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StupidFox Rainbow Attack! (poster)

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 10:38
Categories: News

Bedfellows does a short

DailyFurBlog - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 08:18
So seems like Bedfellows “Krispy Animations” has listen to the general public and made their episodes shorter, with a funny quick ending. Thing I think NOW is that the thing was just too short. But as always it was damn funny and had a good “punch” in the end. Check it out and enjoy! *sorry for the late post it’s obvious because of the hurricane I am behind*
Categories: News

Bedfellows - Beach Bully

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 06:18
Categories: News

What /r/furry has become lately

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 01:27
Categories: News

IB Moderator Is Causing Grief

Ask Papabear - Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 00:20
Heya Papabear!

Felt I need at least some advice on this as it is really starting to stress me out and scare me a bit.

I'm having some school issues at the moment. I am in the IB program in my senior year and I'm getting ready for my exams and such.

The problem I have is with the IB moderator. Lately she has been on my case about every little thing and is taking every chance she gets to attack me for my work and patronize me as well. It's not that my work is bad, but I have slipped past a few Bad grades with make up summer work. Two years ago, she was helping me out with this and didn't really seem that interested. Now, my grades have improved dramatically and I'm doing very well in school right now, but she is still attacking me for not turning in my CAS (basically service) hours on a regular basis and for being behind on my Extended Essay.

She seems to ignore the fact that I update my CAS hours in bulk and once I finish with the next update, I'll only need about 40 hours left to go which should be filled up quite soon. She also seems to ignore the fact that many other IB students hardly have any hours turned in. With the 200+ hours we need, I don't think getting on my case about it is very helpful.

My EE is another story. My subject is in biology, but I have nowhere to go. My thesis problem doesn't fit well so now I'm thinking of switching subjects to history, which I should be able to do. However, I have a feeling she will not allow that, and that will be outlined shortly. The EE itself, though, is due in February, so I have enough time to write one over breaks and such.

Her actions have gotten to be very very strange lately as well. She is openly scowling at me in school hallways and the lunch room. It's freaking me out a little bit. I don't know if I did anything to insult her or what. I've hardly seen her and the one time I had a meeting with her, I've made an effort to be polite and kind.

My parents tried having a conference with her a while ago, but she ended up handing all the paperwork she had to my guidance counselor who had no idea what to do with it, and proceeded to walk out of the school and leave, passing my parents on the way and telling them the meeting was in a different room and not her office. She called me into her office the next day during school and asked if I wanted to meet. I replied I would like a meeting, but that I didn't feel prepared at the time and would rather have my parents there with me. She instead replied that she would like to get it over with and forced the meeting on me without my consent.

To be fair, she did say she was not available the day before as she had a "family emergency." Why she didn't tell my parents when she saw them is beyond my comprehension. Her brother did die a few months before, but that was about a month and a half before school started. And she was absent for the first month of school anyway.

I found out through a teacher that I am good friends with that this moderator has set up a secret agenda with my teachers and if I miss a deadline or appear to be off track of the material (a problem that has never occurred), they are required to inform her and not me. I also found out last Friday that she passed by one of my friends in the hallway and proceeded to ask if they were friends with me. When my friend replied that she was, the moderator just walked away, not saying anything. That's really creepy.

My parents are rightfully angry at her and wonder why the principal doesn't do anything. They don't seem to understand that the principal is nothing but a placeholder now. This IB moderator placed herself in a very strong position. She can get almost anyone in the school fired by appealing to the principal. I don't understand how this school could have fallen so fast. It was only a few years ago it was recognized as a Blue Ribbon school.

She's really causing me to stress out and I have no idea what to do. I have to meet her soon to discuss changing my EE subject, but I'm scared she'll say no for no other reason than I’m not doing well in the subject I have, and I'll be stuck in a subject I am having a lot of trouble with.

Also, I probably have to have a one-on-one sit down with her and ask her what her problem is with me. I'm genuinely confused and getting scared for my diploma. It will not be fair to kick me out of this program in my senior year. All the work I've done will be worthless.

So why do you think she's attacking me so much? I can understand a reason for motivation, but it's gone way past that. I already show my grades spiking, and I'm working my hardest, and I already have enough stress helping my friends out when they really need it. I don't need this extra stress and I don't think she does either.

Thanks for reading,

* * *

Dear DT,

This is a very odd case. I have never heard of a moderator of this type apparently wielding so much power at a school, even, according to you, having sway over the principal. So, first question would be whether she treats other students the way she treats you, or if you are her special little target. If she is just being weird with you, I find it hard to believe that it would just be because you had some problems with some classes in the past. I’m sure she would get that sort of issue all the time with other students.

Assuming you are telling me everything you know, and not holding back on something you have done to her to cause her to act like this, Papabear would guess that she is also treating other students badly, no? This would mean there is quite a performance issue involved. Why she has so much sway over all the teachers in your school, as well as administration, is beyond me. I could only speculate.

Bringing your parents into the issue (which is the correct first option) didn’t seem to work, and getting them in a meeting with the principal also seems unpromising. There are two other places you can go, however, if you have not tried to do so: 1) the Parent Teacher Association, and 2) the school board. Both have conflict resolution bodies. Talk to your parents and contact both organizations for your school.

Let me know how it goes and if more help is needed.



P.S. To my readers: It has been 30 years since I was in high school and I'm sure things have changed a lot. Since I have no children of my own, I may easily be unfamiliar with other options that might be available in the case above, so please feel free to offer suggestions. Thanks!

Episode 198 - Ask Us Anything FLAMENCO EDITION

Southpaws - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 23:13
This week on KnotCast, we go Pokemon Style and split the episodes in two once more? Or did we? We talk pre election nonsense, hopes for the now-past election, and read a bunch of emails asking us things. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal! Episode 198 - Ask Us Anything FLAMENCO EDITION
Categories: Podcasts

Free Furry Sketches :3

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 21:54

So I've been creeping around reddit for a while and after days of artist's block I have decided to finally make an account and get active in the community! I love doing furry work but there are a few animals I have a hard time with. All of my sketches will be done with my pen tablet, so they're not as precise as my scanned work. Be as detailed as you want, and remember there is no judging here. :3 Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to drawing many lovely creatures. My DA Warning: My DA does have some NSFW content, but it has it's own folder.

submitted by MechaLolita
[link] [35 comments]
Categories: News

Badger is Back and Even Badder

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 18:40

Look out!  The Honey Badger is back! And he still doesn’t care… Once more Fred Perry and Jey Odin present the black & white adventures of the world’s toughest mustelid in Honey Badger vs. the World. “This is the Honey Badger. He’s had his own video, commercials, and even a comic book. But Honey Badger don’t care. Long as he gets to eat whenever he’s not asleep, that’s all that matters. Plenty of animals, people, and…things…have a problem with the Honey Badger’s attitude, and they’re all gonna be up in his furry grill, but when you’re that badass, you don’t give… well, you know.” This new one-shot is coming from Antarctic Press in January.

image c. 2012 Antarctic Press

Categories: News

Team Fortress 2 sprays?

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 18:25

Any of you have any good furry related sprays, or good sprays in general that you'd like to share?

submitted by The_Herrenvolk
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News

I don't really know who else to ask about this..

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 17:53

but I randomly found Furry Fandom on the internets and started watching Anthrocon videos on youtube.. I kinda want to get into it, looks like a lot of fun.. Looked up websites that make fur suits.. Looks like people who wear the fur head to toe have the most fun.. Suits are like $2100 to $5000.. How do I find furries in my area? Is there a website that would give me more info?

submitted by dan_kase
[link] [31 comments]
Categories: News

I just might bring my Iron First around here and knock some heads together.

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News

I want to practice, so drawing requests are go!

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 07:21

This is my first time posting in this subreddit, so I'm sorry if I'm in the wrong place.

Hello!! I feel like I need to improve my art, so i'll be doing sketch requests! I'll take anything from feral form to anthro, and anything in between.

Examples of my work:

This is one of my latest pieces, moth guy. Just doodles, nothing fancy.

An old doodle, which is why it is a bit eeeeh. It was about probably an inch in length, and drawn at school.

He's an anglerfish merman thing. Also old, and some of these are pretty messy, so excuse mistakes and whatnot.

Rules, I guess

  • Just post a ref of the character of what you want; I'm doing nothing fancy. This is for my practice of characters. I won't draw something without a ref/at least some kind of picture to draw from. If you get too specific with your request, I'm probably going to ignore it.

  • This is just for my own practice, so it is going to be on lined paper. It is what I have an abundance of, so deal with it. Also, some characters might make me want to colour them. Its just a feeling I get. So, if you get a greyscale one, and someone else gets a coloured one, don't get upset. Please.

  • I'm doing this with traditional materials, so won't be posting the drawings one at a time, but rather a few or more at a time. So PLEASE, don't worry about not getting your drawing, they are getting done. I'll reply to each request with the link to the image when it is done, as well as adding each picture in a link to the main post.

  • I have the right to close these requests at any time, so please don't get upset if you miss out.

I think thats it? I'll add more if I think of it.


submitted by ceta
[link] [25 comments]
Categories: News

a REEL furry

DailyFurBlog - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 06:58

So I’m back BABY!!! Looks like we also got a “B movie” hitting the Colorado streets soon. This movie named “honey cooler” has furries in it which of course makes it worthy to put here… check it out and enjoy! I’m so excited just to have power I’ll leave you with this as my first post, but tonight I will get on hitting up what I missed.

Categories: News

Wikihow - How To Spot A Furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 02:36
Categories: News

‘The Honey Cooler’ debuts in Denver

Furry News Network - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 02:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon The Honey Cooler, the noir film with a hard-boiled detective, furries, and Lucha Libre wrestlers, debuts on November 7 at the Hi-Dive in Denver, Colorado. The film, covered previously on Flayrah, is described as a “lurid tale of animal-costumed sex and private dicks”, and tells the tale of a “washed-up detective who [...]
Categories: News

Parody trailer: ‘Pac-Man the Movie’

Furry News Network - Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 00:24
Author: Fred The Cartoon Brew website posted this 6’07” phony trailer for a Pac-Man movie back in April, made by Tulsa studio Steelehouse Productions. Live-action humans; anthropomorphic video-game characters. (See also: “Behind the scenes” footage) Hey, Crossaffliction, is Steelehouse in your neighborhood? Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: [...]
Categories: News