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Try Facing Your Fear with Baby Steps

Ask Papabear - Mon 18 Feb 2013 - 10:20
Dear Papa Bear:

I need a little help with love issues, I will star saying that there was someone I liked since I was 15 years old and had the chance to ask him to a date, which was wonderful, by the way.

After a couple of dates I started to love him a lot; even though he's gay and I'm bisexual, we have the same interests on movies, games and shows. I really started to love him and there are some things that are kinda hard for me to tell him:

1) I'm into zoophilia (thanks for your help with this subject)
2) He doesn't know I'm in love with him
3) I'm too shy to admit my feelings for him because unfortunately someone broke my heart some time ago and I'm afraid that he might not like me at all.

What can I do? How can I express him my feelings without seeming fearful? I just don't want to get hurt again if he says "no."

Please help me Papa Bear. 

Sincerely Yours, 

Dairy Cow

* * *

Dear Dairy Cow,

Glad I was able to help with your earlier problem. Your current situation has similarities to a number of letters Papabear has received from the lovelorn in that the difficulties all stem from the same emotion: fear. 

There is a Japanese proverb that says, “Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.” We believe that fear controls us, but it is actually we who have the power to let it rule our lives ... or not. Fear is an excuse to not take a risk, to not slide back into laziness and what is familiar and comfortable, even if what is familiar and comfortable is not good for us.

There are two ways to face fear: you can take baby steps, or you can take the plunge all at once (e.g., pouncing your love interest, giving him a big fat kiss, and declaring your undying love). You’ve already dated this guy, and you both get along. He might even be in love with you but might, like you, be afraid to take the next step. I’m getting a sense that in this situation, we might want to try the baby step approach. Have you told him, at least, that you like him? If so, how did he respond? If he replied in kind, that is definitely something to build on.

I’m guessing, too, that, although you dated, perhaps you are not dating at present. Ask him out to a date. First, do something ordinary, like a movie and a hamburger, then ask him to another date. This next time, do something more romantic: a walk in a park or on the beach, perhaps. Now, if things are going well, the next thing you use is not words but body language: a touch on the shoulder, perhaps a light touch on the hand. Smile, and use your eyes—they can speak volumes. If you sense him withdrawing suddenly, then back off. You are making him uncomfortable. But ... if he responds, you will be able to tell. That’s when you go a little further. Tell him that “I like you.... a lot. More than my other friends. I care about you.” 

A lot of what goes on here depends upon his reactions to your gestures. You will be able to sense positive or negative feedback and then proceed accordingly. If he, for instance, says “I really like you a lot, too,” you could even go to, “I think I might even be falling in love with you.” Again, these are baby steps.

You don’t bring up things like your zoophilia and his being bisexual until you can establish whether or not this guy likes you in the first place. These are things that can be discussed when the relationship has a foothold. If you discover that you both really love each other and want very much to be together, then these issues can be overcome; if the relationship is weak, then a disagreement about sexual appetite could be the end of it. Again, you won’t know that until you have been together for a bit.

So, try the baby-step approach, Dairy Cow, and see how it goes. Good luck!



My first suit

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Feb 2013 - 02:47
Categories: News

It's mah Fluffday today! :3. Can someone help me find an uber-cheap commission?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Feb 2013 - 02:41

It's mah Fluffday! ...and by that I mean birthday. >,>.

I don't have a lot to spend---as stuff happened that took priority (New Kitty outta the blue!) and my friends don't like to listen to me for what I want for fluffdays. ;P (I said I wanted twenty bux and I'd be happy...they took me out to eat instead which cost like 3 times that. I appreciate it and all, but come onnnn. ;P.)

BUT this means I only have 5$ straight to spend on a commission. It's in my Paypal right now.

Does anyone know anyone currently taking cheap-o colored custom commissions at the moment as some special or event of a medium grade of quality? (I'm not exactly expecting masterpieces for 5 bux, more or less.)

submitted by RockyCoon
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Categories: News

Question about the Reddit Gift Exchanges

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Feb 2013 - 02:18

I was wondering, those of you that participate, do you reveal the fact you're a fur in your profile, or do you have a "safe" Reddit account that you use?

(in the Hat & Scarves exchange, and in the socks exchange I did put it in the likes/dislikes myself)

submitted by mirrorspock
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Categories: News

Furfag Shake (Scrap: 24)

The Raccoon's Den - Mon 18 Feb 2013 - 02:18
Furfag Shake (Scrap: 24)
LA Furries representing their furmeet with some dancing. THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: TWITTER: http:... From: TheRaccoonsDen Views: 1460 64 ratings Time: 00:57 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

More Creatures in 3D

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 18 Feb 2013 - 01:27

Brian Harris is a graphic artist who, as of late, has been moving increasingly into 3D work — thanks in large part to the ever-expanding technology of 3D Printing available at sites like Shapeways. Working under the name Timothy BH, Brian has been selling sculptures of Goldie Pheasant from Rock-A-Doodle and Spike the dragon from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, as well as others… and he intends to start taking commissions soon. Check out his Shapeways Shop to see his current work and find out how to keep up with his latest creations.

Image c. 2013 Brian Harris
Spike c. 2013 Hasbro / The Hub

Categories: News

Finally got a decent Omegle chat. Sorta.

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 22:41
Categories: News

Questions! So very many questions!

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 22:05

Greetings r/furry,

Let me first say that this is my first time posting a, so if I'm not posting correctly, please let me know!

Okay, down to business. So my boyfriend showed me some furry stuff about two weeks ago, and ever since then I just can't stop thinking about it! It's such a wonderfully interesting puzzle that I've discovered within myself... While I have found some impressive and creative artistic work, my problem is that it seems as if all I'm finding when trying to actually research and study about it, is a lot of contradictory and seemingly ridiculous information about being furry, or the fandom, or what have you. I've talked with my bf about it at length, but I have to admit that I have worn him out a little with the level of my focus... Apparently I turn into a mad scientist about things, and he would rather not be under the microscope :/

So I was hoping that you fine people might be willing to discuss with me!

Here are a few questions:

  • What does being furry mean?
  • What's the difference between "anthro" and furry?
  • Are there different types of furries, and if so, are there different names? And are there different stigmas for each group? Do they all get along?
  • Do you have to wear a fursuit to be a furry?
  • How do you know what type of animal you are, and who came up with all these different stereotypes for the different animals?
  • How does one decide if they're furry?
  • What percentage of furries are experiencing feelings of dysphoria towards their bodies?
  • What percentage feels attraction to actual animals? And in cases of bestiality, do you feel like being a furry makes you feel more, or less lenient?
  • Is there some super secret way to announce that you're a furry that probably only other furries would notice?
  • How does this affect your attraction to real life people?
  • Why do some people "come out" about being a furry?
  • How does this affect your views of pet ownership?
  • Should you develop a fursona after a certain point?
  • How much does being a furry affect your daily life?
  • Why is there so much shaming and ridicule about this when Disney's been doing this since way back?
  • How has My Little Pony affected things?
  • How does it affect your enjoyment of popular culture?
  • Fursona: Is it you as an animal, or is it what you wish you were?
  • What's the deal with normal coloring versus neon coloring?
  • How large is the female presence in the furry fandom?
  • What's the furry culture like?

Alright, I could keep going, but I think I'll stop there. I'm honestly just really curious and interested and I want to learn as much as I can. Answer one question or answer them all, (or answer none at all and instead tell me about something else entirely!) I would really just like to generate some discussion! Thank you in advance :)

tl;dr: I can't!

Holy cow, guys! Thank you for all the great responses! Even if I didn't respond, I read every single one of them. You've provided me with a lot of very interesting things to consider and think about and I really couldn't have asked for a better first interaction with you all. I feel happy to have found such a diverse and accepting group of people; honestly you've all been more receptive and charitable then anyone I met at the last party I went to.

Anyway, here's a few tidbits about myself... Just in case anyone was curious about me at all! I grew up in a small mountain in the U.S. and I have always loved animals. I often incorporated them in my art (drawing, painting, writing, ect. although I never did anything sexual), but I never had a second thought about anything furry because basically up until now I had all the usual misconceptions that most people have about furries. I had a vague notion that if you were a furry, you had some level of sexual attraction towards actual animals, and thought they were animals in human bodies. Obviously there are some who feel like that, but I see now that it's by far the minority, I was concerned that the majority of the furry fandom, or subculture, would be sexually based. However, I have found an amazing array of art, writing, videos, sculptures (and even music!), and I can see that there totally is a place for me here! Mostly I am just so glad to have actually looked into this on my own because, I have to say, I think I can say with confidence that I am a furry! Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and for taking the time to answer some questions!

submitted by bedazzle_that_shit
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Categories: News

A Question Regarding Furry Types

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 21:47

So, I've always been a fan of animals all my life, and, as I look back at my young years, I was enticed by the combining of humans and animals, to produce humans with animalistic features, e.g. fox ears, tail, etc., which I have learned is Furry after my years of browsing the internet.

There is, however, a question, that has been boggling my mind. What would one call a Furry that, for example, only has a fox's ears and tail? That doesn't, as I see, strike as anthropomorphic, and perhaps it's not even Furry, but it must be something.

Does anyone know what this is called?

submitted by SaintEeveen
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Categories: News

The furry fandom's problems

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 21:05

Hi. Perhaps I should introduce myself. flicks tail I'm Raymie, and two years ago, I started writing anthro fiction based on role-plays. Today, that project is the first draft of a novel, 75,000 words strong with possible growth to 100,000 through revisions.

I came from outside the fandom, and in some ways I'm still a bit of an outsider in it. Perhaps this gives me some extra awareness about the types of problems the fandom faces.

Here are what I have identified as the core issue of the fandom. People tend to see furries in one of two ways.

1. "That curiosity of people wearing fursuits." Last year, as Anthrocon was going on, WPXI in Pittsburgh (one of the local TV stations) put up an article about the con that featured photos. Oh yeah, and every single time the word furries was used, it was in quotes. 2. "Sci-fi fandom's bastard cousin" (thanks, Joseph L. Flatley) — a strange sort of fringe fandom that somehow is male-heavy with so many female characters, has a tendency to be NSFW, and is seen as a bunch of "perverted weirdos".

Now, let me just say that I share neither of those views, but many do (which is terribly sad). Why do you think this has happened, and what do you think we can do to remediate this image problem?

submitted by RaymieHumbert
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Categories: News

First Yarn Tail!!!

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 19:32
Categories: News

A question for fursuiters!

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 19:29

How often are you guys harassed?
Ive always wondered this. People in costume at sporting events and other non-fur gatherings get harassed and even physically accosted on occasion. Im wondering if the same happens with public suiting.
Im certain people can be unpleasant, but how often do people cross the line?

submitted by Lucaloo
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Categories: News

Furries doing flips in fursuits.

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 18:39
Categories: News

Should He Do What His Family Wants, or What His Heart Wants?

Ask Papabear - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 18:25
[Dear Readers. In today's column, I write back to two furries who wrote to me at the same time. It's quite touching. Read on....  

Hello, Papabear,

I’m 20 years old and I found a really great friend who I want to move in with. However, he is in the air force and I want to go to Texas with him for 8 weeks then to Georgia for two years with his boyfriend. But I’m being pulled in all directions. People telling me what to do and acting like they know better then I do. If I go then I will be letting down all my family, but if I stay I will be missing out on something great.

. . .
Dear Papabear,

A very close and loving fur known as King will be writing to you soon. He desperately needs help. He is trying to find out how best approach what is going on with him. If his letter comes in and you need any info from me, I would be happy to provide it for you, Papabear. I love him deeply with all my heart. That is why I am trying to save him from his mentally unstable adoptive mom and his less than helpful adoptive dad. I have already paid for his tickets to join me in TX as I will be going for training for a new job in the Air Force. Afterwards, I will be going to my next duty station in GA. His parents, aunt and uncles are all telling him that I am a pedophile (even though he is an adult and is 20 years old), a creep and someone after his money (his whole $10 in his bank account). They are filling his head with doubt and he is getting pissed. Hell, he is even saying he is getting panic attacks because with me on one side tugging and his adoptive family tugging on the other he is slowly losing his patience. He hates his job, as well, working for BK in NJ. I want to give him a better life away from his abusive parents and crappy job. I love him so much I am willing to take him with me to tech school, living with me in the hotel I will be staying in, find some temporary job until I leave and then drive off together to GA. He is to be living with me as well. We will meet in person this upcoming Friday and the following day he is coming with me. But sadly his folks are driving a wedge between us. Well this is what I got for you on my side of the story. Let me know if you got his letter yet or are giving him some sort of advice. Please please Papabear he needs you. :'c

Much worry,


* * *

Dear King and Alonely,

I am writing to both of you since you both wrote to me. King, you are 20 years old. That’s old enough, certainly (unless you are suffering some illness that makes you dependent upon others), to go off on your own and live your own life. The letter that Alonely wrote is filled with love and concern for you. He sounds like someone who wants to care for you, while your family, on the other paw, want to restrict you, either because they want to control your life or because they don’t have enough faith in you to believe you can go out and live it yourself.

If the two of you can come to an agreement on how the finances will work, and if both of you are willing to do what needs to be done to make this new partnership work, then, King, you need to take the bull by the horns and, as you say, make sure you don’t “miss out on something great.”

Throughout our lives, we come across people who tell us we can’t do something. When we are young, it is often parents and family members who tell us “No, you can’t do that.” When we are older, it might be friends, or lovers, or bosses, or the government, or the church. People will always tell you “No.” People will always try and limit you, to tie your feet down, to clip your flight feathers. These are the people who want to control us and who, indeed, are afraid of having people in their lives they cannot control.

Don’t listen to them. I can tell from your letter that your heart knows better than your head what to do. Follow your heart.

Good luck! Hugs!


Furry Fandom & Cosplay groups meet up at local parks

Furries In The Media - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 16:48
(There is a video at the original source, I'm just on an old computer right now and can't post it)

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - Have you ever heard of Fandom, Cosplay or Furries? More and more San Diegans have found new groups of people to socialize with and these meetups provide an added bonus for members - dressing up in costume.

"One day I just surfed the net, and I found out San Diego has a Furry meetup and I found my place to fit in," explained one member of the San Diego Furries.

To be a member of the Furries all you need are some paws and furry tail. However, some members have a complete furry costume, some of which cost close to $900.

The group meetups happen once a month at a local park. According to one member, the group has been going strong for a year and attracts people from all walks of life.

"I'm in the military, and I'm a helicopter electrician," said one member.

Now we head down to Seaport Village, where another meetup group is getting together – this one with less fur and more makeup.

Cosplay members dress up like their favorite anime and film characters.

"We're not a bunch of nerds hanging out in the park. We're a big group of friends that treat each other like family. And this gives us a place to belong," said one Cosplay member.

The group's leader says he wears a "remotely, detonateable collar" that tracks his position.

"I'm totally a nerd I'm into all the Japanese stuff. I'm also a computer nerd, a gamer," he continued.

He also likes the social aspect of the group, saying:

"I've gone on dates, but nothing serious at the moment."

However, some members have made love connections. One member of the San Diego Furries met her boyfriend through the group, saying she couldn't have met him any other way

Categories: News

Review: ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’ Friendship Express DVD (with bonus puppies)

Furry News Network - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 16:24
Author: crossaffliction You see I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name. It felt good to be out of the rain. —America, “A Horse with No Name” Wal-Mart, you have failed me. At this point in time, I should be reviewing the “Adventures in the Crystal Empire” DVD, but the closest Wal-Mart decided [...]
Categories: News

New emotes!

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Feb 2013 - 15:46

[](/pyong001) [](/pyong002) [](/pyongjoy) [](/pyongcry) [](/pyongshock) [](/pyongyay) [](/pyongsquint)

From /u/Hey_Man_Slow_Down who also told me how to actually add them :)

submitted by mckatze
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Categories: News