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Episode 218 - How To Stretch Your Dragon

Southpaws - Sat 11 May 2013 - 09:19
This week on Knotcast, Savrin and Fuzz are joined by Avery Dragon once again, and we're all educational and stuff.. but about sex toys, so it's not too boring. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal! Episode 218 - How To Stretch Your Dragon
Categories: Podcasts

Remastered ‘DuckTales’ video game coming this summer

Furry News Network - Sat 11 May 2013 - 02:38
Author: Fred Chappell Ellison reports on the Cartoon Brew website that the 1989 Capcom DuckTales video game is being remastered for a Summer 2013 release. The game will feature enhanced background graphics, and as much of the original voice cast as possible, including 90-year-old Alan Young as Scrooge McDuck. DuckTales Remastered is being marketed for [...]
Categories: News

"Sohjin" Custom Plush completed!!

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 22:54
Categories: News

Turtles, Behind the Scenes

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 10 May 2013 - 21:09

This June, IDW Publishing is releasing a new edition of a popular, devilishly hard-to-find companion for fans of the Ninja Turtles: It’s called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Artobiography, and it was originally published by Heavy Metal over a decade ago. “TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman guides you through a dazzlingly, in-depth look at the creation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. From the modest beginnings to the merchandising, pop culture juggernaut, this collection of concept art, comics pages, and insider-behind-the-scenes notes-has been ‘sold out’ and hard to find for years. But now it’s back in print for a new generation of fans to enjoy.” And in hardcover no less. Check it out at the Previews web site.

image c. 2013 IDW Publishing

Categories: News

Saw this on /r/gameofthrones

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 19:54
Categories: News

Red pandas are just the cutest

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 18:09
Categories: News

Is there a way to set Furaffinity to be permanently on SFW?

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 17:48

Every time I login it has me set by default to NSFW. And I'm sick of seeing fetish porn and weird stuff every time I log in. (granted, I still see plenty of it even with the SFW filter turned on but it does cut down on it.) I went to my account settings and it's set to show me "General" art only, but it still has me on NSFW by default whenever I log in.

submitted by imgonnagoforawalk
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Possibly help a fellow fur in need? Hoodies, tails, furry etc. Commissions. Desperately need help.

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 17:46

Things are not going very well for me at all. I have recently lost my job and main source of income. I'm a furry artist who is very unknown still and starting out. I make hoodies based off of fursonas and very high quality yarn tails. If you have another idea you'd like to suggest I'm always open and can sew just about anything. I make plushies too even though I don't have pics up yet. I will post the link to my FA and deviantart below. Thank you for reading. spread the word if possible kk?

submitted by TailwindsFoxy
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Categories: News

What?! I Think I'm An Animal

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 17:04
Categories: News

Episode 11 - Follow Up One - It's Fuzzy Notes, the podcast about the music made by furs, back with a special episode. This ti...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 10 May 2013 - 15:23
It's Fuzzy Notes, the podcast about the music made by furs, back with a special episode. This time around Roo features new music by artists who have been featured before...kind of like an extended B-Sides! Also, after the music, stick around for Roo's post show music ramble! THE MUSIC: Foxamoore - The Piano Track: FurAffinity: Twitter: Facebook: Sirius Black - Farewell Track: FurAffinity: Scales - Too Far Track: FurAffinity: Hail The Red (aka. Juno King) - New Breath! FurAffinity: theblackparrot - All The Dreams Track: Bandcamp: Soundcloud: FurAffinity: Twitter: Zenuel - Permadeath: Love Who You Are FurAffinity: Twitter: Soundcloud: The Dead Pixel (aka. x-volt) - Waterfall Track: Facebook: FurAffinity: YouTube: Asid Rayne - Fuzzy Notes 3(Closing Credits) Track: HOUSEKEEPING: Please give Fuzzy Notes a review on iTunes or helps us get furry musicians to more people, furry and non-furry alike! iTunes: Podomatic: Like me on Facebook! I'll like you back...a lot! Follow me on Twitter...I'll follow you too...a lot! Twitter: Facebook: Don't forget to listen after the closing credits for additional noises from Roo's voice! Episode 11 - Follow Up One - It's Fuzzy Notes, the podcast about the music made by furs, back with a special episode. This ti...
Categories: Podcasts

Relationships with 'normal' people?

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 11:44

A friend tells me I'm a little nuts for only wanting to date within the fandom. But I'm hesitant to invest time and emotional energy into mundanes because if thigns go well over time, who knows we could live together? -- all that means to me, is I'm going to have to be super careful about letting them use my computer since the average person is going to be disgusted by WG/Macrofurry/Vore and I'm stupid enough to save it to an external hard disk because I hate when artists delete their shit....

And the unwillingness to let them use my PC is just going to make them think I'm cheating...and if I tell them I'm hesitant because of 'weird porn' they'll probably think I'm a paedo...

Is it possible to date mundanes and not have it be an issue? I don't' even know how to sexually relate to people who aren't into G&E. So it could be a moot point :\

submitted by FedoraFacedShitBeard
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Categories: News

Deadly Leopard Seal Assassin (Drawing Video)

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 May 2013 - 11:28
Deadly Leopard Seal Assassin (Drawing Video) submitted by Kamll
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Can He Find a Loving Relationship If He Is Asexual?

Ask Papabear - Fri 10 May 2013 - 11:10
Hello Papabear,

I think I may be becoming asexual. I've tried had having relations on both sides. Only to either not feel right, or feel taken advantage of and get hurt. I am tired of living a lie to myself and others. But now, I feel I have no where to turn. I am so confused and yes, even you can say desperate at this time trying to find the answers in my life. What I thought was the right path has not only hurt me, but probably hurt others as well. I mean, I don't mind a cuddle or two from either gender. It is just that I cannot bring myself to have any intimacy with either one, any more. I just wish there was some "Asexual Awareness" group I could contact. I do have a few souls that have expressed interest in me, but I am afraid once I "come out" as asexual that I would lose them even more as friends, and be ridiculed. So scared, Papabear. Please Help. Thank you for taking this letter.


* * *

Dear Foz,

First thing’s first: one doesn’t “become” asexual any more than one “becomes” gay. You are either asexual or you are not. You need to determine whether you think you are asexual because you honestly don’t have much of a sex drive, or whether you think you are asexual because you feel rejected in your relationships and are using asexuality as a defense mechanism not to be hurt by other people. 

But if you are sure you are asexual, there is a place you can go to for some perspective. It’s called the Asexual Visibility and Education Network at There is a lot on their website that explains asexuality that you can read and might help you understand yourself better. You can join AVEN and get some community support, as well.

Sexuality is an important part of most relationships, but only if you have a libido for it. It is certainly not the only feature of an intimate relationship. 98% of any good relationship is simply enjoying the other person’s company. You can also be physical with a person (kissing, hugging, cuddling) without being sexual. According to the AVEN site, it is possible for asexual people to have successful relationships with normally sexual people, but you would probably be better off finding someone for whom sex is not very important. Heck, you don’t even have to come up with an asexual person example to see that women can be very loyal to men without sex. For example, if a man is impotent, elderly, or has had a prostate operation and can no longer have sex, good wives and girlfriends will still stick by them until the end. These situations are rather analogous to being asexual.

And, too, life is more than having an intimate relationship. There is also friendship. You expressed fear that if you came out as asexual you would lose your friends. Are you saying all your friends will only like you if you have sex with them? Then you need different friends! I’m sure not all your friends are like that. A good friend will want to hang out with you because they like you for you! So, certainly being asexual should not preclude the possibility of genuine friendships and camaraderie.

So, to summarize, contact AVEN for some support, keep your friends close to you, and don’t give up on relationships. They are still a possibility in your life.

Hope this helps. Good luck, Foz!
