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Ask me stuff

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 14:13

Guys I'm drawing a blank and I'm out of inspiration I might start a comic soon but it's always good to do request and answer stuff so come ask me stuff I most likely answer with a drawing also check out my deviant art page I'll answer from there as well.

submitted by bladedafoxwolfhybrid
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News

Editorial: The Newton, CT, Shooting

Ask Papabear - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 12:14
By now I'm sure all of you have heard about the 20-year-old man who took his mother's high-powered assault gun, killing her, and then going to an elementary school in Newton, CT, and killing 20 little kids and several adults.

Pundits and talking heads on TV, radio, and the Internet, and the president himself, have noted that this goes on far too often in this country. We keep asking about the solution and the cause. I may be oversimplifying things, but I would propose two things be done right away.

1) The shooters in all the cases that have come about this and other years were all emotionally or mentally disturbed. Our "wise" government has repeatedly chosen to cut mental health care and counseling services, leaving these people with nowhere to turn for much-needed help. The result is that we now have more people who are not in their right minds wandering the streets and committing crimes, hurting themselves and others, winding up in already-crowded prisons or in hospitals. Let us restore funding for these services to what they were back in the 1980s and before.

2) Guns. The U.S. Constitution provides rights for us to bear arms "in a well-regulated militia." This is to protect ourselves from the possibility of hostile attacks where no immediate government help was available (back then, I think they were thinking of native attacks or possibly British invasions on unprotected territories) and against our own government should it become despotic (almost there, by the way). Also, the Founding Fathers would never have conceived of the advanced weaponry we have these days that is capable of shooting hundreds of rounds per minute. They had muskets.

The solution is not to take weapons out of citizens' hands. The solution is to regulate weapons better. Why did this shooter's mom own military-style guns? Adam Lanza had tried to buy a rifle at a sporting goods store but was turned away, so he just stole his mom's gun, which became the weapon that killed her. While the law prevented Adam from getting a gun himself, a law should be in place where entire households should not have guns should one or more family members not be eligible to possess one themselves. In other words, to get a gun license, every occupant of the household must also qualify, even if they do not plan to use the weapon.

Private citizens should not possess guns that even police officers don't go near. Single-shot rifles for hunting and possibly home defense should be enough. Australia is one country that bans automatic weapons from being privately owned. When was the last time you heard of a mass-shooting in Australia? That's right, never.

A Congresswoman recently made a good point: she noted we regulate things like food and cigarettes and liquor for the protection of citizens. Why don't we do the same for guns? Adam Lanza was not even old enough to legally drink, yet he could get his hands on a weapon a terrorist would enjoy.

You cannot protect the world from itself, but our "leaders" need to screw their heads on straight and realize that the "right to bear arms" is not a blank check to do whatever we want with them. They assumed we would be wise enough to put some regulations on gun ownership. Guess they were wrong.

We have a lot of dead, innocent kids on our hands now. It's not just Adam's fault or his mom's fault. It is the fault of a society that is crazy for guns, that glamorizes violence, and that refuses to help those in need and stigmatizes them as "moochers."


Animation: ‘The Snowman’ has a sequel!

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 08:24
Author: Fred
Categories: News

Time to wake up by Veramundis

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 01:29
Categories: News

Drew a gnoll for a friend

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 00:49
Categories: News

Winter Outing By Luca

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 00:33
Categories: News

MFF 2012 a Vblog gon’ harcore

DailyFurBlog - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 20:59
So another MFF 2012 VBlog has shown its furry face. The drag queen known as, “WaitWaitFixate” has put together a WAY long piece of following some very loud and crazy peeps around. The video had its highlights, while long and I think the best part comes at 1:08 with the boi was doing a money dance. Check it out and give shouts to the maker!
Categories: News

FC-106 Consensual Tentacles - I'm thinking. Usually I'm more creative... give me a few minutes.

FurCast - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 18:59

I’m thinking. Usually I’m more creative… give me a few minutes.

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U.S. government petitioned to drop drug war, create cat girls by Rakuen Growlithe

Melbourne’s MiDFur to change name, dates, venue by Fred

Furry porn sweeps Offbeatr; their CEO, project leads explain by GreenReaper

The Second Wave of Furry


  • Aeowyn – “hii again it’s MEEE!”
  • Anonymous – “I apologize”
  • Joey – “Hey furcast crew – my story and a few questions.”
  • Abby – “More Transgender Questions (And Mandatory Fayroe-Bashing)”
  • Sayt – “Sayt’s Relationship Question(s) – Read my name or not i dun care.”
  • Siedas – “Friends can be a pain in the @$$”
  • Hunter Greymark – “Species questions”


Tales of a Blue Vulpine:
  • Furries, Apparently they are on a Boat
FC-106 Consensual Tentacles - I'm thinking. Usually I'm more creative... give me a few minutes.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-106 Consensual Tentacles - I'm thinking. Usually I'm more creative... give me a few minutes.

FurCast - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 18:59

I’m thinking. Usually I’m more creative… give me a few minutes.

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U.S. government petitioned to drop drug war, create cat girls by Rakuen Growlithe

Melbourne’s MiDFur to change name, dates, venue by Fred

Furry porn sweeps Offbeatr; their CEO, project leads explain by GreenReaper

The Second Wave of Furry


  • Aeowyn – “hii again it’s MEEE!”
  • Anonymous – “I apologize”
  • Joey – “Hey furcast crew – my story and a few questions.”
  • Abby – “More Transgender Questions (And Mandatory Fayroe-Bashing)”
  • Sayt – “Sayt’s Relationship Question(s) – Read my name or not i dun care.”
  • Siedas – “Friends can be a pain in the @$$”
  • Hunter Greymark – “Species questions”


Tales of a Blue Vulpine:
  • Furries, Apparently they are on a Boat
FC-106 Consensual Tentacles - I'm thinking. Usually I'm more creative... give me a few minutes.
Categories: Podcasts

Mate Has a Suspicious Double Standard

Ask Papabear - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 16:59
So this is going to get a little confusing probably...

First things first, I'm a non-fur, at least by the definition that has come to me through a few years of dealing with the fur community.

However, I have a lot of friends in the fur community, some of whom are furs, some who aren't, but choose to socialize with them for the same reasons I socialize with these particular friends. The reason I joined Fur Affinity in the first place was because my boyfriend (now Fiance) had joined the fur community, but for a lot of the wrong reasons (sexual things), and it bothered me, so I wanted to see what it was all about and see if maybe I was just misjudging him.

After years of ups and downs, we finally got our relationship back on track, and solidified our terms of what's okay and what's not, and now things are much better than they used to be.

The problem now is that he doesn't like me being on FA anymore, because during our many 'discussions' he decided the best way to avoid causing drama due to inappropriate behavior with random furs was to just stop using the website. He does still visit it, just very rarely, and at most he'll comment on a picture his friend drew, and then delete all other activity and log out.

The reasons I've stayed on FA are because I had set up my crafting business on various websites and e-shops, as well as on FA, and my biggest following for my work is on FA. The way the website is constructed is more conducive to socializing than any other I've been on, and thus it's easier for me to get my work noticed and find more customers on FA than anywhere else. The other reason being that some of my close friends happen to frequent the site as well, either socially or in a business aspect, like myself. I like to view their work, or participate in their conversations when they post journals and such, but I've unwatched any members who I feel are more about drama than anything else, just to avoid causing any drama myself. 

Still, whenever we wind up arguing about something, he'll bring up the fact that I'm still on FA, even though he uses it as well, and still goes out of his way to join other furry communities (gamers mostly) and still talks to many of the furs who nearly cost us our relationship more than once, despite that I don't like him talking to them.

I've resigned myself to the fact that he's going to talk to whoever he's going to talk to, fur or otherwise, so is it really so bad that I stay on FA for my friends and my craft business? Or should I really consider closing my accounts?

And to be clear, the reason I didn't want him in the fur community was because he'd usually make it into a sexual thing, whereas I was (and still am) very adamant about "paws off", so I never went that far. To me, there's no real reason I should close my FA accounts since I never did anything pervy with anyone there, but he did. I haven't told him not to use the site at all, I just asked him to not encourage any sexual or perverted behavior, since a lot of furs seem to just go straight for his pants. He's the one who decided to avoid the site (mostly) to make that easier to accomplish.


* * *

Dear KGH,

It’s terrific that you’re working things out with your mate.  If this is the only issue between the two of you that needs to be straightened out, that’s really not bad at all. Still, let’s see if we can take care of this last bit of drama.

The crux of the problem here is that there is a double standard. Your mate is allowed to go on FA but you are not. Papabear says that you should either BOTH be on FA or BOTH not be on FA. I suspect—and this is only a suspicion—that the motive here is that he wants to be on FA and start doing sexual RPs again without your seeing it (which might be why after each time he is on FA he will "delete all other activity and log out.")

It is unfair of him to demand you refrain from using FA, especially when you use it for very practical, nonsexual reasons, while he continues to use it. 

So, well, really a short response here because the solution is basic. Both of you are in this relationship, both of you should be treated the same, so both of you should be allowed to do the same things or agree to not do them—together.

The two of you need to work on that until you come to an agreement. No Double Standards! Capice?

Good luck!


A Statue on Bondi Beach

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 15:11
Categories: News

Re: TODAY IS YOUR COLONEL'S DAY - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 10:45
Thank you but no one can understand your constructions without proper
Categories: News

Episode 40 - As Advent continues, we figured it would be a good idea to talk about what it means, who observes it, to what extent, and give mention of some other related topics. A good topic to listen to, and perhaps educational if you haven't before hear

WagzTail - Sat 15 Dec 2012 - 06:00

As Advent continues, we figured it would be a good idea to talk about what it means, who observes it, to what extent, and give mention of some other related topics. A good topic to listen to, and perhaps educational if you haven’t before heard of the meanings or ideas behind things such as Advent and Lent and the similar.

Metadata and Credits

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 40
Runtime: 30m
Cast: CrimsonX, Jwingy, Levi, Murphy Slaugh, Wolfin
Editor: Silent
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2012 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image by Alfred Borchard, used with permission. Episode 40 - As Advent continues, we figured it would be a good idea to talk about what it means, who observes it, to what extent, and give mention of some other related topics. A good topic to listen to, and perhaps educational if you haven't before heard of the m...

Categories: Podcasts

Colson sneeks us some…

DailyFurBlog - Fri 14 Dec 2012 - 23:42
I have to say I was a little worried about the Colson’s new album, because in the past there was some “not ripe” moments. But take a listen to these short clips from his upcoming album due out in May 2013. With every great musician they must start a little one-off and only get better with trial. The tracks here are not fully mastered, but they do have a beat I moved my paws back and forth. So I have all paw pads up on the completion and wish him the best.
Categories: News