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Pot Smoker Wants to Tell Her Mom

Ask Papabear - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 15:09
Dear Papa Bear,

If you cant tell by my name, I am a Pot smoker. I smoke with my husband from joints to bong hits to lungs. It helps me with my stress as I am a naturally anxious and nervous dragon and it makes for good therapy. We have many great times together but there is one mother does not have a clue that I smoke. I really want my mother to know what I am doing and that its not dangerous and that its in fact helping me. My mother was a soldier in the US army and is Pro federal all the way, from wanting to ban guns to wanting cannabis to remain illegal, saying that its bad and evil. She has these positions and would outright deny and ignore facts that oppose her ideals despite the obvious flaws in her logic. She already knows I support cannabis legalization, but ignores that fact openly. She remains under her rock not taking in new facts and information, has she truly been brainwashed and is there any way I can reach to her to understand? I'm afraid that if I tell her I smoke pot that she might disown me and never help me if I am in trouble in my life. I really want to be open with my cannabis experiences with her because there are many rich stories to tell but its frustrating that I cant.

Thank you for reading

Stoned Dragoness

* * *

Dear Stoned,

With someone who is that rigidly entrenched in their opinions, it would be extremely difficult to open up to them. Papabear appreciates your desire to be 100% honest with your mom about who you are, but there are times when it is just better not to do so. This is one of them.

Based on your letter, I believe that if you told your mother you smoked you would get a very negative reaction from her. She would probably tell you and your husband to stop immediately and, if you didn’t, I wouldn’t be surprised if she called authorities on you.

No, you are better off not telling her. If you think it is worthwhile, you can do your best to try and educate her about marijuana and see if she will change her mind, unexpectedly, but until she does you are best to keep silent on the matter and enjoy all the other aspects of your relationship with your mother that you do share.



Samurai Secrets of the Animals

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 15:08

We think it best to let the publisher, Shambhala, explain this one themselves: “The Demon’s Sermon on the Martial Arts is a classic collection of martial arts parables, written by Issai Chozanshi, an 18th-century samurai. The stories, which feature demons, insects, birds, cats, and numerous other creatures, may seem whimsical, but they contain essential teachings that offer insight into the fundamental principles of the martial arts. This manga version, based on Chozanshi’s text, brings these tales alive in a captivating and immediately accessible way.” It’s translated by Sean Michael Wilson, illustrated in full color by Michiru Morikawa, and coming this March in paperback from Shambhala. Amazon has more information.

image c. 2013 Shambhala

Categories: News

furrys wanted!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 13:55

i need some furry friends to go on a rp website We belong to a small group of rebels opposed to Salvage outside the city. the earth is entirely iced over and we need to survive. this chat is not sexual. requirements: must have a fursona, must be a good roleplayer the link is here:

submitted by kensethdude
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Ep. 53 - Nature's Coathanger - Fun! No, not the band, this podcast. We talk about strange dreams, Xander's cat, slipping on ic...

The Dragget Show - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 11:34
Fun! No, not the band, this podcast. We talk about strange dreams, Xander's cat, slipping on ice, nature's coathanger, and answer listener questions! oh yeah, TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Or something. A review on iTunes or posting a link on your social networking thing always helps. Also, check out our YouTube channel for highlights. - as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! Ep. 53 - Nature's Coathanger - Fun! No, not the band, this podcast. We talk about strange dreams, Xander's cat, slipping on ic...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 53 - Nature's Coathanger - Fun! No, not the band, this podcast. We talk about strange dreams, Xander's cat, slipping on ic...

The Dragget Show - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 11:34
Fun! No, not the band, this podcast. We talk about strange dreams, Xander's cat, slipping on ice, nature's coathanger, and answer listener questions! oh yeah, TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Or something. A review on iTunes or posting a link on your social networking thing always helps. Also, check out our YouTube channel for highlights. - as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! Ep. 53 - Nature's Coathanger - Fun! No, not the band, this podcast. We talk about strange dreams, Xander's cat, slipping on ic...
Categories: Podcasts

Furry Movie Award Watch: January 2013

Furry News Network - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 04:24
Author: crossaffliction The Oscar nominees have been announced, and it is a weird year. It was so weird, most Oscar pundits had a better idea of what would win Best Original Song than Best Picture. Now that the nominees are out, it looks like Best Picture is finally clear, but most pundits (this one included) have [...]
Categories: News

I went on an Omegle rampage, and this is just part of it... (Yes, I was bored) [Probably NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 02:07

You: Hey!

Stranger: asfo?

You: Hmmm... accepting superior foreign ostriches?

You: I dunno! Everyone keeps asking me the same question

You: I still have no idea what it means! >:[

Stranger: it means age, sex, fursona, orientation

You: Oh finally! Thank you. Watch, now no one will ask me that ever again. :\

You: Oh!

You: So, umm 19, male, maned wolf, norht

Stranger: no problem

You: north*

You: That's what you meant by orientation, right?

Stranger: haha it means sexual orientation...

You: Ohhhh

You: >.>;

Stranger: gay, straight, bi, that kind of thing

You: Hmmm, bi I guess.

You: What about you? :D

You: I guess, "asfo?"

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: hi asfo?

You: No, my name isn't asfo... try again. :u

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: are you a pokefur? :3

You: No, not really! Sorry man/woman. :x

Stranger: no problem! asfo? ;3


You: And have lived furrever o.o

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: Hey asl

You: American Sign Language?

Stranger: XD what's ur name

You: Ohhh

You: That's what asl stands for?

You: Okay o.o

Stranger: -_-

You: Shooks!

Stranger: Asl means age sex libation

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: hey

Stranger: asfo?

You: Arranging superior foreign origami? Nah, not into that man. :U

You: Sorry :c

You: Are you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: How're you?

Stranger: I'm fine, you?

You: Pretty good

Stranger: That's good, asfo?

You: Nah, I already ate. :o

Stranger: Uh, ok?

You: Yeah!

You: You can have it -^

Stranger: The hell are you talking about

You: asfo... isn't it stand for a super fat omelet?

Stranger: no

You: Oh...

You: Damn, my twin brother lied. >.>

Stranger: Right

You: What?

You: Anyways

You: What's it mean?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: Asfo?

You: I'm dog. :u

You: Like really

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: Hi.

You: How're you?

Stranger: Fine. You?

You: Pretty good

You: Just relaxing x3

Stranger: Asfo?

You: I am of undetermined age, have both girl and boy parts, maaany appendages, and really don't care about sex in the same way humans do, what am I? Stranger: A squid?

You: Nah. o.o I'm actually just a doggy Stranger: Something I don't really want to hang out with?

You: D:


Stranger: So you're a dog?

You: I am pretty freaky deaky

You: Yeah

You: It's hard typing though

You: Ya know... paws

Stranger: I am aware of paws, yes.

You: It's like... I need a special keyboard

You: Have you seen dog keyboards?

Stranger: You need to get off the keyboard

Stranger: You're a dog

You: No, I like it :c

You: How else will I talk to all the biiitchesss?

You: D:

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Hi!

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: Asfo?

You: I'm 3 years old, which I guess is 24 in human years?!? And I am male! And a german shepard. :D

You: Sorry if it takes a while to type

You: Paws :u

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi

You: Hi!

Stranger: asfo? :3

You: Well, that is a hard question you see...

You: Because.

You: Bear with me

Stranger: Yeah?

You: Well...

You: I am not really a human you see? Umm... I guess you humans call it an alien, yes? I came to scout you all out.

You: Find your weaknesses and stuff.

Stranger: IRL?

You: Like umm

You: A spy

You: Yeah

Stranger: okay, yeah, I believe you

You: No

You: Don't

Stranger: Okay

Stranger: Here, can you predict the future?

You: No, what the hell you think I am? :u

You: Oh

You: How is my writing?

Stranger: very fluent

You: Have I learned your diction well?

Stranger: diction? Okay, you're saying words even I don't know now!

You: Err...

You: Umm

You: How could I say it.

You: Ummm

Stranger: I'll just google it

You: Like the text speak?

Stranger: Choice of word, apparently.

You: Yeah, that!

Stranger: Well, prove to me you;re an alien

Stranger: you're**

You: That's easy. Look at me! :o

You: Can you not tell?

Stranger: I can't see you through a screen.

You: Oh... you haven't evolved that yet?

Stranger: Say wha?

You: Oh nothing. You guys will be easy to conquer!

Stranger: Uh...

Stranger: Yeah, this is all TOTALLY true!

You: Can you give me a second?

Stranger: Sure, whatever

You: I need to hail the mothership orbiting Planet x-56

You: I mean

You: Earth

Stranger: Okay

You: Umm, this is the terran class planet, yes?

Stranger: The what?

You: Urg

You: Okay

You: Back

You: So, what do you do on a regular basis?

You: Is it the same as back in our homeplanet?!? :O

Stranger: A lot of stuff

Stranger: Well, what do you guys do?

You: Hmmm, daily basis? Well, we have the biggest entertainment center in our side of the galaxy! In it we host slave fights, where we pit all of the conquered races to kill each other! ://3

You: It's great fun!

You: Usually the more primitive races like your own die off first. x3

Your conversational partner has disconnected

EDIT: Fixed my "Too tired to even look at it." aka, format

submitted by Shookso
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News

Louna by Wolfy-Nail

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Jan 2013 - 01:39
Categories: News

A little doodle of my fursona

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 23:21
Categories: News

A little drawing I did - YouTube

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 21:58
Categories: News


DailyFurBlog - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 21:17
So Kyell Gold posted a sweet little number about his 300 copies he signed of his new book “Divisions”. He is totally awesome for signing all those books for those who pre-ordered and going out of his way to make sure it was done in style. Many thumbs up for this dude who gets a A+ from me! CHECK OUT THE BOOK HERE




Categories: News

Perfect Blend by Thanshubai

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 14:58
Categories: News

Fox and Wolf Collected

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 14:54

We’ve mentioned the anime and manga known as Kanokon before around here. If you need a refresher: “Innocent country boy Oyamada Kouta transfers to a big city high school in his freshman year, and from day one, his life enters a world of crazy . First, a beautiful second-year student named Chizuru professes her love to him, then reveals that she is in fact a fox spirit. Frisky and flirty, she suggestively teases naive Kouta in front of his classmates, embarrassing him to no end. If that wasn’t enough, a gorgeous wolf spirit named Nozomu suddenly transfers to Kouta’s class and decides she wants the hapless country boy for herself. As fox girl and wolf girl vie for his heart, does Kouta have any say in this?” Now comes the news that Seven Seas Entertainment will release the first Kanokon Collected Omnibus (Volumes 1 and 2) this April, written by Katsumi Nishino and illustrated in black & white by Rin Yamaki. You can pre-order it at the Sci Fi Genre web site.

image c. 2013 Seven Seas Entertainment

Categories: News

Will trade wolf partial fursuit for art

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 13:31

Not sure if I'm allowed to do this here, but may as well try... Feel free to downvote if you don't want this here.

Specs Video of suit photos| Original Maker's FA submission | Fursuit Review

  • resin head

  • fits 23" head

  • very responsive jaw

  • resin eyes

  • comes with head, 3/4 arm/paws, and tail

I paid $800 for it new. It's seen maybe 4 - 6 hours of action (non consecutive). No parts are damaged. It's a little over a year old now. I'm the first owner.

Willing to trade for a bunch of art commissions (You must be able to draw humans) or partial payment + art. Payment will be taken via paypal only.

Mirror links to help spread word:

Tumblr post| Original FA Journal Post | FA Submission post

If you're interested in this suit, Note me on FA, comment on the journal entry on FA, comment on the FA submission, or comment on the reddit post. Don't PM me on reddit or tumblr, please.

What I'm looking for in an offer

I'm not really looking for any real amount of money, as I don't need money right now. I'd really like some art though. Please value your own art, and then offer me something like "2 full color traditional, 3 digital busts, etc., etc." If you can't commit to so much art, you can offer a partial payment of cash (say $200) and then some art with that.

As far as art styles, you need to be able to draw humans! I like semi-realistic, cartoon, and some anime, but not overly cute anime. You can look at my art faves from FA and dA to get a feel for what I've liked in the past.

Things You'd Most Likely Be Drawing

I'm looking for people who can do the following things:

  • (human) character refs/sheets

  • manly/masculine men

  • action poses

  • comic panels/pages

  • gore/violence/guns

Nothing you draw would be over a PG-13 rating, and you're free to decline to draw any of the above things. I will work with you. I will never ask you for porn.

The characters I'd be asking you to draw would likely be the following:

  • Q (human gunner)

  • Lori (human/dragon trickster/thief)

  • Jiden (human cyberpunk character)

  • Greyson (rabbit anthro)

Depending on your offer, I may ask for different characters or group art.

I have many ideas for art already, so how it would work is basically, you give me offer, I tell you what I can fit into that offer (as far as poses, characters, etc.), you agree/disagree, rework if necessary, and then I leave you alone to do your work. I'm pretty easygoing after we agree on something. I only ask for an update if I haven't heard from you in a month.

I think that should cover it... Feel free to ask any questions.

Completely unrelated, I have weasyl invites. If you want one, PM me your email (via reddit or FA).

submitted by bornes
[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News