Fuzzy Logic
Episode 99 – Closing Time - This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh! We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and aga[..

This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh!
We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and again, maybe even help out. One person even sent in an audio bite of what they had to say about the show. It was awesome. We cannot thank you guys enough for the love and support. Hopefully in the not too distant future, something will come forth once again. Until such time, we wish you all the very best.
Since the podcast itself is what is ending, it should be noted that the twitter account and email address WILL remain active. Isty will check it periodically to see if he can’t respond at least privately should anyone need help.
As for the show returning, it’s still a little wibbly wobbly up in the air, and with Furry Fiesta fast approaching, if it does return, it won’t be until AFTER the convention, meaning early March at the absolute earliest. And that is when the format will likely be changing as previously mentioned.
So, here’s to one hundred episodes, to many laughs shared, and to you guys for being awesome.
Never stop being awesome.
Episode 99 – Closing Time - This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh! We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and aga[...]Episode 98 – Holly Daze - Aloha and welcome to episode 98! It’s our second to last show… sadface… but that’s okay. There’s news about that. The show will transform into a blog format. The email address, FA page, and twit[...]

Aloha and welcome to episode 98! It’s our second to last show… sadface… but that’s okay. There’s news about that. The show will transform into a blog format. The email address, FA page, and twitter account will all remain the same. And there is the possibility of recorded Skype calls so there may be an audio supplement depending!
We received 6 emails from people telling us about their holidays and/or wishing us well and expressing regret at losing the podcast. We thank you all for your support and hopefully, the new format will be able to help you out regardless. One of our listeners actually gave us a BIG long list of other furry podcasts they listen to and we’ve posted them below. Special props to Fur What It’s Worth ’cause it’s awesome.
Our next show will be the last in this particular format for the foreseeable future. Again, sadface, but one never knows what the future holds! Expect updates in text format as to how/when/where Fuzzy Logic will return after Furry Fiesta has come and gone.
Regularly active podcasts
The Dragget Show – Dragget might be switching to video via YT.
FurCast – Live video Saturdays, audio re-posts sooner or later
Fur What It’s Worth
Fuzzy Notes!
Size Matters
TigerTails Radio – They’ve been on hiatus lately and their posts are a bit uneven, which will probably improve shortly.
WagzTail – New season should start this month, irregular until then
Podcasts Possible On The Way Out
Fursona Pod – Supposedly monthly, haven’t posted since last April
Live From The Hop Inn – Just plain irregular, advert for Rabbit Valley Books
OutFoxd – Posts were irregular, haven’t posted since June interview with Poink
PORTZcast – Supposedly monthly, haven’t posted since August
UnFurled – They come and go, sometimes weekly, haven’t posted in a month
Unsheathed – Were regular, now very infrequent, sometimes post mass-dumps
Delayed recording

I’m sorry to report that one of our cast members is out sick. As such, we won’t be able to record a show tonight. Hopefully, all will be restored to normal health by next week. Unless that changes, expect us to record then. Our final episode is still scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month.
Again, sorry for the delay, but with only two, it just doesn’t quite work.
Episode 97 – Return of the Cast - Hello and welcome back! We’ve returned from our holiday hiatus! Wide eyed and bushy-tailed! (well, some of us have bushy tails at least… okay only one of us, and it’s a rabbit tail so it’s not THAT bu[...]

Hello and welcome back! We’ve returned from our holiday hiatus! Wide eyed and bushy-tailed! (well, some of us have bushy tails at least… okay only one of us, and it’s a rabbit tail so it’s not THAT bushy).
We open with discussions as per usual. Smokey geeks out about SPAAAAAACE in the game Kerbal Space Program (seriously… using nothing but spacesuit RCS, he got out of an orbit with a closest point of 10,000km… awesome). Halfwit reminds us of an awesome product being developed called “Facerig” (link at the bottom of the show notes). Isty also discusses the first minigame for “Night in the Woods” which he discussed last episode. All of these things are awesome and you should go check them out. At least videos of them.
Emails come fast and furious and they number six.
First up is Loona Indiglo updating us on work and social matters with furries and bronies. Next is Cody who explains the meaning of ‘Jabroni’ and no, that’s not a New York Italian who is a big fan of Twilight Sparkle. Dee follows with a short message offering well wishes for the holiday and sorrow at the departure of Kyo. But he says he’s blue… curious. Our transcriptionist friend gives us a poke with some interesting information on a community of people that transcribe audio by breaking it into chunks and assigning them out to different people. Very neat indeed. Legionbunny regales us with how he was offered a modeling job, but that it might not be something he’s all that interested in going in for. Listen to find out more. Last but not least, Shadeus derails us with the mental image of logical penises then expresses an interest in making the hundred or so mile jump into moving into Dallas proper rather than living near Longview. We wish you the best on that!
Our next show will be all about the holidays, how you spent them, who you spent them with, if they were good, if you got anything you wanted even if you didn’t know you wanted it, etc. Tell us how your holidays went!
Also, as we mentioned before we read the emails, situations have changed resulting in our losing our current venue as a recording site. Unfortunately, due to the geographic distribution of the cast, this effectively shuts us done. We will be able to finish out January, making episode 99 our final show. We discussed the matter and decided that it would be best to end on 99 rather than perform our live show and have that be the final episode. But just because our show is coming to a close doesn’t mean we want you to stop writing us. We still have two more shows! Write in and tell us what you think, what you need help with, or whatever is on your mind! We can’t promise we’ll have anything insightful for everything that comes in, but at the very least, it’ll be entertaining! Right? …right?
Kerbal Space Program
SPAAAAAAAAAAACE on your computer. Seriously, this game is loads of fun if you’re at all interested in what NASA does. It even has true Newtonian physics… and it’s hilarious when you design a huge, outrageous rocket and it collapses into an explosion… or even better, it works! Available on Steam.
FaceRig (main site)
FaceRig’s Indiegogo Page
This is one of the most awesome pieces of communication software meant for the general public made in a long time. This will take any footage taken by most any webcam, scan facial expressions, and map them over onto a 3D rendered character in real time and output that to the communication medium of your choice (Skype, etc.). There is the availability to make custom characters. Furries… this is perfect for us. It’s already hit its goal, but as of this posting, there are 35 days remaining to contribute, and a rather low donation gets you early access to the product. Check it out!
Night in the Woods
Isty mentioned this kickstarter last episode, and it’s done well, hitting its goal and then some! They’ve recently released their first minigame as he mentioned on the show. Go check it out!
Episode 96 – Get Learnt - Good evening and welcome listeners! It’s Fuzzy Logic: Episode 96 – GET LEARNT We don’t have our usual intro summary this show. Sorry about that. Guess you’ll just have to read here, then listen to fin[...]

Good evening and welcome listeners! It’s Fuzzy Logic: Episode 96 – GET LEARNT
We don’t have our usual intro summary this show. Sorry about that. Guess you’ll just have to read here, then listen to find out!
First off, we have some sad news. This was Kyo’s last show. He explains why in the show but we’re sorry to lose him. Second, some kind of sad news, Fuzzy Logic will be taking a brief hiatus. It’s holiday season, the convention the cast is on staff for is now slightly less than four months away, and everything is getting super duper busy. Since Smokey’s lair is the recording studio, and it will be holiday central when his family invades, it will be difficult to provide ‘quality’ programming until the new year. As such, we’re going to hold off until then. See the schedule at the bottom.
We only had two emails this week, but we managed to provide Kyo with something SketchyGenet wanted him to read a few episodes back. Isty also emailed himself something to mention on the show so… hey! Content!
Our recording schedule for the next few months will be as follows:
Episode 97: January 1st, 2014
Episode 98: January 15th, 2014
Episode 99: January 29th, 2014
We will not be recording in February except for our live show at Furry Fiesta. We’re all on staff for the convention and by the time February hits, we’ll all be running around like mad getting things done. As for when the show will be at the convention, that is currently subject to change. Check the Fiesta website for scheduling as information becomes available. We will also announce this information as it becomes available on the show, on twitter, and even on FurAffinity. Check back for updates should we end up moving our time slot.
A Night In The Woods
This is the kickstarter Isty mentioned on the show. Go check it out and offer up support, at least text-based if nothing else! They’re almost to 300% funded and going strong!
Music Break – Call Me on the Ouija Board – Sharon Needles
Episode 96 – Get Learnt - Good evening and welcome listeners! It’s Fuzzy Logic: Episode 96 – GET LEARNT We don’t have our usual intro summary this show. Sorry about that. Guess you’ll just have to read here, then listen to fin[...]Episode 95 – AHHH Real Furries - Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95! AHHHH!!! Real Furries Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the

Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95!
AHHHH!!! Real Furries
Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the show by the name of Anaktis! He tells us about the old-school radio shows he entertains himself with. Halfwit tells us of a really cool organization trying to make Lovecraftian films in the style and technique of film-making available during eras past! Neat! Isty provides us details on his adventures in healthcare.gov and the progress of his eye. Smokey pops in next with a brief discussion of Cartoon Hangover and their various shows, including a new show called “Bee and Puppycat” (which is amazing, go watch it… go watch it now, even if you’ve watched it already, go watch it again). There is a kickstarter up for the team to make this show into a series. Go give them money if you can!
Emails come next and there are seven of them.
Legionbunny starts up with his definition of fear and the only team he was truly afraid (and honestly, we’d be pretty terrified in that situation ourselves!). Sketchy Genet is next, sorry man, Kyo wasn’t here to cry over this again! Darn fox! Stratosfear Tully writes in and opens up a bit about his fears. We feel your pain. It’s never fun living with that kind of trouble. Dox returns, provides a summery for those who might need the backstory, then provides an update. Hope you can push on through the issues dealing with your mom, man. He has a few topis he discusses after that and they’re nice and varied.
Legionbunny pops back in real quick to tell us of his first adventure in pride parades! Do whatever makes ya happy! Hope you keep having fun with those! Jay Ventus is next and runs down a list of things most people are scare of and applies them to himself. Finally, Umbra sneaks in at the last possible minute (gotta get these in sooner, can’t always catch them there at the end!) and tell us of a spoooookey story with a friend of his!
Our next show will be about learning. What helps you learn better? Do you have thoughts on the methods used in schools? Have you had an accidental moment of learning you didn’t expect? Any form of learning is acceptable! And of course, you don’t have to be on topic to write in. Just write in!
Prelinger Archive
This is one place where Anaktis gets some of his old school stuff!
Bee and Puppycat Kickstarter for Cartoon Hangover
This is the kickstarter for an awesome cartoon! Go watch! Go donate! This needs to be a series! DOOO EEEET!! #butt
Music Break: This Is Halloween – Nightmare Before Christmas
P.S. – Hope you like the second edition of “Pornography and You!”
Episode 95 – AHHH Real Furries - Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95! AHHHH!!! Real Furries Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the sh[...]Fur What It’s Worth LIVE! with Kyo! - Holy buckets have I let this go on too long without posting it! So, a couple of weeks back, Kyo went to Rainfurest where he hooked up with Tugs from Fur What It’s Worth and they did a live show. It was a bit of a scre

Holy buckets have I let this go on too long without posting it!
So, a couple of weeks back, Kyo went to Rainfurest where he hooked up with Tugs from Fur What It’s Worth and they did a live show. It was a bit of a scream. (See what I did there? Halloween is not too far off… scream… get it?)
We had been having some issues with our feed reaching iTunes so we wanted to make sure that was working properly again. From there… well… dragon procrastination.
Anyway, here it is! Hope you enjoy it!
Go give Tugs and Roo a listen!
Fur What It’s Worth LIVE! with Kyo! - Holy buckets have I let this go on too long without posting it! So, a couple of weeks back, Kyo went to Rainfurest where he hooked up with Tugs from Fur What It’s Worth and they did a live show. It was a bit of a screa[...]Episode 94 – Working Title - Howdy there! This is Fuzzy Logic, episode 94, Working Title! (we kinda didn’t make up a name for this one). Kyo could not be present due to the government shut down requiring him to spend more time stabbing hookers. Is[...]

Howdy there! This is Fuzzy Logic, episode 94, Working Title! (we kinda didn’t make up a name for this one).
Kyo could not be present due to the government shut down requiring him to spend more time stabbing hookers. Isty, Halfwit, and Smokey are still here to prattle on about all sorts of silly and/or horrible things though!
Discussion topics range across a wide array of things. Smokey talks about Rosetta Stone and Chromecast (while blowing out the mic in the process). Halfwit describes a daydream she has from time to time. Isty brings up mention of going to the midnight release of the new Pokemon games, the new Pathfinder game he’s now a part of, then talks about Healthcare.gov for those who might not be aware of it.
Emails follow and we have seven of them! Awesome!
First up, LegionBunny, who is officially one of the baddest-assiest (that… didn’t come out right)… people we know! Seriously! Damn Legion! You scary! He tells us about the relationship he has with his two best friends. We should all be so lucky. Also, Isty apparently never watched the A-Team. Next is Jaye Ventus discussing a bit more about the email he sent last show where he came clean about himself. S’alright dude, we feel ya. Then he proceeds to lay on us a cautionary tale that people can change, and how someone who was once his best friend ended up burning that bridge with him.
Keef comes up next and tells us of a dear friend of his, as well as his desire to start up a podcast of his own! We wish you the best of luck good sir! D’Otter chimes in with a brief message to Umbra about how games come and go. They really do, and his message is indeed sound.
SketchyGenet is next and misses his opportunity to make Kyo cry at the sight of such reading. (Don’t worry, we’ll give it to him to read next time!). Once he has his fun, he moves on to talk about his multiple fursonas/characters and asks advice on how to keep them from all going the same direction.
Jaye returns with a second email, this time about Linkin Park and how a fan should at least give their entire library a chance before writing them off completely. Fair point indeed. Finally Umbra writes in talking about the relationship with his best friend and how close they are. Always great to hear when someone has a person that sticks by them so hard.
Next episode is our Halloween episode! And it’s about FEEEEEAR!! What do you fear? Do you get a kick out of getting scared? Do you have a scary or spookey story to share with us? Write on in!
Jaye’s link to the kickstarter for Savage Divination – A Bestial Tarot. Only 3 days remain at the time of recording.
Music Break: The Muppets Cover of “Why Can’t We Be Friends” – Original Song by War
Episode Summary Music: Ren and Stimpy Production Music – Blues In A HurryEpisode 94 – Working Title
Episode 94 – Working Title - Howdy there! This is Fuzzy Logic, episode 94, Working Title! (we kinda didn’t make up a name for this one). Kyo could not be present due to the government shut down requiring him to spend more time stabbing hookers. Is[...]Episode 93 – Red Fall Down - Welcome all to Fuzzy Logic, episode 93! Red Fall Down. Discussions go all sorts of strange places before Smokey brings us back to the Mighty No. 9 kick starter. Halfwit tells us about her high school reunion in Tennessee. Mi[.

Welcome all to Fuzzy Logic, episode 93! Red Fall Down.
Discussions go all sorts of strange places before Smokey brings us back to the Mighty No. 9 kick starter. Halfwit tells us about her high school reunion in Tennessee. Mitch joins us in place of Kyo and gives us an update about his new job! Isty gives us the word of the week and regales us with his usual goings-on.
Emails come up next and we have eight of them!
Legionbunny is first asking about how to deal with attracting the wrong sort of guy. Seamus follows with his efforts in finding furs in his area and how he’s changed species. Straosfear Tully brings a pretty neat project to our attention, Fox Amoore and his new album over on Indiegogo (go check it out and donate!) Harvest McCormick discusses how he is looking forward to the coming of Fall. Jaye Ventus returns to correct Smokey (shut it, you heard nothing!) and tells us about his gaming group and then reveals the truth of his identity. Umbra comes next with a problem he’s having with his roommate and the effect League of Legends has on him. A fellow who didn’t identify himself who we will call ‘Professional Badass’ explains why we call him that. Flayed finishes us out telling us of the relationship he has with his mother and stepfather, the living situation they are creating, and what direction he is hoping to go.
Our next show is about best friends! Do you have a best friend? Did you have one some time ago? Are you having troubles with your best friend? Of course you can email us about whatever you like but don’t hesitate to do so! Write in!
Mighty No 9 Kickstarter
They’re closing in on a big stretch goal! $2.75 million! Go help them do it! Not much time left!
Fox Amoore’s “Come Find Me” IndieGoGo
Stratosfear Tully told us about this and it’s pretty darn cool! Go donate so he can get a full, live orchestra to perform! ‘Cause orchestras kick ass!
A happy husky running through a big pile of leaves!
Because who doesn’t like a good video of a happy husky running around being silly?
Music Break: Mighty No 9 Main Theme
Episode Summary Music: Mighty No 9 Ambiant Mix
Episode 93 – Red Fall Down - Welcome all to Fuzzy Logic, episode 93! Red Fall Down. Discussions go all sorts of strange places before Smokey brings us back to the Mighty No. 9 kick starter. Halfwit tells us about her high school reunion in Tennessee. Mi[...]Episode 92 – Bragaholic - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic, episode 92, Bragaholic! Isty makes an auspicious return! Smokey discusses his new workout routine. Kyo mentions the hardship surrounding furry cons in and around the Michigan area. Halfwit has a brief [...

Welcome to Fuzzy Logic, episode 92, Bragaholic!
Isty makes an auspicious return! Smokey discusses his new workout routine. Kyo mentions the hardship surrounding furry cons in and around the Michigan area. Halfwit has a brief story about her explody car. And Isty tells us of what happened with his ankle, preventing his presence last show.
When we get to our emails, there are six of them!
First up is Jacky who talks about encountering furries in the wild and not being able to muster the courage to go say hi, we feel your pain.
Second we hear from Sparf and his one man show thesis and how it has had a further reaching impact than he expected.
Next, Dee talks about how his little obsession with people’s birfdays has turned into something more!
Then Absol, now Jaye Ventus, talks about changing species and name, how it reflects how other things in his life are changing (like switching to culinary school!)
Devin the Newf follows with how he’s being encouraged to run for public office in his town and how he wants to keep his furry life very separate from it.
Ryo (or Umbra, he’s still undecided on that!) Generally brags about the stuff going right in his life, and there’s nothing wrong with that!
Our next show will be minus a Kyo as he prepares to head off to Rainfurest! See you show after that purple fox! The topic while he’s gone is all about Fall!
How do you spend your autumn? Are you back in school? Do you have a seasonal job that just started up? Do you work and go to school at the same time? Do you like fall? Do you not like fall? Email us!
Sparf’s one man show thesis. It’s worth a watch… he bears his soul in a touching, and very personal way, one that many of us can relate to.
Music Break: Sara Bareilles – Brave
Episode Summary Music: Hollywood Holiday – From Ren & Stempy Production Music
Episode 92 – Bragaholic - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic, episode 92, Bragaholic! Isty makes an auspicious return! Smokey discusses his new workout routine. Kyo mentions the hardship surrounding furry cons in and around the Michigan area. Halfwit has a brief [...]Episode 91 – Fuzz Rage - Aloha fluffies! This is fuzzy logic comin’ at ya with episode 91! FUZZ RAGE! We regret that an Isty could not be present tonight as the mothership had beamed him up for his 150,000 mile tune up. Discussions included Smo[...]

Aloha fluffies! This is fuzzy logic comin’ at ya with episode 91! FUZZ RAGE!
We regret that an Isty could not be present tonight as the mothership had beamed him up for his 150,000 mile tune up.
Discussions included Smokey mentioning an instance of managing his anger successfully at work,
Kyo converting to believing in the power of e-cigarettes,
And Halfwit mentioning her chiropractory adventures as well as the relationship between sexism and flat tires.
We also went on an awful lot about other things, but we tend to do that anyway.
Our first email is from a relatively new fan, (Tow-bow-eh), and how he has actually remixed Orange Juice (yo). We put it at the beginning of the music break, and linked here in the show notes.
Next Ryo writes in again talking about how he de-stresses after dealing with the crazies, among his methods are lots of violent video games (fuck you Jack Thompson).
Next is Rennec with a story about how his anger adversely affected his schooling and even his physical health, showing just how important controlling anger can be.
Last is Legionbunny offering his own two cents about his ways of dealing with anger, though we cannot necessarily recommend them for everyone… seriously, be careful about that mine shaft.
Next show is a chance to brag! What are you proud of? What’s something going on or that you’ve accomplished that you don’t want to talk about too much usually because you worry people will think you’re full of yourself? Tell us! Sometimes it’s healthy to stroke your own ego a little!
We hope we have an Isty next time, but that depends on if the mothership needs extra time to change out his fluids.
Write in!
If you know anyone in a bad situation and think they’re contemplating something terrible, don’t hesitate to give them the number in this tweet: Isty tweets the suicide hotline phone number. Pass it around. It might save someone’s life.
Toboe remixes “Orange Juice, Yo!” – in various formats. (Sorry Toboe, the link you sent in the second email didn’t seem to work!)
Music Break: Natalia Kills – Kill My Boyfriend
Episode Summary Music: Hollywood Holiday – From Ren & Stempy Production Music
Episode 91 – Fuzz Rage - Aloha fluffies! This is fuzzy logic comin’ at ya with episode 91! FUZZ RAGE! We regret that an Isty could not be present tonight as the mothership had beamed him up for his 150,000 mile tune up. Discussions included Smo[...]Episode 90 – Guilty Pleasures - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 90! Guilty Pleasures! After a prolonged absence, Kyo makes an auspicious return! Yay! Fox is back! Discussions start off with the saga of the noob drawing to a close at long last! YAY! …un[...

Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 90! Guilty Pleasures!
After a prolonged absence, Kyo makes an auspicious return! Yay! Fox is back!
Discussions start off with the saga of the noob drawing to a close at long last! YAY! …unfortunately, the Smokey now has all of the overtime trying to catch up. Oh well. Better that than error correction!
Kyo regales us briefly on what happened while he was gone as well as reports on Rocky Mountain Fur Con and Indie Fur Con. Then, we get his impromptu word of the week! (that’ll learn ya fer being gone for six weeks!)
Halfwit tells the tale of the centipede that found its way into her bed, and then expresses displeasure with the changes to the American Health Care system, more specifically, how they have impacted her indirectly.
Isty engages rant mode over a certain individual who has been arrested for alleged acts of a rather heinous nature. Really? We gotta defend ourselves against this now? He then mentions a bit of an inconvenience that has recently befallen him.
At the end of our music break, we have us a little ad from our sister podcast, Fur What Its Worth! Go give them a listen and a subscribe! They’s good peoples!
Emails arrive next and they are four in number (with a surprise bonus message that arrived mid-show!)
First up, Ryo, mentioning how he enjoyed a certain theatrical feature for a certain multi-colored-pony-themed cartoon that Kyo will cut a bitch over. He also continues the discussion regarding a church’s behavior in regards to offensive speech.
Next comes Lux, the email-deflowered European transplant now living in Houston! He tells us he enjoys having his hair fiddled with and how it makes him feel cuddly!
Legionbunny gives us a quick little cover of ‘A few of my favorite things’ and then lists off some of them! Nice job on the re-writing lyrics!
Runes Iceblur provides a fairly lengthy message, a nice introductory one none-the-less, about himself, focusing pretty strongly on writing. We give him a few tips based on the limited information we have, and then move on to discussing his job search progress. More info is needed, write in again! Good luck with your writing!
Our bonus message was from Morgain and was read in a fast Scottish accent for being late! They tell of ‘Teen-Mom’ and crochet!
Next show’s topic will be about ANGER MANAGEMENT!! How do you deal with it? Do you have trouble? Have you met with success? Do you have tips for those who might need a means of keeping their cool under pressure? Write in and let us know!
Music Break: Lily Allen – The Fear
Episode Summary Music: Gay Activity – Ren & Stimpy Production Music
Episode 90 – Guilty Pleasures - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 90! Guilty Pleasures! After a prolonged absence, Kyo makes an auspicious return! Yay! Fox is back! Discussions start off with the saga of the noob drawing to a close at long last! YAY! …un[...]Episode 89 – TIIIIIIIME - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 89, good morning! Today’s topic is all about TIIIIIME! We start off discussing the death of a cast member from Glee. A new show segment called “Pimp my grammar” is next… [...]

Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 89, good morning!
Today’s topic is all about TIIIIIME!
We start off discussing the death of a cast member from Glee.
A new show segment called “Pimp my grammar” is next… let us know how you like it!
Isty pimps a radio show (different kind of pimping) and then mentions Vitaly Milonov’s intent to arrest anyone in Russia who happens to be gay. Boo!
This show’s word of the week is all jiggly!
Emails come along starting with an anonymous writer asking about fetishes.
Ryo and/or Umbra is next telling us a bit more about the church near his home as well as his sleep schedule.
Lux follows closely behind, VIRGIN LISTENER!!! Isty (Duke of Sex) broke all of this.
Stratosfear gives us con report of Megaplex, sounds totally tubular… since it’s from the internet… a series of tubes… do you get it? Yeah? No? okay…
Finally, Jawbreaker briefly discusses how his day and week usually breaks down, then asks which is better, neat and orderly or loosey goosey.
Next show will be about guilty pleasures, what do you enjoy that you might make you blush if someone knew? Write in and let us know!
Also, our sister podcast, Fur What It’s Worth, gave us a little something to add in, a reminder of their appearance at Rainfurest!
Something fun we wanted to share, an oldie but goldie: The Amazing Screw-On Head!
Isty mentioned a furry radio show this episode: " target="new">The Rabbit Hole
Don’t forget to register and book your hotel for Furry Fiesta
Music Break: Powerhouse – Covered by Don Byron from the album Bug Music, original track by Raymond Scott.
Episode Summary Music: Gay Activity – Ren & Stimpy Production Music
Episode 89 – TIIIIIIIME - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 89, good morning! Today’s topic is all about TIIIIIME! We start off discussing the death of a cast member from Glee. A new show segment called “Pimp my grammar” is next… [...]Episode 88 – SPAAAAAACE - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic episode 88! SPAAAAACE! We start off the night discussing what you shouldn’t do in a movie theater. I’m looking at you, guy with the glowing bulge in his pants. There’s discussion of th[...]

Welcome to Fuzzy Logic episode 88! SPAAAAACE!
We start off the night discussing what you shouldn’t do in a movie theater. I’m looking at you, guy with the glowing bulge in his pants. There’s discussion of the Zimmer man guy and his impressive musical portfolio. Halfwit regales us with tales of Shin Megami Tensei 4, and then explains class based affirmative action… followed by her word of the week!
Isty has news on a couple of kickstarters, one of which we thought was dead. He narrorates his Anthrocon novel, including mention of the Ursa Majors. We won! And then he winds down with a short discussion on Texas passing rather restrictive laws on abortion.
Our emails are four in number and four is the number of our emails.
First is Shifter asking advice about how to handle being approached by a documentary. Next is Koakai discussing space matters in terms of housing and how he is interested in building a small mobile trailer house (they are TINY!).
Kuchi provides a bit more information on his situation in his hometown. Ryo then talks a little more about his new place and the church next to it.
Next show will be about time management. There’s never enough of it in a day so how can you best use what little we all have?
Write in and let us know!
Tails and Tactics
This is a delightfully adorable collectible card game that we though had died on Kickstarter, but found new life on Indiegogo! Go check it out!
Room Party! The Game!”
This is another card game in a very similar vein, only this is not furry themed. It’s based on the idea of throwing the most kick-ass room party you can! As of the time of this posting, they could still use a bit more funding, go have a look-see!
Music Break: Beyond the Clouds from the album ‘Millennium’ by Audiomachine. Featured as the background music in the initial ‘How to Train Your Dragon 2′ teaser trailer found here.
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 88 – SPAAAAAACE - Welcome to Fuzzy Logic episode 88! SPAAAAACE! We start off the night discussing what you shouldn’t do in a movie theater. I’m looking at you, guy with the glowing bulge in his pants. There’s discussion of th[...]Episode 87 – Moniez - Aloha and guten tag! Welcome to Fuzzy Logic, episode 87! Due to circumstances beyond their control both Kyo and Halfwit could not be present. We missed them terribly but the show must go on… and since it would be awkwar[...]

Aloha and guten tag! Welcome to Fuzzy Logic, episode 87!
Due to circumstances beyond their control both Kyo and Halfwit could not be present. We missed them terribly but the show must go on… and since it would be awkward just Smokey and Isty, we invited Mitch to sit in with us!
Topics discussed included the changes to the Voter Protection Act, the overturning of DOMA and Prop 8, the Texas Legislature scandal, and Mitch’s air conditioning woes… as well as his word of the week and his streaming channel!
When the emails came, there were quite a few!
Loona starts us off with a brief discussion about his job, as well as a few practices that go on there and moves on to tell us a little bit about a former significant other. Kuchi the bear tunes in next about the difficult job market in his town. Legionbunny reveals to us the details of the most recent conversation with his brother… we feel for you man. Jawbreaker paints a picture of the hotel he works in, which we feel a little baffled by its lack of AC for so long, and then tell us of how his boyfriend has helped him with managing his money.
Stratosfear Tully provides a fairly detailed description of how he handles his finances… oh if only more of us were so disciplined! Mycroft provides a link to an article about tipping and then discusses how he’s making very intelligent use of a service his bank offers, sub-accounts! Brilliant! Kia follows with discussion on acronym- based words and how it’s easy to believe some of the stories of where some of them came from. Marcus Nobel updates us on his job, how he was recognized for his hard work, and how he’s doing with managing his own cash flows. Great job buddy!
We get introduced to Jacky, a first time writer that tells us of Kyo’s potential progeny. I told him to be careful with the glitter… too much and a bud might break off and spawn a new colony! Last but certainly not least, Ryo writes in with a short but sweet take on how to look at one’s finances, a metaphore that no doubt most furs will be able to relate to. He also bemoans the “fans” wanting Microsoft to recant their recant… about how the X-Box 1 would have it’s restrictive ‘features’ removed after a great deal of pressure from the gaming community at large.
Next week’s show is all about space! How do you use your space? Do you need to organize it? Do you need advice on keeping it clean? How many people use your space? Do you share it often or only on special occasions? Do you wish you had more? Write in and chat us up!
Mitch’s streaming channel where he plays all sorts of games and does goofy things! It’s quite horrible and entertaining! Be ye warned, all who enter, the sense of humor you may encounter is similar to what you get in the show here.
Should Tipping Be Banned? A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
An article/podcast episode about tipping and the aspects that affect it, linked to us by Mycroft.
Music Break: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Same Love feat. Mary Lambert
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 87 – Moniez - Aloha and guten tag! Welcome to Fuzzy Logic, episode 87! Due to circumstances beyond their control both Kyo and Halfwit could not be present. We missed them terribly but the show must go on… and since it would be awkwar[...]Episode 86 – Jobs! - Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds! Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that[...]

Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds!
Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that’s quite alright! We do not mind in the slightest! We are here to help! We had to record this one a day early due to a scheduling conflict that popped up near the last minute. Our next show should be back on track.
Discussion today starts with Kyo getting a partial fursuit made, specifically the head! Can’t wait to see the finished product! Next we move on to Isty and his tales of automobile air conditioning repair, as well as E3, and some frustration at work due to having to put up with his own noob! Next, Smokey talks about a book he’s geeking out over, “Ready Player One”. It’s the sort of thing us furries would really love! Go give it a read! Halfwit then takes us into the labyrinthine mire that is the federal government by discussing “Prism” and just what it is. You may not like what you hear! Tell your congressman or state representative what you think! But make sure you read up on it and have a properly developed opinion first!
When we get on to emails, we have quite a few!
First up is Legionbunny discussing coming out to someone he grew up in foster care with, someone who he considers a brother. He writes in again later offering another little detail on that, as well as asking if he’s letting his self-esteem issues prevent him from listening to and trusting his friends when they compliment him.
Tigbun talks about possibly moving down to Austin (depending on a few circumstances). We wish him and his wife the best of luck! Keep us updated!
Stratosfear Tully provides some MARVELOUS tips on how to advance a job towards being a career! Fantastic advice from a long-time listener!
Koakai tells us of how he dealt with a job he was rather unhappy with, how a life-changing event in his family gave him new perspective. The entire cast believes it was a healthy reaction and we wish him and his family only the best during this trying time.
Next comes a followup email to one we had read on a previous show. Dente discusses his job situation and requests help in what his course of action should be. We offer what advice we can with what limited information we are provided with, but would welcome more details!
Lone Tiggs provides an account of how he was burned by a good friend, possibly not at all intentionally. He wished for advice on how to approach this and we did our best to help him out. Further assistance can be provided, just reach out and talk to us buddy, even if its on an individual basis between shows.
Ryo reveals details about a job he once had, the horrors such conditions (or at least the commute alone) turned out to be. He also goes a little brony all over us but Kyo refrained from murdering anyone.
Finally, Tygepc provides us with news regarding a growing trend: certain cities have begun banning tipping wait staff in favor of the restaurant owners paying them full wages. Do you think this is a good idea? Write in and tell us why or why not!
Next show will be about money! So you’ve earned some, what now? Do you need help managing it? Do you have advice for those who are having trouble or just starting out? While we’re not professional financial advisers, we can at least give you a few simple tips, get you pointed in the right direction. Write in!
As mentioned above, our next show should be back to our normal recording schedule. And as always, if you have questions or stories to share that aren’t on topic, don’t hesitate to send them in! We love hearing from you!
Missing Oklahoma furry, Darraby
Missing after dropping someone off at the airport, his car was found in Oregon. If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities. Details within link. Redistribute where you can, please.
How to Deal With the Media
Our experienced media guru, Isty, lays out a few details when dealing with the media, or perhaps how to not have to deal with the media depending on your approach. Take it to heart, it could come in handy one day.
To This Day – By Shane Koyczan
Shane performing at the TED Talks
This is a POWERFUL spoken word poem about being bullied and dealing with childhood trauma. If ever you were the subject of ridicule at an early age, or maybe you still are, this animation, or live performance if you watch the extended anecdote, will empower you to find something greater to strive for, to push away and ignore the hate and harm spouted by those who wished it upon you. Remember, there is always hope, you are not alone, and there are people who understand.
Operating Room of the Future
For those dealing with a serious illness or know someone who is, this provides hope. A new breakthrough in medical technology, not quite yet ready for commercial distribution, but appears to be fairly far along. It promises to revolutionize how we fight cancer, tumors, neurological illnesses, and other maladies. It isn’t perfected yet, but it does provide hope. And hope is a powerful thing.
BBC News Magazine: Tipping Being Banned
This is the article that Tygepc wrote in about. He was kind enough to provide a link and we are now passing it on to you. Read it, do a little research, find out how you feel about it, and let us know!
Music Break: Werqin’ Girl (Professional) – By Shangela
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 86 – Jobs! - Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds! Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that[...]Episode 85 – Responsibility! - Aloha fuzzy friends and fiends! We have for you yet another offering! And it comes with 100% more otter! One of Kyo’s friends (and new de facto roommate), Kana, stops by and records with us! Congrats Kana! You’re [...]

Aloha fuzzy friends and fiends! We have for you yet another offering! And it comes with 100% more otter!
One of Kyo’s friends (and new de facto roommate), Kana, stops by and records with us! Congrats Kana! You’re famous now!
We get to learn a bit about him, while at the same time no doubt frightening the poor fellow. Kyo tells us his word of the week while bonus otter tells us the harrowing tale of how the purple one saved him from a dreadful situation!
Smokey provides insight into the IRS audit, the UK’s progress towards legalizing gay marriage, and how doctors are trying to make fighting cancer a little less scary for kids! All pretty neat stuff, right? Isty regales us with stories of his work as well as an update on the latest weather situation up in Oklahoma. Seriously, what on earth has to happen before those people are cut a break!?
Emails follow with two from Jawbreaker (our first and last emails of the show) about what it was like living with his very religious grandfather while being gay and then again requesting we do a show about jobs. Ryo follows up with a bit more information regarding the upcoming change in his living situation. Next we get Legion Bunny expressing concerns about his physical appearance, how he judges the physical appearances of others, and how he’s a little annoyed with other guys not wanting anything more than one thing.
It was a short show today (well, e-mail wise). Next show will be about jobs! That’s right, Jawbreaker helped us decide what the next show would be about! Do you have a job? Do you need a job? Do you wish you had a better job? Do you just want to vent? Write in! The more experience you share, the more it might help those without said experience! Help a buddy level up today!
If you want to donate to the relief effort for the victims of the storms and tornadoes in Oklahoma, contact the Red Cross to see how you can help. Also check for reputable charity organizations working to provide food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities to those who have been affected. At this time, we at Fuzzy Logic do not have a specific organization we can recommend donating to other than the American Red Cross. We do however encourage you to support the relief effort if you can.
Music Break: The Growl – Star Trek Into Darkness OST (Performed by: Conway)
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 85 – Responsibility! - Aloha fuzzy friends and fiends! We have for you yet another offering! And it comes with 100% more otter! One of Kyo’s friends (and new de facto roommate), Kana, stops by and records with us! Congrats Kana! You’re [...]Episode 84 – Get Over It - Greetings yon listener! Welcome once more to the realm of logic most fuzzy! Kyo was unavailable to be present for today’s show. We wish him well and hope he is feeling better soon! The show opens with a discussion of th[...]

Greetings yon listener! Welcome once more to the realm of logic most fuzzy!
Kyo was unavailable to be present for today’s show. We wish him well and hope he is feeling better soon!
The show opens with a discussion of the upcoming My Little Pony theatrical release… and how much we all utterly despise what it has become, and hope the production goes down in flames. We move on to discussing shenanigans with the IRS. Afterwords, Smokey regales us with an update for his work situation, specifically a co-worker that has plagued him with entropy since he started. Halfwit then discusses her parents visiting the previous weekend and that her car is now without any air conditioning. Isty tells us of his job status, his next literary adventure, and the X-box 1 as it has been announced.
We then take a brief moment to offer our deepest sympathies to those who have lost homes and/or loved ones in the recent storms that struck Oklahoma and Texas. We can only hope all furries are present and accounted for… as well as unharmed.
When we move to emails, we have nine! You all have been busy! That’s great! Keep it up!
We start with something of an unusual nature from Sclariqrevk, which is per the norm. We move on to Ding and his real-life GTA adventure. Next comes a message from someone in dire need of help. Dox tells us of a physical altercation with his mother and asks for advice on what to do next. There wasn’t much we could offer other than to seek professional psychiatric help. Next comes Kuri and his awkward friend he has been having difficulty with when it comes to certain social situations. Mythic then writes in about his tabletop roleplaying adventures! Marvelous! He is however concerned regarding the potential for adding a newcomer.
Raegal offers some sound (if rather amusingly worded) advice about perseverance. Ryo writes in once more with clarification on his soon-to-be living situation. Richter joins us in spirit and offers a detailing of how his social circle has changed over the years, how he’s losing interest in college, and wants to know how he can expand his public interactions. Finally, Jawbreaker asks our advice on con-going… and if he should take out a loan to be able to afford going to both cons he wishes to attend (you can guess how we might respond to that).
Next episode will be about taking responsibility, how you do it, how you need to do it, what you need help with in doing so, what you would like to take on, etc. Hopefully, we will have a Kyo again and be back to full power! Until then, stay fuzzy my friends!
Music Break: Take Me Home – After Midnight Project
Smokey picked this week’s music… he doesn’t have just a real big library of relevant stuff!
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 84 – Get Over It - Greetings yon listener! Welcome once more to the realm of logic most fuzzy! Kyo was unavailable to be present for today’s show. We wish him well and hope he is feeling better soon! The show opens with a discussion of th[...]Episode 83 – Ask Us Anything! - Hullo! So good to see you again! Yet another casting about of pods in the name of logic most fuzzy! This week’s first half discussions include Smokey’s National Novel Writing Month project finally coming to a clos[...]

Hullo! So good to see you again! Yet another casting about of pods in the name of logic most fuzzy!
This week’s first half discussions include Smokey’s National Novel Writing Month project finally coming to a close. Kyo follows up with excitement over the conclusion of the latest season of Drag Race as well as his ex-mother stalker doing her stalkery thing before finishing off with his car blowing up. Halfwit commiserates with her car similarly failing, or nearly so, on her. Isty discusses a story that has been all over the news, the girls in Colorado who managed to escape their captors after roughly ten years.
Halfwit’s word of the week is a darn good one! And it sparks a bit of discussion as to examples of how everyone on the cast has engaged in it at some point!
When we move on to emails, there are nine! But most of them are short. You had some fantastic questions for us!
We were asked why Kyo hates My Little Pony, if someone can have Isty’s skin, what it’s like being a girl in the fandom (aimed at Halfwit), and even why there was the ‘rumor’ that furries and bronies hate one another. On top of this, we received an empassioned email from Legion Bunny regarding his mother. We wish you all the best dude, keep us aprised and we will help however we can.
Someone asked for us to share an awkward moment we each experienced. Halfwit and Smokey briefly mention where they think their #methodhell project is going. We also got a question from a first time fursuit handler wanting to know how to be a good handler. Sorry if we didn’t provide you with just a whole lot of advice, however our friends over at ‘Fur What It’s Worth’ have a great deal more for first-time fursuiters and their handlers to look into!
Next show’s topic will be about getting over it and moving on. How have you done this? Are you currently having trouble with it? Do you have a story you would like to share that could inspire others to keep their chins up? Write in! Next show will be May 22.
Until then… stay fuzzy, my friends!
Don’t forget to vote for us in the Ursa Majors!
If you’re interested in reading Smokey’s NaNoWriMo project, “The Legend of Zelda: Reclamation”, you can do so by clicking here: The Legend of Zelda: Reclamation on The Treetop Inn
Music Break: All Men Are Pigs – Studio Killers
Music provided by Kyo this week! Yay purple moozeek!
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 83 – Ask Us Anything! - Hullo! So good to see you again! Yet another casting about of pods in the name of logic most fuzzy! This week’s first half discussions include Smokey’s National Novel Writing Month project finally coming to a clos[...]Episode 82 – Just Say It! - Greetings and welcome once again, to… whatever this is! Our first podcast after switching officially to the new recording schedule! Next show will be on May 8th (we said the second in the show, sorry about that!). This [...]

Greetings and welcome once again, to… whatever this is!
Our first podcast after switching officially to the new recording schedule! Next show will be on May 8th (we said the second in the show, sorry about that!).
This week’s show, Kyo dives into his recent drag experiences, live, not-live, and everything in between! Isty informs us of how his job situation has improved considerably since last time, as well as his new living situation. He even gets into what was a rather unpleasant training experience (thanks… tech support *FROWNY FACE*). Then Halfwit mentions a recent pet peeve of hers, kids who claim they don’t care what people think about them and what a HORRIBLE IDEA that really is! Seriously! Put on deodorant! Then Smokey talks about literary stuffs, but no one cares about that. For those that do, he finished his NaNoWriMo story! He’s editing it now. Also he and Halfwit have begun their twitter-fic! Look up #methodhell to keep up!
After the music break, we had five emails. The first touched on the Boston Bombings and how Westboro Baptist peoples are butts. Next came the writer who told us about his friend who wanted to move to New Zealand in the previous show, and how his friend told him he got everything wrong. He also talked about all the crap that’s happened over the last week or so (Boston, West, etc.) and how we shouldn’t lose faith in humanity. There’s mention of Isty’s new furmeet up in Denton as well! Then, one writer gets ESPECIALLY creative and writes us a poem! Six stanzas to ask us what we think of LARPing! He then wrote in again discussing how he’s having a hard time finding what he’s good at. (Smokey almost died thanks to a ponies reference… sorry Kyo… it was laying right there!). The final email was from Rennec following up on his dad, how recovered completely from his stroke-like event! …and how he has reverted to a “I’m bulletproof!” mentality and we talk about how dangerous that is.
Next show’s topic will be an “ask us anything” show! Got something about us that you want to know? Ask away! We will answer!
Until then… stay fuzzy, my friends!
Don’t forget to vote for us in the Ursa Majors!
You might be a touch confused with this ‘hungry pumpkin’ we referenced, well boggle no more! Youtube Video of ‘The Hungry Pumpkin’ (it’s quite dreadfully made! Check out some of the youtube poops of it!)
Back during Furry Fiesta, we had a Dramatic Reading of Fifty Shades of Grey and it was quite fun! Be warned, not for wee ones. Thanks to Shyloh for recording and posting!
Music Break: Dead on the Dancefloor – Ultraviolet Sound
Music provided by Kyo this week! Yay purple moozeek!
Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix
Episode 82 – Just Say It! - Greetings and welcome once again, to… whatever this is! Our first podcast after switching officially to the new recording schedule! Next show will be on May 8th (we said the second in the show, sorry about that!). This [...]