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[] Publishers of Furry Comics - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 16:45
Archive-name: furry/comics-addresses
Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 13th and 30th of each month, and Feb. 28
URL: [link]
Last-Modified: April 30, 2005

Publishers Addresses
(all addresses are U.S.A. unless otherwise specified)

Categories: News

Steam-powered flying fox

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 13:44
Categories: News

Trans Furry Has Gained a Unique Perspective on the Fandom

Ask Papabear - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 13:31
Dear Papabear, 

I've recently come out in my real-life as a trans man, and while not facing complete acceptance, it's going well enough that I am being accepted as a man by at the very least my friends. That's not why I'm here.

Now that I am being viewed as a man in the furry fandom as well, I've come to notice the treatment I got as a woman, which I originally assumed to just be infuriating quirks of less-than-stellar people in this fandom, were examples of misogyny--I don't have these problems if perceived to be a man. As someone long active in feminist circles, I recognize that I am now inheriting Male Privilege--and it's a daunting prospect. How can I continue my transition without grabbing handfuls of this privilege and, by extension, pissing on the women of the furry fandom?


* * *

Hi, Furnonymous,

Wow, what an awesome opportunity this is to get a rare and insightful look at the division of the sexes within the fandom. You are not the first furry to point out to me that females are sometimes treated differently than males within the fandom. It is a fact that there are fewer women in the fandom than men, and that most of these men are in their teens and twenties. A lot of them are gay, too, but that really shouldn’t matter when it comes to treating women with respect.

There are some female furry groups out there, like on FB and on F4L, but both of those groups have fewer than 200 members apiece.

I really think it’s time this topic got more discussion. Perhaps have regular panels at conventions about female furries and the issues they might face in the fandom. Maybe some of my femmefur readers can chime in here on the topic, and I brought it up, too, to my friends at FurMedia and they said they would do a show on the subject.

To address your question more directly, I would first of all say that I think “misogyny” is a bit too harsh of a term. I don’t think male furries hate females, I think it is more a case of many of them being awkward and shy around females (the younger ones, mostly, but some older ones too, I hear). Now, you may have garnered some “male privilege” since your change, but you don’t have to use that in a negative sense. You have a remarkable opportunity here to be a liaison between the sexes in the fandom because you understand what it is like to straddle the gender gap. If you take on a role of advocate of female furries, you certainly won’t piss them off; I would think they’d appreciate it. 

Try joining some women’s groups, like maybe the ones mentioned above, or maybe even create your own, and start a dialogue with the ladies of the fandom. I think that would be terrific, and it sounds like it is needed.

Good luck!


S2 Episode 20 – Con Prep! Let’s Pack! - It's con time! What do you pack? What should you expect when you're there? What's the best way to have a good time without dying? We ask our special guest: YOU. Hosting solo due to extreme weather, Tugs plays your v

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 13:00
It's con time! What do you pack? What should you expect when you're there? What's the best way to have a good time without dying? We ask our special guest: YOU. Hosting solo due to extreme weather, Tugs plays your voicemails and tips on what you do to get ready for cons and how you survive when you're there, plus some special Further Confusion specific tips. Later in the program, the cast interviews the Tycho from the Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno and learns what goes into making a con happen for the first time and why this new convention is different. We wrap it up with listener mail and explore some deep questions, such as "Do furries destroy families?" By the time you give this episode a listen, you'll be ready for upcoming conventions.


Show Notes

Check out the Biggest Little Fur Con at

Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Main Segment: DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2012. USA: Soundcloud, 2012. Check out DJ Earworm's site!
Listener mail segment: Eskadet – Back To Kyoto ;  from the album “Solitudes” (Lemongrassmusic, 2010) - - Used under license.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Special Thanks:

Anu Snow
Our two voicemail participants at the beginning of the show
Tycho & the BLFC Staff

Next Episode:

Don’t forget! FWIW Live! FC 2013 is coming! Please help us blow the doors off of FC on Friday at 1030pm at the Hilton’s Santa Clara I/II. Not only will we give a special prize to the first people in the door, but you’ll also be helping us give the con a reason to put us on the main stage next year! WOO! S2 Episode 20 – Con Prep! Let’s Pack! - It's con time! What do you pack? What should you expect when you're there? What's the best way to have a good time without dying? We ask our special guest: YOU. Hosting solo due to extreme weather, Tugs plays your v
Categories: Podcasts


Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 09:22
Categories: News

Revenge on the Nerds

Furries In The Media - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 08:40
The Unbelievable Wretchedness of Mainstream TV’s “Nerd Episodes”io9 reports on the poor image nerds get from Hollywood, including the CSI "Fur and Loathing" episode.

Categories: News

Foxy Flux

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 04:23
Categories: News

Deer Lord Who Art In Heaven..

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jan 2013 - 02:44
Categories: News

Silly Fox.

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 23:05
Categories: News

Why do furry websites have to make us all look like pervs?

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 22:36

No disrespect intended to the yiff crowd. But I'm talking about the way Furaffinity for example has a list of fetishes as categories. I know the furry community is largely yiffers but it bothers me that it needs to be so right up front like that. It doesn't help the image, I mean it makes me feel weird telling people I'm a furry cause they automatically think "oh you like animal sex" Why can't we portray it as something cute and fluffy and innocent like a lot of it really is?

submitted by imgonnagoforawalk
[link] [64 comments]
Categories: News

Saw this and thought of you fellas...

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 22:32
Categories: News

sergal/deer fursuit

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 22:05
Categories: News

A missed close encounter.

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 21:06

I work at a Hess station in Port Charlotte, FL. Just missed that a beautiful woman that came in my store briefly was wearing a tail because I was busy with other customers. Didn't even notice the tail until the guy at the counter pointed it out as she was walking to her car. My first time to really meet another furry face-to-face out in the wild and I missed it. FML. Anyone else have any close encounters as well?

submitted by Ralanost
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

Furry Meet Up: Universal Studios Orlando Sun, 17th.

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 19:31

Hi thar. Myself ( and Kemushi ( are heading a meet to Universal Studios next Sunday. Come and join us.

We will be meeting there at 9:00AM on Sunday at the Universal Parking Hub. (This is where the food stand is, where the parking garages meet.) We will decide as a group which park we will go to first. If you decide to only buy a 1 park pass, we will go to that park first, and we'll split afterwards.

TIPS/INFO Parking is 15$. Florida Resident 1 park ticket: $88.00 + Tax Florida Resident 2 park ticket: $123.00 + Tax Bring money for food, I'd say around $25 Min, Theme park food is expensive. Bring a change of clothes for water rides.

I MAY be able to give a 30% discount on admission tickets to a few individuals. I am a universal employee, and I am the one directing this meet. Send me a PM if you're interested in a discount for admission. You will need to bring the full ticket amount, just in case.

Universal does NOT allow suiting in their parks. We will play this by ear, but there is a possbility of a suiting event at a area around universal. This will be talked about and more info will be posted.

Please message me, for any other information. Or add me on Skype: Inukaza.

submitted by Inukaza
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

FC-110 Katamaristyle

FurCast - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 18:59


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Soineya, Japanese ‘Cuddle Club,’ Lets Patrons Sleep With Strangers

MiDFur picks new name, ConFurgence; but did poll mislead? Posted by GreenReaper

Art exhibit: ‘Creepy Cute’ at the WWA Gallery Posted by Fred

On Polynormativity


  • Mitt – “To the most esteemed gentlemen (And one lady)”
  • Anonymous – “PLEASE DO NOT READ USERNAME! I feel like I have cheated and don’t know what to do!”
  • Luda – “A Buddhist’s philosophy on therianism”
  • Colby – “Please help”
  • C00nT0ne – “”Oh My God””
  • velvet Armpits – “becoming involved”
  • Anonymous – “Question about Apple app logo”
  • Rodger – “Hello There”
Categories: Podcasts

FC-110 Katamaristyle - PINEAPPLE!

FurCast - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 18:59


Download MP3



Soineya, Japanese ‘Cuddle Club,’ Lets Patrons Sleep With Strangers

MiDFur picks new name, ConFurgence; but did poll mislead? Posted by GreenReaper

Art exhibit: ‘Creepy Cute’ at the WWA Gallery Posted by Fred

On Polynormativity


  • Mitt – “To the most esteemed gentlemen (And one lady)”
  • Anonymous – “PLEASE DO NOT READ USERNAME! I feel like I have cheated and don’t know what to do!”
  • Luda – “A Buddhist’s philosophy on therianism”
  • Colby – “Please help”
  • C00nT0ne – “”Oh My God””
  • velvet Armpits – “becoming involved”
  • Anonymous – “Question about Apple app logo”
  • Rodger – “Hello There”
FC-110 Katamaristyle - PINEAPPLE!
Categories: Podcasts

FC-110 Katamaristyle - PINEAPPLE!

FurCast - Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 18:59


Download MP3



Soineya, Japanese ‘Cuddle Club,’ Lets Patrons Sleep With Strangers

MiDFur picks new name, ConFurgence; but did poll mislead? Posted by GreenReaper

Art exhibit: ‘Creepy Cute’ at the WWA Gallery Posted by Fred

On Polynormativity


  • Mitt – “To the most esteemed gentlemen (And one lady)”
  • Anonymous – “PLEASE DO NOT READ USERNAME! I feel like I have cheated and don’t know what to do!”
  • Luda – “A Buddhist’s philosophy on therianism”
  • Colby – “Please help”
  • C00nT0ne – “”Oh My God””
  • velvet Armpits – “becoming involved”
  • Anonymous – “Question about Apple app logo”
  • Rodger – “Hello There”
FC-110 Katamaristyle - PINEAPPLE!
Categories: Podcasts