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Hello Kitty In Space or Should I Say Stratosphere

Furries In The Media - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 15:47

Only furry that she used her Hello Kitty Doll But still interesting

By now only a few on this earth has not heard of how a 7th grader, Lauren Rojas, has sent Hello Kitty Plush 93,000 feet up in the stratosphere as part of a science project.

Having looked at the video, she did an excellent job of presetting her experiment during the flight, the pictures are spectacular and hello kitty in her rocket is just so cute. The rocket parachuted back to earth 47 miles from the launch point, in a tree; a likely place for a kitty. Hello Kitty is safe and sound back on Earth. The video went viral and new report has been seen all over the world and on National TV.

Not to detract from Ms. Rojas feat, some in the media is reporting this is Hello Kitty’s first trip into (or near space). That honor really should go to Melissa whose Hello Kitty has flown with The Expedition 9 Crew in 2004. I quote from part of that post.

“This is to certify that Hello Kitty accompanied the Expedition 9 Crew in their long duration space mission aboard the International Space Station. This item was flown for the wonderful Melissa (last name omitted for obvious reasons).

The Expedition 9 Crew was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan on April 19, 2004, at 9:19 a.m., aboard the Russian Soyuz Spacecraft TMA-4, and return to Kazakhstan on October 24, 2004, at 6:35 a.m. aboard the Soyuz Spacecraft TMA-4.”

I also thought Hello Kitty as Soyuz crew mascot aka Micro Gravity Indicator some time ago.

Still way to go Lauren for Hello Kitty first altitude Balloon mission.
Now I am thinking with many tech and science geeks  in the fandom: A furry Near Spce Inititve to send a plushie uip.
Full Report : Hello Kitty says hello to space, thanks to Antioch teen's science project

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I want more contacts to bother!

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 15:06

Add me on Skype if you will~ my username is: neurotoxinstudios. Add me! :D

submitted by z0mBiEs23
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Categories: News

My first feral drawing of my sona.

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 14:15
Categories: News

Birds of a Feather

[adjective][species] - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 14:00

It’s so trite that it’s an eyeroller. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. Birds of a feather do flock together, even when the “birds” in question lack bills and plumage. I’d guess this is especially evident in my native United States because our population is among the most culturally diverse on the planet. Take my original hometown of St. Louis, for example. During my childhood Italian-Americans lived in a neighborhood called “The Hill”, while German-Americans (commonly referred to as “scrubby Dutch”, and half of my own ethnic heritage) mostly tended to live on the South Side and in the inner southern suburbs. The city’s small but prosperous Lebanese population also lived towards the south end of town, though not so far in that direction as the Germans. Old-money rich folks lived mostly in a now-decrepit area not far from Forest Park, while more recently prosperous families bought homes in the suburbs of Ladue or Brentwood. Artsy types were mostly clustered in a couple little zones near either Washington University or Webster College, in Webster Groves. The gay community was very small in those days, but even so Tower Grove Park and the neighborhoods immediately surrounding it were closely associated with what little activity there was. The North Side of St. Louis, as well as the adjoining suburbs, have been home to most of St. Louis’s African-American population for as long as I can remember and probably much longer.

St. Louis isn’t at all unusual in how the various social and ethnic groups are geographically clustered; choose any American city and you’ll see pretty much the same pattern repeat itself over and over again. In fact, it doesn’t even take a city-sized population for the trend to manifest itself—not far from my current home in Middle Tennessee a group of artists are trying to start an “art village” in what was once a cluster of vacation homes overlooking Kentucky Lake, pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. It seems, in other words, that “flocking” of this sort is a basic human behavior pattern. Sometimes the clustering is involuntary and/or due to economic discrimination and racism, as in the old-style Jewish ghettos of Europe and arguably in the case of many of America’s worst urban nightmare-neighborhoods of today. For the most part, however, the decision to live together in culturally-distinct groups is clearly a voluntary choice by groups of individuals who share much in common and wish to live a lifestyle together that’s optimized towards their own specialized wants and needs.

We furry authors have been taking advantage of this tendency almost since there have been furry authors. The “Blind Pig” storyverse is just one example among many; it’s adventures are centered on what amounts in social-function terms to a gay-type bar located in a distinctly furry neighborhood. (Yes, Blind Pig characters sometimes are not furry and suffer from unrelated issues that have nothing to do with anthropomorphism. But let’s keep things simple for the purpose of this essay.) I’ve seen this pattern repeated in more furry stories than I can remember, and even in stories in which there are no normal humans I often note references to “the canine district”, “Vulpine Alley”, “The Warrens”, etc. “Neighborhooding” is such a basic, familiar phenomenon that it’s hard for human authors to imagine a world in which it does not take place.

Now, let’s take it one step further. Recall the St. Louis neighborhoods I cited. Most were based on ethnicity. But…

…one was the gay district. And another was the “artsy parts of town”.

After attending as many furry conventions as I have and watching the fandom interact with itself, I’ve often wondered. Will we, someday, become culturally distinct enough from mainstream society to form a neighborhood or our own somewhere? Real-life, I mean—not fictionally.

I mean, think about it. Ears and tails, when we choose to wear them, mark us as visibly different from society at large in very much the same way as a Hassidic Jew is visible. Our tastes in recreation and art are also notably different—how many non-furs so love to wear whimsical costumes in public? In a furry neighborhood, game-shops would flourish and suit-makers would operate little boutiques in the most expensive parts of town. People would hug each other openly on street-corners, while perhaps on the busiest street corners professional suiters would “busk” for tips and photo opportunities. Tourists would come from all over to see this, which would in turn mean souvenir shops and nice hotels for them to stay in. Policemen and street repair gangs would be free to wear—or not—ears and tails on the job, while art would be everywhere.

It’s doable, I think. Unlikely, yes—at least in my lifetime. But eminently doable, and probably economically viable as well. A large furcon is a lot like a temporary neighborhood, in that it provides structure and security for a large population for a few days. So, in a sense, a furry neighborhood would just sort of be like a large con that simply never ends. And isn’t that a wonderful thought?

I once wrote a story based on this premise entitled “Pelton”. In it, several thousand furs backed by a multi-millionaire buy large parts of a failing downstate Illinois town in order to create a furry “homeland”. (It’s available at for anyone who wishes to read it, but I’ll offer advance warning that it’s one of my earliest works and therefore needs re-editing badly. Someday I’ll get around to that…) Between the furs, the poor befuddled Old People who predated the anthropomorphic invasion and the eternal fandom-type drama that was always waiting to rip and rend everything that’d been so carefully built, well… It was quite a challenge for the man unfortunate enough to be Mayor. Yet in the end, like our fandom itself the grand experiment proved capable of giving birth to something… Beautiful.

Do I really expect to live to see it happen? Not really, unless we’re lucky enough to find the kind of deep-pocketed backer I specify in my story. But…

…just on the off-chance, I vote for someplace with a warm climate and affordable housing like Florida or Texas. And… Please call me early, because I want to buy a house with a balcony overlooking the town square!

RIP: Lemondae Coyote

DailyFurBlog - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 13:31
My heart and dearest sympathy goes out to Lemonade Coyote friends and family. He will very much be missed and that colorful fursuit will as well. It is always hard to lose someone, life comes and life goes, but it’s all about the people you meet along the way. I hope we all bow our heads and miss a great fandom icon, as we always do when we loose anyone in this community let’s show off how much we care. Get on twitter and Facebook, etc.. shout out and let’s yell how much we will miss this ‘yote.
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Forever A late valentine for my bf by me

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 13:23
Categories: News

RIP LemonadeCoyote

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 12:47

This is a tragic loss for the furry community. Last night he passed while on duty as an EMT. RIP Tim McCormick

Here is a picture of him RL (on right) :

One of him in his fursuit with a friend :

He also suited as Cyrus the deer and Lemonade Coyote

He said this is one of his favorite pictures of himself :

Here is his video as part of the "It gets better project"

submitted by evilsibe
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Categories: News

FA getting dumped again

DailyFurBlog - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 02:25
So you may have seen this posted everywhere on FA and growing popular. FA like I said before really does need to take time to think things through before making decisions. The post claims basically a friend of the posts writer was given’ the cold shoulder and punished for making other posts about a stalker she was dealing with over many months. When I read the post I though, “oh sure I’m sure it’s just another end of story from another view.”. But, when you read the bottom of what Dragoneer Co-Founder of FA posted, it was just appalling how they couldn’t help fix an issue. FA might be free but still it’s part of the fandom and they need to start acting like it. ORIGINAL LINK
Categories: News

A Young Dog Learning New Tricks

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 16 Feb 2013 - 02:19

Valley Dog is a full-color on-line comic created by Michael Adinso Rebrekal, also known as Mike Folf. “Born and raised in the affluent and bustling capital of Washington, DC. The young Francis Gris knows of nothing but a life of strict and stern professionalism, shunned from the likes of artistically creative endeavors. This all changes when, for business reasons, the coyote and his family move across the country to the small town of Silvercreek, California. In order to maintain his lifestyle, Francis’ parents enroll him into Picasso Charter High School – the one school in town that is renowned for its emphasis on professionalism. However, it soon turns out that the school (and the town as a whole) is anything but.” You can find out more and see the latest adventures at — where else? —

image c. 2013 by Mike Folf

Categories: News

Liox Legs

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 22:19
Liox Legs submitted by Tawes
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Categories: News

The mods of /r/furry, while awesome, aren't very active. Could we maybe add a new mod or two that are more active?

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 20:37

Hello fuzzies! First off, no disrespect to the mod team over here. Thanks for doing what you do.

However, while This is a pretty self maintaining subreddit, some more active mods wouldn't hurt. Perhaps when one of you guys read this, we could perhaps do some moderator applications? Or something like that.

This is just a post I felt like sharing instead of messaging the mods. Feel free to discuss, obviously.

submitted by allthefoxes
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Categories: News

In 2011 I made it my new years resolution to leave the furry fandom. 22 months later I discovered reddit, which in turn lead me here. I've never felt more at home. Thank you all so much.

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 20:36

When I was 16 I discovered the horrors of the Internet and eventually found my way into the fringes of furry society. At this age I still didn't know who or what I was and some of the more questionable aspects of the fandom started to consume my personality. I made the decision to cut it out of my life altogether after a year or two of expose as I thought it was poisoning my soul.

Towards the end of 2012 I found reddit and discovered in some random askreddit /r/furry. I fought against the urge to come here with all my might. Every ounce of my mind and body told me it was wrong. I don't know how easy it was for the rest of you to come to terms with your niche interest but I'm still struggling. After staring at the screen for a good half hour I finally summoned the courage to enter the fandom once more.

What I found surprised me. Not only was this SFW (or as SFW as anything furry can be) but there is a sense of community here which I'd never experienced in my earlier years. This is the place I should have been all that time ago. I guess I have some catching up to do.

So to all of you wonderful people out there in the world, even though you've never spoken to me before, thank you. Thank you for helping me fill a void in my life, helping me come to terms with what I am, and for helping me find a new home and hopefully some new friends too. :)

submitted by GoneFurAWhile
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Categories: News

"Smile..." by FelisRandomis

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 19:11
Categories: News

Furry Cons

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 18:48

Ok what cons are yall attenting in the future? I know FWA ( Furry Weeken Atlanta) is next month and me and my mate are attending? who else is going so maybe we can have a reddit meet up =_=

submitted by LucasKale69
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Categories: News

Sometimes you just need one.

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 18:24
Categories: News

I <3 you tail! :3

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 18:20
Categories: News

Fursuit Video linked in Political Blog entry

Furries In The Media - Fri 15 Feb 2013 - 16:45
While the linked article really has no furry content, the author decided to put up a link to EZwolf's Furry Gangnam Style. Per the author "No, not the video in question, it's just entertaining."

From "Wingnut PAC Used Female Interns For Simulated Sex Video With Hillary, Panda Bear"
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