of satisfaction, truly.

Anyway, the way I started making more and more friends was by finding one or two really close friends, and these friends introduce me to new friends, and pretty soon my circle was enlarged. 

As you have found out, you can’t make true friends by giving them art or trying to “make a name for yourself.” You might get groupies or users or followers this way, but not real friends.

What you tried next seems to make better sense: finding some mature furries to hang out with. I’m not really clear from your letter, though, whether you just chat with them online or whether you actually meet them in person and hang out with them. You really need to hang out with people in person to make real friends, such as at meets or conventions or just at your house.

Papabear sees you are a bit upset at being labeled “cute.” Believe me, there are a LOT worse things to be than cute. What’s wrong with cute? Your next mistake, though, was trying to come up with a fursona to please other people and get them to like you, rather than having a fursona to purely please yourself. Stick with your original fursona, which, I bet, is more like you.

It might be cliché, but the best thing Papabear can tell you is to be yourself.  Look for people who share your interests and who are, perhaps, “cute” just like you. Maybe form a “cute furries anonymous” club on FB, do something silly with it.  Have fun!

The WORST thing you can do is come off as desperate, needy, and clingy. When you appear desperate for friendship, you will scare people off.  Instead, be yourself. And get as much REAL person-to-person exposure to people as you possibly can. Be open to friendships from unexpected places, and don’t judge people too quickly who offer you a paw. 

If you get off your computer and spend time in the real world, you will inevitably find people who share your interests and like you for you, without putting a label on you (such as “cute”) and without befriending you only because they want you to draw something for them.

And that’s the way it’s done, Mixed-up. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on friendship. There are friends out there waiting to be made! 

