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FursonaPod 3.0 Ep. 3 – Animals - Xiath: Here we are! A new episode of FursonaPod! Sorry for being late with this episode. Rainstar and I both decided to enjoy our holiday break with our families and loved ones. We also had a hard time recording this episo

FursonaPod - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 12:51

Xiath: Here we are! A new episode of FursonaPod! Sorry for being late with this episode. Rainstar and I both decided to enjoy our holiday break with our families and loved ones. We also had a hard time recording this episode. It took us literally a full week to record all of the parts. This episode was actually recorded on three separate days!

In this episode Rainstar and myself discuss animals. We get kinda deep with some of the questions even.

Here’s an important announcement! The March episode of FursonaPod is going to be a Listener Special! What that means is we want you, the listener, to write questions pertaining to the fandoms to us via email. Keep them clean and keep them simple. We want to have a bunch of mini topics that we can discuss in the span of about 10 minutes each or less. So get to work and send us mini topics!

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath FursonaPod 3.0 Ep. 3 – Animals - Xiath: Here we are! A new episode of FursonaPod! Sorry for being late with this episode. Rainstar and I both decided to enjoy our holiday break with our families and loved ones. We also had a hard time recording this episode.
Categories: Podcasts

furmeet plans and questions for ohio(sorry if its in wrong spot)

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 11:55

alright well ive not had an experiance in really meeting any furs in real life so i figured id try to host a bit of a fur meet of sorts(at a park or see if i can get a room at the library or bowling alley or something) just so i can find furs and such. only thing is im on a next to no money budget and so im trying to figure out what to do. im really wanting to do this so i can find more furs out there around my area cause there should be a fair amount and really want to make some new there any tips anyone can give me for doing this or just something? im really low on ideas hehe. anything will be greatly appreciated. also while im stuck here in massillon any and all furs from ohio will be more then welcome if they wish to come :3 thanks scrapyard

submitted by Scraps_wolf
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Furry's Emotions Are Caught between Current and Potential Mates

Ask Papabear - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 11:19
Dear Papabear,

I really don't know how to start this off, seeing as this is the first time I had absolutely no idea what to do in my life. Let me just start with this, right now I am with someone and we are ... well let's say a little distant right now. I try my best to talk to him as much as I can, trying to make sure I can be there for him, you know. The problem is, he just doesn't seem into it anymore, and I don't know if I am either. I can't say if I still have the feelings now that I did for him when I first met him. This isn't the only thing that is wrong with this relationship, though. On more than one occasion, I have caught him in a kiss, or doing something with another guy. He keeps telling me that he wants us to have an open relationship as well, and I don't if that means I just can't satisfy him anymore or what. I am too scared to break it off just yet, I honestly don't want to be alone. Unfortunately though, there is another part to this problem.

This is sort of related to the last problem, but not really. You see, I have this close friend, who is really like a brother to me in all honesty. I am starting to have some really strong feelings for him, and I don't know if he feels the same way. I am honestly just too scared to ask him. I don't want to lose him or have him hate me. This seems like one of the most standard problems ever, being that you like someone and you think they don't like you back. I know this is probably asked a lot, but I still haven't found an answer that works. He means the world to me but I just don't know if I should take a leap of faith and break it off with my current mate and try with my close friend. Please help, anything is appreciated.


* * *

Dear ADN,

Papabear receives letters like yours from time to time, and they are basically looking for the same thing: some reassurance and a little dash of courage to do what they already know in their hearts needs to be done. They just need to hear it from someone else first.

Your quandary is mostly driven by fear: fear of being alone; fear of turning off someone who is a friend and losing them, too. Fear is the worst decision-maker.

Regarding the former, you and I both know that your current relationship is pretty much done and over. You don’t feel much love for your mate anymore and (actually this makes it much easier) he isn’t feeling it for you, either. That’s okay. Sometimes a relationship that starts out hot and heavy fizzles out for one or more of many reasons. It happens. Let him down gently and tell him he can now be as open as he wants because you’re not his mate anymore. If possible, keep the friendship alive. Good friends are hard to find.

The second problem is more difficult. I’ll assume this “brotherly” guy is single, so you wouldn’t have to break up a relationship to have him. It is plausible that he hasn’t made a move on you out of respect for your current matehood. So, here’s what you do:

  1. Break it off with your current mate.
  2. Tell your good friend that you have ended that relationship and are now single again. See how he reacts.
  3. Now that you are not spending time with BF #1, hang out more with potential BF #2. Don’t leap into his arms or (worse) into bed with him. Just do fun things with him; the things you both like to do. 
  4. This way, you won’t be alone. Be patient. You know this guy and Papabear would wager that you will notice if you see a glimmer in his eye and a little sparkle in his grin. That’s the signal for when you ask him if he might like to take your friendship a step further.

Try it out. Remember, the best mates are not only your lover but also your best friend.

Wishing You Love,


Being a husky means

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 10:31
Categories: News

DFB ep2: Sleeping With Dogs

DailyFurBlog - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 07:31
Believe it baby!! I made another episode for DFB and gave it a lot better details. I hope everyone likes it, I sure liked making it. CHECK IT OUT!!!
Categories: News

Review: ‘Miss Bianca in the Salt Mines’, by Margery Sharp

Furry News Network - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 06:25
Author: Fred This is the fourth book in Margery Sharp‘s fantasy series “for all ages”. As always, the central characters are the two mice, Miss Bianca and Bernard, and various other members of the Mouse Prisoners’ Aid Society; and, as usual, the plot revolves about Miss Bianca’s kindhearted determination to rescue some poor human from [...]
Categories: News

Daily Show: January 15, 2013 - Provision is something we can often take for granted. Today, we have a devotional on the word "provider" and all mutually agree that we are clueless about Further Confusion. If any of our listeners are going, at, or back fro

WagzTail - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 06:00

Provision is something we can often take for granted. Today, we have a devotional on the word “provider” and all mutually agree that we are clueless about Further Confusion. If any of our listeners are going, at, or back from FC, send us a comment or a voice mail and let us know how it was!

Hosts: Levi, Wolfin, Ice_Fire

Daily Show: January 15, 2013 - Provision is something we can often take for granted. Today, we have a devotional on the word "provider" and all mutually agree that we are clueless about Further Confusion. If any of our listeners are going, at, or back from FC,
Categories: Podcasts

Animation: ‘Thor: Legends of Valhalla’

Furry News Network - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 04:24
Author: Fred Did you know that Thor’s magic hammer has a name, Crusher, and is anthropomorphic? I don’t recall that Marvel Comics ever taught us that. You can see for yourself on the 15th when the (bad) Icelandic 2011 CGI 3-D feature Thor: Legends of Valhalla, directed by Óskar Jónasson, is released in America Direct [...]
Categories: News

Bikini Clad Beauties (Mild NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 03:45
Categories: News

Review: ‘Badger’s Moon’ by Elleston Trevor

Furry News Network - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 02:24
Author: Huskyteer
Categories: News

Last call for 2012 Anthropomorphic Recommended List; UMA nominations open January 17

Furry News Network - Tue 15 Jan 2013 - 00:24
Author: Fred The ALAA’s 2012 Anthropomorphic Recommended List will close on January 15, 2013, to allow for last-minute recommendations of last-week-of-2012 releases. The 2012 Ursa Major Awards nominations will open on January 17, the first day of Further Confusion 2013. Go to the Ursa Major Awards website on January 17 to register for an online nomination [...]
Categories: News

Prolific Profiteering versus The Hobbyists

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Jan 2013 - 23:27

In pretty much every niche I see this, but opinions vary greatly, and I'm curious of what people think here. In this group it's mostly art commissions, I assume, where I see a lot of trades, buyers/sellers, buyers... but then there's some who seem to exclusively sell, at prices above the average. Professional artists for similar shaded characters seem to have two dominant ranges $60-90(full shaded, reasonable since it can take several hours), who also trade and buy, and the $250-450 who don't seem to be involved unless it involves a sales booth. Are they ultimately leeches on the community? Or are fools parted from their money not spending more in quantity if less in price, so the gains are small.

submitted by StopTheOmnicidal
[link] [9 comments]
Categories: News

Now shipping: ‘Nature of the Beast: Prairie vs. Polar’

Furry News Network - Mon 14 Jan 2013 - 22:24
Author: GreenReaper It’s a typical story: a successful Kickstarter campaign, followed by a gruelling six months of manufacturing delays, including a tray redesign, topped off with a customs holdup. But the wait is almost over for the makers and backers of card game Nature of the Beast, set to finish shipping rewards for the Prairie [...]
Categories: News

Episode 72 – Literati

Furry News Network - Mon 14 Jan 2013 - 22:12
Author: admin It’s time for Episode 72, and we have good news and bad news. Good news: Kyo is back, yay! And he even has a report on his trip to Virgina – and New York, with its tiny tiny apartments, as it turns out – to share with everyone! The bad news is, Istanbul [...] Episode 72 – Literati
Categories: News

Artist spotlight: Jeremy Bernal; a retrospective

Furry News Network - Mon 14 Jan 2013 - 22:12
Author: Isiah Jacobs In honor of the ten-year existence of SexyFur, and the recent publication from FurPlanet, Isiah interviews Jeremy Bernal about his career as a furry artist. Some mature topics are covered. Isiah Jacobs: Hello, Mr. Bernal, thank you so much for joining me today! It’s a great pleasure to have you on the [...]
Categories: News

Did someone say sharks?

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Jan 2013 - 20:30
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Jan 2013 - 18:33
Categories: News