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This was posted in my high school.

Furry Reddit - Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 08:30
Categories: News

MFF 2012 : The Movie

DailyFurBlog - Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 00:06
OMG! This is actually one of the better of the most entertaining videos for a con I’ve seen in a while. The video has hip music and somewhat of a main character. It gives you the better go around of MidWestFurfest 2012 in Chiacgo, IL this past Nov. 2012. Like any con there is hard parts to edit and what to keep, they did a good job on this though. Sadly I was doing other things and my video I don’t even know how to edit because it’s barely any footage, but I’ll have it up soon. Be sure to pass this one around and give hugs to the maker “” who gets two paws up from me (rare yes) and hope the works doesn’t go over looked.
Categories: News

Down Under gets a Face Over

DailyFurBlog - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 23:40
From many sighted sources a big announcement was made from the down under country today. MidFur (Melbourne in December Furmeet – Yes Melbourne Australia…Google it) is looking to change its name, date and hotel spot after this Dec. 2012 con. The change of course seems to be with only good reason,  “getting to big” . The convention now houses about 445 Australian furs and gathers more each year. This all sounds like great news, because it means they are doing very well. Hell, maybe one day I’ll be able to hang out and meet a blond hair, blue-eyed and muscled Australian ready to sweep me away. WANT MORE?
Categories: News

Review: ‘Roar Vol. 4? part 9

Furry News Network - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 22:24
Author: Isiah Jacobs Isiah offers his own thoughts and analysis on Roar as a part of a twelve-part review series. See also: Reviews of Roar 4 by Roz Gibson and Fred Patten. Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

The Return of Captain Carrot — Sort Of…

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 16:55

Our thanks (we think) to EbonyLeopard for pointing this out to us…  In keeping with the current “New 52″ line of re-boots for venerable comic book stories and characters, DC Comics brings us… Captain K’Rot. Yep, it’s Captain Carrot, the 1982 super-funny-animal creation of Roy Thomas and Scott Shaw!, re-imagined as “a borderline psychotic, booze swilling, whore-mongering rabbit” for the new science fiction comic book series Threshold (from Keith Giffen and Tom Raney). Some are saying this is all inspired by the new (and popular) kick-ass version of Rocket Raccoon that has been appearing in Marvel Comics’ Annihilation: Conquest. Others are saying it’s a re-incarnation of good old Bucky O’Hare, created by Larry Hama and Mike Golden back in the 1980′s. Either way, you can decide for yourself. Threshold hits the stands in January, and Captain K’Rot makes his first appearance in issue #3 in March. Read more about it at Comics Alliance, too.

image c. 2012 DC Comics


Categories: News

Melbourne’s MiDFur to change name, dates, venue

Furry News Network - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 14:24
Author: Fred Chakat Goldfur reports that MiDFur 2012 (14), Australia’s largest (474 attendees this year) and oldest (since 1999 as a house party; 2008 as a convention) regular Furry event, will be the last under that name or in December. Its next meeting will be under the temporary name of Egyptian Nights, January 10-12, 2014, [...]
Categories: News

Furry porn sweeps Offbeatr; their CEO, project leads explain

Furry News Network - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 10:24
Author: GreenReaper Some say there’s no money in porn. But furry porn? That’s a different story. Crowdfunding has proven very popular, funding projects from digital aardvarks, roleplaying rats and space-abducted foxes, to fluffy ears, Furcadia’s ‘Second Dreaming’ and seemingly every other work by M.C.A. Hogarth. Twokinds raised enough to buy a good-sized house. Furotica is [...]
Categories: News

Ep. 48 - The Amazing Shattering Door - Great episode! We discuss "To Do" lists, Bible football, Alkali redecorating his cubical, the Fi...

The Dragget Show - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 10:11
Great episode! We discuss "To Do" lists, Bible football, Alkali redecorating his cubical, the Final Fantasy concert, and THE AMAZING SHATTERING DOOR. Also, check out our YouTube channel for highlights. - as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! Ep. 48 - The Amazing Shattering Door - Great episode! We discuss "To Do" lists, Bible football, Alkali redecorating his cubical, the Fi...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 48 - The Amazing Shattering Door - Great episode! We discuss "To Do" lists, Bible football, Alkali redecorating his cubical, the Fi...

The Dragget Show - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 10:11
Great episode! We discuss "To Do" lists, Bible football, Alkali redecorating his cubical, the Final Fantasy concert, and THE AMAZING SHATTERING DOOR. Also, check out our YouTube channel for highlights. - as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! Ep. 48 - The Amazing Shattering Door - Great episode! We discuss "To Do" lists, Bible football, Alkali redecorating his cubical, the Fi...
Categories: Podcasts

2012 Recommended Anthropomorphics Reading List: December update

Furry News Network - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 06:24
Author: Fred The Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association, which administers the annual Ursa Major Awards, has updated the 2012 Anthropomorphic Reading List to include the titles recommended by furry fans through the beginning of December. This list is often used by fans to nominate in the next year’s Awards. There is less than one month [...]
Categories: News

Daily Show: December 11, 2012 - Christmas songs fill the air and radio waves! Songs of hope, of joy, of the Redeemer come to earth, and also curious white ice crystals are common this time of year. Listen in as we talk about our favorites and least favori

WagzTail - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 06:00

Christmas songs fill the air and radio waves! Songs of hope, of joy, of the Redeemer come to earth, and also curious white ice crystals are common this time of year. Listen in as we talk about our favorites and least favorites, and feel free to share your own!

Hosts: Direlda, Levi, Murphy, Spenser, Wolfin
Picture by: Jack Berry

Daily Show: December 11, 2012 - Christmas songs fill the air and radio waves! Songs of hope, of joy, of the Redeemer come to earth, and also curious white ice crystals are common this time of year. Listen in as we talk about our favorites and least favorites,
Categories: Podcasts

Awkward questions about Furries.

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 03:25

So I was watching Taboo, and the Furries one came on. I have known about furries for awhile. I'm an anime "geek" I guess, and the act of cosplay has always interested me. I'm really a shy person, reserved and I hardly talk to anyone. But when I saw this show, seeing everyone have so much fun and not care what people thought looked wonderful. I want to do that, not right off the bat costumes and going out in public, but slowly sinking into it. I feel really nervous about the whole situation, I don't know how I would explain it to people. Though I have one friend who would be interested in it to. I was curious about the stereotypes that surround the furry community, like how some are into bestiality. I'm not into that, but I wanted to know how many furries do that sort of thing. I'm more interested in just running around and having fun. What are the general costs for costumes? Though I would like to have a costume, I'm a little worried how expensive it would be. I thought about creating my own to. Are there any websites, groups online that I can look at to get a little more information on the topic? Any help would really be appreciated. :> Sorry if I sound silly, but I think it really might be something I would like.

Edit: Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the help, you guys are all so friendly and helpful, it really warms my heart :3

submitted by fascinocat
[link] [47 comments]
Categories: News

Adopting a Fursona Not the Same as MPD

Ask Papabear - Tue 11 Dec 2012 - 01:09
Dearest Papabear,

As I am discovering my fursona more and more, I have been thinking.... Since my fursona is my alternate personalty does that mean I have multiple personality disorder? 


* * *

Dear Rissa,

Short answer is no, you do not have multiple personality disorder. MPD, also called Dissociative Identity Disorder, involves uncontrolled shifts in two or more personalities and is typically accompanied by unexplained periods of memory loss.

This is quite different from what you or I do when we adopt our fursona personalities for a little furry fun. The fursona is something you wear, like a fursuit. You can put it on or take it off at will. MPD, on the other hand, is not controlled by you. The mental illness controls you not vice versa.

When you get into your fursona’s personality, it’s a lot like being an actor or actress. It is assuming a role for play. Doing so, you can enhance or deemphasize parts of your own personality, and you can liberate yourself from inhibitions that might prevent you from acting the way you would like to is social situations.

So don’t worry, Rissa, you’re fine!



KnotCast: Episode 203 – Winter Shorts

Furry News Network - Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on KnotCast, the crew reads your emails, getting ‘that one guy’ feedback, a great wall of text, and give some “how to podcast” advice. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great Episode 203 – Winter Shorts (AAC; 31.3 MB)Episode 203 – Winter Shorts (MP3; 56.7 MB) [...] KnotCast: Episode 203 – Winter Shorts
Categories: News