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The Fans Have Spoken!

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 18:26

It’s become evident that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is not the only animated TV series that has taken some interesting twists and turns thanks to on-line fan input. Fans of Adventure Time with Finn and Jake became obsessed with the idea of a gender-swapped variation on the popular series after the idea popped up on the Internet. And thus Fionna and Cake, human and cat, were born. Well now Boom! Studio’s Kaboom! line have added to their Adventure Time line with the premier of the new Fionna & Cake 6-issue mini-series (in full color).  Here’s a write-up from Jim Hill Media: “The highly anticipated series will be written and illustrated by none other than the characters’ creator and Adventure Time storyboard artist Natasha Allegri with a full 32-page first issue. Join Cake the Cat and Fionna the Human in this totally algebraic new adventure! When Fionna rescues a feral flame boy from a pack of wild fire lions, it starts her on a quest she’ll never forget…” It all starts this coming January.

image c. 2012 Kaboom!

Categories: News

Hey /r/furry, I need some help naming my first fursona.

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 15:57

Hey furs!

Got any ideas on what to name this little guy?

Here's the character [NSFW]:

He's a fennec.

submitted by Hazel_Fennec
[link] [12 comments]
Categories: News

Newly open to being furry (22M TX)

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 15:50

Hey guys! (and sexy ladies :P) I'm not a new furry but I've been in the closet about it for a while. Came out about it this Halloween and so far my friends either make fun of me for it or think I'm gay now... Soooo I figured I would see what this subreddit is about..... Uhm so yeah... Hi?

Edit: I figured out what I actually am... A Malamute!. Idk why that didn't occur to me that's what I was picturing in my head

submitted by Icouldnotdecide
[link] [48 comments]
Categories: News

1920s Furries!

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 11:46
Categories: News

Episode 64 – Whatever

Furry News Network - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 10:32
Author: admin Episode 64 is here, and it’s all about burnout! You know, when you just can’t seem to care anymore! We’re not burnt out, though, and we’ve got lots of logic to share with you fuzzies! Kyo discusses Mika’s new album and RuPaul’s drag race, Smokescale talks about the danger of relying too much [...] Episode 64 – Whatever
Categories: News

Episode 64 – Whatever - Episode 64 is here, and it’s all about burnout! You know, when you just can’t seem to care anymore! We’re not burnt out, though, and we’ve got lots of logic to share with you fuzzies! Kyo discusses Mik[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 09:51

Episode 64 is here, and it’s all about burnout! You know, when you just can’t seem to care anymore! We’re not burnt out, though, and we’ve got lots of logic to share with you fuzzies! Kyo discusses Mika’s new album and RuPaul’s drag race, Smokescale talks about the danger of relying too much on credit cards and his painful experiences in an early chapter of his NaNoWriMo entry, Halfwit gives her word of the week and discusses how she handles burnout, and Istanbul has a positive message for once, discussing the legalization of gay marriage in four states and marijuana in two states, along with the first openly gay senator! Oh yeah, and some other guy got re-elected, we hear. (We also mention Wreck-It Ralph – if you haven’t seen this, you need to!)

Once we get back from the music break, we discuss one listener’s issue with his wife’s burnout and the notion that it just might have progressed to something else entirely. It’s then that Kyo winds up with an emergency and has to leave, but the rest of the cast soldiers on to discuss travel as a potential cure for the doldrums, ways to treat burnout if you can’t avoid it thanks to the intrepid efforts of our own Lone Tiggs, and strategies like giving yourself time off, rewarding yourself, and sleep! Note: five-hour energy drinks are not sleep!

Next week will be our Thanksgiving episode, all about gratitude! We won’t be recording on the 24th because we’ll be too busy stuffing our faces with stuffing, so we want to hear from you THIS week instead. What are you grateful for in your life? What have you given others to be grateful for? How do you express gratitude, oddly one of the more difficult emotions to express? Write in and let us know!

Sticks and Stones – Jonsi

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 64 – Whatever
File modified November 11, 2012 – 66.3 MB – downloaded 492 times so far

Episode 64 – Whatever - Episode 64 is here, and it’s all about burnout! You know, when you just can’t seem to care anymore! We’re not burnt out, though, and we’ve got lots of logic to share with you fuzzies! Kyo discusses Mik[...]
Categories: Podcasts

NOVEMBER 6 [ELECTION DAY] - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 03:45
And still my facebook page remains alone in the universe.

p.s. Don't re-nig at the polls. Thank you and have a Pleasance day.

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News

Re: ALBATROSS PROVEN WRONG AGAIN FOR THE 1,000TH TIME! - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 03:45
x-no-archive: yes

Don't be a playa hater.

Categories: News

Review: The ‘Tales of the Frog Princess’ series, by E. D. Baker

Furry News Network - Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 00:24
Author: Fred Technically, “fractured fairy tales” is a TV cartoon series by Jay Ward, originally part of Ward’s Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961; but it has become a popular generic term for any modernized, satirical story in a traditional European fairy tale setting. This certainly fits Elizabeth D. Baker’s Tales of the [...]
Categories: News

Anyone know of any furry-related games?

Furry Reddit - Sat 10 Nov 2012 - 19:30

Especially online?

submitted by Kavyle
[link] [23 comments]
Categories: News

"Mine is bigger" by RUDragon

Furry Reddit - Sat 10 Nov 2012 - 18:23
Categories: News

Part of This Trio Includes an Abusive Woman

Ask Papabear - Sat 10 Nov 2012 - 11:54
Hi Papabear,

I am in my sophomore year at college and this is my first semester after coming out of the closet. Recently I have been looking for someone to date and I found this really nice freshman (for the purpose of keeping his identity a secret I'm going to call him “Matt”). Unfortunately he is causing me a lot of problems.

When we first started to get to know each other, and I first told him that I liked him, he informed me that he was in an open relationship with a girl (whom I do not like at all but I’ll get to that later. I'm going to call her “Kelly”). I let him know that I was fine with it at first but if he found that he really liked me he would have to end the relationship with Kelly.

Over the next couple of weeks everything was fine. We took it really slow by just hanging out with each other. After a while things started to get weird. Matt would suddenly get really depressed and moody. It seamed like he would half ask me for help and when I tried to help him he would just pull away and not let me in. This happened a couple of times now and I have been so uncomfortable around him. This could be partly because I am still not used to actually being in an intimate relationship with another man. I want to help him so badly but I am just terrified that I am going to scare him off. 

I feel like the source of all of his troubles is his girlfriend. I really can’t go too far into it because it is really personal but Matt and Kelly’s relationship seems to be very abusive. It is not just me who thinks that. The RAs in his building also think this too. Every weekend she comes up from her school so she can be with him. When she is here she is very rude to everyone. She has made no attempt to meet any of his friends and when she does hang out with everyone she just sits there and complains about everything. The thing that just pisses me off most about her is how she acts when I'm around her. First of all she tries to make out with Matt whenever I'm having a conversation with Matt. She also tries to argue and disagree with me at every chance she can. It drives me crazy.

Yesterday Matt went into one of his moods because of Kelly. I kind of had a mental breakdown. All my emotions just seemed to well up all at once and I had a one of the worst anxiety attacks I have ever had. It’s been over 24 hours and my body still feels drained and I am having intense back pain because of it. I could barely move all day. It would have been a lot worse had it not been for one of the RAs on duty who knew how to hit certain pressure points on my head to calm me down and put me to sleep. I am 99% sure that Matt saw me like that and knew that he kind of caused it. My friends told him that I just had a headache but I think he is smart enough to put A and B together.

I feel like I need to talk to him but every time I see him now I get emotional. I'm terrified that I could be sent into another anxiety attack, I don't know how I could handle another one. What should I do about this whole situation?


* * *

Dear Timmy,

Instincts are a highly underrated ability that humans possess, just like animals. When I read a letter like this and hear the writer’s suspicions, I can often perceive that they are spot on and that the writer is just looking for a little confirmation from an old bear because he or she is not confident in a tried and true animal capability.

Papabear has an instinct, too, that you are right, both about Matt’s girlfriend and that Matt probably knows how his relationship with Kelly is affecting you in a bad way.

Many people, when they think of abusive relationships, think only in terms of a man hurting a woman, but it happens more than you think. Papabear himself knows of a couple friends who are in a bad situation with their female partner. A recent study showed that about 40% of domestic abuse cases are actually women perpetrating it against men. Here is a useful article on the subject that includes a couple hotlines:

There are a number of reasons why people like your friend Matt stay in such relationships. One is that there are children involved, but I’m guessing that’s not the case here. More likely, Matt is suffering from poor self-esteem and blames himself whenever Kelly hurts him. The “I deserve it” syndrome. Papabear has a dear friend who is a classic case of this. When I first met him, he said “I’m sorry” so many times—for things he had no reason to apologize for—I almost wept to see such a beaten-down person.

Matt likely got into a relationship with you because his spirit desperately needs some affirmation and love. But now you, Timmy, are caught in a difficult balancing act between your desire to have a loving relationship with Matt and your even more important need to protect yourself from a pain you don’t deserve.

I would suggest you talk to Matt directly about this, but if it is going to cause you an anxiety attack we need an alternative. You mention the RA, who seems like a cool person who is also aware of the situation. Sounds like a potential moderator. Talk to him and see if you can find a way for the RA to sit Matt down and find out what is going on and if he is, indeed, being abused. There is help for both Matt and Kelly in this situation (Kelly needs help, too--I suspect a lot of this has to do with jealousy, but am not sure when the abuse started). If you can’t get the RA to do it, perhaps there is a health center at your school you can go to and ask for help.  There are also the hotlines you can call (see above link). We need to find out better what’s going on in Matt’s head before proceeding.

If Matt can improve his relationship with Kelly, this will help you as well and you won’t have to work on any other solution. If the Matt-Kelly situation doesn’t improve, or gets worse, that’s when you have to take a deep breath and talk to Matt, despite the anxiety. (If it’s really bad, you could write a letter to him as a last resort). Offer your help and love, but explain to him that you can’t stand by and watch Kelly abuse him as it is making you, quite literally, ill. If he cares about you, he won’t put you through that.

It is a wonderful thing to help and love others. Do so as much as you can, but not to the point where you hurt yourself because then you are just as much a victim of Kelly’s abuse as Matt is.

This is going to take some time and patience. Thank you for writing me, and I hope the above helps. Please write again and let me know how things are going.

Hugs of Bear Love,
