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Episode 45 – The Mighty Schlep

Furry News Network - Fri 25 May 2012 - 10:32
Author: admin That’s right, it’s time for the old heave-ho, dragging ourselves through our assorted occupations. But before we get started, boy, do we have some discussions for you! Unfortunately, we have no Smokey this week; he’s off eating tape recorders to recover his sound powers. Instead, we have buttplug erosion, Istanbul’s “Words That Sound [...] Episode 45 – The Mighty Schlep
Categories: News

Episode 45 – The Mighty Schlep - That’s right, it’s time for the old heave-ho, dragging ourselves through our assorted occupations. But before we get started, boy, do we have some discussions for you! Unfortunately, we have no Smokey this week; h[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 25 May 2012 - 04:06

That’s right, it’s time for the old heave-ho, dragging ourselves through our assorted occupations. But before we get started, boy, do we have some discussions for you! Unfortunately, we have no Smokey this week; he’s off eating tape recorders to recover his sound powers. Instead, we have buttplug erosion, Istanbul’s “Words That Sound Dirty But Aren’t”, The Book of Faces and its crumbling, Kyo on the Disney channel along with his illiteracy (physicality!), Orange Techno, MTV and filming furries, and a host of other bizarre topics!

Once we get to e-mails, it’s a follow-up frenzy, and we make up for lost time! We discuss a listener’s sexual frustration and desensitization via injury, the importance of family vs. smoking and the failed foster care system, perception as reality and phantom limbs and trolls (all in one e-mail!), Kodyax’s heritage, how to discipline your kids, and we even have a long-awaited update from Lone Tiggs on his (now-former) horrible work situation!

Next week, we’re going to revisit yet another topic from our earlier episodes that we think deserves another quick ogle: porn. Pornography! What do you like, where do you like it, where do you get it, where do you keep it, are you looking for some, do you need help hiding it, are you addicted, and so on! Write on in and share your experiences and questions!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 45 – The Mighty Schlep
File modified May 25, 2012 – 65.5 MB – downloaded 613 times so far

Episode 45 – The Mighty Schlep - That’s right, it’s time for the old heave-ho, dragging ourselves through our assorted occupations. But before we get started, boy, do we have some discussions for you! Unfortunately, we have no Smokey this week; h[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Na-na-na-NAAAAAAAAAA! by Floe

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 May 2012 - 00:30
Categories: News

Opinion: Applejack is the best pony

Furry News Network - Fri 25 May 2012 - 00:24
Author: crossaffliction I realized last week, when Hasbro thought it was a good idea to release a movie based on Battleship, that I will probably be reviewing a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic movie within the next couple of years. At least that is a Hasbro property people actually want a movie of. In [...]
Categories: News

022 - Bumcop! - Another great episode for your earholes! We talk about the hottest new show in our heads: bumcop...

The Dragget Show - Thu 24 May 2012 - 22:41
Another great episode for your earholes! We talk about the hottest new show in our heads: bumcop, blackface at NERO, and lots of other rediculous ADD nonsense. We also answer a listener question. Come join us! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 022 - Bumcop! - Another great episode for your earholes! We talk about the hottest new show in our heads: bumcop...
Categories: Podcasts

Server issues

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 May 2012 - 18:23
Categories: News

Santa Clara paper follows furs to ‘Crack Chicken’ meet

Furry News Network - Thu 24 May 2012 - 14:25
Author: GreenReaper Californian student newspaper The Santa Clara tailed a group of furs to the weekly “Crack Chicken” meet, and gives a overview of the fandom and fursuiting. The article’s tone is positive, though the claim that “most … in the group own at least one fur suit, and many own more than five” may [...]
Categories: News

Australian animator shows non-furs can be fuzzhounds, too

Furry News Network - Thu 24 May 2012 - 12:24
Author: Fred Cartoon Brew just posted Marooned on Watango Island, a 2012 personal animated cartoon by Australian animator Lluis “Fuzzhound” Sanchez (whose name sounds more Catalan). The animation is absolutely non-Furry; I am reposting it here just to show that there are people outside of Furry fandom who take names like Fuzzhound. Also, don’t we [...]
Categories: News

One Mate Is Monogamous, One Is Polygamous

Ask Papabear - Thu 24 May 2012 - 12:12
Dear Papa Bear,

I am having real issues with my relationship with my mate.... It's turned out to be things I never thought or wanted it to be. Firstly, I want to say we are engaged and we have been together about one year. Basically, my mate has a master, is constantly looking for other mates, and is master to many pets. My mate constantly looks for local pets to yiff with. He says he just has to yiff with other people or it will just end badly. I inevitably just tell him "whatever," and then I just go mope in the corner cause I can't seem to make my mate feel good and so he needs other people.

I have told him all this and he just tells me "it feels different." My mate is always telling his pets he loves them and that he bonds with his pets so it's not just yiff. I have told him that all this makes me feel less special and like he could just replace me if he wanted to, but he still says that I am different from them. 

Now on to the bad stuff.... I'm not too proud to say I hacked into my mate's computer and read his chat logs, but when I did I found so many things I never knew. He has told multiple people that I will not have any bearing on him and them. Also he apparently has a pet with an std, which he has told he would play with him if it wasn't for the fact that it would totally piss me off if he did. I know I have blamed someone else before when I did not want to do something, so I figure maybe that is what he was doing, but I really don't know. 

In conclusion my main question is, "is this love?" We really used to be really lovey dovey and I figured that wouldn't last, but now my mate just sits on his computer talking to people and yiffing people on Second Life. So is this love? Should I leave him?

Lost Lion

* * *

Dear Lost Lion,

It is very clear to Papabear that you and your mate want different things. You are uncomfortable with his yiffing other people and RPing online with them; he has a very strong sex drive and apparently wants to be polygamous. 

Your mate might be sincere that his love for you is different than what he feels for his pets and other playmates. In fact, I believe he IS sincere.  However, that is not important. What IS important is how YOU feel. You are obviously not okay with it. It makes you feel bad and unwanted. You are not happy with your relationship this way, and it is clear your relationship has descended into distrust (as noted by your spying on him).

YOUR feelings are just as important as his, and if the two of you do not share the same sexual desires and needs your relationship cannot last. Unless you can resolve the situation to both your satisfactions (and I encourage you to try again), then, yes, it is time for you to find other people to be mates with.

I wish you luck. I know this is painful, but you have to do what is right for you.



naruto tailed beast form

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 May 2012 - 11:51
Categories: News

My girlfriend draws the most adorable things

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 May 2012 - 11:13
Categories: News

Werewolf Will

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 May 2012 - 08:41
Categories: News

Art Request/Potential Practice Opportunity

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 May 2012 - 01:50

ATTENTION ARTISTS. I am about ready to have my suit commissioned. However, I do not have time to sit down and draw my fursona over and over so I am having trouble when visualizing the final design. I have a general idea and know the colors I would like. I also have a few rough sketches so you are not starting with just a blank slate. I also know the things I want and do not want. So... I am willing to offer someone the chance to help put my ideas to canvas and create a simple sketch, or even a full reference sheet for my fursona. This gives an opportunity for someone to practice drawing a new character that they have not seen or drawn before. Oh and this is not a request for free art lol. If you do help I will be sure to compensate you for your time. Also if this belongs in /r/fursuit or /r/furryartschool please feel free to point that out haha. Please feel free to PM me if you are interested. Thanks guys!

submitted by Cornbread_v2
[link] [5 comments]
Categories: News

Game Art from Japan

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 24 May 2012 - 01:44

Solatorobo: Red the Hunter is an Ursa Major Award-nominated video game from Japan which (according to its Wikipedia page) is “a spiritual sequel to the Tail Concerto game”, which was also released by Namco Bandai. Now the anime/manga fan site has let us know that the Solatorobo Sketch Book is available for import, and you can order it on their site. It’s expensive (kind of), but it this softcover book features some striking anime-style furry art.

image c. 2012 Namco Bandai

Categories: News