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My shark hoodie!

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Jul 2012 - 15:43
Categories: News

Overwork Leads to Stress, but Making a Plan Can Help

Ask Papabear - Wed 18 Jul 2012 - 12:20
Dear Papa Bear,

I have read your column a few times and feel like you give sound advice, and that is one thing I have been needing for some time now. A few months back I ended a one and a half year relationship with my mate. I made a promise to myself that I would take a break from dating as I had been for the last 5 years going from one relationship to another with very little time in between. I chose instead to take this time to work on myself. I would work hard through the summer, paying off debt collectors and saving some money up for the future. Then in the fall head back to full time and concentrate fully on my studies. So far everything is going to how it was planned. 

Now here is my issue(s). I am working one full time and one part time job so that I can pay for everything (bills/debt/rent/etc.) I’m working on average 70+ hours a week. It’s not hard work but it takes away from time I could be doing other things like hanging out with my friends. I also no longer have one single day during the week where I am not working one or both jobs. It’s begun to wear on me. I have been wishing for this summer to be over recently, just so I can pull back. But I just cannot quit one of the jobs. I need to be making how much I make to cover everything and be a little less weighed down by debt by the end of summer. I have also gotten used to the income and enjoy having extra money to use on nonessentials. And if I were to quit one job I would be back on a tight budget and worrying whether getting a half tank of gas means my account will get overdrawn. 

On the other side of things. With working all the time I do not have much time for anything else, or rather I feel like that. What time I do have to myself each day I feel I have to fill with productivity and if I don’t get a certain number of things done before I have to head off to work I stress out. Feeling like I wasted all my time when I could have been doing some chore and gone somewhere that I needed to go to before work. Alongside this I also rarely get to hangout with my housemates or friends. Most of my socializing is through texts I sneak in while I am working or on breaks. Digital conversation works but its no replacement for physically hanging with others. 

Finally, being single has become something I rather not be. I miss having someone to be intimate with and share that rare closeness with. I have been trying to fill this void with close friends and such, but its getting to a point where just being around friends that are dating for any length of time gets me down. I end up walking away severely depressed and hurting for no rational reason. I feel wounded by the smallest things, like plans not going through with a close friend because their mate has a headache. 

All of this combined has made me feel worthless and hollow and half dead, and I am running out of motivation to try anything that might change this. I have thought about going to a doctor for medical treatment but I cant bring myself to taking the time or money to get professional help as it would divert from my goals. I am at a loss as to what to do, and I am unable to analyze or rationalize my feels while being emotionally overwhelmed. Is there any advice or words you can give to help? Some sort of guidance?

JAT Snow

* * *

Hi, JAT,

You are a very responsible furry! It is pretty rare I hear from a furry who says he/she is working 70+ hours a week and paying off debt. Papabear is really proud of you for trying to do the right thing.

Unless you have some specific medical issue you are not telling me about, I do not think you need to see a doctor.  What you are suffering from is stress.  Overwork can make you feel restless, anxious, and give you bad mood swings, which sounds like what is happening to you. There are some things you can do about that, namely getting enough sleep (8 hours a night), eating a healthy diet, and trying to get a little exercise in, which is a great stress reliever.

There are a couple of other things you can do to help yourself. One is to set up a goals sheet. From what you’ve written, your current work schedule is in place only temporarily until you have paid down some debt. One thing Papabear has learned in life is that you can endure almost anything as long as you know for sure that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that things won’t always be this way. It sounded like this was something that would only last until summer was over. It can be helpful, psychologically, then, to write down a goal sheet and post it on your refrigerator, including dates for each goal and a description of each goal. Maybe a column indicating what your financial goal is (e.g., “have credit card paid off by September 28).

You can also set up a daily schedule. In this schedule, you naturally fill in your work hours. But also fill in hours for you to eat, sleep, get exercise, and do a little socializing.  If you sleep 8 hours a day, work 10 hours a day, that leaves you 6 hours a day. Say about an hour for your daily necessities (bathroom time, eating and such), so now you have 5 hours. Allocate 30 minutes for exercise and one hour for doing chores, errands. Now you have 3.5 hours, ample time to do a little socializing. (Oh, almost forgot, travel to and from work--hope you don't live too far from work! So, let's give you 2 free hours a day). You don’t have to socialize every day, but 2 or 3 times a week would be good. You should have time to see a movie or go to dinner with friends.

As for your love life, well, you put that on hold yourself, which, in Papabear’s opinion, is not a bad idea for your short term goals. Love is not something you schedule; it is something that happens. Leave yourself open to the possibility of running into someone special in your life; don’t block someone out just because they are not on your schedule. And don’t be envious of your friends who have dates. Be happy for them. Your time will come as long as you do as I suggest and leave your heart open to possibilities.

Once you get yourself a bit more organized, you will find yourself getting less stressed because you will feel that each day you will accomplish goals and move closer to financial stability.

Good luck!

Big Bear Hugs,


Me? Smug? Never!

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Jul 2012 - 11:53
Categories: News

RIP Beastcub's 4 dogs :'(

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Jul 2012 - 11:52
Categories: News

Books (anthro)

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 22:41

Hey /r/furry! I have been a furry since I was about six and have enjoyed reading books ever since I was seven. I recently have been unable to find a book with any furry characters or a plot involving something furry. I just wanted to ask if anyone knew any good ones. (please note that I prefer anthromorphic characters) Thanks.

submitted by Sir_Hilarious
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Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 220

Furry News Network - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 22:40
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 220
Categories: News

Remember proper behavior, fuzzies!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 21:21
Categories: News

Sir Foxingtons!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 20:52
Categories: News

A friend of mine came across this fursuit (Link in the info) and wonders what species it is (more specifically the ears)?

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 20:08

Here is a link to the video: He came across this and has been watching it over and over again for a good two weeks now, he has been trying to work out what species the character is.

Can somebody help please?

submitted by VayneKuagari
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Categories: News

Jak & Daxter Joining PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Cast

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 20:07


A new challenger approaches! This time, he's carrying a furry wise-cracking friend! Jak and Daxter have been announced as a duo playable character in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.They will be a team that fights together (like the Ice Climbers in Super Smash Bros.) and join Sly Cooper, Parappa the Rappa, and Toro as anthro characters in the game. 

Cole McGrath was also announced at the San Diego Comic-Con event. But he doesn't have fur. His trailer is here though!

Check out the trailer below! 


Categories: News

Ratchet & Clank Collection Releasing Aug. 28th with Sly Demo

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 19:48


The HD Ratchet & Clank Collection now has a release date! It will be available August 28th in retail and on PSN for $29.99. The Collection features 1080p HD remasters of three PS2 Ratchet & Clank classics: Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. In addition, these three games have Trophy and 3D support (in 720p), and the fine folks over at Idol Minds have restored online play to Up Your Arsenal. It has been available in Europe since May 16. So, YEAH WE'RE LAST. Since we had to wait, the game will also come with an "exclusive first access" demo to Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Sweet!


Categories: News

Mexio has furries

DailyFurBlog - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 19:28

Okay not sure how a Missouri town decided to place this on their website, but I found it (maybe a slow news day) .  So this quick clip is a Reuters segment on a Mexican furry and no it’s not speedy Gonzales.  The report sort of says things correct, minus she only thinks there is on convention. Check out the vid HERE.

Categories: News

'Furry movement' sweeps Mexico

Furries In The Media - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 16:55

An article on (Independent Television News, a British-based news and content provider). Dated July 17, 2012.

Dozens of people are dressing up as furry animals in Mexico as part of the furry movement, which expresses love for animals and human beings.

Furries are mostly young people who design and create cartoon or mascot animal costumes and wear them out in the street.

There are thousands of followers across the globe and the movement even has its own convention called Anthrocon, which took place this year in Pennsylvania.

Adrian Diaz, who dresses as a fox says followers are still treated as oddities by the general public: "Here in Mexico, when people don't understand things, it bothers them.

"There are many people that accept it and think it's fun, but the majority don't accept it very much."

Cesar Clemente, a furry who goes by the nickname "Zorillo", or "Little Fox" says: "To me, being a furry means living the life you have.

"When I have the suit on I feel like I can do things that I otherwise wouldn't. I can be friendlier, more affectionate. I think people think it's more acceptable like this than if I didn't have the costume on."

Fans claim to have a significant following internationally, with websites and online games all part of the furry role playing.
Categories: News

I feel out of place in the fandom...

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 15:33

I feel badly out of place within the fandom because I can't draw.

This bothers me greatly because there is a strange preconceived notion that all furs are some form of artist, and I find it hard to connect with other furs because of it.

And the problem goes even further in the fact that there is the other preconceived notion I've encountered that you MUST have art of your fursona or nobody will believe your really a fur. The only "art" of my 'sona I have are a couple of badly done private photoshops I've done of existing art. (because I can't draw worth shit, and wanted to somehow visualize my concept.)

Are there any other furs out there who have/had this problem fitting in?

submitted by KVoksel
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Categories: News