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Is there a comic or online comic...

Furry Reddit - Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 06:47

.. With a story that circles around a person joining a furry fandom and learning every detail about it as he goes to every meet? So yeah a slice of life comic with comedic moments. Like a Genshiken version except furries instead of manga/anime.

submitted by bi-fur-ious
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Categories: News

Furry Can't Decide What Career to Choose

Ask Papabear - Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 00:14
Three Paths Before Me!

Having started following the Eightfold Path, as you had suggested before, I found myself in a situation where my job at the time was going downhill. As things got worse I kept looking for a solution and found one in the knick of time.

My previous job had cut my hours to zero and my new job missed a week of pay on it, and as such I ran into financial troubles. Now leveling out I find myself seeking higher opportunities. The trick is trying to attain resources.

I have looked into college, but can never seem to find anyone willing to help me finish the application process, and something keeps me feeling like my place belongs in music and writing.

I want to follow my dreams, but they all point in 3 different direction. The Audio Arts, The Literary Arts, and the Robotic Arts.

If I follow the path of robotics and go to college, I risk having to leave my home and family for my career, but it assures my techno affinity is put to amazing use. I could invent an automail (see Full Metal Alchemist for more info on Automail), or even biomechanical muscle tissue to cure MS. But at what cost? I once wrote about a man who did such a thing and paid the ultimate price because his ideals were corrupted by the influence of money and power. If I become nothing more then a tool of war I will have created the very problem I have sworn to stop. And I could NEVER live with myself for it.

Taking the Path of Writing, there is a great deal of risk involved. If I never get published I missed out on going to school. Also if I became famous the pressure to write what sells may ultimately compromise my artistic standard and ultimately 'cost me my soul'. On the flip it would allow me to touch a great deal of people deeply with the wisdom I have accrued sing my plethora of traumatic experiences, and moments of loss and redemption. To teach others of the past is a great honor, which can be fulfilled in writing, and I have much to teach.

Alternatively, the life of a musician has always appealed to me. Letting sound convey emotion and feeling as well as belting my voice to appease many, has always given me joy. Easy enough to do since my fiancé writes music for an aspiring country music artist. Additionally, I would be free to do covers of old copyright-free music such as carols, patriotics, and more, but the risk of missing a shot to keep finances stable also presents its head as with the literary path. Not to mention the overhead cost of higher quality equipment would be a painful stigma to my progress.

Do I follow the safe path, and go to school, becoming a robotics technician and risk my soul to the greed and corruption of the commercial world? Do I take the path of teaching and wisdom, becoming a beacon of hope to those in need? Or do I share my soul through song and touch their hearts with the musing of my now fully recovered singing voice and soon to be repaired hands?

I am so conflicted with my choice papa bear. How am I to decide? This is such a massive decision. Do I know if the risk is right?

Taiku Altergrund

* * *

Hi, Taiku,

There are a number of assumptions in your letter that I believe, once clarified, will help you with your decision.

First of all, it seems like you don’t think a college education is needed to be a writer or musician, or that it should not be pursued. Do you think that the only one of the three paths that you mention that requires an education is robotics? Not so. Oh, sure, there are people who have music and writing careers without going to college, but getting an education is always a wise choice.

Let’s paint a couple scenarios here. Say you go to college and take writing and English literature courses (which is what I did) and you get a bachelor’s degree or an advanced degree. Then you go out into the world, writing and trying to publish. But, for one reason or another, you don’t get published or you don’t make enough money writing fiction or nonfiction. Well, in that case, you still have a college degree, or two, which is the first step toward getting a job. (Makes it MUCH easier than if you don’t have one). This is what happened to me. I got my B.A. in English (actually, I double majored in German) and started working on my fantasy novel. At that time, I worked in a factory for six months before getting a job at what was then a company called Gale Research. I worked there as an editor for ten years. Meanwhile, my novel was not getting published. I turned my English degree into a successful career in editing so that I could eat and have a place to live. Eventually, my book did get published (along with several nonfiction works), but I never made enough on my writing to make a living at it.

Same idea works with music. Do you know how many thousands of aspiring musicians, singers, and composers are out there? Most of them never make it big. They end up playing weddings and bar mitzvahs and getting crappy careers as insurance salesmen or waiters on the side. If you get a music degree, however, you could get a job as a teacher, a sound technician (works well with your interest in technology), a digital audio editor, an audio engineer, even a music therapist. There are many more options when you have a degree than when you don’t.

OK, so, say you don’t opt for either of these and instead go into robotics. Why do you believe there is such a high risk of your becoming a tool of the military or some corrupt business? That is not a matter of your profession, but, rather, of your own character. Do you feel you will easily be corrupted like that fellow your read about? Besides, why do you think you have to work for someone else at all? The world of robotic entrepreneurs is a growing and exciting field. There are many brilliant people in this country starting their own companies and making amazing contributions to the field. You could be one of them.

And even if you go into robotics, that doesn’t preclude the possibility of your continuing to write and perform music. Many great science fiction and other genre authors have degrees in engineering and other scientific fields (Isaac Asimov [Ph.D. in biochemistry], Arthur C. Clarke [degrees in math and physics], and L. Sprague de Camp [M.S. in engineering] spring to mind). Wouldn’t it be cool to work on advanced robotics and indulge your creative side by writing a science fiction story about robots or maybe writing a theme song to a sci-fi movie? Just a thought.

The lesson here is this: don’t limit yourself. You don’t have to walk just one path, you can walk all three, if you like. Look at me. I’m an editor, but I’m also a writer, an advice columnist, an amateur artist, and I’m thinking of possibly learning about solar power and selling solar energy systems to private homes. But, whatever you decide, you can never go wrong by furthering your education.

Hope that helps. Good luck!


Online Arguments

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 23:46
Categories: News

Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 22:32
Author: admin Sorry for the lateness of this episode’s publishing; the bunny is the one who usually edits / levelates / notes / publishes / etc. these things, and – as you’ll quickly discover – this marks one of the few episodes where he was not present! Before we get into our show this week, [...] Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter
Categories: News

Why I Blog…by Sy

DailyFurBlog - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 21:41
So it’s the end of the year and I’ve had my good share of page views over time. My view rate has gone up and down over the course of months, am I happy with it ? No, I want more to see what a Furry ACTUAL blog looks like at its peak with many more views than now. I go out each morning and evening over the net and search for things that matter most to the fandom. I seek things that will empower your mind and make you go, “Wow I didn’t know that, now I do.” I want my viewers out there to see things they will never see on FA or FX fandom sites.  < Please click “read more” because YOU MUST! > This all comes to play with many things like, I’m not a writer or a news site I’ll be first to admit if you ask. I post things on DFB because I want everyone to know I care and I care about getting MY point of view across. That’s right I care about MY points of interest in the fandom and will squawk out things you may or may not like. There is some music I will say, “That was just plan was bad and needs more improvement” and “That animation was so amazing it made me jizz. ” . Read this article about how the blog world works and you’ll get everything I’m saying (minus the failing part). I just want to let you know my viewers are my backbone and I WILL appease to them with more porn or trash talk. Because, many fandom sites out there just do not say enough. I want to make it a point for 2013 to even get more nasty. So if you don’t like criticism and want to kick me in the balls, remember I AM a blogger and will stand for what I think is right for the most of us. Yes, I can be like Simon Cow from “American Idol” and I hope the fandom doesn’t get butt-hurt when I post more of my thoughts. Sometimes going down a road of getting better it takes its black eyes, but I will KEEP standing for what I think can be far better. IF you are an artist or musician who is on the blunt end, then please understand I give my feedback only to improve how you are. I always hope when I post something harsh the same person re-posts something even better, so I can finally say, “That was 2x better than what I saw/heard before”. I hope that person in turn feels better and can really know they did so much better. I just want to let the viewers know I put hours of work into this site sometimes and dedicate time to making those pretty banners on each blog look right. I ask you just get the word out that I’m here and I’m ready to plant my muzzle in that __ you insert work__ to get the site to 100% fandom liking. Thank you Giza for the post BTW and I will not fail!


Categories: News

Looking for people who do ref sheets.

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 21:23

Hey all. I'm looking into having a Ref Sheet done for me, but don't want to pay crazy. The only person I recall off the top of my head is Darkgoose, and he charges $80 for a ref sheet, which is way out of my ballpark and comfort zone for a fairly simple piece of art. I'm hoping there are good people who do these for....lets cap at around $20? If you can link to their (or yours if your advertising yourself) examples, that'd be awesome, too. thanks.

EDIT: Thanks to those who replied. Might get in contact with somebody, or might hold a bit longer.

submitted by Arluza
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Categories: News

Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter - Sorry for the lateness of this episode’s publishing; the bunny is the one who usually edits / levelates / notes / publishes / etc. these things, and – as you’ll quickly discover – this marks one of the[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 20:18

Sorry for the lateness of this episode’s publishing; the bunny is the one who usually edits / levelates / notes / publishes / etc. these things, and – as you’ll quickly discover – this marks one of the few episodes where he was not present! Before we get into our show this week, we’ve got Kyo starring as Lenzay Lerhern, Smokey’s discussion of a disrespectful co-worker who stays out way late for lunch, a double-shot of words of the week, World of Kyocraft, Halfwit’s sister teaching her how to enjoy something a little different for her culinary tastes, and lots more!

Once our e-mails get going, we’ve got an awful lot to talk about! There’s a lot of discussion on how to deal with getting a new job and what employers are looking for, one listener devours guinea pigs – no, we’re not kidding – and there’s word of losing extended family and grandparents, and a different kind of loss of a sister. Hard times, we know, but coping is what we try to help you do! There’s mention of the importance of proofreading, the way text can be hard to use to communicate properly, discussion of depression with the spouse…and brace yourselves, people. Throughout this entire episode, Kyo’s word function explodes all over the place!

Next week’s topic is all about paying back or paying forward. Are you trying to find some way to give back to your local furry community, or some of the local authorities, or just someone who’s done right by you? Have you successfully managed this, and if so, are you willing to share some ideas with our audience? Write in, we’d love to hear from you!

Music: I’m Beautiful from Bette Midler

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter
File modified December 16, 2012 – 79.4 MB – downloaded 342 times so far

Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter - Sorry for the lateness of this episode’s publishing; the bunny is the one who usually edits / levelates / notes / publishes / etc. these things, and – as you’ll quickly discover – this marks one of the[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Arting sometimes feels like a...

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 17:42
Categories: News

My new paw scarf

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 16:51
Categories: News

Review: ‘Rise of the Guardians’ is not furry Jesus

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 16:24
Author: crossaffliction On the way to Rise of the Guardians, I noted that, between Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, the two most important days in the Christian year were covered by members of the titular Guardians. I said I’d bet that Jesus would not be mentioned once during the course of the movie, despite this. [...]
Categories: News

He was a Good Dog…

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 16:21

Graham Chaffee is an underground cartoonist who is best known for his recent work as a tattoo artist. But now he has returned to graphic storytelling with his new hardcover black & white book called Good Dog. He’s been previewing the artwork on his web site. “Ivan, who is plagued by terrible nightmares about chickens and rabbits, is a good dog—if only someone would notice. Readers accompany the stray as he navigates dog society, weathers pack politics, and surveys canine-human interactions. Good Dog’s story and pen-and-ink art are deceptively simple, but Chaffee uses the approachability of the subject matter as a device to explore topics such as independence, security, assimilation, loyalty, and violence. Preteen-and-up dog fanciers, especially, will warm to the well-meaning Ivan and his exploits with a motley assortment of Scotties, Bulldogs, and mutts. Chaffee combines illustrative gravitas with cartooning verve and creates a richly textured, dog’s-eye view of the world.” Good Dog is coming this April from Fantagraphics. Check it out at Amazon.

image c. Fantagraphics Books

Categories: News

Ask me stuff

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 14:13

Guys I'm drawing a blank and I'm out of inspiration I might start a comic soon but it's always good to do request and answer stuff so come ask me stuff I most likely answer with a drawing also check out my deviant art page I'll answer from there as well.

submitted by bladedafoxwolfhybrid
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News

Editorial: The Newton, CT, Shooting

Ask Papabear - Sun 16 Dec 2012 - 12:14
By now I'm sure all of you have heard about the 20-year-old man who took his mother's high-powered assault gun, killing her, and then going to an elementary school in Newton, CT, and killing 20 little kids and several adults.

Pundits and talking heads on TV, radio, and the Internet, and the president himself, have noted that this goes on far too often in this country. We keep asking about the solution and the cause. I may be oversimplifying things, but I would propose two things be done right away.

1) The shooters in all the cases that have come about this and other years were all emotionally or mentally disturbed. Our "wise" government has repeatedly chosen to cut mental health care and counseling services, leaving these people with nowhere to turn for much-needed help. The result is that we now have more people who are not in their right minds wandering the streets and committing crimes, hurting themselves and others, winding up in already-crowded prisons or in hospitals. Let us restore funding for these services to what they were back in the 1980s and before.

2) Guns. The U.S. Constitution provides rights for us to bear arms "in a well-regulated militia." This is to protect ourselves from the possibility of hostile attacks where no immediate government help was available (back then, I think they were thinking of native attacks or possibly British invasions on unprotected territories) and against our own government should it become despotic (almost there, by the way). Also, the Founding Fathers would never have conceived of the advanced weaponry we have these days that is capable of shooting hundreds of rounds per minute. They had muskets.

The solution is not to take weapons out of citizens' hands. The solution is to regulate weapons better. Why did this shooter's mom own military-style guns? Adam Lanza had tried to buy a rifle at a sporting goods store but was turned away, so he just stole his mom's gun, which became the weapon that killed her. While the law prevented Adam from getting a gun himself, a law should be in place where entire households should not have guns should one or more family members not be eligible to possess one themselves. In other words, to get a gun license, every occupant of the household must also qualify, even if they do not plan to use the weapon.

Private citizens should not possess guns that even police officers don't go near. Single-shot rifles for hunting and possibly home defense should be enough. Australia is one country that bans automatic weapons from being privately owned. When was the last time you heard of a mass-shooting in Australia? That's right, never.

A Congresswoman recently made a good point: she noted we regulate things like food and cigarettes and liquor for the protection of citizens. Why don't we do the same for guns? Adam Lanza was not even old enough to legally drink, yet he could get his hands on a weapon a terrorist would enjoy.

You cannot protect the world from itself, but our "leaders" need to screw their heads on straight and realize that the "right to bear arms" is not a blank check to do whatever we want with them. They assumed we would be wise enough to put some regulations on gun ownership. Guess they were wrong.

We have a lot of dead, innocent kids on our hands now. It's not just Adam's fault or his mom's fault. It is the fault of a society that is crazy for guns, that glamorizes violence, and that refuses to help those in need and stigmatizes them as "moochers."
