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How about a book starring a mutant armadillo private detective? He digs for the truth!

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 May 2013 - 00:08

Hey guys. I'm really new to Reddit, so if this post isn't kosher, I understand. The rules don't seem to say anything about self-promoting, but if it's not cool, I apologize in advance.

EDIT: The TL;DR version? I has book. Friends say furries might like it because its star is a animal. Read it and love it? Yes?

Amazon Link:

First of all, this is an incredibly huge bit of shameless self promotion. See, I've recently published my first very novel - The City of Smoke & Mirrors - through a small print company, Pro Se Press. I'll talk about that more in a moment.

Second, I admit I was hesitant to post on here at first. I'm not personally a furry, though I mean absolutely no disrespect. I'll also admit that it's something I don't fully understand. For quite awhile, I (wrongly) assumed the idea of a furry was simply a sexual thing. A kink, if you will. And while there's still very likely a strong aspect behind that, having read a little bit into it through the helpful link provided here, I understand that it's a little more about power totems and anthropomorization. I've always been a fan of anthropomorphic characters, such as Ninja Turtles or an old cartoon called Dog City. To say nothing of great comic books involving anthropomorphics like Elephantmen and Blacksad (both of which I highly recommend). So, while I still don't FULLY understand it, it's not something I'm going to lambaste anyone over. It's your thing, not mine, and all power to ya for it.

That said, some friends of mine have suggested that my novel and its series could possibly sell well among the furry community. Hell, I'm willing to see if you guys are game. So let's get to some serious, shameless promoting.

The City of Smoke & Mirrors is the first in a series I'm calling The Armadillo Mysteries. I was greatly inspired by Simon R. Green's fantasy detective series, The Nightside, as well as John Zakour's sci-fi detective series that started with The Plutonium Blonde.

Given my love of superheroes, though, my series is - for lack of a better term - superhero detective fiction. Its star, Dilbert Pinkerton, is a 5-foot nothing mutant armadillo private detective. He digs for the truth. Dill's a right bastard. He's got a surly attitude to go with his chain smoking and borderline alcoholism. I'm sure you'll love him. In fact, I'll let him tell you about my book:

"The name's Dilbert Pinkerton, private detective. Friends call me Dill. I'm a mutant armadillo. I dig for the truth.

And the truth is I need to get out of the city, away from supernatural mobsters that want my carapace for a foot bath. So when some rich dame saunters into my Hovel Office with a job, I take it. Even if it's to retrieve a pearl necklace that's not hers. I'm desperate enough, I don't even care the job sends me to Nevermore Bay.

Yeah, Nevermore Bay: the city where some wacko in a mask hurdles across rooftops; calls himself The Buzzard. Criminals are scared pantsless of him. ‘Course, most people think he’s a myth created by the police department.

If you ask me, that’s a far more exciting mystery than some oyster’s cough drops. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone during this vacation. If, that is, I don’t get killed by the police, Don Komodo’s crew that’s on my tail, some of The Buzzard’s rogues gallery or The Buzzard, himself."

And to finish off, here's an Amazon link:

And the Smashwords link, in case you need a different format e-book format. If you DO decide to check Dill out, I hope you go through Amazon because it'll raise my rank on there.

submitted by ArmadilloGuy
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Categories: News

Self made yarn tails you say?

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 23:41
Categories: News

Lovely dreams

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 21:44
Categories: News

WIP - First yarn tail. It's huge!

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 18:50
Categories: News

Cabbit Mating Call - In Action

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 16:11
Categories: News

Blue baby jackalope

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 15:50
Categories: News

Desperation commissions (Pay what you want)

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 15:12

Hello, I'm a college student who recently got laid off from my IT position, and am having to pay my way as is, so I currently have 3 dollars to my name.

I have to be able to pay for food, and my parents can't be of any help, so I'm going to do some commissions and ask the community for some support in return.

Let me know what you want drawn in a comment, PM, etc. I'll send you a sketch so you can let me know if I should change anything before I finalize, and when you have the completed drawing, you can have it for free. I'm not charging, just asking that if anyone wants to support me, feel free.

EDIT: My art is digital, high-resolution and detailed. I can do anything from cinematic scenes to forum avatars to reference sheets.

Furaffinity: (Brand new, no gallery)

Thanks for your time and understanding!

submitted by KuroiMon
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Categories: News

The Best of FWIW: S2E11 – WTF?! There’s Women in the Fandom? - Fur What It's Worth is currently between seasons. New episodes will begin on June 2. Believe it or not, Roo and Tugs convinced three women to come to our recording studios and answer questions

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 5 May 2013 - 14:34
Fur What It's Worth is currently between seasons. New episodes will begin on June 2.
Believe it or not, Roo and Tugs convinced three women to come to our recording studios and answer questions. How do they feel as women in the fandom? Are women really the minority? Do desperate men cling to them? In gender as big a deal today as it was in the past? Our burning questions are answered here and are officially on the record for everyone to see. Don’t miss our RMFC shoutouts at the end of the episode!



Special Thanks

YOU! Thank you for listening to our little show. We really mean it every single time we say it! Thank you!
Our show guests: Happy, Gina, and Mystic.
Our emailer: Shyloh!
Gina, Lazer, SK, and Kadj for RMFC shoutouts! (If you recorded one and it isn’t here, don’t worry! It’s being saved for a special future episode.)


Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Interview Opening: Shania Twain – Man! I Feel Like a Woman!. Nashville, TN and New York City, NY: Mercury Nashville, 1997. Licensed by ASCAP.
Furst and First World Problems Theme: Kenny G – Heart and Soul. USA: Concord Records, 2010. Licensed by ASCAP.
Interview Bumper 2: Breathe Carolina – Blackout. USA: Columbia/Fearless, 2011. Licensed by ASCAP.
Break 2: Kevin MacLeod – Heartwarming. Licensed under Creative Commons Share Alike.
Closing segment music: Incubus – Aqueous Transmission. Malibu, CA: EMI April Music Inc, 2001. Licensed by ASCAP.
Con Shout Outs: Junkie XL – Love Park. USA: Electronic Arts Music Publishing/Nettwerk, 2007. Licensed by ASCAP.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The Best of FWIW: S2E11 – WTF?! There’s Women in the Fandom? - Fur What It's Worth is currently between seasons. New episodes will begin on June 2. Believe it or not, Roo and Tugs convinced three women to come to our recording studios and answer questions
Categories: Podcasts

Paw paw paw and wiggle wiggle wiggle

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 13:50
Categories: News

He's Out, Boyfriend Is Not ... Should He Do Something about It?

Ask Papabear - Sun 5 May 2013 - 13:23
Dear Papa Bear,

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. He is in the closet and it affects how much we can communicate with each other. His major fear is that his family and friends won't accept him. I've never had problems with telling people that I'm gay. But, I can understand his fear, because we're both from very rural parts of Minnesota, and I've had my fair share of trouble.

I've come to terms with him refusing to tell his friends and family. I'm really curious as to what you think could be done to ease him to tell his parents. I love him so much, and I'll continue to sneak around like we do ... but it's not something I enjoy doing. What could I do?


* * *

Hi, Sammi,

Every person’s family is different. You may not have had too much of a problem telling your family you were gay because they were pretty understanding about it, which is very lucky for you, but your boyfriend’s family may not be so tolerant, which is why he refuses to tell them and why he is still in the closet.

Under no circumstances would I advise you to try to force him out of the closet, and especially don’t go telling people who don’t know he is gay that he’s gay. I remember when my ex did that, and it was super-embarrassing for me.

Do not coax or pressure him in any way. Let him make the decision on his own when he is ready to do so. In the meantime, just let him know that you love and support him no matter what, and if he needs to stay in the closet for a while, you will still be there for him.

Remember, they also serve who only stand and wait.

One day, inevitably, he will come out. Be patient.



One sassy husky

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 08:29
Categories: News

I've tried to get a short-but-awesome act into the MFF Furry Variety Show every year. Getting some feedback on my next act.

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 08:00

So. Several years back, I got sick of Midwest FurFest's Furry Variety Show greenlighting far too many long and boring acts. Instead of bitching about it (plenty of other people were doing so), I chose to instead highlight how to do a dynamite act in two minutes or less. Make it less 'Here's stage time for fursuiters to dance around to their favorite song,' and more 'THIS IS VAUDEVILLE. GET ON, BE AWESOME, GET OFF.' Become the change I wish to see in the FVS, and all that.

I'm also fond of taking old-fashioned quick-and-dirty stage acts and performing them with my own furry twist. F'rinstance, a couple years ago I did a classic Flea Circus act, complete with corny ending.

This year, my plan: Do a quick sideshow act with various stupid sideshow stunts that I've been practicing. Specifically, two: The Human Blockhead (pounding nails up my nose) and Sword-Swallowing.

Basically do the Human Blockhead with nails into my sinuses, then "YOU CAN'T SEE WELL ENOUGH FROM THE BACK ROW? THAT'S NOT FURRY ENOUGH FOR YOU?! FINE!" then do a 'Sword Swallowing' demo with a ten-inch knife through a Beanie Baby.

Any feedback?

submitted by InfintySquared
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Categories: News

Three free sketches

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 May 2013 - 07:46

One per person, of course.

I'm in a bit of a rut and need something different to draw. Plus, I'll have sample to add to my commission samples. After the sketches, I'll pick one and give it the full treatment to for said samples.

Gallery here. Will probably look like this or this. Thanks for the read.

submitted by AngelicDirt
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Categories: News