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RIP Mephiz the skunk :(

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 16:45
Categories: News

Long Distance Relationships Don't Work

Ask Papabear - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 16:42
Hi Papabear,

Me and my mate relationship has hit a snag, but before I get to that I was in a rough relationship with a pink husky; he kept yelling at me when I did something wrong, using swear words, basically making me feel useless, powerless and worthless. The break-up was horrible and that night I kept on crying and filled with sadness. One of my friends (which I have been mates before but broke up but stayed really good friends) cheered me up and asked me if I wanna be his mate again, so I said yes. Fast forward to July 1st, 2012. Personal issues in my mate’s life has taken a toll on him, and we are in a long distance relationship, so we decided to take a break for 3 weeks to get things taken care of, so far its been the first week and its been going good. Here is my question: how do I deal with this break and is there any treatment to ease the pain?

thanks again

a worried rat king

~ Alan Soft Belly

* * *

Hi, Alan,

Sorry for the delay; Papabear is behind on mail.  So, if I have this correct, you have taken a three-week break and have two weeks left, right? Then you will get back to the relationship as you normally would?  Papabear doesn't see the problem. Two weeks will go by quickly and then you will be fine again, or? Am I understanding this correctly?



* * *

Yes, that is correct, and two weeks have passed already, but the final week is the toughest, and let me tell you about my mate: he is bi and been dealing with his autism, but he met this cute girl at his local gym and if I am not mistaken he kinda has feelings for this girl. I am okay with this, but once the three weeks are up, what if he goes to the girl and not me? Should I stay friends with him or not?  He lives in Virginia and I live in New Mexico. It’s a long distance relationship and my god it’s so hard. I am no longer friends with my ex. Any advice would be helpful Papabear. Thank you and for all the advice you have given to furs, thank you. It’s okay I forgive you * gives papa bear a big fat rat king hug.*

Alan Soft Belly aka King of the Rats 

* * *

Dear Alan,

That was a good example of leaving out key information in your first email, so I’m glad I wrote to you for more.

It’s super that you got out of that abusive relationship, but now you are in a long-distance one involving thousands of miles of separation. Papabear has said it before and he will say it now again: long-distance relationships do not, in the vast majority of cases, work. If it is a temporary situation (such as you are the spouse of someone in the military who is overseas fighting for our country) then that is one thing because the soldier will eventually return (hopefully!), but if you are in a situation where your mate is so far away that you cannot visit him or her, and if that situation is not going to change, then the relationship is likely doomed to failure.

Papabear can already see this breakdown as evidenced by your jealousy of this girl your bisexual boyfriend is seeing and your suspicions/concerns that he is going to choose her and dump you. Once you start having suspicions and stop having communication (which is very hard to do long distance) your relationship is starting to show signs of falling apart. You say you “are okay with this,” but I bet if you look deep in your heart you really are not okay with it.

If you truly wish to have a strong relationship with your boyfriend, either you or he is going to have to move so that you can be together.  Alan, there simply is no substitute for being in the same room with the one who is your mate.  The only way you will get over your present anguish is to either come together physically, or admit to yourself that you cannot have a meaningful matehood with someone who is too far away to see on a regular basis—meaning that it is time to find someone new in your life who can be there for you.

I hope that you and your mate can work things out.



A note to readers: In this technological age, Papabear sees more and more furries who believe they are “in a relationship” when all they are doing is talking to someone online. I hate to tell you this, but that is not a relationship on a real level. You might have some nice communication and maybe even a pleasant friendship like having a pen pal in a foreign country (if any of you know what that is still), but a truly meaningful, loving, caring relationship can only come when people are interacting in the real world. Allow me to provide one example: would you call it a genuine mother/child relationship if you took an infant and had it raised by robots while the mother was controlling the feeding, diapering, and so forth from a remote location thousands of miles away? Do you not believe that a child needs that very physical connection to another human being? Studies have actually been done concerning premature babies raised initially in incubators that show that both the mother and the child suffer emotionally from such a separation.

Papabear believes that many furries explore virtual relationships because they seem safer, less threatening, because you have an electronic barrier protecting you from real commitment, real emotion, real sex, and real love. Many people do this because they have been hurt in the past by family, friends, and/or lovers, so they think they can have a safe relationship at a distance connected by a computer screen, keyboard, and webcam. Papabear begs to differ.

I’d be interested in hearing what my readers think. Feel free to comment! Thanks!

Steam Thread

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 15:07

I recently built my own Cp, and now I can actually run steam properly! So if you want add me at obeseninja12. My multiplayer games currently are only TF2, LFD2, and Counterstrike.

submitted by obeseninja12
[link] [11 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 51 – Gaping - Sorry for the delay on posting this episode – server troubles! This week’s episode starts out with Dueling Kermits; that alone should tell you how things went! We dabble in everything from Hercules to Mathcast bef[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 13:15

Sorry for the delay on posting this episode – server troubles!

This week’s episode starts out with Dueling Kermits; that alone should tell you how things went! We dabble in everything from Hercules to Mathcast before going on to one glaring oversight: We Received No E-Mails This Week. That’s right, both of the e-mails we read were from the previous week. We want you to know that we’re listening, though: no more Open Topic weeks for quite a while (though, in a sense, every week is Open Topic week)! We then go on to a variety of discussions, ranging from Halfwit discussing the wedding of one Barney Frank to Smokey discussing car safety and the discovery of the Higgs-Boson. There’s a lot more than just that, including rants from the bunny and Nuclear Grimace King (which is the name of my new indie band), and so on! This is what happens when you don’t write in, people: we prattle!

Once we do finally get to our e-mails, we discuss the appropriate length of time to stay in a job, the process for getting weaned off of getting art commissions, and some fundamental online chat etiquette. Sure, most of our listeners are sharp enough to know this stuff, but you wouldn’t believe how many people don’t! Finally, we discuss something that is always true: we want to hear from you! What are we doing that you like? What are we doing that you don’t like? What are your thoughts on the show? Fuzzy Logic is all about you, but we don’t know what you want unless you tell us, so write in!

Next week’s topic is all about bad jobs. We’ve all had them, whether it’s working at a fast food joint or role-playing Office Space. Do you need help coping with your bad job, or knowing one when you see it? Do you need advice on how to quit gracefully, and/or in such a way that you can still use the place as a reference? Write in on that or any topic with which you need help, and we’ll do all we can to help you set things straight! (Just don’t drop a deuce on your manager’s desk. They hate that.)

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 51 – Gaping
File modified July 16, 2012 – 82.3 MB – downloaded 552 times so far

Episode 51 – Gaping - Sorry for the delay on posting this episode – server troubles! This week’s episode starts out with Dueling Kermits; that alone should tell you how things went! We dabble in everything from Hercules to Mathcast bef[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Deleting cookies

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 09:46
Categories: News

Housepets! Book One… has ARRIVED

Furry News Network - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 02:27
Author: And they are awsome!!! Find the full article here: Radio Free Housepets! Housepets! Book One… has ARRIVED
Categories: News

furry books?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 02:22

hey people i just wanted to ask if you guys had any personal favorite books with furry characters. ive been looking for some and ive only found a couple. i would be very grateful if you gave me the book title and a little info about it! thanks for your time.

submitted by kennyspace2
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

Furry Leon from Resident Evil 4

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 01:20
Categories: News

Does it look like me?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jul 2012 - 23:02
Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 221

Furry News Network - Sun 15 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 221
Categories: News

Any other furry writers?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jul 2012 - 22:04
Categories: News

Smokkum Effem Gottum

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jul 2012 - 21:58
Categories: News