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Any furs that play, or would be interested in playing, DoTA2?

Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 04:58

Firstly, I'm always looking to play with new folks! I've been teaching the game pretty much since the beta started, and have a lot of exp with DoTA classic.

My steam page.

For anyone that would be interested, I currently have 6 beta keys up for grabs. I will be checking back in 24 hours, post up some steamID's and I'll dole 'em out! Bribes are certainly accepted :P

submitted by deadly_fox
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Categories: News

Sexy Foxxie Boy ~ ScottieRouge

Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 04:23
Categories: News

Approaching 40, This Furry Is Still Unsure of His Sexuality

Ask Papabear - Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 01:37
Hi Papabear,

I’m not sure even how to ask this, but I guess I should give you the background.

Growing up, I’d had a pretty good childhood. No major traumas, easy to get along with, close friends … fairly sheltered, but that happens from time to time. As a young teenager, I moved into a new house, got into middle school, new grade. Everything started off reasonably, but very quickly I got cast as the outsider, and labeled. Things like ‘fag,’ or ‘homo,’ or ‘fairy,’ the last of which became my name at school.

I’m not sure why. I guess I was different, but not in a way that I recognized at the time. I was probably a bit more innocent than my peers, maybe I walked different or talked different… I’m not sure. Maybe I came off as effeminate. At the time, I didn’t even know what those things were. They all had to do with things that I didn’t really contemplate. I certainly didn’t consider myself that … or, in fact, anything.

I never talked to anyone about this, even my parents. I was always crushingly embarrassed about it, this thing that, apparently, is so terrible to be that no one talks about it. I grew to hate school. Eventually it encompassed the entire school, it was something that I couldn’t escape while I was there. I became utterly self-conscious about every aspect of my life, from the way I walked to the way I talked, trying anything to fit in. It never worked.

This was a mostly emotional, and occasionally physical process, that went on for about three years. During this time, I was mostly a loner. But, as a teenager, I eventually became curious about my body, and discovered playing with myself anally. I loved the feeling it gave me, but I hated myself for doing it. Eventually I grew to loathe myself so much for doing this that I stopped it altogether.

As with all things, this period came to an end. Near the end of my time in middle school, I’d attracted one more in a never ending string of bullies, and something snapped inside me, and I just started punching this one in the face over and over again. (I’m not condoning this, I’m just explaining what happened.) I wasn’t a very strong kid, I don’t think I damaged him any more than being surprised, but after that, everything changed for me. The last month of school, all my relationships normalized, and I started feeling happy again. I got my name back. And I was just like everyone else.

One great summer off, and I was in high school, and everything was fine. In university I stumbled into a relationship with a girl that I’d hit it off with, we had sex, and it was fine for a while, but eventually we drifted apart, and I haven’t been looking for a relationship since. I just didn’t care.

And that might be the last I’d have thought about it but for recently, when an online acquaintance asked me if I was gay. I laughed and said no, and we talked about it for a bit while I surfed M/M furry porn on my other screen. About a week later I realized the mental disconnect and thought about it, and that dragged me back to that time in my life when I was most unhappy. And then I started thinking. I don’t really think of women sexually. I mean, I can appreciate them, but … I’m not sure if I ever felt that way, and I’d always considered myself straight.

I’ve lurked in furry since the mid-90s, but I’ve never really gotten into it any more deeply. Now that I’m pushing 40, I’m starting to play around in it, talking to people and such, and the stuff that I like is always guys.

And now I realize I’m a bit lonely, and I’m enjoying these connections, but … I’ve been hesitant. I figure I’m either lying to myself and the people I know in real life by saying I’m straight, or I’m lying to folks online by coming off as gay. And all I can think of is that time when I was 12, and how much of a waste my life has been, and how much I've hidden from myself, and how terrified I am that I’m going to get this all wrong. And then I feel a bit pathetic about it, but hey. :)

Well. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to write this, as it’s been a bit cathartic, and for you to listen. But I suppose I should ask the question… how can I decide or find out if I’m really gay? Part of me thinks I know the answer, but…

I hope this wasn’t too much. Thanks again for your time and energy, and running this place.

-H (I don’t really have a fursona yet)

* * *

Dear H,

Your letter really touches me because there are so many parallels with my own life. Papabear was bullied in school for not being very “butch,” shall we say, and not really liking sports and being shy. I’ve had sex with a woman and drifted away from her; I came to a point where I wouldn’t allow myself to be bullied any more and fought back; I’ve experimented sexually; and I’ve been confused about my sexuality, and have struggled to find a group in which I could fit (finding furries, too).

Not everything is the same of course. Your situation is unique in one very important way: have you considered that you might be asexual? This is a very real sexual preference, and I’ve known a couple people who really and truly don’t care much about sex. That shouldn’t be considered a bad thing; it’s just the way you are—or, at least, how it sounds to me at this point. Yes, you could also be gay, but it does sound to my fuzzy ears that you might just be considering that because you discovered the furry community and stumbled on some of the gay art on the site and are trying to fit in to that part of the fandom (remember, though, the majority of furries are actually straight or straight-leaning).

I understand your fear of getting it “all wrong.” As you approach 40, it is a time when many of us reevaluate our lives and question where we have been and where we are going. I came to the realization I was gay at the age of 40 (and have a few furiends with similar experiences), and it was both a liberating and terrifying episode of my life. What you need to do, though, is set aside that fear because it will keep you from discovering your true self. 

Having a sexual preference other than what is considered the norm in society—whether that is being gay, bi, or something else—is scary because we want to be accepted by others. But sacrificing ourselves to fit into a mold and please others is a mistake. (You could, indeed, be suppressing your sexuality, as indicated by the fact that you were ashamed of stimulating yourself anally to the point of stopping it all together).

Papabear suggests you do two things, therefore: 1) Put aside your fear and your desire to please others instead of yourself; and 2) don’t worry about your sexuality.

The first point is pretty clear, I believe, but let me explain that second point further. You say that you have been exploring some of the M/M art on furry sites and that you feel more comfortable around guys. Getting a bit stimulated by male art when you are male is actually very natural, even for straight men. There’s this great bit that comedian Ron White does. He’s chatting with a straight buddy and tells him, “I can prove you’re gay.” And the friend responds, “No way, I’m straight.” And White says, “Oh, yeah? Well, do you watch straight porn?” And his friends says, “Hell, yeah.” White continues, “And when you see a guy with a beautiful woman, do you want that guy to have a little penis that’s all limp and dangling?” And his friend goes, “Hell, no! I like a guy with a big rock hard penis and *GASP!*” and the audience laughs.

Let me go the other way with this. Papabear is gay, as you know, but there are some pieces of straight furry porn that get me going, too, if it’s done really well. So, there you go. Your porn preference really isn’t a totally accurate barometer. 

The next obvious question is, “Have you been with a man yet?” My guess is no, not yet, am I right? Now, don’t expect me to tell you to march out there and find a guy and get naked with him. Not gonna happen. Which brings me to my final explication on point #2. Instead of fretting about your sexuality as if it existed in a vacuum, what you need to do is go out into the world and find someone to love. 

Socialize with other people (and going to furmeets and stuff is a great way to do this—a great social vehicle to put yourself out on the market, so to speak) and don’t worry about the sex, at least not for now. You will eventually, inevitably, run into someone for whom you have an attraction. Some of it sexual, probably, but hopefully a lot of that attraction will be for the person as a whole. If that person is another man, fine; if not, that’s fine too. Let yourself go and your natural sexual persuasion will make itself known. Who knows? You might even come across an asexual person and neither of you will want sex; you’ll just enjoy being with each other. 

In other words: don’t over-intellectualize it. Stop thinking, and start doing.

And let me know how it goes. Write soon.




Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 01:18

So a while back I posted asking for a comic name and I got an answer. Now I have been looking for the comic Associated Student bodies for weeks. I do not want to download it I want to find a website where I can read it. I found it before but I don't know where. Please Reddit help a fur in need.

submitted by Connwaer
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Categories: News

Re: write - Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 00:45
I write spiritually and mentally on paper, but never do I write physically.
Categories: News

WHAT KIND OF QUEER IS FARRY? - Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 00:45
Decimal: 1558784104
Hostname: cpc1-stav11-0-0-cust103.aztw.c
ISP: Virgin Media
Organization: Virgin Media
Services: None detected
Type: Broadband
Assignment: Static IP

Geolocation Information

Categories: News

NYPD goes furry

DailyFurBlog - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 23:23
This is certainly an odd video I came across on my furry net journeys. This is some NYPD (New York Police Dept.) K9 unit in furries and certainly not the first in furries in music videos. The music is tolerable, but it is some hard-core rock/cock. If you don’t like the music try to make it through the dog pee and girl humping to get to them smoking up. Check it out and don’t fap too much! Also still figuring how this slipped my view since I’m from here… after all that’s a real cop car.
Categories: News

Tried my hand at fire, how'd I do?

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 22:34
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 198 – Ask Us Anything FLAMENCO EDITION

Furry News Network - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on KnotCast, we go Pokemon Style and split the episodes in two once more? Or did we? We talk pre election nonsense, hopes for the now-past election, and read a bunch of emails asking us things. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great deal! Episode 198 – [...] KnotCast: Episode 198 – Ask Us Anything FLAMENCO EDITION
Categories: News

Taking some good old traditional commissions! Will be done by this weekend :]

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 21:41

Hello redditfurs! I'd really like to get back into the habit of doing traditional art, so I've opened up a few slots for good old fashioned traditional pencil and paper commissions. My submission on FA explains more. Here are some examples:




Feel free to contact me here or on my FA if you're interested, thanks reddit :]

submitted by GoingToTheStore
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

What are some awkward experiences you've had because of your membership in the fandom?

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 20:34

As the title may imply, recently I had a somewhat awkward, yet in a way funny, experience due to being a furry. If you'd like to share your experience, I would love to see it. Here's mine:

A friend of mine (let's call him Bob) is quite handy with fabric and recently learned how to make tails, which of course was quite thrilling for me as well, so, seeing as he had used up the last of his fur in learning how to make the things, we arranged a trip to a local fabric store. So we drive to the fabric store (located in the most conservative county in South Carolina) and I'm not thinking much of it, but when we walk in, there are a bunch of older women in there who look at us like we're demons or something. I just stood there, confusedly meeting their glares before it hit me. Two guys walking into a fabric store in one of the most homophobic places in the US, and it suddenly hits me that we're looking almost like a couple. So I immediately go alpha and lower my eyes to avoid eye-contact, we go and find the fur we each wand and ask a lady to measure out a half yard for each of us, which she does, making polite conversation with us and, quite frankly, being the only one in the store who isn't damning us with her eyes. Following this, we go up to the cashier and by this point, my social anxiety has kicked into high-gear and I'm feeling like I need to justify being there, so I tell the cashier that the fur is for a costume, to which she gives a small chuckle. Bob buys his fur and she grins at him and asks if its for his costume. The lady totally smelled my bullshit. Finally we get out and we have a laugh about how awkward it was and I wasn't going to think any more of it.

But when is it ever that easy? (Spoiler alert): Never.

Apparently my European History teacher was one of the ladies in the store. In class the next day she calls me on it. This leads into about fifteen minutes of me trying to convince her and my class of my excuse without looking like a loser. I looked like a loser. The end.

submitted by Mileaux
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Categories: News

Weasyl invites!

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 18:22

PM me your email or post it here, and I'll send you an invite!

Also, for those who are on Weasyl already: How does one change their featured submission?

submitted by t_j_k
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Categories: News

So, I have been drawing some birds...

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 17:51
Categories: News

May I paint a tale for you? My pen is at the ready.

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 16:36

Hello everyone! I am new to the furry culture, but I have been writing stories since I was young and I want to give my hand at writing something furry related.

So here is my idea: Send me either a picture or a general theme to write about. This can either be a fursona of yours, a general description of something you want to see happen, or whatever.

A Few Notes

  • Yes these short pieces are going to be free.
  • I am capable of smut, but I would much prefer to keep my writing from being explicit. We can work something out if need be.
  • I can only do one or two stories at a time, so I may be subjected to only picking a few people.
  • The Length of said story will really depend on how inspired I get, but I expect it to be the length of a regular short story.

That being said, if you'd like to ask for a lengthy commission, I have my own pricing for that. I am looking forward to what I will write :)

submitted by DemonZypher
[link] [27 comments]
Categories: News

Commissions for anyone interested

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 16:17

Hi everyone! I've been drawing my whole life, but only became a part of the furry community pretty recently, I didn't even think to look for furry friends on Reddit! I saw someone elsewhere who wanted a commission for a fursona, so I thought I'd offer my services to anyone that's interested, I am good with written descriptions as well, I've been drawing fursonas for my friends for a while now. here's my furaffinity page here and my usual commission prices/information here. I also draw non-furry stuff too if you want somethign else in my style. I have even more art over at my deviantart here. I am also open to NSFW stuff, but I don't have any examples because no one's asked yet :/ If you'd like to discuss prices or anything, feel free to contact me here or my art websites, I should be able to get back to you quickly either way. Thanks so much for reading! I love drawing fursonas so I look forward to getting a few requests!

submitted by gravitationaltim
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Categories: News

YEAH - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 11:45
I think I'll be in FULL COMMAND of this group in short order. LOL

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News

ASSWORM & CINDY THE USENET WHORE - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 11:45
Here's a little info on USE2BE, i.e., Cindy the Texas Whore, and Dave, aka:
Squiggles the Assworm.


First, Carl said:

"Cindy (use2be) is a fucktard of the lowest order. Her moral conscience
consists of supporting idiot trolls like Dave (that's the % assworm) and
ArgueFag (a frenchy faggot) wrecking groups like ASH. While she (use2be)

Categories: News

Re: Contrarian do you need anything? - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 11:45

Usenet crack whore Cindy, aka Use2be, and Assworm had their covers recently
blown by Colonel Edmund J. Burke, NAM War Hero. Stunned and shocked, crack
whore Cindy pretends innocence:

"It's weird. I've known the colonel for many years. We aren't friends by

Categories: News

StupidFox Rainbow Attack! (poster)

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 10:38
Categories: News