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Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 15:03
Categories: News

Is Having Two Fursonas a Problem?

Ask Papabear - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 14:45
For the longest time I have had a question that I feel hasn't really been addressed anywhere I've looked. The issue, as I perceive it to be, is that I have two fursonas, and I cannot seem to ever decide which applies more to me.

I use both daily, as I have accounts on various accounts that use either one. My first and original fursona is that of a Bengal tiger, personifying the aspects of myself which I desire to have, or to obtain eventually at some part of my life. I'll refer to him as ALoD. I have had this fursona for about 7 months (as long as I have been a furry). He is the more headstrong, outgoing side of my personality that I occasionally display, but more often hide behind my shyness.

My other and more correct fursona, as it is 2 months old, is that of a River Otter. He reflects my personality as I am now, and I identify most with this one. He is the epitome of my insecurities, though he is fun loving as well. This fursona is often displayed by my tendency to be quiet and ponderous, yet can still enjoy every aspect of like as a child would (not to be confused with babyfurs). But the problem lies not there, but that while my Otter fursona, which I'll call Churran is just as relevant to me as my other fursona.

I view each fursona as a large aspect of my personality, as if they were real individuals, and often find myself wondering "What would ALoD or Churran do?" I can neither place one over the other in terms of importance nor can I decide which one to refer to myself as when introducing myself to a furry I've never met before. I even go so far as to use the name Churran as my furry identity since I like the name more than ALoD.

So I ask this. Is there a way to decide, or is this something I will simply need to get used to? Also, is this normal among those in the fandom?


* * *

Dear Churran,

It is not uncommon for a furry to have more than one fursona and it is nothing to be concerned about. I had one furry write me a while back wondering if she was suffering from multiple personality disorder because of this, and, of course, she wasn’t. Many furries use fursonas to help them express their identities more freely. Sometimes, like you, they have different fursonas to express the way they are feeling at the time on various occasions.

Later on in life, you might find that you drop one or the other fursona, or maybe add a new one, or drop both and decide on an entirely new fursona. As we change and grow, our fursonas often do the same until we eventually settle down on one or two. For example, I was a wolf, then a dragon, and now very content as a bear. I’ve discovered myself and who I am and that is a bear. You will probably do the same, as you are only 18 right now.

Furries your age usually do one of two things after a few years in the fandom: 1) they leave furry forever, deciding they are “too grown up” for it, or 2) being a furry helps them discover who they are and their fursona becomes quite solidified.

So, don’t worry about having two fursonas. It’s all part of the growing process and discovering who you are.



RCFM pounced and squished

DailyFurBlog - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 09:44

Took a little break while we upgraded the site and now we’re back BABY! This first post is a dizzy one, so looks like the famous “Rockcity Fur Meet” in Alabama is going to postponed. According to the direct website, it seems as though on of the board members who booked the hotel at the airport didn’t give a great explanation as to what the con was going to be about. The hotel who is under the supervision of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and per U.S Dept. of Homeland Security no face masks would be allowed, so it would bum the suiters out. The hotel was going to moved, but short on time and money alias it will not. Looks like 2014 will be the date for this fine group.

Categories: News

Episode 52 - What do you know about therianthropy? Today the WagzTail gang tackles this topic, discussing what it is and how it fits or does not fit the Christian faith. We have a wide range of experience today, from those with little to no working knowle

WagzTail - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 06:00

What do you know about therianthropy? Today the WagzTail gang tackles this topic, discussing what it is and how it fits or does not fit the Christian faith. We have a wide range of experience today, from those with little to no working knowledge about therianthropy, to those who once identified themselves as such. Listen in as we discuss this facet of life often associated with the furry fandom, and feel free to leave your comments below.

Metadata and Credits

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 52
Runtime: 30m
Cast: JWingy, Kail, Levi, Wolfin
Editor:  Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2012 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Hans Thoursie, used with permission.

Episode 52 - What do you know about therianthropy? Today the WagzTail gang tackles this topic, discussing what it is and how it fits or does not fit the Christian faith. We have a wide range of experience today, from those with little to no working knowledge about ...
Categories: Podcasts

Fursona help.

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 05:01

I'm trying to figure out my fursona here. I was looking through some posts about personality traits and it looks like most of them are just making jokes. I'm a tall thin guy, bit of a loner(mostly). I'm on the submissive side of things until my loved ones get involved then I'm vicious. I naturally have really soft body hair. I'm intelligent but quiet and mentally slutty but I'd rather save being actually slutty for that special furrie. Oh I'm gay too!

I was thinking otter? Or maybe fox? Halp me with a few suggestions. I'm really wanting to buy a fur suit one I get figured out.

submitted by Ellusive1
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Categories: News

Three comic book reviews: Pull List #7 (‘Hack/Slash’, ‘MLP:FiM’ and ‘TMNT’)

Furry News Network - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 00:25
Author: crossaffliction Alright, I am caught up with my Pull List series; nothing old I need to catch up on. Pull List #8 (or even #9, if someone finally takes up my offer to contribute) will consist entirely of comic books released in 2013. The good news is that most of these comics are also [...]
Categories: News

Decided to quit lurking and have a couple of questions.

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 00:18

Hey everyone, I've lurked around the fandom for far too long and finally decided I would just post something to make myself stop thinking about finally posting something. I've been interested in furry stuff for a few years now but always felt awkward about being a part of it myself for some reason. Lately however I've decided to just go for it and here I am now. So for my first post here I just had a couple of questions for anyone here who wants to respond.

First off, I love playing video games but only have a couple of friends that play very often, so I was wondering if anyone would be up for some gaming? I kind of figured it would be a good way for me to get to possibly know some people around here and it is something that I am familiar with and enjoy. Anyways I have a handful of Steam games that I want to play more of (Chivalry, TF2, Left 4 Dead 2, and maybe a few others) and am willing to try out new games if there are any suggestions. Also I have Xbox Live but for the most part only play Call of Duty or Halo 4 in terms of multiplayer games. Once again though open to any new ideas. My tag for both Steam and Xbox is "Woof26" so you can add me if you like or leave your name here and I'll send you a request. If I get a random request I'll assume it is from someone here but please either leave a comment here or send me a message saying what your tag is just so I know.

Second, I have been trying to think of an animal to use to make my own fursona. I tend to like things that aren't really that popular, so my mind is telling me to avoid picking something like a wolf or dog, but I really don't know what I will choose yet. I was wondering if anyone here knows of some neat creatures or has any ideas of awesome animals so that I can broaden my range of choices with?

Anyways thanks for reading through this and I'll do my best to stick around here and not fall back into my old lurking habits.

submitted by Woof26
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Categories: News

Kind of need some publicity!

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Feb 2013 - 22:45

So hey, I've started drawing recently, and I'd like to make commissions near in the future, but I kind of need some publicity. So I'm going to leave my FA profile here. Got some pictures uploaded already, you guys can check it out~

submitted by Typokun
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Seal Strutting His Stuff.

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Feb 2013 - 22:33
Categories: News