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‘The Night of the Rabbit’ to be released on May 29

Furry News Network - Tue 7 May 2013 - 23:40
Author: Higgs Raccoon The Night of the Rabbit, an upcoming release by German game developer Daedalic Entertainment, tells the story of Jerry Hazelnut, a twelve-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a wizard. As his summer vacation winds down, Jerry meets the Marquis de Hoto, a magical anthropomorphic rabbit in a snappy suit. He offers to [...]
Categories: News

FC-122 Fairy Crotch Fountain

Furry News Network - Tue 7 May 2013 - 23:40
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations) I didn’t know green was an animal. I didn’t know either. Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) News: Fur the ‘More: Baltimore’s first furry convention a success by Sonious London Furs Biolumenecent Plants Tinkerbell the Fairyfly Is Invisible to Humans Culture — Not Just a Human Thing Video: Esteban Winsmore’s Big [...] FC-122 Fairy Crotch Fountain
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 217 – Mission Improbable

Furry News Network - Tue 7 May 2013 - 23:37
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on Knotcast, Savrin and Fuzz tell tales of documentaries. And answer some emails. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great deal! Episode 217 – Mission Improbable (AAC; 30.3 MB)Episode 217 – Mission Improbable (MP3; 55.2 MB) Find the full article here: KnotCast News The contents of [...] KnotCast: Episode 217 – Mission Improbable
Categories: News

2nd digital art

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 22:38
Categories: News

My first digital art

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 20:54
Categories: News

Whoa, hey lil guy!

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 19:05
Categories: News

r/furry Meet Cornbread Wolf!

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 18:30
Categories: News

Indie Animation Looking for Help

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 7 May 2013 - 16:19

Jerry Beck’s Animation Scoop has an interesting article about a pair of independent animation projects in the works — both of which just happen to be very furry. First up is Ghost of a Tale, a new video game designed by Lionel “Seith” Gallat. Lionel has worked as a supervising animator at Dreamworks on movies like The Prince Of Egypt, The Road to Eldorado, Spirit, Sinbad, SharkTale, and others. More recently he’s been a director for Illumination on films like Despicable Me and The Lorax. Ghost of a Tale follows the adventures of a medieval mouse battling rat zombies on a mysterious island. In a very different vein is Dogonauts by Shel and Justin Rasch. “Mortal enemies, a Dogonaut Pilot and a Space Flea, shoot each other down only to awake, marooned side by side on an alien desert planet.” Justin is a stop-motion animator known for films like Paranorman. He and his wife Shel completed Dogonauts in their garage, all the while both of them working full-time jobs. Both of these projects are seeking crowdfunding help to move from their current levels of production up to the next, and hopefully get them out into the world. The Scoop article features trailers as well as the official pitches for each of these projects. Check ‘em out.

Dogonauts promo poster by Paul Linsley

Categories: News

Furry Chatroom! (Rp welcome! 18+ please!)

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 12:59

Hey all you Furry people! I'm a mod from a furry Chatroom and we are searching for new people to join!

We are a community chatroom used for roleplaying (both sexual and nonsexual) and are looking for new members! We are hoping to find new friendly members to have fun without causing drama. Our population is, as yet, fairly small. We consist of a few regular visitors streaming across the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. Our room is open to all users, although with content being sexual in nature sometimes we would like to keep the age limit at 18 +. We have a small team of moderators who over see the chat enforcing a sparing list of rules. Our room can be found here

The chat rules are: 1) Please respect your fellow housemates 2) Occasionally the moderators will host in-room events. You may not "god mod" these events. This will result in a silence or kick. 3) If you are being obnoxious, rude, disrespectful, or anything of this type you may be warned either in public or by PM by a moderator. After 3 "strikes" you will be removed. If your offenses were enough to merit one, a ban will be issued.( All kicks/silences/bans are subject to review.) 4) You may only have one character in this chat. If you wish to "swap mains" please speak with an admin or moderator.

So stop on by and give us a hello we don't bite... Well some do lol! - TheDragonLex

submitted by TheDragonLex
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Professor Suleimet by Chalo

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 12:38
Categories: News

"Blacksad" art, by Juanjo Guarnido.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 11:55
Categories: News

Furry RPG Gamers :)

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 May 2013 - 11:15

Ragnarok Online 2 came out a week ago, and if anyone was thinking about joining or likes RPG's, please feel free to add me on steam as: Hat Even if you are not joining RO2, add me if you have a steam :3 furries are much more fun to talk to when playing games anyway :D I will be making a guild called "FurryHaven" in RO2 when i get the game gold. I am just looking for people to play games with :) and i like the fur crowd more then normal pubs

submitted by Faifur
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

Ep. 68 - Cuddling a Bag O' Glass - Great episode! This one gets weird for the better, as Xander got to see Marc Maron, Alkali cuddl...

The Dragget Show - Tue 7 May 2013 - 10:45
Great episode! This one gets weird for the better, as Xander got to see Marc Maron, Alkali cuddles a bag of glass, we take listener questions, and much much more! ALSO! Keep an eye on the YouTube channel! FCN stand-up routines from Xander, Alkali, and friends of the show will be showing up there. There's 3 new ones up there now! we have a message board/forum! ---> Leave us an iTunes review! Leave us feedback or a question for the next show! Ep. 68 - Cuddling a Bag O' Glass - Great episode! This one gets weird for the better, as Xander got to see Marc Maron, Alkali cuddl...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 68 - Cuddling a Bag O' Glass - Great episode! This one gets weird for the better, as Xander got to see Marc Maron, Alkali cuddl...

The Dragget Show - Tue 7 May 2013 - 10:45
Great episode! This one gets weird for the better, as Xander got to see Marc Maron, Alkali cuddles a bag of glass, we take listener questions, and much much more! ALSO! Keep an eye on the YouTube channel! FCN stand-up routines from Xander, Alkali, and friends of the show will be showing up there. There's 3 new ones up there now! we have a message board/forum! ---> Leave us an iTunes review! Leave us feedback or a question for the next show! Ep. 68 - Cuddling a Bag O' Glass - Great episode! This one gets weird for the better, as Xander got to see Marc Maron, Alkali cuddl...
Categories: Podcasts

Interview with Tempe O’Kun, Author of Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny

Red Furros - Tue 7 May 2013 - 09:00

After the release of our last review of “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” by Tempe O’Kun, we had a nice conversation with him about his recent work, where he gave us some exciting news about his upcoming work, new info on the Nordguard Game, and more.

Hello Tempo! And thank you once again for agreeing to this interview! we know you are someone who likes to keep himself busy, so we are glad you are making some time for us.

Hi Arakum. It’s great to talk to you.

First of all we’d like to know a bit more about yourself, we found a bit about you on Wikifur, we learned you are 28 and you were born in Grand Forks, how was it growing up being a furry in North Dakota?

North Dakota is quiet and polite, traits which have seeped down from Canada over the years, as well as sparsely populated. While it might seem to furries in ND that they are alone, this is simply because North Dakotans generally don’t want to be seen as making a fuss, so telling everyone that you think of yourself as a talking animal person is uncommon. Once you get involved in the furry community, though, you find that there are plenty of furries in ND.

Was it hard for you to explain to friends and family about the furry fandom?

A: It was easier than I thought it would be. I found the best way to explain it to them was to start by telling them I write fantasy stories. Anything can be fantasy, really. From there, I got more specific by telling them about why I like using animal species as metaphors or to convey a lot of ideas about a character in a short time. Much like Tolkien fantasy used elves or dwarves to set up your expectations for a character, making someone a badger makes you expect something different from them than if I made them a shrew. Furthermore, it helps to remember everyone is a furry to some degree, thanks to Disney movies. I found that the less weird I acted like furry was the more easily people accepted it.

And now let’s talk about your book “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” which we heard is selling well. Why did you decide to write a furry book about the old west?

Because it didn’t exist! I had never seen a furry western, so it seemed like an interesting new direction to explore. One of the biggest appeals of writing for me is that I can strive to create original and interesting situations, characters, and worlds, which is both rewarding and challenging. What’s more, I was taught by my writing professors that genres are lenses with with we view stories. Sometimes seeing through more than one lens at a time allows us to see elements we otherwise wouldn’t. What’s more, I wanted to write a western about furries because I knew it would stun the western readers of the world.


Is there anyone you know that inspired the personality of?? “Six Shooter”?

Many people, actually. Six’s dialog, for example, was half various friends from the Southern US and half my grandmother when she’s being dramatic. Overall, though, I wanted to take the character of “the Old West gunfighter”, flip the gender, and see what happens. Western literature doesn’t show many people who defy traditional gender roles and I’ve always had a fondness for sassy, independant women.

We have found some animated demos of what seems to be an animation of Six Shooter, are there any plans of an animated short?

Keiron White (TheFunkyOne on FA), a professional animator in the UK, liked the novel and contacted me a while ago. He was interested in doing an animation of it, so we threw some ideas back and forth and suddenly we were working on a short. I can confirm that the short is complete and he’s going to release it when the Sixes Wild e-book comes out to celebrate. I just spent a month making the e-book (and exclusive bonus content) and Sofawolf Press is planning to release it on Kindle, Nook, and iPad.

Now, there is a question that I must ask (as you can imagine some people have asked me) the title references the old concept about the expansion of the USA throughout America which has made us a bit curious about why you choose that title for your book?


A: Ah! I’ve been waiting for someone to ask that. Basically, there are two manifestations of destiny happening: 1) the expansion of the eastern US into other lands, bringing with it both good and bad (the lawbat Blake and the businesslion Hayes represent these, one traveling there to ensure the various settlers and natives obey the law (also a somewhat naive hope for adventure), the other traveling there purely to exploit them) and 2) the fulfillment of what Six’s father failed to achieve. Furthermore, the magical “echoes” that exist in this world manifest the dead to its inhabitants in very real ways, especially for Six. Additionally, as you probably noticed in the book, US expansionism is not presented in a glorified way, which came as a shock to some of the older western fans reading this book.

What else can we expect from Six Shooter in the future?

A: I’ve been writing a number of short stories for a Sixes Wild anthology, which would include the stories from FA as well as about half a dozen new stories, each with an illustration. In addition, I’ve finished the outline for Sixes Wild 2, though both of these projects are going to have to wait other books are complete and published.

Is there any project other than Sixes Wild that you are working on?

I sent in the second-to-last draft of my Code Drop novel about a month ago. It’s a romance novel for nerds, since that also didn’t exist! I’m also 10,000 words into a my third novel, which is currently called Adaptation. It’s a modern-day cosmic horror / romance novel I’m writing with Slate.

We know that you are part of the Furry Writer’s Guild, what is the Guild?

They are a group organized to advance the quality of literature in the furry fandom as well as its perception outside the fandom. They share useful writing articles, host events at conventions, and honor books with their C??yotl Award. Sixes Wild winning the award for Best Adult Novel of 2012 has really helped elevate it in the eyes of institutions outside the fandom. For example, I’ve been a guest speaker several times at Bismarck State College (my alma mater) and the college has a giant version of the cover art hanging in their office on permanent display (it’s even signed by Shinigamigirl, the artist).


Previously today you told us about how you broadcast live feeds while you write stories, how do you think that interaction with your audience helps your work?

A: I was inspired to stream my writing after seeing artists in the fandom streaming their drawing. I use Google Docs for collaborating with editors and it has a chat feature, so I figured it would be useful for letting folks watch me write. I announce on Twitter (Tempo321), FA (Tempo321), and Sofurry (Tempo) when I’m streaming. The main reasons it helps are that it make me keep writing because I don’t want the watchers to get bored and lets me interact with fans as I write–they can tell me if they see a typo and I can ask them if a sentence or metaphor makes sense. Also, it’s just really encouraging to know that people are interested enough in my work to want to come and chat with me and watch it happen.


As some of our readers may know, you also helped Black Teagan and Kenket on their board game ‘Nordguard’. Do you design board games for a living? Or how did that project came to be?

A: Sofawolf Press was at CONvergence, a con that has more to do with games than furry comics and books. Brer, the CEO, was chatting online with me about how we’d be attracting more attention if we had a card game. I told him I’d be right back. Three hours later, I was over at a friend’s house taking cell phone pictures of a version of the game I’d made our of pieces of a Coke box. I had never designed a card or board game before, but I’d played plenty of them. I wanted to make something very different from what currently existed, especially Furoticon, so I made it a cooperative boxed set rather than a competitive CCG. It’s basically a boardless board game. After that, I showed the prototype to Blotch and we decided it would be an interesting way for people to learn more about the Nordguard universe. We’ve tried to squeeze as much ‘flavor’ into the game as possible, since it allows fans to see sides of that universe that aren’t covered in the graphic novels.

While we were at Further Confusion earlier this year, we got our paws on a promo card for the Nordguard game with Six Shooter on it and it got us thinking about the name of the town, is there any relation between Sixes Wild and Nordguard?

The two series are about 7 years apart and both take place in a frontier. The main characters are both tough daughters of Old West lawmen who have numbers for names and wield custom Colt Peacemakers (I swear we didn’t plan this!) Blotch and I have joked that they are the same universe. We left it unclear because the tone of the two series are very different, but we thought the idea of crossover promotional cards would be fun.

We really thank you for taking all this time to answer our questions, we now have one final question for you, what is this about you owning a kilt?

I’m happy to be interviewed! While I took a few years of Spanish in high school, it has sadly fallen to the fate of so many languages learned but not used daily, so it’s great to be able to reach out to Spanish-speaking furs via Red Furros. Also, I not only have a kilt, but a kilt in the official tartan of my family, the Murrys of Scotland. With how often ‘murr’ is a response to my works, I’m sure my ancestors would be proud.

Also, for those who purchased the the “Nordguard”Card Game, additional to the promo cards that you may have found on the furry conventions with Six Shooter as a new character, Tempo also told us that there are new cards been released this year, including one of “Blake” the Sheriff from “Sixes Wild”:??

Carta de El Sheriff Blake

Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny is a Western romance novel about a Gunslinger hare that falls in love with the local sheriff and is involved in many adventures with gangs, a lion with a secret, and many strange events happening everywhere.??

So, we have good news for our readers outside of the US, the Kindle version of Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny for Kindle??is??now available, Go get it!

EDIT :??Tempo gives us a sneak peek of one of the illustrations by Slate (Who just finished drawing!) that will be published on his upcoming novel “Adaptation”, a terror/romance novel. On this illustration beautifuly made , we can see the characters Kylie (on the right) and Max (left).

Adaptation concept ArtMax & Kylie By Slate



Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny en Wikifur
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny
en ??Sofawolf
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny
en Rabbit Valley
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny
en Amazon
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny (Kindle) en Amazon
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny??en Furplanet
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny Tempe O’Kun’s Official Blog
Nordguard Card Game??entradas de blog
Blog de Tempe O’Kun
Shinamigirl’s Furaffinity Profile
Twitter??Tempe O’Kun

Categories: News

Interview with Tempe O’Kun, Author of Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny

Red Furros - Tue 7 May 2013 - 09:00

After the release of our last review of “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” by Tempe O’Kun, we had a nice conversation with him about his recent work, where he gave us some exciting news about his upcoming work, new info on the Nordguard Game, and more.

Hello Tempo! And thank you once again for agreeing to this interview! we know you are someone who likes to keep himself busy, so we are glad you are making some time for us.

Hi Arakum. It’s great to talk to you.

First of all we’d like to know a bit more about yourself, we found a bit about you on Wikifur, we learned you are 28 and you were born in Grand Forks, how was it growing up being a furry in North Dakota?

North Dakota is quiet and polite, traits which have seeped down from Canada over the years, as well as sparsely populated. While it might seem to furries in ND that they are alone, this is simply because North Dakotans generally don’t want to be seen as making a fuss, so telling everyone that you think of yourself as a talking animal person is uncommon. Once you get involved in the furry community, though, you find that there are plenty of furries in ND.

Was it hard for you to explain to friends and family about the furry fandom?

A: It was easier than I thought it would be. I found the best way to explain it to them was to start by telling them I write fantasy stories. Anything can be fantasy, really. From there, I got more specific by telling them about why I like using animal species as metaphors or to convey a lot of ideas about a character in a short time. Much like Tolkien fantasy used elves or dwarves to set up your expectations for a character, making someone a badger makes you expect something different from them than if I made them a shrew. Furthermore, it helps to remember everyone is a furry to some degree, thanks to Disney movies. I found that the less weird I acted like furry was the more easily people accepted it.

And now let’s talk about your book “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” which we heard is selling well. Why did you decide to write a furry book about the old west?

Because it didn’t exist! I had never seen a furry western, so it seemed like an interesting new direction to explore. One of the biggest appeals of writing for me is that I can strive to create original and interesting situations, characters, and worlds, which is both rewarding and challenging. What’s more, I was taught by my writing professors that genres are lenses with with we view stories. Sometimes seeing through more than one lens at a time allows us to see elements we otherwise wouldn’t. What’s more, I wanted to write a western about furries because I knew it would stun the western readers of the world.


Is there anyone you know that inspired the personality of?? “Six Shooter”?

Many people, actually. Six’s dialog, for example, was half various friends from the Southern US and half my grandmother when she’s being dramatic. Overall, though, I wanted to take the character of “the Old West gunfighter”, flip the gender, and see what happens. Western literature doesn’t show many people who defy traditional gender roles and I’ve always had a fondness for sassy, independant women.

We have found some animated demos of what seems to be an animation of Six Shooter, are there any plans of an animated short?

Keiron White (TheFunkyOne on FA), a professional animator in the UK, liked the novel and contacted me a while ago. He was interested in doing an animation of it, so we threw some ideas back and forth and suddenly we were working on a short. I can confirm that the short is complete and he’s going to release it when the Sixes Wild e-book comes out to celebrate. I just spent a month making the e-book (and exclusive bonus content) and Sofawolf Press is planning to release it on Kindle, Nook, and iPad.

Now, there is a question that I must ask (as you can imagine some people have asked me) the title references the old concept about the expansion of the USA throughout America which has made us a bit curious about why you choose that title for your book?


A: Ah! I’ve been waiting for someone to ask that. Basically, there are two manifestations of destiny happening: 1) the expansion of the eastern US into other lands, bringing with it both good and bad (the lawbat Blake and the businesslion Hayes represent these, one traveling there to ensure the various settlers and natives obey the law (also a somewhat naive hope for adventure), the other traveling there purely to exploit them) and 2) the fulfillment of what Six’s father failed to achieve. Furthermore, the magical “echoes” that exist in this world manifest the dead to its inhabitants in very real ways, especially for Six. Additionally, as you probably noticed in the book, US expansionism is not presented in a glorified way, which came as a shock to some of the older western fans reading this book.

What else can we expect from Six Shooter in the future?

A: I’ve been writing a number of short stories for a Sixes Wild anthology, which would include the stories from FA as well as about half a dozen new stories, each with an illustration. In addition, I’ve finished the outline for Sixes Wild 2, though both of these projects are going to have to wait other books are complete and published.

Is there any project other than Sixes Wild that you are working on?

I sent in the second-to-last draft of my Code Drop novel about a month ago. It’s a romance novel for nerds, since that also didn’t exist! I’m also 10,000 words into a my third novel, which is currently called Adaptation. It’s a modern-day cosmic horror / romance novel I’m writing with Slate.

We know that you are part of the Furry Writer’s Guild, what is the Guild?

They are a group organized to advance the quality of literature in the furry fandom as well as its perception outside the fandom. They share useful writing articles, host events at conventions, and honor books with their C??yotl Award. Sixes Wild winning the award for Best Adult Novel of 2012 has really helped elevate it in the eyes of institutions outside the fandom. For example, I’ve been a guest speaker several times at Bismarck State College (my alma mater) and the college has a giant version of the cover art hanging in their office on permanent display (it’s even signed by Shinigamigirl, the artist).


Previously today you told us about how you broadcast live feeds while you write stories, how do you think that interaction with your audience helps your work?

A: I was inspired to stream my writing after seeing artists in the fandom streaming their drawing. I use Google Docs for collaborating with editors and it has a chat feature, so I figured it would be useful for letting folks watch me write. I announce on Twitter (Tempo321), FA (Tempo321), and Sofurry (Tempo) when I’m streaming. The main reasons it helps are that it make me keep writing because I don’t want the watchers to get bored and lets me interact with fans as I write–they can tell me if they see a typo and I can ask them if a sentence or metaphor makes sense. Also, it’s just really encouraging to know that people are interested enough in my work to want to come and chat with me and watch it happen.


As some of our readers may know, you also helped Black Teagan and Kenket on their board game ‘Nordguard’. Do you design board games for a living? Or how did that project came to be?

A: Sofawolf Press was at CONvergence, a con that has more to do with games than furry comics and books. Brer, the CEO, was chatting online with me about how we’d be attracting more attention if we had a card game. I told him I’d be right back. Three hours later, I was over at a friend’s house taking cell phone pictures of a version of the game I’d made our of pieces of a Coke box. I had never designed a card or board game before, but I’d played plenty of them. I wanted to make something very different from what currently existed, especially Furoticon, so I made it a cooperative boxed set rather than a competitive CCG. It’s basically a boardless board game. After that, I showed the prototype to Blotch and we decided it would be an interesting way for people to learn more about the Nordguard universe. We’ve tried to squeeze as much ‘flavor’ into the game as possible, since it allows fans to see sides of that universe that aren’t covered in the graphic novels.

While we were at Further Confusion earlier this year, we got our paws on a promo card for the Nordguard game with Six Shooter on it and it got us thinking about the name of the town, is there any relation between Sixes Wild and Nordguard?

The two series are about 7 years apart and both take place in a frontier. The main characters are both tough daughters of Old West lawmen who have numbers for names and wield custom Colt Peacemakers (I swear we didn’t plan this!) Blotch and I have joked that they are the same universe. We left it unclear because the tone of the two series are very different, but we thought the idea of crossover promotional cards would be fun.

We really thank you for taking all this time to answer our questions, we now have one final question for you, what is this about you owning a kilt?

I’m happy to be interviewed! While I took a few years of Spanish in high school, it has sadly fallen to the fate of so many languages learned but not used daily, so it’s great to be able to reach out to Spanish-speaking furs via Red Furros. Also, I not only have a kilt, but a kilt in the official tartan of my family, the Murrys of Scotland. With how often ‘murr’ is a response to my works, I’m sure my ancestors would be proud.

Also, for those who purchased the the “Nordguard”Card Game, additional to the promo cards that you may have found on the furry conventions with Six Shooter as a new character, Tempo also told us that there are new cards been released this year, including one of “Blake” the Sheriff from “Sixes Wild”:??

Carta de El Sheriff Blake

Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny is a Western romance novel about a Gunslinger hare that falls in love with the local sheriff and is involved in many adventures with gangs, a lion with a secret, and many strange events happening everywhere.??

So, we have good news for our readers outside of the US, the Kindle version of Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny for Kindle??is??now available, Go get it!

EDIT :??Tempo gives us a sneak peek of one of the illustrations by Slate (Who just finished drawing!) that will be published on his upcoming novel “Adaptation”, a terror/romance novel. On this illustration beautifuly made , we can see the characters Kylie (on the right) and Max (left).

Adaptation concept ArtMax & Kylie By Slate



Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny en Wikifur
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny
en ??Sofawolf
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny
en Rabbit Valley
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny
en Amazon
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny (Kindle) en Amazon
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny??en Furplanet
Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny Tempe O’Kun’s Official Blog
Nordguard Card Game??entradas de blog
Blog de Tempe O’Kun
Shinamigirl’s Furaffinity Profile
Twitter??Tempe O’Kun

Categories: News