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Review: ‘Tails of a Clockwork World’

Furry News Network - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 06:24
Author: Fred This second annual anthology of stories by and for the fans at Seattle’s annual RainFurrest convention had a theme of “Steam Punk, Weird Science/mad science”. Authors were requested to write a G to PG story of 5,000 to 8,000 words with a first deadline of February 2012, for revision and publication in time [...]
Categories: News

Do you have Steam r/furry? I have Steam.

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 06:02

Post your steal urls here bros.

Mine in dragonnamedred.

submitted by DragonNamedRed
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Categories: News

Daily Show: December 10, 2012 - What's the strangest food you've eaten? We here at WagzTail like to show our bravery by sampling odd foods from around the world -- and sometimes right in our own backyard! At home, the best combinations can be those you mi

WagzTail - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 06:00

What’s the strangest food you’ve eaten? We here at WagzTail like to show our bravery by sampling odd foods from around the world — and sometimes right in our own backyard! At home, the best combinations can be those you mix together from all those leftovers you had. So how about you? Get creative, listen in, and let us know what you think, and what you’ve tried.

Hosts: Direlda, Levi, Murphy, Spenser, Wolfin
Picture by: Levi Wolstrom


Daily Show: December 10, 2012 - What's the strangest food you've eaten? We here at WagzTail like to show our bravery by sampling odd foods from around the world -- and sometimes right in our own backyard! At home, the best combinations can be those you mix together from all those lef...
Categories: Podcasts

Review: ‘Already Among Us’, edited by Fred Patten (by dronon)

Furry News Network - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 04:25
Author: dronon Already Among Us: An Anthropomorphic Anthology (Kindle), compiled by Fred Patten, is a collection of 14 science-fiction and fantasy stories from outside our fandom, focussing on humanity’s interactions with intelligent animals (or animal-like aliens). Fred introduces each story to put them into context, and the book’s font is large and easy to read. [...]
Categories: News

$12USD 12 Days of Christmas Commissions

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 02:31

Pay $12 for a holiday related commission. Can be partial or full body, clean or adult. All for the same price :D Pm, comment, or note me on FA if you're interested :3

Happy Holidays! -Lexi

submitted by Sasukesis247
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Influences and Insperations

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 02:25
Categories: News

He Cheated, but Be Careful of a Snap Judgement

Ask Papabear - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 01:42

I have a problem. Not too long ago I stumbled across my mate’s messages and he was messaging his ex mate saying he loved him and he ended up Yiffing him (online). I confronted my mate. He told me he was off the pills that he takes and he messed up and after nights of fighting things have settled down slightly. I have been mad at him still and feel stabbed in the back. He's stopped contacting him as far as I know but I'm having a hard time getting over this... I'm having a hard time trusting him. I have been yelling at him a lot still and have these moments where I just want him to go away :/ but I still love him. I just can't trust him like I use to. What should I do?


* * *

Hi, Blade,

May I ask a quick question? It sounds like your mate was taking some kind of drug for psychological reasons and he only contacted his ex while he was off the drugs. Did he contact him while he was ON the drugs? Did he do this more than once?

Thanks for the clarification. Let me know and I'll write again soon.


* * *

Yes he was off his medication when he started to contact him and no he didn't have any other messages before he said he was off them and no he hasn't done this more than once. It's the first time he's done this.

* * *


Well, then, if it were me, I would chalk up the whole incident to the lack of medication and forgive him. Don't you think so? It's not fair to be mad at someone when they are not in their right mind.


* * *

Ya I guess I'm just so use to depending on him for everything I thought he would of made a better choice but I understand. Thanks.

Happy Holidays from Apollo~ :3

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 01:25
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 00:07

So I really want to go to a furry convention AKA VancouFur, and my mom and dad think that the fandom is stupid and that they just think its a stupid thing I found, bottom line, they hate it, and I really want to go to the convention but I dont know what to do, what do I do!

submitted by BlueSkilly
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Categories: News

Werewolf Boi

DailyFurBlog - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 22:28
Not so much fandom relation as it is to Sci-Fi geeks out there. But this better than Twilight movie I hope makes a big hit in the USA. I’m all about cute Asian guys so to think one could be a werewolf gives me murr purr thoughts.
Categories: News

Update on my work

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 22:05

Well after getting bored and googling the sengela and kish'ra I have been working on it turns out they are not as original as I once thought. Apparently sengela is a port for some small island (go figure) and kish'ra resembles a old book series I used to read, kiesha'ra by Amelia Artwater-roads (now that I remember skate it is it is a good read, is what got me into the fandom in the first place.) So now I am having to dump the names and think of new one's, apparently my brain likes to bring up old memories during this process.

submitted by loki_the_sergal
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Categories: News

S2 Episode 17 – Lights, Camera, Fursuit! – Media and the Fandom - If the Furry Fandom loathes one thing universally, it has to be the media. Syd Stoat, movie producer and furry con co-chair, joins hosts Roo and Tugs as they explore the world of media and

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 20:14
If the Furry Fandom loathes one thing universally, it has to be the media. Syd Stoat, movie producer and furry con co-chair, joins hosts Roo and Tugs as they explore the world of media and how it interacts with the Furry Fandom.  Does the media really have a negative bias toward furries? How has the media changed with respect to the fandom? Does Syd know anything about his species? We find out. Also featured this episode is a special clip from ActFur on Air, THE Game, a food review, and more!


Show Notes:

For more on ActFur on Air, check out

Music and Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Special Thanks

Special thanks:

Fuzz Wolf
Phat Mouse
Rice Ball (We forgot you on the air - but we still really love you! Sorry!)
Green Reaper

Next episode: Our next episode is the long awaited McRib episode! We will be join by FurMedia to consume and discuss this delicacy - in other words, it's open topic! Send your Holiday wishes to be read on air, ask questions, or share your thoughts. If you'd like to see the show streamed live, FurMedia will be broadcasting as we produce the show. Send your emails to S2 Episode 17 – Lights, Camera, Fursuit! – Media and the Fandom - If the Furry Fandom loathes one thing universally, it has to be the media. Syd Stoat, movie producer and furry con co-chair, joins hosts Roo and Tugs as they explore the world of media and
Categories: Podcasts

Stolen fursuit head

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 18:04

A head done by fenrirs_child on FA was stolen from her home recently. It's not likely that it was a furry, but just in case it was (or just in case it shows up in the fandom at some point) keep an eye out for it.

In all likelihood, it was probably just some stupid kids stealing random stuff for fun, but I figure it's worth a shot anyhow. Meh.

submitted by MrMoby
[link] [77 comments]
Categories: News

Action Time!

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 16:58

What happens when well-known comic book artist Fred Perry gets sat down by his friend Robby Bevard for a marathon viewing of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Adventure Time, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more? This: Action Time Buddies.  “What time is it, bronies? It’s Action Time!  The fan-favorite internet sensation now has its own comic book! Bro the Kung-fu Pegasus, Artie the Bookworm Ninja, and Kid the Boy Pilot are out to find danger, monsters, bad guys, and the magic of friendship in their most exciting, wackiest adventure time on the playground of life yet!  The action scene is just kicking into gear, so don’t miss out on this exploding phenomenon! This first issue is sure to get snapped up!” It’s coming this February (in full color!) from Antarctic Press, and you can order it at Things from Another World.

image c. 2012 Antarctic Press

Categories: News

Oz Kangaroo – December 2012 Featured Fursuiter of the Month

Furry News Network - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 15:10
Aussie fursuit builder and performer enjoys ‘letting loose’ on the dance floor By Tim “Kijani” Watanabe When Eden Noonan started mascot performing 15 years ago, little did he know at the time how that gig would literally lead him into a whole new world. In 1998, Noonan, known in the fandom as “Oz Kangaroo,” landed [...]
Categories: News

My very first fursuit head done by Lolo

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Dec 2012 - 12:46
Categories: News