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Avatar? o.O

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 14:39
Categories: News

Doctor Who commission

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 14:08

Me and my buddy Guf as the 10th and 4th Doctor in front of the Tardis

submitted by kailin_fox_85
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News

Unusual species couples?

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 12:30

I was musing on how odd it can be for some furry species to pair up with others (Case in point, I'm a lady tiger and my mate's a gentleman squirrel - drawing that can be kinda weird sometimes!).

What weird combinations have you guys seen? Have you been IN a weird combo?

submitted by MangyJenks
[link] [30 comments]
Categories: News

Inkbunny deploys community keyword suggestion system

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 06:25
Author: GreenReaper Furry art community Inkbunny has deployed a means for users to suggest and approve keywords. The long-anticipated feature was rolled out after several days of testing, leading to the addition of keyword history. The feature had been requested by users wishing to improve the site experience for others, as keywords are used heavily [...]
Categories: News

[adjective][species] on cub porn

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 04:25
Author: bastett [adjective][species] has an interesting article on cub porn and its impact on the furry community. Controversial topic but worth a read. On sites where it is allowed (and even sometimes when it is not), it’s ubiquitous. A full 3% (out of 200,000) of posts on are tagged “cub”. Yet attraction to underage [...]
Categories: News

Two furs badly injured, four dogs killed in horrific 80MPH hit-and-run

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 02:24
Author: banrai Just after nightfall on Monday, July 16, Gemily West (Wolfgem) and her boyfriend Harison Long-Randall (Elden) were waking their four Australian Cattle dogs home from a visit to their local park in the Carmichael neighborhood of Sacremento, California, when they were struck by a drunk driver. Witnesses reported that the light-brown Nissan Maxima [...]
Categories: News

OCD and Alienation

Ask Papabear - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 00:54
Dear Papabear,

I suffer depression issues and need to be in control. Well this month is the 3 year anniversary of two of my best friends deaths so I'm kinda freaking. Mix that with my boyfriend has been driving me crazy with little things like not really answering when I say things to him. I have always been bad about being in a room with friends and feeling completely alone and unloved, right now is worse then I have ever been. I am fight my ocd of touching or doing things in 5's. 

A very stressed Ari

* * *

[Note to readers: Ari and Papabear also talked in other emails in which Ari confirmed she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; she also said that her main question was how to relieve her stress.]

Dear Ari,

Your OCD is likely what is leading to your obsessing about your friends’ deaths and your boyfriend issues.  By definition, you are obsessing about something that happened three years ago and about which you cannot do anything. While it, of course, takes time to heal from such a painful experience, “freaking” about it will not do you any good and is symptomatic of your neurosis. Likewise, you are probably obsessing about little things your boyfriend does that most people would shrug off as unimportant. For these two issues, Papabear admits he is not qualified to offer you any treatment (although it’s pretty clear your desire for “control” is a reaction to the death of your friends and desire to control the world around you so that such tragedies no longer enter your life), since this belongs under the purview of a trained therapist.

Therefore, as you and I spoke about in our other emails, let us focus instead on your alienation problem. I’m glad you brought this topic up, Ari, because it is a problem that I think is particularly pronounced withing the furry community.

What is “alienation”? Sociologist Melvin Seeman (no jokes, please—oh, all right, go ahead) defined six aspects of alienation, including:

1.  Powerlessness:  "Nothing I do makes a difference."  "You can't fight city hall."
2.  Normlessness:  "Being 'good' just won't cut it anymore."  "Nice guys finish last."
3.  Meaninglessness:  "I can't make sense of it all anymore."  "What's it all about?"
4.  Cultural estrangement:  "My culture's values aren't mine."  "What is 'success,' anyway?"
5.  Self-estrangement:  "My work doesn't mean much to me."  "What I learn in school isn't relevant."
6.  Social isolation:  "I'm alone."  "I don't fit in."  "No one visits me anymore."

A lot of this comes from allowing others to define for you what is right and wrong, what is success and failure, what you should believe in, how you should behave, what friends and lovers you should have, even what god to believe in.

The solution is to stop listening to them and, instead, listen to your own heart and that inner voice in you that provides your self-identity and guides you toward what is right for you. Ari, your email does not provide a whole lot of information to go on, but Papabear also senses that you are feeling “alone and unloved” because you haven’t found the right people to be around yet. I mean, if you feel unloved around people who are supposed to be your friends, then why do you consider them to be your friends? The very definition of “friend” is a person with whom you have an emotional bond, someone you trust, an ally and companion. If you aren’t getting that, then they are not your friends.

The best way to counteract this is to find people in your life with whom you share interests and, possibly, even a background. Not to put too thick a coat on it, but have you ever talked to other people who have OCD? Shared a little with them and offered each other some emotional support? Also, you are a furry, so are you hanging out with other furries with whom you have other things in common?

Once you do this, your friends can do a lot to help relieve your stress by having someone to share with, hang out with, and bond with. Other than that, a lot of your stress is probably caused by your OCD, which is a very stressful disorder.

Seeing a therapist is the best thing for this, although in one of your emails you said you didn’t have the money for treatment. If you haven’t already tried them, check out the International OCD Foundation at The site offers some basic information, help finding a therapist, and also links to phone support and online help that appears to be free or low-cost to you.

I hope that helps you at least get a boost on finding some help, Ari.

Good Luck,


Hit and Run (originally published 7-18-12)

Ask Papabear - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 00:51
Hi, Everyone,

I'm not doing a letter today. I just wanted to take a moment to talk about what happened last Monday to Beastcub's sister, Gemily West; her boyfriend, Harison Long-Randall; and Gemily's dogs, Evie, Bindie, Zury, and Winry. Here is the story (not for the weak-of-stomach)

First of all, my friends Palomino Pony and LostWolf have been posting regular updates, including the latest news from the Sacramento Bee at

Harison lost his leg saving Gemily's life. He is a true hero. I feel they will both recover, though they are going through a lot of pain, not only physical but also emotional because all four dogs are now dead.

I don't know what caused this person who drove the car to do this. Papabear knows that people are not perfect, and sometimes we do the wrong thing and sometimes we do things by accident.

Sometimes, though, there are people out there who, for lack of a better term, are just plain evil. The man or woman behind the wheel of the car did something unforgivably wicked. I can think of no reasonable excuse for running down two people and four dogs with a car going 80 miles an hour. None.

[Update: the man driving the car was a soused moron with a criminal record. Here's the story

How do we deal with evil in the world? For one thing, we step up to help those who were the victims, and Papabear is proud to say that he has seen a lot of furries try and help the families struck by this tragedy.

What we should not do is try and seek revenge or become angry and bitter about what happened. When we do this, it is not the perpetrator who loses, it is us. Papabear was very angry at first at this news, then sad. That is natural and we have to work through those emotions. Now it is time to get to work.

We all need to come together counteract the evil that was done to Gemily, Harison, their pets, and their families. I ask you all to pray for them in whatever manner you are comfortable with. I ask you all to send them love, to give them an outpouring of support, affection, generosity, and kindness. Here's whom to contact:

Harison Long-Randall/Gemily West Fund c/o Pam Dinsmore
Community Affairs Director
The Sacramento Bee
2100 Q St.
Sacramento, CA 95816  

It is only in this way that all of us can pull together and fight against the evil that exists in the world. 

Let's show our fellow furries that we are their extended family. That we love and support them and are here for them. You don't have to do a lot. Send them a card. Send a flower. Anything at all will help.

Thank you,


Update: 7-21-12

Beastcub posted the following on her FurAffinity page

I just wanted to say things are looking better over here, unless Hari gets an infection he is in the clear, he has an operation every 24-48 hours to keep his open wounds clean and he is on ventilator and feeding tube and cannot talk. He will be bed bound in the ICU for 3 weeks, after that he will be in the recovery ward. 

Gemily is doing well enough considering the double trauma of both her BF and dogs being part of this. With the rod in her leg she should be able to use it right away but what the media fails to report is she is missing chunks of flesh from that leg and is all covered in bruises, and her foot is all swollen.
I got to see her at last today, and she finally laughed a bit for the first time today and she and I both ate decently since this happened.

There also now an official paypal donation, you can send donations to longrandallwestfund[at] 
Hari needs the money more than us, his home will have to be modified and his family members will be unable to work while caring for him. So every little bit helps.

Oh and you can sent a check too - from the Sacramento Bee:

Fund set up for hit and run victims
Readers responding to Monday night's horrific hit and run crash in Carmichael are offering donations to help the families involved.
Anyone wanting to contribute may send checks made out to the Harison Long-Randall/Gemily West Fund and send them to:

Pam Dinsmore
Community Affairs Director
The Sacramento Bee
2100 Q St.
Sacramento, CA 95816 

UPDATE: July 29, 2012

According to a post from my friend Palomino Pony, Harrison Long-Randall has died from his injuries from the hit and run. I'm sure all of you will join with me in a prayer for Gemily West and her and her mate's families.  Here is the story: Also, Beastcub (Gemily's sister) posted on FA:

‘The Croods’ print distributed at Comic-Con

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 00:24
Author: Fred Cartoon Brew reports that animator/director Chris Sanders (Lilo & Stitch) was giving out this colored print for The Croods, the coming 2013 Disney animated feature, at the Comic-Con last week. We don’t know yet if any of its animals are anthropomorphic, but there are enough exotic non-human critters to please most Furry fans. [...]
Categories: News

Looking for long lost Picture/Wallpaper! Help?

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:51

I used to have a picture on my computer a few years back that i had found while poking around on a art website. It was of a wolf, that looked to be injured or mental, stumbling/walking down a checkered hallway? If i can remember right the picture had a kind of blue feel to it, on the tiles at least.

I've been going out of my mind trying to remember where it was, and i would appreciate the help! <3

submitted by toxicxrequiem
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 218

Furry News Network - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 218
Categories: News

030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...

The Dragget Show - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:24
This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and put a twist on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also, LOTS of listener questions answered! Also, check out and share highlights at our YouTube channel, updating it all the time! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...
Categories: Podcasts

030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...

The Dragget Show - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:24
This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and put a twist on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also, LOTS of listener questions answered! Also, check out and share highlights at our YouTube channel, updating it all the time! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...
Categories: Podcasts

Pet fox anyone?

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:16
Categories: News